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File: 181 KB, 1500x1500, booze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9206625 No.9206625 [Reply] [Original]

I brewed alcohol out of this shit when I was 14 it tasted like shit but I could sell it for 20 dollars a piece, any other anons do somthing similar?

>> No.9206639

Carbonate it and age it a few months and it's pretty good, really. Nice and dry, not like gross sweet american hard cider.

>> No.9206641

I've made closet wine using similar methods many times, usually out of sweet tea. I didn't start that early though cause I could always find weed or at least steal a beer from a friends' dad's fridge at that age. It was a 19-20 thing when I lived in the mountains and hung out with rednecks.

>> No.9206686
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I have a method (which I have never seen posted online before by anyone but me) for brewing drinkable 14% cider in under 48 hours without a turbo yeast but every time I post it on here I get l shat on for it being "prison hooch" just because it brews so fast. These faggots won't even try it!

>> No.9206702

what is it?

>> No.9206810

It's almost like brewing normal except a couple key points.

>1 gallon apple cider or juice (no preservatives of course)
>2 cups sugar (I prefer 1c brown, 1c white)
>3 packets Red Star Pasteur Champagne (I have always gotten it to work with this one)
8 clean 1L bottles
8 airlocks (this can be a pain in the ass but you need these)

Now, the method:
The juice
>Let your juice get up to room temp.
>put into >1gallon bucket/container to make room for sugar
>add sugar and mix until dissolved
>separate your gallon of sugary juice into your 8 bottles

The yeast
>"prime" the yeast by dumping into a heat-holding container with a small amount of warm water for a few mins
>Equally distribute yeast into your bottled sugary juice after primed

The brewing (aside from separating into batches as stated above, this is the other key point)
>airlock your bottles (set gravity if you're testing that later) and keep somewhere WARM
>at least upper 70sF temperature
This can be hard to manage if you live somewhere cooler, a space heater or something may be in order. But you need to keep it somewhere between 75-85F to brew this quickly without killing the yeast or ruining the flavor.

And finally, DON'T TOUCH IT FOR 48 HOURS. Make sure your airlocks are tight and all that. Don't mess with them until they are finished. When finished, chill in fridge and filter out yeast. Check gravity if you're doing that. Boom, 14% in two days.

>> No.9206880

Screencapped. I will try this if I ever need something quick.

>> No.9206893

>48 hours for the yeast to consume all the sugar in a 1.110 gravity required to reach 14% ABV

Never happen, my dude. I brew 12% wines starting at a 1.095 OG and it takes a minimum of 1 month sometimes more to get to a 1.000 SG.

>> No.9206926

100% bullshit. No matter how much yeast you dump in, yeast have to go through a life cycle that extends over days. You can actually overpitch which you're doing and it won't increase the rate of sugar consumption, it will in fact hinder it. You don't even add yeast nutrient, lol.

Unadulterated bullshit.

>> No.9206929

I've had a friend who brews for a living check it just to be sure. It works, and he can't even explain why.

>> No.9206942

Just do a fucking small batch and try it.

>> No.9207043

Used to make a really cheap liquor from lemons. Once brought it over to a friend so we had something to drink while playing some PS2 game. Suffice to say it fucked us up like nothing we've had before.

>> No.9207307
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I do too but it only takes about 30 seconds.

>> No.9207335

That's not brewing.

>> No.9207351

Neither is fermenting apple juice, brewing is making beer.