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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 533x600, Sonic-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie-Dough-Custard-Concrete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9206124 No.9206124 [Reply] [Original]

>A small has 860 calories
>A small

What the absolute fuck? Why? Who in god's name would eat this?

>> No.9206158

White people

>> No.9206160

I'm sold

>> No.9206163

Ice cream is primarily made of cream and sugar, of course it's going to have a lot of calories. Sonic milkshakes have a ton of calories too.

>> No.9206174

gonna go get one right now thanks for the heads up OP

>> No.9206278

Fatass 40-somethings and stoned teenage skinnyfags and stoned so

>> No.9206364

God damn i nearly came my pants.

>> No.9206372

*r-raises paw*

>> No.9206382


>> No.9206412

the new rolo mcflurry which is pretty small still clocks in at 700 calories

>> No.9207165

that looks fucking amazing you god damn idiot

>> No.9207233

I will

>> No.9207239

if you're not exercising enough that a 860 calorie shake every day for a week wouldn't do a thing to you, then FUCK OUT MY LANE BITCH IM OMW TO SONIC

>> No.9207241

I'm now happy clover defaults to ck. Thanks op, getting the kids in the car now.

>> No.9207245

12g protein though bro i'm dirty bulking

>> No.9207246

Cookie dough anything has tons of calories. It's fucking raw cookies AND ice cream. The cookie dough blizzard has something like 2.5k calories

>> No.9207272

I find it amazing the amount retard mobile posters there are that don't even know they can change the board clover defaults to
this problem contributed to the ruination of /g/ and now it will happen to /ck/

>> No.9207294

Or I just did a full clean reset on my phone and the delicious treat was the first thing that showed on first launch after install. Sperg more.

>> No.9207325

who the fuck would even look at a website on theirh pone?

>> No.9207329
File: 55 KB, 970x514, 1301510322054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9207334

everyone on /b/

>> No.9207378
File: 21 KB, 640x281, image[11].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das rite

>> No.9207388

What would happen if you ate 2 of these in a day

>> No.9207401

I bought one last night with my ultimate chicken sandwich

A small costs $4.39 where I live, and it didn't even come out that good. Like a sprinkling of cookie dough balls on top.

My chicken sammy also tasted like shit, the top was soggy and the lettuce was brown

3/10 would torch a sonic again

>> No.9209107


>> No.9209228

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.9209378

Ur a big guy

>> No.9211289

Lol, mad mayo chugger

>> No.9211342

Gotta eat big to get big c'mon
Two scoops

>> No.9211344

Before that it was /a/ cause alphabetical and it was a huge problem.

>> No.9211460



>> No.9211881

>be 20 year old stoner
>don't eat anything else besides this and some alcohol for the rest of the day
It happens

>> No.9211882

>tfw the only person i've ever seen ask for extra mayo on a burger is black

I just don't get it

>> No.9211883

pretty much this

>> No.9211897

floens just has his plan

/g/ is hilariously degraded over a small period of time with clover taking off

>> No.9211898

clover actually has a better UI than desktop in many ways

>> No.9211924

>860 calories
Shit son, I get 1000 calories on the daily as it is, I don't even fucking care

>> No.9212004 [DELETED] 

>1000 calories a day
Enjoy your diabetes and heart disease

>> No.9212124


>> No.9212285



>> No.9212427

you had me at 860.

>> No.9212521

are you 95 lbs

>> No.9212524

>lmao mad whiteboi responding with facts and statistics

>> No.9212536

god damn thats what i was thinking

>> No.9212572

You realize that's not even half a typical person's daily expenditure right. Or maybe deluding yourself into thinking that enjoying indulgent things like this and being healthy are somehow mutually exclusive is how you justify your own obesity?

>> No.9212760
File: 134 KB, 386x389, IMG_5703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal anecdotes are representative of an entire population
>/pol/tier infographics

>> No.9212893

Dammn, was just about to poat this one.

>> No.9212896

Everyone knows black people are the fattest in the country. It isn't even remotely controversial. And fwiw, all the Sonics around me city are in the black neighborhoods. For a reason. Probably because everyone else goes there at midnight once in a blue moon and then immediately remembers how much it sucks

>> No.9213065


>> No.9213083

>he doesn't have milkshake muscles

>> No.9213145


>> No.9213149


>> No.9213168

Sorry, but niggers are significantly fatter than whites


>> No.9213207

ooga booga delet this

>> No.9213424


Bix nood, delet THEEEEEEEIIIIS!

>> No.9213487
File: 73 KB, 920x696, 920x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been a while since I've seen this


>> No.9213498

>black women not obviously being the biggest hambeasts walking the face of the planet let alone America

confirmed for not being american

>> No.9213527

just had this, like pretty much all milkshakes and blizzards and whatever the fuck, the mix-ins are stacked like hell at the top and almost nonexistent from the middle to the bottom

at least the custard was pretty tasty

>> No.9213837

my resting caloric intake is 1200 calories and I have a desk job. I enjoy treats, but usually ones with a quarter of the calorie count.

>> No.9213854

>all that fiber
Kinda surprised, desu. 2600 calories is a normal calorie intake for a man, but 13g fiber is a lot higher than what most people get. This would probably work for a one meal per day diet

>> No.9213879

>1200 calories a day

That's nice and all but not all of us are oompah loompas.

>> No.9213885

Americans of course.

>> No.9213995

How much do you weigh, and how tall are you? Just curious.

>> No.9214265


>> No.9214306
File: 11 KB, 348x394, 11216254_10202819981140787_2834076612874029377_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sharing it with somebody
>drinking entire milkshakes by yourself when you're not bulking

>> No.9214325

>>/pol/tier infographics

Just google "race and obesity" and you'll find hundreds of charts and articles saying the same thing, why are you pretending to be black on the internet?

>> No.9214336
File: 1010 KB, 801x941, [RH] Fate kaleid liner Prisma Illya - 02 [Dual Audio] [BDRip] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.09_[2017.07.01_23.22.46].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

related to op
what is arguably the best cookie dough recipe
im really in the mood to make some

"dry" or "wet" brown sugar???

>> No.9214354


>> No.9214376

>2600 is normal intake for a man
try 1800 fatty

>> No.9214383


try 2800, you limp wristed little faggot bitch

>> No.9214384

Found the sedentary numale

>> No.9214481

Mimi is remarkably easier to navigate than the desktop site. Fuck laptops and computers when you can use a phone or tablet. They're only good for gaming and school.

>> No.9214491

You would shit it all right back out. And it would look the same as when it went in.

>> No.9214507

>If you're not exercising for over an hour and a half every day so you can drink liquid sugar you're dumb

t. stupid tripfag cunt

>> No.9214510

Dashchan is objectively a superior imageboard browser

>> No.9214525

I used to be fat, and considered becoming a furry to get laid, what percentage of furries are fat fucks? Thankfully I gained some willpower, so no need now.

>> No.9215130

>All this "Do Americans really eat this???" bullshit incessantly posted here
>The existence of lavish or extravagant food somehow implies to people on here that everyone eats the stuff daily

Having a fucking dessert once a month (or even once a week) is not going to turn you into a blob. You will look exactly the same after eating one of these and life will go on.

>> No.9215200


>> No.9215227

Americans eat like shit, don't deny it.

Source: Americans shitting up /ck/ with their fast food pictures

>> No.9215287

>tfw you realize blacks and latinos are disproportionately more likely to live in areas where healthy food is unavailable or unaffordable
>so they go to places like Church's Chicken or the corner store and get unhealthy foods there
>consequently they have higher rates of obesity than whites

>> No.9215954

>tfw you realize capitalism isn't racist and shitty food thrives in black and latino areas because that is where the demand is
>tfw you realize black people don't give a single fuck about "organic", "non-gmo", or "gluten free" whole foods bullshit

If blacks gave a fuck, there'd be a whole foods on every inner city corner.

>> No.9215957

Stoners and people who wanna try something fucktarded for once.
I once ordered 300 McNuggets and had to consume them for three days with my siblings. Was it dumb and unhealthy? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. Was it a thing people don't do, usually? Yes.

>> No.9216516

This guy gets it.

>> No.9216540
File: 1.02 MB, 714x2175, thicchicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-would you like some new DUNKED sandwiches with that, sir?

>> No.9218280

Everything is the white man's fault, don't forget that goyim! Now give up another percent of your income to fund Israe-err, disenfranchised minorities in the ghetto.

>> No.9218290

>HAHA 56%
Which one is it, Abdul?

>> No.9218307

>Each one of those sandwiches is enough to fuel the average africa for two days straight

>> No.9218313

I'm on a diet, so I'd drink it.
It's only a small, after-all :^)

>> No.9218316
File: 475 KB, 2203x2937, have_it_your_way_niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Minorities only have fast food joints in their neighborhoods because it's impossible to bullet proof a Trader Joe's

>> No.9218662


I just participated in a snack exchange and this website helped me pick out cool limited edition stuff for my snack buddy overseas.

>> No.9219197

>he doesnt need 10000kcal just for daily maintenance

>> No.9220047

>Expecting a food item with "Concrete" in the name to not be calorie dense.
Are you for real?

>> No.9221006

Let's be real here- can /ck/ really get any worse?

>> No.9221031


>> No.9221033

>tfw you realize this guy is making excuses

>> No.9221041

fuck yo facts nigga, I aint talking bout no history i talking bout TODAY nigga, you feel me

>> No.9221257

Before I went on my low carb diet I had tried it. WAY overrated. Very little cookie dough. Sonic in general always give shitty amount of toppings in the shakes