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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9205520 No.9205520 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone recc a decent knife set that isn't made in China. I do not require steak knives. Budget ~$150USD or less.

Picture unrelated because made in China.

>> No.9205527

jesus christ you idiot
you gonna post and unpost this in every thread?

>> No.9205536

Don't buy a fucking set

>> No.9205548

can't you speak in proper english?

>> No.9205550

ITT shit you can google.

Guys, can anyone tell me the traffic in my area?

>> No.9205556


Buy a Wusthof chef's knife and paring knife set. Then buy a Dexter bread knife and flexible boning knife. That ought to take care of 95% of your needs.

>> No.9205647

I accidentally posted this as a reply in a single thread and then deleted it almost as soon as the board would allow me to.

You're making it sound like I've posted it several times.

>> No.9205669

Why not?

>> No.9205686 [DELETED] 

You only need big knife, small knife, and toothy knife. The rest are redundant, and cutting stuff on your plate at the table shouldn't be done.

>> No.9205791
File: 83 KB, 640x480, Kai-Pure-Komachi-HD-Knife-Set-Costco-5-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy a block separately from your "set" which I recommend unless you are stuck on a certain brand. Find a block that covers your current steak knives if you want them in the block, and then shop for handles that feel good and balanced in your hand for your own unique characteristics.
I have used Henckels (wedding set), of 10in chef, bread knife, paring knife, for years, and I have to say the sharpening needs were high, probably had to hone them every 3-4 uses to cut through a tomato properly.
I've used the IKEA knife block when visiting one family member that has never once been sharpened or not washed in the dishwasher for 20 years now, and they're still crazy sharp and look good (grey plastic handles). Always boggle at that, and I think they were $20 for the whole block.
My sibling bought for me the ORIGINAL pure konami made in Japan, and they are freaking amazing, but now a collectors item because they are currently made in China. But, my parents use the Chinese ones, and for like 10 years now, again, only put into the dishwasher, in big sinks with a bunch of dishwater knocking against other cutlery (you'd think they'd be knicked), but nope, sharp as shit, and still perfect looking, even the coating. (The bright colors grow on you, if they initially bother you). Awesome, but yea, chinese.
I got gifted a cuisinart set of knives this past christmas, (sure it was from Costco), has the bumpy handles, which I like, and I've traded out some of the sizes for other knives on my block in constant rotation. I prefer their 7 inch serrated knife in a nice way and their two sizes of santuku knives.

Overall, you should have a block big enough to have duplicates or choices. It's annoying to rewash your chef's knife when you just sliced up that raw meat and now want to switch to veggies. That's my suggestion.

>> No.9205804

>You can buy a block separately from your "set"
I didn't know this. My reasoning for wanting a set was partially based on wanting a block.

>> No.9207669

a knife is a knife, just buy some walmart stuff. I got a whole set for 15 bucks.

>> No.9207684

If I didn't have kids and lots of visitors, I'd have a magnetic strip on the wall, myself. I keep a fair amount of my knives in a drawer and not in the block.

>> No.9207694 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9207728

>a knife is a knife
That is technically true. knife == knife. Can't argue with that logic.

>> No.9208065

Buy an 8" Chef's knife. Buy a 3" to 4" paring knife. If you eat bread often enough, get a 8 to 10" bread knife as well (I prefer bigger because sometimes you get a giant loaf). For cooking purposes that's pretty much all you'll need, you can pick up a cheap set of steak knives if you need them for certain things you cook.

Don't buy knife sets, they're almost always overpriced.

>It's annoying to rewash your chef's knife when you just sliced up that raw meat and now want to switch to veggies. That's my suggestion.

It takes all of 15 seconds, and then you don't have to clean two knives at the end.

>> No.9208072


THIS. Listen to this asshole. And bendy filet knife if you're adventurous.

>> No.9208080

>It takes all of 15 seconds, and then you don't have to clean two knives at the end.
Yea, but you might wash your hands a second time too, after handing your sponge or dishrag.

>> No.9208084


have a squirt bottle of watered down Dawn at your sink and a scrub brush or double sided sponge, or dish cloth for that matter, ready. It takes 2/10ths of a second.

>> No.9208100

What are you arguing for?
It's absolutely easier to reach for your second, third, fourth clean knife...and then clean them at the end. There's been no wet handle dried. There's been no cross contamination chances. There's been no wear and tear on your hands being washed for the third time in 10 minutes. If it's economy, fine. Own one knife. But, you can't argue that the cleaning should just be more efficient with your method. It's just not going to win over a second knife on efficiency.

>> No.9208123 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 473x500, 5475f07b98fe34f609a8e5f46ead6b85--the-frog-frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handling ingredients that come with poop already in them
carnists are weird.

>> No.9208125
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, knives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"there's been" are you ESL? Why not say "There is?" There's no cross contamination when you clean your fucking blade. Dude, I have 20 fucking knives at my disposal, but I'm not a tool that needs to have 20 fucking knives on hand.

>> No.9208154

Do you even hear yourself?
Why are you arguing? Why are you dropping the F bomb over and over?
You can NOT argue reaching for a clean knife is going to be anything < your next dreamed up argument justification. It's not. Just stop. Do things your autist way and make sure you use the same same knife every successive task that you do. Do it. It's just you being OCD about your economy. It's what you like. Keep those other knives on hand and maybe for your next day, you can rotate through them, but only one at a time! Don't forget your rule! One meal = one knife only.

>> No.9208179


You need to apply your own attempt at mindfuck to yourself. You sound like a twat. If you don't have an argument, attack. You're just late night gaming on /ck/ but you end up sounding like a cunt.

Keep on typing, bro. I kinda feel bad for you, but I love that you try.

>> No.9208188


You're probably that weirdo from last night that was stalking people without offering any constructive ideas. Are you that guy?

>> No.9208195

Now you're calling people the C word and the T word. What's your emotional damage? You don't know me. Stop projecting.

Maybe. Take a break. Watch the game. Have another drink. This is a worksafe board for goodness sakes.

>> No.9208209


The C word and the T word?! Heavens forefend! My hearts and garters! Did I speak in jest or in truth? You're fucking money, dude.

>> No.9208216


In truth you sound like you're on the spectrum, and I'm sorry if I'm teasing you, but don't attack people on the net if you're challenged.

>> No.9208287


Do you need allies?

>> No.9208361


Why do you keep trying every night instead of seeking help from people?

>> No.9208391

Alright, so on a different note, can anyone recommend a good all-purpose knife that I'd be able to use and abuse, since I'm just getting into cooking and preparing stuff?

>> No.9208405


Get a Chinese cleaver. Don't fuck around. Get a good steel chinese cleaver.

>> No.9208412

I've got a stainless steel Japanese one that I picked up from a yard sale a few years back. It holds an edge for a good while, and it's sharp enough to cut hair. Should I get a Chinese one as well, or would I be ok with what I have?

>> No.9208413


Chen Kenichi will teach you how to use a cleaver.

>> No.9209858

Here on 4chan we have to be edgy cunts to fit in and when we get btfo and can't defend our position

>> No.9211823

I like your setup. I think I'll do something like that. Probably with way fewer knives but still.

>> No.9211854

>I'm not a tool that needs to have 20 fucking knives on hand

I'm gonna have to ask you to kindly reflect upon your statement and try to see how absurd it may seem from other people's perspective.

>> No.9211884
File: 17 KB, 480x360, too many knives at once Freddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't rile up the angry illogical 20 knives knives guy again. Shh. He's probably sleeping off his binge.

We don't want anymore rants with foul language at helpful posters, who try to defend using two knives on the same day while he can instead clean his one knife over and over and keep 20 in the drawer. It's a rule. It's all from the magical efficiency of the best product on the market, Dawn, and his fear that Freddy Kruegger has a chance to escape each time he opens the drawer. It's sleepytime while watching his stock pot.

There is just no logic with that guy, delusions being what they are and all. We'll give him a pass for posting the cool magnet strip with his late night purchases from Ron Popeil. It's only too sad we can't see his Showtime Rotisserie spinning some ribs right now. I'm sure he doesn't regret owning one, since he knows about Dawn.

>> No.9211923
File: 46 KB, 898x960, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1481291456104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My hearts and garters!
If this was a ylyl thread, I'd be even more dead. My fucking sides have gone orbital.