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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9196484 No.9196484 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get why weebs hype Japanese food so much. Pic related looks like someone took a diarrhea dump and added curry for flavoring.

A ham sandwich is what a true white man eats.

If you prefer anything else then go back to your own fucking country and enjoy it there.

>> No.9196487

le 'brown saucey food looks like poop' meme

>> No.9196493

The truth is jap food is bland as fuck.
Go to Tokyo or any city and all the kids are eating western fast food.

>> No.9196505

Kill yourself cunt.

>> No.9196508

Western fast food in Japan is completely different.

KFC Japan primarily uses Dark Chicken Meat rather than White Chicken Meat like in America.

Also, the Japanese Beef Rice Bowl or Noodles are better representations of the Japanese fast food than Curry Rice.

>> No.9197241
File: 398 KB, 500x252, heathers+28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a food xenophobe

>> No.9197249

Actual japanese food that isn't sushi/fish based in general is pretty trash

Korean food on the other hand, that's good shit

>> No.9197334

Funny I was actually thinking the opposite.

When I was in Seoul I was pretty disappointed by the cooking in general.
I kindda like sushi but I hardly call that real cooking, it's good but eh, in the end it's just a good raw fish. On the other hand, lots of small food shops on the street were pretty neat.

>> No.9197364

I wonder how many times that gravy was folded

>> No.9197367

Why would you judge Korean food based on a Japanese dish? Are you going to judge swedish cuisine on their biryani or Mexican food with Taco bell?

>> No.9197371

I'm guessing you fuck up pretty bad on standardized tests

>> No.9197375

One-uh mirrion time!!!!!

>> No.9197384

Better than you Tyrone

>> No.9197385

I'm guessing you've never been to Japan. The food there is generally excellent. They're fussy about ingredient quality and aesthetics the same way the French are. I've been to a lot of places, and Tokyo is one of my favorite places to eat.

>> No.9197405

That's nice. I'll have fries with that

>> No.9197422

Messed up my message. I wanted to write "when I was in Tokyo, on the other hand, etc..."

>> No.9197425

why not both

looks like lunch and dinner to me

>> No.9198463
File: 108 KB, 250x337, steamworkshop_guide_1428079456_guide_branding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that it doesn't

>> No.9198493


>> No.9198688

I don't know. Katsu is pretty good.