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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9204682 No.9204682 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, when did you finally see the light and become a vegan?

Anyone else excited as me about the new surge in vegans from the airing of What The Health and Okja on Netflix? The time has come.

>> No.9204766

Food is the only pleasure I have left in this life so I'm not giving up jack shit to appease a bunch of new age hippie faggot cunts

>> No.9204771

/ck/ is a female and vegan board

>> No.9204780

is this a real quote? this guy should be killed, unironically

>> No.9204786

Can we stop with this "sex is as bad as murder" meme already. Giving women rights was a mistake.

>> No.9204813

Rape isn't sex. I know I know, a penis goes into a vagina and ejaculates and has a statistical likelihood of causing pregnancy unless otherwise interrupted, which is pretty much the definition of sex, but trust me, it isn't about sex, it's about like, muh feelings or something.

T. Women

>> No.9204849

We should be eating pedos and murderers.

>> No.9204923

Welp, I saw the light 7 years ago after clicking this link: www.meat.org

Went vegan immediately after that. Can't imagine being a big enough entitled, weak degenerate to do otherwise.

>> No.9204975

I saw the light when I renounced veganism.

>> No.9204989

paedo acceptance when?

>> No.9205054


>> No.9205062

>another video of chickens getting killed in a thirld world country
nobody cares
let me repeat this so you can fucking understand

>> No.9205071

>Actually thinking that's a third world country
>Not understanding standard practice in 99% of farms is blatant animal torture, and the remaining 1% is just severe abuse.

I really don't like people like you. Stop trying to spread your delusions.

>> No.9205084

I dont give a shit
i dont care if my next door neighbor keeps a goose tied in duct tape alive and feeds it 24/7 through a tube
i dont care
its just fcking animals
where is your empathy for human beings?

>> No.9205087

LGBTBP pride!
("P" for "Pedo", the extra "B" is for "Bestiality"!)

>> No.9205120

>these gentle animals become excited and even jump into the air when they figure out a solution t a problem
its so fucking obvious that veganism depends entirely on anthropomizing animals to trigger women and liberal men maternal instincts its fucking disgusting
I have seen the videos of vegans trying to stop trucks from taking animals to slaughter houses, they all hug and cry because they cant do jack shit without getting beaten by a security guard
its sickening, 200 years ago you have little children raising piglets into grown pigs then killing them themselves for dinner because kids 200 years ago where more mature than you are today and got the fact that a pig is a pig and a human a human, when was the last time you spent any significant amount of time around pigs? have you seen them steal and eat alive puppies?

>> No.9205129

My empathy for humans is right there with my empathy for animals. Everything wants to live equally.

>> No.9205133

except thats clearly a lie
I have the balls to tell you i dont give a shit about animals, they are food to me
Where are yours?

>> No.9205148

Good for you. I actually think about where my food comes from though, and personally don't agree with the practices. Hunting, fishing, etc. is fine with me. The meat industry is unnecessary and brutal though so I choose not to support it.

>> No.9205157


So you don't value the consciousness of other sentient beings because they are less intelligent than you, you don't care if they get tortured and die horribly and that somehow makes you have balls?

If you had balls you wouldnt cave into gluttonous desires to devour the flesh and innards of fellow conscious beings you absolute troglodyte

>> No.9205170
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>> No.9205174

I want to eat beef now

>> No.9205186

I'm a transvegan, I embrace and live by vegan values while still eating animal products

>> No.9205192

Not that guy but there is no other sentient species on this planet you dumb shit.

>> No.9205195
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>> No.9205202
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For me, it's the McChicken. The greatest vegan fastfood sandwich.

>> No.9205207

>I actually think about where my food comes from though
im fully aware of where my food comes from, i have seen those videos of animals being tortured, i dont care, im not uneducated, there is nothing you know that i dont know, i just understand that animals are animals and im not a beast and you dont.
>So you don't value the consciousness of other sentient beings because they are less intelligent than you
false equivalence, an animal isnt a less inteligent human
i have balls because im not afraid to say it to your face, many people are and thats the problem.
Same way you cant tell me vaganism is the refusal to consume any product that involves animal sufferng but my phone involves human suffering and im ok with that because you are too afraid to.
refusing to eat meat is a modern first world luxury that would be reserved to ancient pincess, people in the past killed each other for the opportunity to eat meat and now iits everywhere and you cant tolerate that because you have abnormal low amounts of testosterone
Im fucking glad to live in a world where i can have meat every day, many people worked their entire lives and even lost their lives so i could

>> No.9205220

Elephants, whales, chimps, dogs, dolphins, the list could go on...

>> No.9205226

Seek help m8. Eat meat all you want, but if you lack empathy towards creatures being needlessly tortured then you need to really think about how you ended up this way

>> No.9205233

Started about a week ago. Meant to be vegetarian but I can't really excuse what animals have to go through so I'm mostly vegan. It's been pretty easy, honestly, especially with vegan options for cravings (Ben & Jerry's new ice cream is awesome).

>> No.9205234

t. rapists

>> No.9205270

vegan meals can be good
oats with almond butter is nice

>> No.9205273

You actually act like animals are children
They are not
Too much empathy and especially misplaced empathy is a disease

>> No.9205288

>im not a beast
You might want to think more introspectively. A life unexamined, is not a life worth living. I am pretty sure I've met pigs who seem to be more self aware than you.

>> No.9205307

>implying animals have sapience

Magical thinking is a sign of mental illness.

>> No.9205317
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>> No.9205444


>> No.9205450

More like people who would be ok with getting raped because it means they got laid.

>> No.9205454

Sapience is a man made concept, it's definition is entirely abstract. We know there are colors we can't even see, what makes you think intelligence is measured on a linear scale?

>> No.9205459

Sick reference bro

>> No.9205468

>false equivalence, an animal isnt a less inteligent human
And if you were in any way educated about biology you'd know exactly how much genetic resemblance we share with any other living being, including vegetables.

>> No.9205588

What is misplaced empathy? I don't have to eat meat, so I don't. There is literally no ethical argument for the meat industry.

>> No.9205622

>James Aspey
When you're so autistic your name can't even hide it

>> No.9205648

well memed my friend

>> No.9205649

He's right though. Rape isn't as bad as murder.

>> No.9205662

If there is a fire and you can either save a mother and her two babies or a cat and you save the cat that's mental ilness

>> No.9205664

It's worse; the victim has to LIVE with the trauma if raped.

>> No.9205698

>be a mom or dad
Would you rather your child be murdered or raped?

If you say murdered, that's a sign of mental illness.

>> No.9205740
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>attempting to appeal to emotion by using a personalized scenario
>also, you're probably mentally ill if you disagree with me
Yeah, I'm too smart for that, amateur. I stand by what I said.

>> No.9205766

>There is no ethical argument for the meat industry
Treating animals like produce is cheaper than having them live a natural life with makes meat cheaper with means poor people can afford meat
Poor people can't afford almond milk or been & Jerry's ice cream, they can't afford to be vegan like you are vegan. Sure they can afford rice but you don't survive of rice

>> No.9205786

>being vegan is expensive

still believing this meme kek

>> No.9205802

hit me the fuck up when fresh produce and quinoa processed thru a virgin azn's asshole suddenly becomes cheap

it should be a fucking requirement that every yuppie pizza shit thinking of becoming a vegan spends 6 months in an impoverished small town of their choice, preferably in alaska, so they can see how much the truly hardcore rely on meat and other animal products. most vegans would die of exhaustion in a subsistence or poverty situation.

>> No.9205811

but it takes 99999999 gallons of water and 99999999 pounds of shitty corn to make a pound of meat, so people could be shoving cornwater down their feed hole instead

>> No.9205814

It is expensive for you isn't it?
It's either almond milk or no milk
You are advocating for forcing a lifestyle on other people that you wouldn't put up with yourself
Because animals are more important than people to you

>> No.9205819

But were not choosing one life over another are we? We're simply discussing ending the needless killing of millions of creatures a year.
Growing produce is easier, less environmentally detrimental, and theres more yield for less resources. Being vegan isn't expensive, being vegetarian isn't expensive, meat is expensive.

>> No.9205824

The market says that's a profitable expense and currently it's sustainable. Just stop sending shit tons of grain to Africa, let the population collapse and wait for China to destabilise into warlords as it does every hundred or so years and we'll be sitting pretty.

>> No.9205828

It's not needless. Lots of industrial uses, food, etc, plus those animals wouldn't even exist if they weren't being bred for food.

>> No.9205830

Yah veganism is totally expensive...
That's why foods like rice and beans have been staples for centuries

It wasn't until recently that people began eating meat other than on holidays/feast because is expensive

>> No.9205835

alaska is a "typical" environment people strive in, sure, im arguing its cheap, not that it most items will defy capitalism...

been vegan for 4 years, have friends that have been for 15 and counting, none of us are rich.
(for the record, a litre of oatmilk is cca 1,20€ here, or i prepare the "milks" on my own, so...)

>> No.9205845

RICE AND BEANS ARE NOT A NUTRITIONALLY BALANCED DIET. doctors without borders and other similar organizations literally have to go into impoverished shit-towns in like india and taiwan and shit and give the kids subsidized vitamin drops bc they're so fucking malnourished from only living on rice and beans and grass. get your head on straight.

>> No.9205849

>source: my ass

>> No.9205856

implying most people have a balanced diet unless they're /fit/ or healthnuts anyway.

>> No.9205866

it's about a thousand times easier to *have* a balanced diet when said diet includes meat even once or twice a month. any idiot vegan who says it's possible to not be a malnourished wreck on just rice and beans with no added vitamins is fucking lying to themselves and everyone around them.

>> No.9205872

you realize theres plenty of vitamins and various elements in veggies 'n' stuff, right ?
and your previous vitamin B is injected into the meat you eat along with antibiotics, so you'd end up taking a supplement one way or another..

>> No.9205881

were you dropped on your head as a child?


a vegan is going to be deficient in b-12, calcium, protein, omega-3s, fatty acids, iron, zinc, and probably iodine. LOOK AT ALL THOSE SUPPLEMENTS YOU GOTTA TAKE. 2/3rds of the expense in being a vegan is the goddamn vitamins you have to buy. if your diet relies on vitamin pills, something's terribly wrong or your body is super fucked.

>> No.9205891

you know the only reason your meat is so high in b12 is because the animals are given supplements, right?

I eat meat but I see no problem with people who would rather just cut out the middleman

>> No.9205894

Most of those can be consumed through dark leafy greens. Fatty acids are present in avocados, coconuts, olive oil, etc.
And in all honesty, most meat eaters are probably deficient in that shit too.

>> No.9205932

And somehow that makes torturing and killing them okay? Because otherwise they wouldn't exist at all? Even though there are wild pigs, cows, turkeys, etc.
As for industrial uses, there are plenty of alternatives to almost anything you could name m8.

>> No.9205968

Some people just feel insecure about saying "I like the way it tastes" and need to come up with fucktarded rationalizations

I like the way it tastes. I know it's bad for the environment and ethically abhorrent

Sorry, but that's how it is

I respect you more than I respect the guy you're arguing with. He's a huge pussy

>> No.9205986

As long as you can admit it, I'm fine with that. Meat tastes really good, and can be part of a healthy diet. Eating meat everyday is not healthy though and there's really no getting around it anymore.

>> No.9206012
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>> No.9206107

If you understood biology you'd know that even though we share genetic material with any living organism, we are also not those organisms. That's also a shit argument and invalidates all diets on an ethical level, except breatharianism. Which doesnt work well.

>> No.9206135

They're only given supplements because the soil of current farm land are extremely low in cobalt. Thanks to the EPA farmers cannot move to cobalt rich soil and instead rely on supplements. You would know this if you bothered even looking into why. Also wild fish and game are rich in b12 and lack supplementation.

>> No.9206145

in what way does that change the fact that you're being smug over eating supplement-engorged livestock?

>> No.9206150

I'll just hit up Walgreens and spend 10$ on 3 months worth of b12.

>> No.9206161

Im not the same anon. But there is no viable natural source of b12 except wild game. It honestly doesn't matter to me. I just hate people spreading information without knowing why. Humans need b12 supplements because the gut bacteria that develops it is passed the area of best absorption and most of it ends up in your shit.
That's cool I caught 10 pounds of salmon which will last me a couple years of b12 and omega 3s.

>> No.9206178

Nice. I don't live close to salmon and dont want to drop money on fishing gear. Walgreens is down the road.

>> No.9206411

>what the health
>meat causes diabetes, and sugar doesnt.

Gtf outta here with that stupid vegan propaganda.

>> No.9206444

what are they talking about, animals are natural pedos rapists and murderers

>> No.9206471

animal food industry actually destroys the planet and us, you fucking idiot. eating meat is like cutting on a population scale.

>> No.9206495

I don't know that people are going to start eating peds just 'cause these malcontents start a rally

>> No.9206501

Vegetarian since 1986 and vegan since 2001.

>> No.9206516

>debating vegans like it's 2002

>> No.9206667
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No shit, the supposed vegan "activists" on here are trolling attention whores. I actually damn near PROVED this in a thread and the scumfuck janitors deleted it.

>> No.9206687

carnists btfo

>> No.9206950
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I went 100% organic FIRST then I went vegan. That was six years ago. Eating organic is more important than veganism.

>Eating raw food is extremely important!
>We need to push harder and ban pesticides and other chemical additives from farms
>We need to ban the fluoridation
>We need to ENSURE the publics rights to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
>We need to continue to support freedom of speech
>We need to become more and more self sufficient
>We need to severely limit our support(taxes) of governments

Do not fuck around with your time. We are powerful and WE need to continue pushing harder than ever.

Let's ensure our liberation. Viva la revolucion!

If you care about veganism and you believe in the compassionate and scientifically

>> No.9206952
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>> No.9206955

If the mods hadn't resorted to literal censorship, you would be the ones who are btfo

>> No.9206956

>Oh no the animals raised specifically for their meat don't get treated super awesome :(((((
Who gives a shit?

>> No.9206959

*Whoops last segment was an artifact of a rough draft. Disregard that last line.

>> No.9206961

>destroys the planet and us
No it doesn't.
We have a metric shitload of it
Again, metric shitload of it
Account for only a couple percent of total agricultural CO2 output

P.S. none of the resources consumed in meat production are non-renewable. The water and grass and land don't magically disappear.

>> No.9206973

inb4 you get a ban or warning for "complaining about 4chan"

>> No.9206982

Fuck them, ban me permanently. Dare ya.

>> No.9207022

We should be feeding the rich to animals. The rich are the ones who farm us for our labor. Send us to die in wars THEY started. Fuck the rich.

If you have more than 1.5 Million USD you are going to have a hard time these next few years. Populism is growing and you are shrinking.


>> No.9207030

>Kill all the rich
>Sociopaths that previously couldn't get into positions of power now seize that wealth and power vacuum
>We're all off for the worse because these people seized a violent opportunity instead of navigating their way there
Congratulations we now live in South Africa

>> No.9207033
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>worst HUMAN offenders
>most innocent and vulnerable NON-HUMAN beings

>> No.9207048

Some people have the balls to show some restraint in their diet even though they know animal flesh tastes good.

You don't have shit you spoiled child.

>> No.9207053

Are you trying to explain nature? The word NATURE implies wild and ungoverned AKA the reality outside of your television prison.

You have a severe case of Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.9207058

No I'm describing total societal collapse.

>> No.9207121

You are afraid of freedom.

See, not only do we the people have every single sector covered as far as liberating humanity.... We are stronger, younger, and more willing to do whatever it takes.

I suggest you kill yourself.

>> No.9207267


>> No.9207270

Why are vegans so retarded. You all sound like jehova witnesses, and more annoying.
What an achievement.

>> No.9207280

b80 m80, KYS.

>> No.9207293

Friendly reminder that eating organic causes more suffering and destruction than eating meat or non-organic. Specialist organic crops are causing widespread deforestation in Central American and Africa, where farmers are now attempting to grow "organic" crops that they can sell for more than regular crops because idiots like yourself will pay a premium for items that they can't even verify are actually organic, and rarely understand what that marketing term even entails. Don't forget that many organic crops marketed with that label are not, in fact, organic, or only meet the requirements to get those labels due to technicalities such as not using listed chemical pesticides, and instead using others that are often just as toxic.

Friendly reminder that GMO crops are literally the only way people in the future will all be able to be fed effectively, and that organic crops are the product of an entitled mindset primarily among those that don't understand that their way of life is inherently based upon the systematic oppression and suffering of countless millions, and that their buying of organic products literally makes this oppression worse by furthering the divide between rich and poor in developing nations. Additionally, this causes further strain on the ability of local growers to feed their local communities, as their crops become increasingly tailored to expensive "Organic-only" marketplaces.

>> No.9207296
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>> No.9207299

I haven't posted on this thread but you're all on my list. Cheers.

>> No.9207305


>> No.9207321

You'll need to be a bit more specific, what specific item(s) do you contest?

>> No.9207333

I'm not contesting anything. Provide a source for your claim that organic does more harm than gmo to the environment

>> No.9207337

rejecting food because eeeeewwwwww it came from an animal makes you the spoiled chhild

>> No.9207383


>> No.9207397
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>> No.9207417
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Why do people feel the need to pile into vegan threads to act like little bitches complaining about vegans even though it does not affect them in any way? Come to think of it, in my years I have seen vastly more meat eaters getting pissy and self important towards vegans than the other way around. This is coming from a meat eater, I only come to these threads to find recipes since I can't really afford meat.

You care so little that you went out of your way to scream at people that you don't care.

>> No.9207428

Almost none of these support that claim you nincompoop

>> No.9207443

All of them do, if you actually sit down and read them.
None of these explicitly state my point. What they do is provide evidence that supports my claims.

Production of "organic" crops is less efficient, destroys more land, and cause demonstrable human suffering.

>> No.9207461
File: 238 KB, 520x599, I+m+not+buying+the+rape+fetish+she+doesn+t+look+scared+_7b4fb615c0f60f48aa771cc0020b2600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest that vegan burger looks petty good and I could fuck with some grilled veggies right about now. The pizza looks awful though.

>> No.9207466

Did you read those articles? 2 sort of related to what you said, but also stated that depending on the crop, organic can have a very similar yield to conventional farming. The last one also stated that both styles of farming should be used together for maximum efficiency.
The first 4 or so articles were useless and just showed a demand for cashews and avocados

>> No.9207467

i dont care about animals and your feelings but your mental ilness is annoying as fuck
it looks like higly processed fried paste, go ahead and guess whats inside

>> No.9207476

The only thing on that image I wouldn't eat is the vegan pizza. I'd try the vegan burger and grilled veggies are amazing. I would take the ribs above all else though.

>> No.9207483

Oh they also supported the claim that the meat industry is the number one cause of deforestation

>> No.9207487

there is almost no cooking involved in chopping some onions and throwing them in the grill
even making a frozen patty or frying an egg requires more work

>> No.9207492
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>> No.9207505

>meat industry
Right, because that's the matter at hand here.

>> No.9207511
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>i dont care about animals and your feelings but your mental ilness is annoying as fuck
But you only experience vegans when you come into vegan threads. I certainly don't see them anywhere else. You also seem to care enough about their feelings to go out of your way to make sure they know how little you care. Your'e sitting in a bed you made.

>it looks like higly processed fried paste, go ahead and guess whats inside
I would assume whats inside is highly processed fried paste, or some kind of fried vegetable blend. Either way I am eating that shit, can't be worse than your average fast food.

>> No.9207520
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Uh-oh, we've got a real internet badass here...

>> No.9207524
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>Vegans are annoying cunts
>No one actually gives a shit about animals as long as they're not pets
>Meat is irreplaceable unless you wanna scarf down a shitton of supplements
>All vegan "replacement" meats taste awful
Try to prove any of those wrong. Protip : you can't.

>> No.9207531

Uh...yeah it is? If you got rid of it you would have more than enough land to feed the world organically.

>> No.9207538

i was mad before coming to this thread
>But you only experience vegans when you come into vegan threads
i dont come here to listen to anything you have to say at all
>You also seem to care enough about their feelings to go out of your way to make sure they know how little you care
i expressed myself wrong, i dont care about your feelings except when you get triggerred in a funny way
>can't be worse than your average fast food
you would be amazed
at least i have a pretty good idea of what most of the burguer is

>> No.9207544

honest question.
what do vegans say about the destruction of natural animal habitats to create farmlands?

>> No.9207563


>> No.9207566

It's a fraction of the destruction that raising meat causes to the land. See the last source in this post >>9207383

>> No.9207568

Another question on top of that, what about the immense destruction that goes with farm cultures like soy, avocado, mangoes... Amazing how none of the vegan fucks seem to care about that

>> No.9207586

It's not raising meat that causes that, though. It's soy. It just so happens that soy is used to feed animals.

The land actually needed to raise animals is negligible. It's just feeding them that's the issue, and if the usage of supplements was allowed, the land needed to feed them would be greatly reduced as well.

>> No.9207595
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>i dont come here to listen to anything you have to say at all
Obviously you did.

>i expressed myself wrong, i dont care about your feelings except when you get triggerred in a funny way
>I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.9207598

So, stop the raising of live stock, lower the demand of soy, ???????, profit? Not to mention the insane amount of water animals need

>> No.9207605

ok buddy

>> No.9207622


>Not to mention the insane amount of water animals need.

do you know the caloric equivalent of water needed for meat vs water needed for farmland?
actual question, I don't know.

>> No.9207625

Here's a link showing how dumb you are. Raising livestock uses loads of resources, including land. There is literally no argument against this.

>> No.9207627

>animals drink too much water
then lets get rid of animals all thogether, who needs them anyways?

>> No.9207629

Even then, the production of non-meat products will cause issues.
Look at quinoa in Bolivia - because of the demand in the developed world, people in Bolivia that used to eat large amounts of quinoa can no longer afford to buy it. At the same time, however, production of quinoa is greatly increasing to meet the demand in the developed world. All we'd see if countless thousands of people without work, followed by the expansion of another industry to fill the void.

>> No.9207635

I believe it comes out to around 400 gallons of water per pound of beef, not including the water needed to raise crops for the beef

>> No.9207643

Literally not going to read beyond that. Ranching is, by nature, massively inefficient.

It also comes out to over a gallon of water per almond grown, meaning that a pound of almond comes out to 300-400 gallons of water as well.

>> No.9207644

how come one pound of meat weights 400 gallons of water?

>> No.9207648

Feeding the world will always cause issues. Trying to feed the world with meat causes ultimately more issues than crops. Also, more farms = more jobs

>> No.9207650

>Trying to feed the world with meat causes ultimately more issues than crops.
Less issues than it would cause if you tried to literally kill an entire chain of industries.

>> No.9207659

Reminder that vegans and veganism will become pointless and obsolete once lab-grown meat is available. Many vegans have even said they'll start eating meat again once it's available. It will be lab-grown meat eaters vs animal-meat eaters instead of vegans vs omnivores like it is now.

>> No.9207662

There are maybe 100 almonds in one pound and it contains more calories and nutrients than a pound of beef.
And seeing as how that country supplies most of the world's beef through ranching I would hope you read it.

>> No.9207668

No it won't. People need to feel special about pointless shit in their lives, and so veganism will live on, pointlessly harassing people and trying to have irrelevant laws passed.

And so, the illusion of choice will survive, and the cash will flow, just as planned.

>> No.9207675

And those industries will literally die when resources become too scarce to support them any longer

>> No.9207676

>maybe 100 almonds in one pound
What? Not him, but try closer to 3-400, depending on size and shit.

>> No.9207685

>Production of "organic" crops is less efficient, destroys more land, and cause demonstrable human suffering.

Idiot. It's only been since WWII that we saw the ascendancy of big agri/chemical and it's taken a severe toll on the dirt, water and air as well as animal and plant life. When big agri/chemical got their claws in our whore congress/president, they ended up owning the USDA/FDA. (e.g., Drumpfs recent appointment of a coal lobbyist to head EPA).

The USDA Organic labelling requirements were written by big agri/chemical specifically to make it extremely expensive for a small or medium sized producer to get certified. Furthermore, they forced the inclusion of the use of the broad spectrum insecticides pyrethrin and rotenone so they could continue their scorched earth monoculture. No small or medium sized growers use broad spectrum insecticides. That defeats every other element of an integrated solution to deal with pests.

Small and medium sized organic farms focus on developing soil nutrients using cover crops and compost. It's more labor intensive, but produces a superior product. Scorched earth monoculture is unsustainable. Fortunately, people are waking up to the fact that undisclosed carcinogens in components of Roundup and myriad other poisons slathered on our pig slop are to be avoided. You can take your butthurt back to corporate, you sycophant.

>> No.9207689

It is slightly less than 300, which is still less than a pound of beef before the water used on the crops to feed them comes into play.

>> No.9207712

>my list
That's a lot of cocks to take on, anon.

>> No.9207713

>most of the world's beef
Bullshit. Brazil is the largest exporter, sure, but they don't raise "most of the world's beef." They barely raise a quarter of it.

Regardless, as I said before, ranching is a low-tech solution that is extremely inefficient by it's very nature.

>It's more labor intensive, but produces a superior product.
Bullshit. It's been scientifically proven that organic crops are no more nutritious than their conventionally grown counterparts.

>undisclosed carcinogens in components of Roundup
No, they're disclosed. They also pose no threat to consumers, as has been proven by numerous studies. A single study by the IARC indicated that glyophosphate is probably carcinogenic, but not in any form of exposure you're going to receive.

Honestly, the rest of your post proves why you're vegan:
You need to rebel against something. Look at your entitled anger at the government and industry, missing the fact that GMO crops are quite literally responsible for our ability to actually feed as many people as we do. You fear progress, not because you have reason to, but because it suits an agenda that allows you to think you're making a choice.

>> No.9207733

That's great, but it's still how we get most of our beef and is still the leading cause in deforestation across the globe
Also, "scientifically proven" is a pretty loose term on a study of 200 people.

>> No.9207762

>Also, "scientifically proven" is a pretty loose term on a study of 200 people.
What. I assume you're referring to the Smith-Spangler study, which took results from over 200 different *studies,* all taken over a period of 50 years, and produced data based upon those.

>> No.9207780

Idk I'm citing the one whose conclusion stated it's unclear and that people who ate organic had less pesticides in their piss

>> No.9207784

Yeah, that's the one. It's pretty conclusive.

>> No.9207799

It really isn't and specifically states it isn't

>> No.9207810

Instead of reading the abstract, read the actual paper, anon. They pretty openly state that the majority of sources cannot find a conclusive link between better nutritional content and organic food. That's where that word comes in.

>> No.9207811

Evidence recently discovered indicates Monsanto never disclosed evidence it had about the dangers of Roundup. Agent Orange anyone?


Roundup inert ingredients, undisclosed by our altruistic munificence until scientists reverse engineered it, are extremely toxic to humans.


GMO fields saturated with the toxic carcinogen Roundup accelerating the growth of resistant superweeds. Notice, frighteningly, the new poison that the FDA is considering approving that is showing signs of being a carcinogen even in testing.


This is what happens when we permit big agri/chemical to buy our whore congress and president. You might like to lick their boot while they're kicking you in the face, but I'll pass, sycophant.

>> No.9207833

But they state there are significantly less pesticides found in the piss. I'll take that.

>> No.9207845

>first site is known malware vector
>next site is Mercola®, a natural health products vendor
>third site doesn't indicate what study its using as a source
Also worth mentioning that the epidemic isn't caused by the actual use of the pesticide, but by farmers literally overusing it for no good reason.

This is what happens when people buy into marketing just so that they can feel special and "enlightened."

>> No.9207862

Yeah, that's true. Worth keeping in mind that the amount found, while statistically significant, is still not believed to be enough to cause harm.
Still not a nice thought, however. Hopefully lower-impact methods can be found to reduce the use of pesticides without reducing crop yields.

>> No.9207866

Not him, but if you're buying organic from the warehoused monoculture big agri supply from large supermarkets you'll have nutrient degradation. But that's not true at all if you're buying local from small and medium sized farmers. No one has done a study comparing conventional to organic under those conditions. One thing I can assure you, even small and medium conventional groweres will have peteroleum byproducts produced during the manufacture of industrial fertilizer and organic will not. Furthermore, the small and medium organic produce will be free of any of big agri's organic broad spectrum pesticide residue (pyrethrins, rotenone) whereas conventional will have those residues.

>> No.9207900

>One thing I can assure you, even small and medium conventional groweres will have peteroleum byproducts produced during the manufacture of industrial fertilizer and organic will not
Wrong. Considering that the most popular Organic fertilizer is quite literally peat, you're still getting plenty of petroleum in there.

>Furthermore, the small and medium organic produce will be free of any of big agri's organic broad spectrum pesticide residue (pyrethrins, rotenone) whereas conventional will have those residues.
Also wrong. Broad-spectrum pesticides are still used in organic agriculture - Pyrethrins, Rotenone, Neem oil (or several different combinations of essential oils,) and Sabadila are all organic broad-spectrum pesticides that can leave residue after application.

>> No.9207916

I don't know, you can access that kobini site through google and it's fine. At any rate, here's another source that reports on the documents coming to light in this recent lawsuit.


Mercola sights specific sources. Just because you don't agree with their ideas doesn't mean you can simply dismiss them when they report facts, Trump. So does the third article.

Blame the farmer for overuse instead of the herbicide itself. That sounds like Monsanto, lol.

>> No.9207962

That site throws up a bunch of red flags for me. You'll have to excuse me if I don't use it.

The NYT articles doesn't actually report anything groundbreaking, aside from the fact that there's a lot of debate about the safety of glyphosate, primarily by legal types.

The Mercola article has more garbage science in it than anything else, and I don't much feel like sorting through their citations to figure out how much is quote mining, and how much is actual science. Mercola is a business, first and foremost, and will twist things however they can for the sake of making sales and confirming the biases of their customers.

>Blame the farmer for overuse instead of the herbicide itself.

That's literally the issue, though. There's always been a problem with overuse of pesticides and herbicides, Roundup, however, makes this a far greater issue because of its effects when overused. The marketing material for it openly cautions against overuse to avoid this very issue, always has.

>> No.9207979

>neem oil

Not broad spectrum as it does no harm to beneficials. From wikipedia

Neem oil is not known to be harmful to mammals, birds, earthworms or some beneficial insects such as butterflies, honeybees and ladybirds (ladybugs in US English)

>rotenone and sabadilla

No longer available for use as pesticides


As I said before, broad spectrum insecticides are only used by thescorched earth mono culture big agri, not small and medium growers. If you knew how organic pest control worked, you would understand that. Furthermore, as bad as pyrethrins are, they breakdown into harmless components within a few days exposure to light.

>> No.9207985


>> No.9208001

The NYT article reports about the Monsanto files that indicate a coverup of the dangers of roundup. Relatively groundbreaking. At any rate the discovery occured due to the ingoing lawsuit so we'll see the full breakdown of the depth of their subterfuge.

I don't blame you for not wanting to go into detail on the studies that contradict Monsanto's position and demonstrate conclusively the insidious dangers of their poison. It must be disheartening when you're such a valiant white knight.

>> No.9208015

Try watching, "The World According to Monsanto" documentary. Damn disturbing. Literally sickens a person, oops, I mean sickens whole populations, lol.

>> No.9208046


ITT - Darwin's fallen angels

>> No.9208055
File: 72 KB, 630x706, 1464065946829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nature didn't intend for us to eat meat, why do we have sharp canine teeth?

Fuck off numale faggots

>> No.9208207
File: 79 KB, 620x426, gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a herbivore
What is your point?

>> No.9208318

Humans are more related to the chimpanzee you stupid fuck. Which consume up to 20% in meat.

>> No.9208478

The lengths some guys go to for pussy. His whole life is one big act to get laid. The shocking part is I bet he doesn't even realize how his sex drive has molded his entire being.

>> No.9208574

>Ask Vegan if animal lives are equally valuable as human lives
>"Yes, that's why I'm vegan" (make sure they're not a retarded "health vegan" first)
>Then why aren't you helping any people with the time and energy and money you spend being vegan? The likelihood of you not buying meat impacting the meat industry is lesser than the likelihood of you winning the lottery.

Instant checkmate

>> No.9208585


>> No.9208641


Is this bait? If it's not it is some weapons grade retardation

>> No.9208801

Sounds like your criteria for sentience is anything you want to fuck, you sick bastard.

>> No.9208810

They could get a job in the produce industry

>> No.9208829

I have a question

My shit lately has been like sticky, dry, hot tar. I shit and a good bit remains around my asshole, glueing itself to nearby asshairs. I stand there for roughly 15 minutes getting layer after layer off with toilet paper and wipes. The shit is like a much more stubborn chocolate fruit dip and begins forming a crust quickly.

Will a vegan diet stop this or make it worse
Don't bullshit me

>> No.9208830

increase your fiber.

>> No.9208832

Try Metamucil and a bidet.

>> No.9209246

Posting a minion means all of your opinions are automatically invalid.

>> No.9209264

lab meat sounds neat, but can it replicate the texture of for example steak?

>> No.9209268

>b-but third world countries!
>b-but no one cares!
>b-but lions!
>b-but Alaska and survival situations!

Are you morons trying to be this moronic?

>> No.9209282


80% meat, 15% potatoes, 4% vegetables, and 1% fruit isn't balanced LUL

That's what 90% of omnis eat.

You mirin my percentages?

>> No.9209285

Some vegans are legit crazy and would be happy to basically try to back to being gathers who travel with the seasons. They basically welcome the deaths of billions of people in this sense. I'm vegan btw so not making up shit to paint all vegans as crazy.

>> No.9209291

Reminder that meat is considered a cancer causer. :)

>> No.9209300


Fucking space-hippie liberals, i do not give a sorry depressed rats ass about giving up my eating habbits because some snowflakes wanted to force me to do so.

>> No.9209329

>vegan pizza

no cheese, extra tomato sauce, and lots of veggies

Cheese really doesn't add much to pizza. Try it.

>> No.9209344
File: 50 KB, 443x427, vegans btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheese really doesn't add much to pizza
Beeing that deep into denial.

>> No.9209347
File: 24 KB, 346x264, vegan pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9209348

I went vegan 2 months ago and just had cheeeseless pizza for the first time last week. I felt like I could taste the tomato sauce more and the pizza overall had far fewer calories and was healthier.

Enjoy your cow secretion waste product I guess.

>> No.9209351

Papa Johns without the cheese, retard.

>> No.9209360

>fewer calories
Good goy.

I've been vegan for 8 years and made my own "vegan cheese" and shit like that. After going back to a normal diet with a healthy amount of everything you can clearly see how much you have to lie to yourself to "enjoy" vegan shit.

>> No.9209364

Not in denial at all. Again, Papa Johns without the cheese is awesome.

I'm enjoying losing tons of weight without even trying will living a healthy life full of a variety of fruits and vegetables.

>> No.9209370

>Papa Johns without cheese
Is just bread with vegetables and sauce. It's not pizza. It's like dunking bread into ratatouile.

>> No.9209372


>> No.9209376

The basis of a pizza is yeast dough, tomato sauce and cheese. Without cheese it's bread with ketchup.

>> No.9209377


>> No.9209380

Good thing I can get barbecue sauce instead :)

Does this trigger you?

>> No.9209383

Nah, it's like a stupid child telling me that he can eat ice cream for dinner daily just to complain when he gets diabeetus and the shits.
You're just denying yourself a taste of life.

>> No.9209387

You mean like you not being able to put down a cow secretion waste product that's terrible for your health?

I enjoyed the taste of cheese when I ate it but I don't understand all these weak brainlets that crave cheese. I can eat tons more pizza without that disgusting calorically dense shitproduct on my pizza.

>> No.9209398

Maybe if you weren't selfish, food would not be the only pleasure you have in life?

>> No.9209405

>I have the balls to put on a tough guy veneer so that I can walk to the grocery store and buy meat that has already been raised, slaughtered, cleaned, and packaged conveniently.
Kek, get a load of this guy.

>> No.9209416

Vegetables can be grown on a tiny fraction of existing farmland. Therefore, all of the farmland needed to sustain a 100% vegan population already exists, and some of it could be returned to nature.

>> No.9209425

I would certainly eat lab-grown meat. It solves the trifecta of environmental, ethical, and potential health issues associated with eating meat.
Plenty of people are vegan for reasons other than to feel special, you just don't hear about it from them. Your post shows how immature you are.

>> No.9209436

>trying to describe traditional food in the gorish way you can
>make a claim about it being unhealtyh although it's consumption was a evolutionary benefit
>dense calories are disgusting

>calls others brainlets

Vegans will never understand.

>> No.9209441

I do understand because I wasn't vegan for 99.9% of my life.

Fucking brainlets...

>> No.9209445

>I'm an medical expert because I haven't always been brain dead

>> No.9209450
File: 43 KB, 360x403, Everyone is stupid but me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I understand Britain because I've lived in Pakistan 99.9% of my life

Really jogs my noggin

>> No.9209451

The cheese is making you fatties retarded.

>> No.9209454

>healthy amount of animal products makes you fat
>implying you will not get fat if you consume the same amount of calories through vegan fat, carbs and sugar

It's like you don't even try, manlet.

>> No.9209460

>eats cheese

You're fat. Deal with it.

>> No.9209465
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>> No.9209471

Ok, but you're not a starving kike from the 1940s.

>> No.9209484
File: 178 KB, 759x822, 1479135442839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most innocent and vulnerable beings on this planet
watch more bambi you colossal homo

>> No.9209512

some people soend 99.9% of their lives healty
and then they die

>> No.9209607

Four animals will have died just to feed me today how does this make you faggots feel?

>> No.9209628

Why, though? It's completely unnecessary and terrible for the environment.

>> No.9209635

So are niggers.

>> No.9209645

I agree. That's not an argument, though.

>> No.9209677

Well, it kinda is. As long as we tolerate this inferior subrace, there is no ground why we should cut back, if they can roam free and destroy the world without a second thought.

It's like using energy saving light bulbs while heating with open windows.

>> No.9209697

WIshful thinking. Populism will only use darkies as scapegoats and let he rich scott-free.

>> No.9209712

I am the most willfully selfish person I know and I am a straight-up normie when it comes to relationships. Selflessness gets you nowhere, even in religions and cults. Even then its self-awareness and improvement that gets you what you want from people.

>> No.9210141

>Meat eaters: Vegans are obnoxious and can't keep it to themselves! Your diet is your own business, stop trying to push your lifestyle on me and my kids!
>Also meat eaters: Comes to the vegan thread to shitpost about why meat is necessary

>> No.9210154

>vegan thread
This is merely another shill thread promoting degeneracy. It's like claiming that you can't criticise faggots when you tell them to kepp in in their pants in public. Both are Entartungen and should be socialy shunned, doesn't mean that we have to stone faggots or force feat tendies to vegans.

>> No.9210211

>notices that we treat cows better than pedoscum
>thinks the solution is treating cows better

Why don't we torture cows AND pedophiles, sex offenders and murderers?

>> No.9210298

Heaven you ever been to a farm? Or several?

>> No.9210381

.the obvious answer is to live self sufficiently you absolute retarded

Hunt fish and raise your own meat and grow your vegs

>> No.9210386

Domesticated cuck

>> No.9210396
File: 133 KB, 630x573, Screen_Shot_20170714_at_6.51.04_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan communist
No surprise, neither have a grip on reality.

>> No.9210402

Women are the true victimes of war!!!

>> No.9210427

Table salt is chloride not iodine. And if you read the labels it says 'not a source of iodide' (yes iodide)

>> No.9210589

>So comfy that they have to find something to bitch at
I can't remember who said it but some dude said "Even if everything was perfect, the Left would invent something to complain/protest about"

Fuck em

>> No.9210597

this is the kind of thing a rapist would say

>> No.9210605

>Table salt is chloride not iodine.

Yes. But most table salt is iodized--it has iodine deliberately added to it as a nutritional supplement.

>>And if you read the labels it says 'not a source of iodide' (yes iodide)
Yes, you will find that on the non-iodized variety. Which is less common than the iodized one.

>> No.9210616

Fuck off with the spook of altruism

>> No.9210621

It's phrased really insensitively, but it's not wrong, whether the poster meant to be wrong or not.
Rape isn't about sex, it's about power.

>> No.9210676

>Enjoying what the health and claiming it as anything but trash
>Open saying non vegans are bad people, then when non vegans say they arnt call them defensive
Who knew that vegan bait was so effective? When I go fishing later Ill use a green bean instead of a worm, thanks op