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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9191276 No.9191276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Poop? What does your poop look like? Mine is number four what does your poop look like?

>> No.9191302

I'm at 6/7 the past day or so.

Had a migraine and the meds I take for it give me weird shits for a few days.

>> No.9191311

I frequently alternate between 5 and 7 but that's because I've been drinking myself to death for the last 12 years

>> No.9191316

Yeah same here

>> No.9191323

4, 2 when I'm anxious

>> No.9191425
File: 350 KB, 672x1005, Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally I can repost my creation

>> No.9191586

my poop is always green, solid, but wet, and no matter how hard I wipe it never goes away

not sure what that means but I hope I'm not dying

>> No.9191590

A mix of type 6 and type 2/1. Today I had both for no reason that I can explain.

>> No.9191600

Normally my first poop of the day is a solid type 2

Maybe an hour or 2 later a type 6 or 7 comes out.

I think the type 2 acts like a cork holding in the 6 or 7 that follows.

>> No.9191614

You only take the meds as you get one? I had a migraine a while ago and had diarrhea for 2 days after, I don't take anything and not sure why it happens but it's apparently not uncommon for that to happen.

>> No.9191707

Which is healthiest? I vary between 4 and 5

>> No.9191736

Now this is the type of content I like to see. Back on topic, my poo poo has been 5/6 today. I shouldn't eat candy, but it's my treat.

>> No.9191746

well they're barbiturate stimulants, so not really something you wanna be taking all the time.

>> No.9191765
File: 195 KB, 800x1002, indian food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you steal an image of indian food and rename it to something so insulting?!

>> No.9191772

mostly 2 or 3, some times 5 between them
7 haven't happened in a while in shit form but whenever i forget that i shouldn't push my shit hard i can literally feel a lot of blood coming about
probably some wound that is never fixing itself, hope it kills me soon

>> No.9191778

>barbiturate stimulants

>> No.9191783

> I think the type 2 acts like a cork holding in the 6 or 7 that follows.

That's my theory also.

>> No.9191786

looked like 5 and 6 today because ive been drinking but normally it looks like a 4

>> No.9191825

Yeah butalbitol and caffeine retard.

>> No.9191868

Women are so gross.

>> No.9191899

Ah yeah I know that can cause problems, and I usually don't have any stomach issues with my migraines, just the last one.

>> No.9191911

Butalbital is a barbiturate and caffeine is a stimulant, neither is a barbiturate stimulant babe

>> No.9191919

t. pedant

>> No.9191920

Only ever 1, 2, or 3 and never hard or painful to pass. My dumps are always quick and without the need for wiping ever. I still wipe once just to make sure but there is only ever perfectly dry anus to greet me back there. I defecate exactly only once per day between 5:15 and 5:20 AM GMT. My shits are also an optimal healthy weight of no more than 500 g, with a rich deep brown color every time.

>> No.9191933

It's ok to be wrong, you're a woman so you're used to it

>> No.9192069

That could be bowel impaction. What's your diet like? How light or dark is your urine?

>> No.9192087

I spent years perfecting my technique where I flex a bunch of muscles I do not know
All in all, I poop until it's 3/4th out of my anus, do my technique and it goes all back in.
It feels very good. I do have a hemorroid because of it but I don't care.
I don't want a dirty penis inside of me, so stimulating anal with my feces suffices.
I do this for a good 3 pumps, around the 4th it splits apart and I must push it all out.
Usually results in feces stuck between my cheeks so it's a bit of a pain to either wait and wiggle for it to detach, scrape it off or wipe it off with tp.
No matter. It is a good past time for the bathroom visits.

>> No.9192103
File: 215 KB, 500x1375, revised bristol stool chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the revised version
I'm disappointed.

>> No.9192138

Normal shits, so mainly 3 or 4

>> No.9192165 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170709_102016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I dying, guys?

>> No.9192189


>> No.9192206

What a fucking shitpost

>> No.9192221


>> No.9192288

>tfw I took a massive black type 2 in a public sink back in high school

My ass was never the same.

>> No.9192333

Green shits are caused by too many sweets in your meals
Check the high glycemic index for non sugary foods
It should not take more than a few days to clear that up for me never more than two
a healthy feces should be tan or light brown shaped like a bannana which floats

>> No.9192338

Deep rich brown is a sign of too much salt and or animal products

>> No.9193026

Type 4 with the diameter of type 3

>> No.9193035


Ranges from 1 to 6. I fucking hate my guts.

>> No.9193040

Same here, but I'm tapering off. Enough is fucking enough, I'm going to start using my money for better quality food and weed.

>> No.9193044

I take a shit every 3 days because I only eat 700 calories a day.

Looks like #6.

>> No.9193048


Same here but I shit about 6 times a day.

>> No.9193085

After a can of fresh /sip/ usually type 7, I guess my body goes into turbodrive and doesnt have the time to solidify the stuff it has digested yet.

>> No.9193140

Most of the time floating type 2/3 but of course I go across the entire spectrum on occasion.

>> No.9193207

>posting this on /ck/

Poop isn't food, anon.

>> No.9193217

I had type 1 and 5 for a few months. Was annoying. I was shitting like a goat.

>> No.9193221

But how can Americans shart in the mart if our poops are so hard?

>> No.9193237

Somewhere between 6/7.

I literally have to take a shower when I'm done to get it all off.

>> No.9193241

I leave little rabbit poops all over the store just plopping as I get my crisps and sweets

>> No.9193243



>> No.9193245

I go to #1 during sustained periods of stress.

Most of the time tho I'm a #4

>> No.9193283


>> No.9193294

kek I like how the Mexican/third world is a Cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell