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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 486 KB, 1791x1007, jas-cobkitchen1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9213597 No.9213597 [Reply] [Original]

>Last original video was titled "uh, wheres john?"
>guy explains John went on vacation with his family "suddenly", can't get into contact
>This week is a b-footage video from Mount Vernon again

Has John gone full Dave Chappelle? Did he run away to Caucasia?

>> No.9213614

/pol/ is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.9213643

Was it really /pol/ though? Or was it all the fame, money, and blow?

>> No.9213652 [DELETED] 

>claims to strive for historical accuracy
>misrepresents history to push his leftist agenda
>gets called out on it
>"DAM /POL/"

>> No.9213655

18th century cucking

>> No.9213662

>misrepresents history to push agenda


>> No.9213663

I think they're mad because he had a black guy on once to talk about slave food and somehow that's leftist propaganda

>> No.9213666

>tries to make an entire episode about a orange drink recipe and subtly taking a jab at trump
>blames his audience rather than himself
>not only that, but tries to make himself seem like he is taking the high road
It's near Jewish-level mind games

>> No.9213669

you're a fucking basketcase

>> No.9213670

He probably just needed a break to get back to the 18th century because of >>9213614

>> No.9213674
File: 68 KB, 357x230, IMG_0583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attacking my sanity rather than the facts laid out in front of him

>> No.9213676

he's just a meme troll, only high level lunatics think the orange fool thing had anything to do with trump

>> No.9213677

>facts are events interpreted by a mush-brained lunatic

>> No.9213680

While only a few took it actually seriously it still ended up with people trolling his videos and channel.

>> No.9213694

>it was just a coincidence that he made a video called "orange fool" at the height of anti-trump hysteria

>> No.9213711

>just a coincidence
I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.9213722

>the height

>> No.9213772

He got called out on being a left wing SJW and fled. Fuck this traitor.

>> No.9213790

Thing is, how dumb can you be to make a joke like that when he should damn well know most of his viewers are people who yearn for the "good ol' days"?
Not the brightest

>> No.9213819

I genuinely cannot tell if people are memeing or think an orange fool has anything to do with Trump.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much

>> No.9213823

No memery, the average conservative really is that fucking stupid

>> No.9213824

the media and left love calling Trump a fool and Orange Hitler (when they aren't accusing him of being a traitor and a Russian puppet)
its not entirely a hard logical leap to make

>> No.9213828

he's probably trying to have a strange man slam a load into his wife in all 50 states, everyone deserves some down time

>> No.9213831

>woah woah woah, where are you getting this from, nobody has ever said anything like that about Mr Trump
your gaslighting wont work here

>> No.9213834

He made a dessert called "orange fool".
Who do you think got triggered over that?
/pol/, /r/the_donald, the alt right, etc.

>The Orange Fool never happened
>It's a Jewish conspiracy

It's been over a year you're crying because everybody isn't sucking Trump's cock. Go back to your safe space if the real world is too harsh for you.

It's the consequences of Poe's law : some think trolls are serious, and ends up believing in conspiratards shitposting. Same thing happened with faminazi.

>> No.9213838

Hopefully Joey claims that Hitler was evil or something and gets bullied off the internet too. YT food memers are worse than a sous vide nutribullet filled with quinoa, bacon, and sriracha.

>> No.9213840

>everybody isn't sucking Trump's cock
its not that everyone isnt sucking his cock

>> No.9213842
File: 104 KB, 630x727, IMG_2096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the "go back to your safespace!" mentality when someone objects to something
Isn't that
the opposite of a safe space?

>> No.9213846

>you guys are all crazy!
Gaslighting libs at their finest

>> No.9213848

>The right cries over a small jab at Trump
>Still thinks they are better than the left

Goddamn, this circus will never end. Americans are missing far too many chromosomes.

>> No.9213849

>food and cooking board
>hmmmm, yep this looks like my blog :)

>> No.9213856

>Start an offtopic thread about some YouTuber and clearly lean it towards Trump
>"Haha, stop posting offtopic stuff in my thread guys! I totally wanted to talk about cooking :^)"

Fuck off back to You-Know-Where.

>> No.9213859

it's back on topic now since you've brought so much salt to the table, fag

>> No.9213862

Everyone so paranoid now
Blue boards are going to shit
Anyway I hope this guy's channel dies, cooking celebs are cancer enough, more-so e-celebs.

>> No.9213864
File: 451 KB, 1508x1493, IMG_0574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le salty maymay

>> No.9213868


>A fool is an English dessert. Traditionally, fruit fool is made by folding pureed stewed fruit (classically gooseberries) into sweet custard. Modern fool recipes often skip the traditional custard and use whipped cream. Additionally, a flavouring agent like rose water may be added.
>Foole is first mentioned as a dessert in 1598 (together with trifle),[1] although the origins of gooseberry fool may date back to the 15th century.[2] The earliest recipe for fruit fool dates to the mid 17th century.[3] Why the word "fool" is used as the name of this fruit dessert is not clear. Several authors derive it from the French verb fouler meaning "to crush" or "to press" (in the context of pressing grapes for wine),[4] but this derivation is dismissed by the Oxford English Dictionary as baseless and inconsistent with the early use of the word.[1]

And the desert was made by the re-enactor, not him.

He shows up, they say "hey we're gonna make this historical desert called a fool"

He goes "cool, that'll fill 8 minutes"

thats as much thought went into this. Not everyone obsesses over the political cycle 24/7

>> No.9213869
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 146537609216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His entire channel is about the white history of America and he seems shocked and triggered that conservatives are his biggest audience and are critical of his obvious anti trump faggotry

>> No.9213873
File: 170 KB, 600x591, come_home_white_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James is a confirmed cuckold and neither knows nor caters to his audience. There is a better place to be, and I hope I will see my fellow foodjacks there soon.
God bless the USA, talk at ya later.

>> No.9213876

okay so why an orange fool? why not a lemon fool?

>> No.9213884

Because that's what she made.
Because they grow ORANGES on Mt. Vernon.

>> No.9213890

I like how the retards are tacitly admitting that their POTUS is an orange fool.

>> No.9213893

You mean admitting Trump is being accused of being an Orange Fool.

Go play in traffic, cuck.

>> No.9213894
File: 147 KB, 900x803, IMG_0538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you get upset about him being called an orange fool you must think he is an orange fool
Solid logic

>> No.9213898


>zero reason


He literally is a fascist in the truest sense of the word. The only reason he didn't do much damage to freedom is because of the checks and balances of the government.

>Russian Agent

He literally got in contact with Russian spies all throughout his election. Putin openly praises him and he openly praises Putin. He is litterally under investigation for being a traitor.


Get you head out of the sand you fucking dumbass.

>> No.9213902


I can't even

>> No.9213903


If you didn't think that he could be mistaken for an orange fool you wouldn't have made the connection.

>> No.9213905
File: 69 KB, 330x549, IMG_0470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is literally a fascist

>> No.9213910

Easy now James, we'll still watch your half assed food videos just calm down

>> No.9213911

Because he has never been called an orange fool or the equivalent for over a year or anything, right?
How do you live with yourself by arguing this poorly?

>> No.9213917

7.5 more years cuck

>> No.9213918

Don't blame /pol/ for SJWs harassing him.

>> No.9213919


If you think he'll get re-elected your nuts m8

>> No.9213920

We got him, boys.

>> No.9213922
File: 309 KB, 1209x927, 0001_brock_chisolm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes the biggest leftist that was running for the republicans

All of them have turned up empty, time to accept that none of the shit they throw at him is sticking. You lost. America will become great again.

>> No.9213923


>Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

He fits the profile to a T.

>> No.9213927

Nothing he has done fits that description

>> No.9213928



You have no clue what leftism is. And you have no clue what fascism is.

>All of them have turned up empty,


His sons and sons in law admitted just yesterday that they were conspiring with the Russians.

>> No.9213929


he does historical reenactments and education you fucktard. he's not a 'cooking celeb'

>> No.9213932

Are you trolling?

>> No.9213934

If you think he's not getting re-elected then you're still in denial, gonna be a hard 7.5 years for you lol.

Especially after you don't have all your illegal beaners and dead people voting.

>> No.9213939

Who wants to buy my 'I put nutmeg on my nutmeg tee, guys?'

Must be a reference to loyalist codes or something

>> No.9213941

He sells merchandise which are not replicas but for the intent on being used for cooking. He considers himself a chef, but focuses on authenticity

>> No.9213946

More than half a year after losing the best the dems can come up with is a slogan that ripped of Papa John's. They might as well just forfeit the midterms

>> No.9213947

>forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce
This is quite literally what the Jews were doing to pre-WWII Germany and why Hitler and Germans wanted to gas them

>> No.9213948


>He considers himself a chef,

as far as i've seen he explicitly doesn't.

>> No.9213951


>favors mass surveillance over the American public
>wants to introduce legislation to be able sue people that criticism politicians
>tried to strip American citizens off their rights because of their skin color
>thinks that he can achieve a good economy by personally bullying corporations
>openly praises dictators like Putin and Erdogan and shits on all the western democracies
>dog whistles to the KKK and all kinds of other racists

If Hitler entered the 2020 race you wouldn't recognize him because you clearly have no clue what fascism is.

>> No.9213955


Oh, look a white supremacist who supports Trump.

What a surprise! Strange how this keeps happening.

>> No.9213957

Do you guys really think Townsend is a fucking liberal? All those reenactment guys are conservative as fuck it comes with the territory. He probably votes Libertarian.

>> No.9213961

you are literally delusional

>> No.9213962

2/10, plebbit tier trolling

>> No.9213967


>> No.9213968

Don't get me wrong. the Dems are a fucking wreck. But the centrists who are getting hammered by the endless news cycle are going to be tired of this shit (already are). Unless Trump can muzzle CNN and MSNBC, he's losing next election, the same way he won this one - the ad nausea bleating of the media machine

>> No.9213969


Yeah, praising and romanticizing white culture in the days of slavery is not something a leftist would do, for sure.

The thing is, being a conservative doesn't mean shit when it comes to liking Trump. Might even have voted for him cause he was the Republican nominee but that still doesn't mean you actually like him.

>> No.9213971

All of these claims, yet no references or sources to any of them

>> No.9213972


All those points are facts. Keep burying your head in sand, retard.

>> No.9213979

You're very dedicated to trolling

>> No.9213983


Well maybe if you paid attention to what your "GOD EMPEROR" was saying you wouldn't need references and sources.

Unlike you, I did.

I actually was fooled by Trump. I followed him 75% of the way in his support and then slowly started noticing the lies and eventually realized he was just a power hungry liar.

After I dropped the us v. them mentality, I saw his bad side.

But as far as you are concerned you must protect Trump at all costs because nothing matters as long as you are fighting the liberals, right?

Politics is not a fucking team sport.

>> No.9213984

>>tried to strip American citizens off their rights because of their skin color
Please fact check this for me then. Deporting illegals and wanting to ban travel from problem countries doesn't fit that description. Unless Trump recently started the slave trade back up and I am unaware. You are FAKE NEWS.

>> No.9213985

How many levels of trolling are you working at cuck?

>> No.9213986

>Politics is not a fucking team sport.

Uh, yeah it is faggot

>> No.9213990


American citizens born in the US with US citizenship who lived their whole lives in the US, were forbidden from returning to the US because their parents were from the middle east and they visited their families in the middle east.

>> No.9213992


Well then I hope Trump shares his billions with you, when you're out of a job because he fucked up the whole economy.

>> No.9213993


>> No.9213994

This is wrong lol. Get your facts straight

>> No.9213996

Sounds kind of like you're cherry picking a technical error that was immediately corrected. Also the travel ban has nothing to do with skin color genius.

7.5 more years.

>> No.9213997


>poorfag who suddenly realizes that he's cheering for a billionaire who would actually spit on him if he met him in person

Yeah peasant keep it up. Enjoy your buttered toast while Trump eats lunch at Michelin star restaurants.

>> No.9214000

I don't know why trumpistas on 4chan of all places bother with the whole "I'm not racist but..." bullshit

Who are you trying to convince?

>> No.9214001


He clearly wanted to ban all ethnic middle easterners, American or not. He clearly didn't give a shit.

The American government was thankfully sane enough to not allow him to pull that shit. The travel ban was a way of saying to people like you, "I tried", even though he knew he was cucked by the courts.

>> No.9214002
File: 134 KB, 1176x1200, IMG_0541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The class divide is like this for literally every POTUS
I can't believe you guys are falling for this weak ass pre-nominee tier bait

>> No.9214009

A billionaire can pretty much eat whatever they'd like, has very little to do with me. Oh, unless you just want to play on class struggles to get us back on your side James. Cuck.

>> No.9214010

You're coming off desperate, that's how I know we'll never stop winning.

Funny thing is that I've never voted in my life, but I know I will be in 2018 and 2020, this should frighten you because Trump is gaining votes while making it harder for the left to cheat.


>> No.9214014


>The class divide is like this for literally every POTUS

No it isn't. Bush and Clinton are just a hair under the billionaires but Obama and Bernie were in the less than $5 million net worth range which is what your GP and your dentist make and far more closer to the average Joe than a billionaire who flies back home everyday in his humongous private jet.

>> No.9214017

>funny thing is I was born in 2003
Yes, that kind of goes without saying

>> No.9214018


>Oh, you sneaky bastard, trying to point out the obvious foolishness of siding with somebody who has polar opposite economic incentives

>> No.9214020


I'm very scared, now.

>> No.9214021

>career politicians
>closer to the average Joe

holy shit kys cuck

>> No.9214022

Poor people can't really wrap their minds around "upper middle class" vs "wealthy", they literally think the people responsible for their problems are well paid white collar professionals who bothered to continue education past high school as opposed to people who inherited all their wealth and just extract rent in virtue of having been born

>> No.9214024

This is not /ck/ at all

>> No.9214030

Well desu 1984, I just never felt like my vote mattered and was too lazy, but I supported Obama and Bill Clinton and couldn't really stand Bush.

You bring up a good point though, the left isn't doing a great job of winning over the youths that will be voting in 2020.

You should be pretty nervous.

>> No.9214035

I'm nervous like anyone else who has assets. I won't really see a difference in my day to day life but I'll be pretty mad when the squiggly line representing my retirement accounts dips because of some retarded decision made by a person with the impulse control of a child.

You on the other hand, should be nervous in a different way, since it's your kind of people who get laid off first. But hey, at least you stuck it to da libruls, right? So who gives a shit if you end up on food stamps, assuming those are still around 5 years from now.

>> No.9214036

James is a chef and Trump pioneered eating pizza slices crust first. Settle down man

>> No.9214044

You have absolutely no grasp on reality nor do you know me. Your assumptions contributed to your side losing the election, you should try to get a handle of that issue. Maybe you haven't noticed but Trump has been great for the stock market and economy. That must frustrate you.

>> No.9214046

lol Trump has dickslapped your side to the point youre a laughing stock, god I can't wait to see yall lose the next election

>> No.9214049

>people who aren't complete fuckups at life are why trump won
No, that's essentially the opposite of the truth. But please enjoy your team sports victory while the taste is still sweet. Kind of reminds me of when black people riot and burn down their own neighborhood to vent their frustration at "the system". I guess when you have absolutely no other outlet, taking it out on yourself is as good as anything.

>> No.9214053

That will be a great day for America and American cuisine

>> No.9214055


Closer than Trump for sure.

Obama had a somewhat privileged upbringing but he worked and taught normal people for many years before he got into politics.

Bernie had pretty humble beginning and he spent his life fighting for the underprivileged.

Meanwhile Trump is a NY real estate tycoon born into wealth. Guy never interacted with an average Joe unless that average Joe was one of his drivers or cleaners.

>> No.9214058


Yeah, I get the same feeling. They literally have no clue. I have a small business that gets like $250,000 in revenue per year. To them I am mega rich.

Meanwhile Trump's various enterprises have some $250,000,000 in revenue per year. that's 3 extra zeros. I have nothing in common with Trump. I don't fly on a private jet. Heck, I fly economy still because I'm still careful with my money.

Trump and people like him are part of the new aristocracy that is forming in our country. They can influence politics with a phone call. Not all the rich people can do that. You need to be a special kind of rich to do that.

>> No.9214059

Funny that you still think you know anything about me. You're analogy is more relative to the DNC burning down their entire party. It's sad that hoping America crashes and burns so that you can say "told ya so" is all you have left.

>> No.9214063

Ya would have been neat if the corrupt DNC hadn't sabotaged Bernie, that cuck could have had a chance. How does that make you feel? Bothered?

>> No.9214065


We know enough. You are a dumbass who got fooled and will subsequently be swindled by an orange fool.

We don't need to know anymore.

>> No.9214067

>by an orange fool.
thats funny considering you all were arguing earlier in the thread that nobody had ever called Trump that before

>> No.9214071


I don't have a team, retard.

I'm just calling out a lair and a fascist for what he truly.

That doesn't mean that I'm a liberal, or that I support Clinton.

>> No.9214074


>being this slow

Jesus Christ.

>> No.9214075

I like your attitude, I hope you continue that pattern of thought, it guarantees the left will never win another election.

>> No.9214079

Lol you understand nobody can take you seriously when you start with the fascist shit. You are ANTIFA levels of pathetic.

>> No.9214094


>> No.9214096

That was the second video I watched of this guy and the minute that fat nigger started talking about black this and African that I knew this YouTube personality was a leftist cuckold.

>> No.9214103

I know why? Why the fuck would a black man pretending to live in the 17th century talk about slavery and shit?

>> No.9214105

I wouldn't blame him, 90%of humans fucking suck, and it doesn't even pay to try and teach people anything anymore. I'm glad there are people not as jaded as me who keep trying, but as far as my feelings go, fuck everyone.

>> No.9214108


you don't have a team because no one is smart enough to understand you're intelligible murmuring.

trust me, you walk bye and people know you're "Big League" and not responsible for your failings

>> No.9214118

>all the grammatical errors

Found the uneducated tard, whom Trump loves so much.

>> No.9214128

>the normal people and not the trumpistas are the ones hoping America crashes and burns
Trumpista logic, just go "no U" when someone makes a point that makes you look bad

Kind of like how you guys started calling everything "fake news" after you got tricked by actual fake news for 12 months in a row

>> No.9214131

Hey Sweetie, it was HER turn. The Russians hacked the election and the white house is being run from Putin's desk. Hillary can still win this.


>> No.9214137
File: 601 KB, 742x749, swamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drain the swamp

>> No.9214139

You are either incredibly delusional or a really shitty troll.

You'd have better luck throwing a tantrum and beating up a trashcan. You are a joke.

I wish Trump actually was a fascist so we could just round you idiots up.

>> No.9214199

i cant believe viral youtube marketing is on ck, lol

>> No.9214218

man i'm glad Chef John has managed to stay out of this shit

>> No.9214222

>the height

Considering every day that increase wouldn't that mean the video would be in perpetual limbo?

>> No.9214224



Kill yourself and save humanity from your genes

>> No.9214294

I find this thread incredibly depressing. American politics are truly fucked beyond all repair, aren't they?

>> No.9214464

>"Hello everyone! On this episode of 18th Century Cooking, we'll be taking a look at the cooking style of hessian field rations called, 'Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White People'"

>> No.9214472



>> No.9214552

facebook, google, and DARPA need to build a network of killer drones to euthanize edgy alt-right tard NEETs and cleanse the filth from our society. it's not like we lack the means, it would be more humane than UBI in the long run

>> No.9215192

>le jewish overlords

>> No.9215208
File: 73 KB, 1056x869, pol crossposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I just ignore anyone who starts talking about politics outside of a news show, a town hall meeting, a voting booth, political rally, or a back porch over a friendly beer. Regardless of affiliation or whether I agree with them, I just ignore it. People who drag politics into every fucking thing are the worst kind of people. You do not want their toxic shit in your life.

>> No.9215214

I can't tell if he is 70 or 20

>> No.9215218


he's just some cuck

>> No.9215688

It was liberals making jokes in the comments of the video anyway. I didn't stick around to see how it played out but I guess there was a giant fight in the comments.

Maybe he was annoyed by both sides?

>> No.9215721
File: 349 KB, 446x345, 1500555600836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is the first time i've ever entered a /cock/ thread or been on the /cock/ board and instead of cooking its just a /pol/ shitshow

>> No.9215723

>goes to my Vernon, where expert historians and reenactors have tons of authentic dishes from the 18th century period
>chooses ORANGE FOOL instead of something normal
>"hmmm.. this seems safe because I want to stay out of politics, nobody would ever think our cheetah skinned president is being made fun of"
He's either an idiot or a lying cunt
Pick one

>> No.9215735

>chooses ORANGE FOOL instead of something normal
Orange fool is normal. The Washingtons had orange trees and it was a common dessert. You Trump cock suckers are such sensitive little nancies.

>> No.9215743

Fact is, if he wanted to stay non-political, he could have chosen something else.
He's either a retard or he's lying. Because he whined like a little bitch.

>> No.9215770

Not everyone is thinking about an orange Jewish controlled fatass 24/7 like you /r/t_D faggots. When I saw the episode I didn't think about Trump until you Redditor faggots started foaming at the mouth that he was insulting le God Empruhr with a dessert that a guest suggested making. Normal people don't have le meme president on the brain, so I guarantee Jon didn't make any connection between the two.

>> No.9215773


Sorry, I SWEAR 99% of the time it's not like this. /ck/ is one of the least troll infested boards on 4chan. Unfortunately, you mention Trump and we get raided.

Check out the other threads. This is a one time incident.

>> No.9215785


>> No.9215814




When will you faggots don a leash and start walking on all fours?

>> No.9215818

>Methinks the lady doth protest too much
I dont think you are using this right

>> No.9215819

threads like this cause school shootings

>> No.9215831


>> No.9215863

don't care about american politics at all I just think you're a faggot and should kys

>> No.9216175

I've seen it happen on Animals & Nature, too. They'll take any opportunity to shit all over non-related boards.

>> No.9216218


>> No.9216227

Fucking hell THIS.

The episode was at Mt. Vernon, for fucks sake. The Washingtons grew Saville orange trees. Fool was an extremely common dessert. It's a dessert they commonly feature at Mt. Vernon even now, as part of the living history tour. Anyone with even a tiny fucking lick of sense and an IQ that's higher than a turnip can see why it makes perfect sense. Anyone who still believes that he posted that to make fun of that idiot in the White House belongs in counseling with medication and forcible removal of their pointy tin fucking hat.

>> No.9216284

Glad to see I'm not the only one Ja/ck/ing it

>> No.9216316


>> No.9216329

>neither knows nor caters to his audience
His audience isn't reddit /r/t_D cheerleader cuckolds. His audience is people wanting to learn about historical American cooking. If you look at the like-dislike ratio you can see this. Weak cuckolds like you who have to rally behind strong men (or perceived as strong since kike puppets don't hold any real power that their masters doesn't want them to have) are the only ones who are worked up over this. His real audience couldn't give less of a fuck that he made a dessert that triggered pansies like you.

>> No.9216353

Well said, and correct.

>> No.9216445

>Who do you think got triggered over that?
>/pol/, /r/the_donald, the alt right, etc.
To be honest I have no idea I haven't seen the comments but I doubt it was them only because it's the center left that does the orange jokes.

No one else notices that stuff. I'm thinking some normies and maybe bonafide progs saw the title and started making unfunny jokes, and then I could see people responding to that but again I just don't find it likely a whole hoarde trumpfags were immediately set off by a dessert called "orange fool"

>> No.9216455

You're as bad as these Trump cock suckers. Actually you're much worse.

>> No.9216467

>It was liberals making jokes in the comments of the video anyway.
Yep that's exactly what I expected.

>> No.9218051

is he bald?
watched a few videos and he's always got a hat on, but he's cooking so it could just be a hygienic thing
also, despite the ugly circumstances, I'm glad I learned about his channel

>> No.9218121

Truly the cultured redpilled white man's cuisine and youtube personality, the only /pol/ approved, non-degenerate, option.

>> No.9218129

/pol/ a good boy dindu nuffin!
/pol/ NEVER shitposts outside their board, it's all just the reddit degenerate liberal sjw cultural marxists trying to take over the site which is why /pol/ has to team up with the_donald and post all over the site to fight a culture war to keep 4chan /pol/!

>> No.9218139

There's literally no evidence that the russians did absolutely anything and putin has always been our BASED friend who only cares about what's best for america and has never had any opposition poisoned!
On the other hand, it's literally undeniable that hillary and obummer personally killed the people at bengazi and seth rich and operate a pizza tunnel pedo ring and martian child slave camp!

>> No.9218142

>aristocracy that is forming in our country. They can influence politics with a phone call.

We've had Rockefellers for over a hundred years

>> No.9218158


His audience being reenactors, given that the entire series is an ad for their cooking equipment and clothing.

>> No.9218168
File: 575 KB, 834x445, you.........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't 4chan be another leftist safe space!

>> No.9218169

>dat sarcasm

>> No.9218172

>implying anyone seriously thinks that

Are you new here? Or just a nutbag?

>> No.9218177

>he posts while frothing at the mouth that someone accidentally made a video that could, if you try really hard, be construed as offensive to a kike loving billionaire

>> No.9218187
File: 712 KB, 320x240, 1494303653955.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jon grabbed his musket and -----> innawoods where we/you should probably have a plan to join him soon...

>> No.9218214

I knew it.

>> No.9218215
File: 75 KB, 600x800, 1465657245670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9218221

I like this. They are two sides of the same insane coin. Extremism in any form is unacceptable.

>> No.9218228

he's not very eloquent and whenever he describes something (usually how something tastes) it's in simplistic tics (it's great, wonderful flavors, etc., sometimes mentioning one thing complementing another)
do you think this is a conscious thing to broaden appeal? it strikes me as unlikely that someone whose life is based around this sort of expertise wouldn't be able to better articulate how something tastes

>> No.9218236
File: 33 KB, 300x400, IMG_0620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a centrist

>> No.9218240


That's cringy.

>> No.9218250

Language isn't suited to accurately describe flavors. The only way to do so would be memorize thousands of chemical compounds corresponding to individual notes. Comparing it to stuff is the best we got. He does what he can.

>> No.9218252
File: 48 KB, 650x366, POTUS laughs at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these butthurt (You)'s

>> No.9218269

You're a dumbass. Independent and common sense is the ONLY way to be that's not stupid and insane.

>> No.9218273

Pssst....your tinfoil hat is on backwards.

>> No.9218276

>having no convictions and claiming the high road

>> No.9218283
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, loans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts while frothing at the mouth that people don't literally worship a Jew puppet like he does

>> No.9218284

>this is how we know you're an idiot

If you think you have to pick a side and act crazy and extremist to have convictions and beliefs, then you are by far part of the problem and not contributing anything worthwhile. You might even need medication.

>> No.9218285
File: 81 KB, 960x692, 1470770709838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who doesn't agree with me is le fedora tipper
wew kid

>> No.9218301
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1499826929626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who disagrees with me is just BUTTHURT! s-stop disagreeing, you're just MAD!!!!
thanks for the (you), you clearly don't care at allllll ;^)

>> No.9218335

you are just paranoid just as leftist. get over it

>> No.9218349

yeah.thats why hes cocksucking saudi so much

>> No.9218351


Concern trolling is the lowest form of trolling

>> No.9218352


>> No.9218355

>thread about a dessert from the late 1500s turns into an argument about Trump's jewishness
I don't care what anyone says, I love this website.

>> No.9218361

when nu/pol/ goes into thread.it will be shit

>> No.9218363


you couldn't have made this post more cringe if you tried

>> No.9218372

>no y-you're the upset cringy one, I don't care at all and am super sophisticated and suave

>> No.9218387


not the guy you replied to, I just happened to see your ridiculous post

>> No.9218392

No wonder you fags are so butthurt all the time, you think the whole world is in a constant state of trolling you

>> No.9218395

>t-totally not that guy, just laughing at how ridiculously mad you must be to disagree with m-I mean them!

>> No.9218396


Could you please try to avoid perpetuating homophobic attitudes? Thanks a lot hon.

>> No.9218399

shut up shill cuck!

>> No.9218401

>le virtue signalling false flag XD ebin

>> No.9218405

There is only one guy ITT saying "cringe" (a painfully reddit word), can you believe he is denying it?

>> No.9218416


There is one other post besides yours featuring that word.

>> No.9218427

na it was sjws sperging on him when he did a video of slave food

>> No.9218429

>4 of 4
Why do you lie?

>> No.9218546

this thread is cringe as fuck