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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 710x473, 22-okja-lede.w710.h473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9193608 No.9193608 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat a super pig, /ck/?

>> No.9193667

Is it tasty?
I'd try it, do a little research, make sure this "miracle" pig was safe.
Ehhhh, probably still try it, but not as readily.

>> No.9193672

That's Eeyore, and he's a donkey.

>> No.9193688

Kek wtf is that, to answer your question I think i would

>> No.9193689

okja is too pure to eat

>> No.9193746

Looks like a hippo to me.

>> No.9193900

It's an Amazonian Donkeyhippopig

>> No.9193967

Doesn't have to necessary be Okja, senpai. Just a standard super pig.

>> No.9193982

lol @ you fucking white people feeling guilty over eating meat.

I hope your weak ass genetics get racemixed out of existence.

For humanity's sake.

>> No.9194000
File: 108 KB, 600x842, sopa-de-macaco-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are too good for this world desu.

I do think we'll die out, but after that all you monkeys will realise you can't run an advanced civilisation and will collapse into a dark age.

And then the Han will take over and you will know true oppression.

>> No.9194009

>I do think we'll die out

Well........ bye!

>> No.9194015

Not yet, senpai. Need at least one more world war before we go.

>> No.9194031

The only thing you've ever run was your hand over your dick jacking off to anime. Don't lump yourself in with actual productive members of society because you're so pathetic that you have to latch onto the fact that you're (((white)))

>> No.9194048

you're the first one to bring up white people and vegetarianism in this thread
I think someone's secretely a little envious of whitey and insecure in his own race...

>> No.9194051

I never claimed to be a productive member of society, anon.

Fact is that people who are neither European nor East-Asian are incapable of maintaining advanced and orderly civilisations though.

>> No.9194066

Clone the fucking mammoths already so I can eat my mammoth burger

>> No.9194071

>I think someone's secretely a little envious of whitey and insecure in his own race...


Years ago... maybe. Now we're not only taking your shit, you fucking faggots are bending over and giving it up.

That's some karma for your ass right there.

>> No.9194090

Why are you guys falling for such lazy bait?

>> No.9194093

I read that as "supper pig" at first

>> No.9194112

Probably just b8 but there's nothing wrong with feeling bad about the animal abuse and tons of wasted meat every year, it has nothing to do with genetics. Or maybe it does, since white people are more likely to be able to digest lactose which means they could be more likely to want to take care of animals and make sure they're treated properly since they can provide food without being killed. You're just ignorant if you don't know about all of the problems with modern meat production or if you think it makes you strong to be okay with animals being treated poorly.

>> No.9194125

>there's nothing wrong with feeling bad about the animal abuse and tons of wasted meat every year, it has nothing to do with genetics

Keep telling yourself that beta white fuck.

Do you really think eating meat is a problem?!?! kek pathetic.

Now go jack off to some bbc porn and cry yourself to sleep.

>> No.9194144

Because it's enjoyable to do so.

>> No.9194183

This bait post is much lower in quality than your first one, just giving some constructive feedback.

>> No.9194231

>Do you really think eating meat is a problem?!?! kek pathetic.

Why is it pathetic?

When you see pork on your plate, doesn't it just make you cry?

Think of all those poor wittle animals that died to feed you??!?!?

>> No.9195147

Good movie. Vegan propaganda but good movie.

>> No.9195257


>> No.9195280

rule 34 when

>> No.9195288

no need, it got raped in the movie.

>> No.9195292
File: 330 KB, 585x519, Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 9.29.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you eat a feminist?

>> No.9195482
File: 556 KB, 564x863, 14947928_1338145026219026_405783975535953320_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking not. Don't eat the regular ones either. Precious angels.

>> No.9195510

THAT'S what he was? I could never tell what that fat fuck was when I was a kid.

>> No.9195637

That looks like some kind of bunny hippo you'd see on Avatar: TLA

>> No.9195983

They become big and ugly, though.

>> No.9196621

Fuck I bet that looks good in my pan.

>> No.9196827

>cooking a suckling pig in a pan
Why are you here?
Seriously though the meat industry is fucked up. If you're going to eat meat, find a local farm to buy from that at least treats their animals decently

>> No.9196833

>Implying a world without white people would get anywhere or survive
Well........ bye!

>> No.9198671

>that adorably PINCC snout