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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9193275 No.9193275 [Reply] [Original]

First of all, it's a great value. You can order a hot dog and a drink for $1.50 - that's it. And considering how large the hot dog is, it's definitely an outrageous deal.

But a deal alone isn't enough to sway most. The expectations are understandably low for a Costco meal. But on that first bite, it's abundantly clear that this is no run-of-the-mill hot dog.

I might have found the best hot dog in America — and it's not where you'd expect
Hollis Johnson May 29, 2016, 12:14 PM ET
Costco Food 11
Hollis Johnson
Thousands of Americans will be putting chairs in the backyard and firing up the grill for Memorial Day weekend.

Plumes of savory smoke will surely dot the nation - and many will be heading to a warehouse store like Costco to buy barbecue and party supplies in bulk beforehand.

Racks of ribs and five-pound packs of hot dogs will be flying off the shelves in a celebratory bulk-buying frenzy.

>> No.9193281

Yet so many shopping for dogs to grill themselves will breeze right past perhaps the best hot dogs in the country: Costco's.

I'm no hot-dog connoisseur, but of all I've tried in my life thus far, Costco's is the best yet.

How is the nation's best hot dog from such a bare-bones place as the Costco cafeteria?

First of all, it's a great value. You can order a hot dog and a drink for $1.50 - that's it. And considering how large the hot dog is, it's definitely an outrageous deal.

But a deal alone isn't enough to sway most. The expectations are understandably low for a Costco meal. But on that first bite, it's abundantly clear that this is no run-of-the-mill hot dog.

The dog is unexpectedly flavorful. Gone is the bland, hollow taste of the average hot dog; instead, a delightful smoky taste pervades, similar to a kielbasa sausage but not as fatty or rich. There's a slight charred taste to it that isn't overpowering. It's juicy, and there's a satisfying snap with every bite.

This is not the lifeless frankfurter that one microwaves for 30 seconds before chopping up and throwing in some ill-conceived mac-and-cheese dinner. Nay - this dog has vitality. The condiments aren't needed to mask the soul-crushing saltiness that they normally would, but simply to compliment the already delicious hot dog.

Speaking of condiments: Ketchup, mustard, relish, onions, and sauerkraut - if you're into that - are all at your disposal at Costco's commissary. Such freedom is truly a national treasure worthy of our patronage.

>> No.9193284

Fuck you nigger

>> No.9193361

fuck off costco

>> No.9193370

a real fucking marketer could come in here and pull the same shit and nobody would notice because it would seem like a joke, just MUH BOARD CULTURE

>> No.9193385

I cancelled my Costco membership today and joined Sam's due specifically to all the shilling fucking up this board. Tbf, they did refund the full membership cost although I had used it for 8 months. Feels good man.

>> No.9193997

>t. Sams Club shill
Honestly no meming the only person this mad would be an ACTUAL shill

>> No.9194027

>Business Insider

>> No.9194078

>8 costco shill threads everyday on /ck/
>0 sam's shill threads in the last 6 months
>anon cancels his membership and joins sam's because he is pissed they're fucking up the board
>omfg when is this guy going to stop saturating our board with his sam shilling? It's out of hand! What a shill!
