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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9204524 No.9204524 [Reply] [Original]

>be asian
>every meal has rice
>rice and carbs is bad for you
What can I replace rice thats equally filling and delicious?

>> No.9204537

>carbs are bad because im a fat fuck with no self control
Learn the meaning of moderation you dumbass.

>> No.9204542
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>rice and carbs is bad for you

>> No.9204548


>> No.9204555
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>> No.9204559


>> No.9204565

Congratulations on mastering the keyboard, dipshit.

>> No.9204566


>> No.9204576

rice is the best carb you can eat you dimwit
rather than cutting out rice, just eat less if you want to lose weight
you moron
you fuckwit
you imbecile

>> No.9204590


Also more versatile!

>> No.9204593

>I'm a manlet and my day consists of sitting around so I can't eat more than 1500 kcal

>> No.9204594

potatoes = carbs

carbs = bad

>> No.9204596

>carbs = bad
excessive carbs are bad

>> No.9204599

cum since you're a gigantic faggot

>> No.9204600

"Wat eat, carbs bad" is the new "I'm a grill, recommend vegan food also don't hit on me u silly boys"

Lazy, boring trolling that somehow still triggers retards

>> No.9204606

I'm 5'4" 120 lbs

>> No.9204612

The japanese eat rice at every meal and are the longest lived in the world with an average life expectancy of 86 years despite drinking like fish and smoking like chimneys. How can you say carbs are unhealthy? Because some whacko 4chan paleo or keto nut said so? Idiot.

>> No.9204634

well the japanese have different genetics to westerners

>> No.9204638

I bet you blame genetics on the reason you're fat too.

>> No.9204645

japanese rice is more expensive than chinese or SEA rice and nutritionally different

>> No.9204804

there are medical problems where the best treatment is to cut carbs

>> No.9204874

Yeah and about 1% of all 4chan users suffer from these. The rest are fat fucks who want to try keto or autistic fitfags who take it way too.

>> No.9204884

They eat less. People who eat less than others die later generally

>> No.9204889

Jesus christ kill yourself, that is if you can reach the knife drawer.

>> No.9204894

Your people probably need better carbs actually. Asians are awkwardly tiny, which is maybe due to your diet. Don't get me wrong it makes the women look good, but if you're a man maybe eat some potatoes.

>> No.9204926

Koreans have the second longest life expectancy at 84 years, eat rice at every meal, drink and smoke even more than the nips. They also eat like fucking horses. They literally gorge themselves.

>> No.9204947

I'm 5'7" 120 pounds, because I carb up all day every day. If you're making a rice recipe, get some brown rice or other whole grain like millet, quinoa, etc. But not wheat berries. That would be too chewy for rice recipes. Pressure steam to cook faster/softer.

>> No.9204949

>every meal has rice

>> No.9204950

>carbs are bad
ayy OP you sound like a 12 year old ignorant anorexic

t. annoyed doctor working at a rehab center

>> No.9204965

this is not true.

the stats are probably skewed since a lot of the people who grew up in famine korea are still kicking. now they are the hardy motherfuckers. but i see no guarantee my gen will live anywhere near 80, with how food culture is today.

>> No.9205007

>be asian
>be surrounded by living fossils that ate nothing but rice with a side of rice and half a pack of unfiltereds for dessert, and are still here to shame your niploving neet ass
>believing the "carbs are the problem, lack of basic portion sizing is not the problem" meme

>> No.9205026

Tell your generation to stop eating american corporate lardass pig slop and learn to cook like their mothers and grandmothers, faggot.

>> No.9205036

This, calories in vs calories out. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete moron.

Nutrition is very important, making sure you aren't vitamin or mineral deficient is key to feeling good.

Carbs are only bad if you eat more calories than your body consumes.

>> No.9205038

ITT: everyone is stupid except me

>> No.9205149

post your boipucci

>> No.9205156


>> No.9205168

You might want to lower your sodium intake.

>> No.9205171

just eat your rice, chingchong. don't bring dishonor to your family, just eat the rice

>> No.9205177

No you're a dumb ass too.

>> No.9205180

ok and you tell social media to stop glorifying cheese and eating out at places that serve too much cheese.

>> No.9205240

>m-muh eastern educational disciprinn

Jesus christ you dumb celestial, do they even teach you nutrition? Commit sudoku