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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9199509 No.9199509 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9199522

spicy pizza only please

>> No.9199528

The Hawaiian is unironically in the right spot

>> No.9199560


The one with anchovies and fresh tomato slices is supposed to have black olives.

>> No.9199598
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Hawaiian is the happy meal of pizzas.

>> No.9199609

what are the pepperoni looking things in the third pic

>> No.9199616

Men of taste will agree with OP

Everyone else, well...

>> No.9199645

Why do people lose their shit over pineapple on pizza?

>> No.9199677

The first time I ate a pineapple pizza I almost puked.

I can't understand why people like it.

>> No.9199692

that macaroni shit looks awful

>> No.9199698

It's a mac 'n cheese and hotdog pizza; aka an affront to god and man

>> No.9199705

You absolute pussy.

>> No.9199712

pepp pineapple

>> No.9199729

is this like a whiskey thing? do i need to be a manly man to enjoy the patrician pizza? thanks in advance

>> No.9199757
File: 145 KB, 670x960, 1498171669662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your 'za

>> No.9199768

is there a McChicken 'Za?

>> No.9199907

Pineapple is one of the worst things humanity has ever unearthed. I wish it was never discovered to be edible.

>> No.9199935

Pineapple is unironically my favorite fruit and Hawaiian pizza is my favorite pizza. How can you not enjoy pineapple, it's so sweet and juicy

>> No.9199973

It unironically tastes like puke to me, no exaggeration, If I recall the taste of puke in my mouth when I was sick vs pineapple they taste about equivalent to me.

>> No.9200022

I haven't puked in at least 10 years so I can't really remember how it tastes, maybe that's why I don't associate the taste

>> No.9200043
File: 82 KB, 700x530, pineapple_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-tip, you can't.

>> No.9200097

The crust looks like shit on all those 'zas. They should all be peanut brain

>> No.9200153

Why can't people just order a Supreme or Meat-Lovers like a normal fucking person, and not that "Doritos Burger Stuffed Crust" diabetes on a platter shit.

>> No.9200188


>just order a Supreme or Meat-Lovers like a normal fucking person

What is this, 1992?

>> No.9200202

>meat lovers

can we talk about this one for a second?

when did "meat lovers pizza" go from meaning "pizza with several types of meat on it" to "pizza with 10 fucking pounds of the leftover scraps of shitty deli meat we were gonna throw away tonight anyway." i want a reasonable smorgasbord of meats, not a fucking cow on bread.

obama was probably responsible for this, somehow. ill think of a way.

>> No.9200211

boarda the place up.

>> No.9200212

For me, it's the 'iian 'za

>> No.9200228

Nobody can prove you wrong because unless you're being ironic, you have your opinion and at the end of the day, no amount of shitposting will change that. I hope you enjoy your gay pizza, but I sure wouldn't.

>> No.9200280

uhh ill take one borda mini burguer frango 'za, and 1 large diet 'dah.

>> No.9200327


>> No.9200329


It is the current generation's version of skub.

>> No.9201599

What is that even supposed to mean

>> No.9201667

Figures, only a filthy skubfag could enjoy pineapple on pizza.

>> No.9201675

It's shit and only liked by (man)children, presumably.

>> No.9202009

>he's a meat lover

>> No.9202039
File: 718 KB, 504x586, WhatAShitOfThingIsThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double Crust
Why though

>> No.9202061

>ham and memeapple on pizza
literally r3bbit: the 'za
back you go

>> No.9202080

Because explosions of pineapple and tomato are not combos sane people want. Special faeries with oh so different ways of thinking might pretend to like it though.

>pinapple on pizza, I'm dangerous XD. Duckface for the instagram!

>> No.9202081

I'm tempted to say that this list is absolutely correct, although I've never had Hawaiian pizza and I don't fucking know why. I love trying new things and like basically nothing bothers me but I don't know why I haven't had hawaiian pizza by now. I'm 27.

>> No.9202085

I like meat on pizza, but if you seriously order meat lovers you are a disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.9202091

Fuck that goddamn nigger Obama.
Fucking NIGGER.

>> No.9202118

No you need to be a basic human being to not gag from something as inoffensive as pineapple with some tomato sauce and bread.

>> No.9202131

sweet things do not belong on a fucking pizza

>> No.9202217

I agree, Hawaiian is the best

>> No.9202218

Tomatoes are sweet you negroid

>> No.9202231
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different people have different tastes.

>> No.9202249

But you're opinion is shit and reddit, therefore, you should occupy your shitty reddit forum. Also, cool reddit image.

>> No.9202254

not as sweet as pineapples imo

>> No.9202256 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 670x960, roll_for_your_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed a golden opportunity there, so I fixed that image of yours for you.

>> No.9202263

too close to home little aspie?

>> No.9202280


>> No.9202291

Gordon ramsay spits up food he doesn't like all the time, is he a pussy?