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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 340x346, 3d_hdic_14oz_vanilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9180134 No.9180134 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that if you defrost your ice cream for 10 seconds in the microwave, you will end up with a gooified mess that is going to be just a solid chunk of ice full of liquid-filled pockets like Swiss cheese, due to the fact that microwaves heat unevenly.

You're much better off eating the ice cream at freezer temperature, which allows it to defrost and melt in your stomach, giving you the full experience of tasting both the solid and the liquid form of the dessert, which is how patricians like myself, who understand the chemistry of phase changing foods, enjoy it with a cup of wine by th' fire, m'lady.

>> No.9180147

>cup of wine, m'lady

That's a cringier way of saying "get on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur."

>> No.9180153
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Not me, I have a Panasonic Cyclonic Wave Microwave Oven with Inverter Technology™

>> No.9180158

You could at least try be original and change the picture to a different flavour with each new thread created

>> No.9180332

Haagen Dasz is pleb tier. Fight me.

>> No.9180339

which ice cream is good tier then?

>> No.9180343

I bet you'd like to know.

>> No.9180693

that's your first problem

>> No.9180898

Fuck off back to /b/

>> No.9180905

That's because you're eating Häagen-Dazs. If you buy good ice cream this isn't a problem, it comes perfect straight from the freezer. Fucking pleb.

>> No.9180998

what are you some kind of nazi?

>> No.9181049
File: 30 KB, 600x611, howaboutno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Häagen-Dazs isn't the best commercial icecream around

I'll have my icecream without any anti-freeze, thank you.

>> No.9181074

Haagen-Dazs has the perfect texture but too much sugar.

>> No.9181153

Its commercial ice cream, what else are you expecting?

If you want less sugar then do what is ultimately better than Häagen-Dazs and make your own icecream with whole cream.

The only thing that beats Häagen-Dazs is home made fresh ice cream. That way you have far more control on what goes into it.

The issue with other brands of icecream are all the additives, and binding agents they put in. I personally avoid Häagen-Dazs icecream with corn syrup as those are generally the worst ice creams of their line up.

It is a shame that other brands of ice cream don't try and beat Häagen-Dazs at their own game. The game of simplicity and (relatively)wholesome ingredient founded on cream. Until then I avoid other brands like the plague. Makes the decision to have or not to have ice cream a very easy decision.

>> No.9181183

Talenti blows haagendazs out of the water. The great thing is ever since halo top became the meme ice-cream talent has gotten cheaper

>> No.9181230

>corn syrup, dextrose

I'll pass, while it isn't in all of their products I'm not much of sorbet person anyway. They usually put corn syrup or dextrose in there no matter the brand.

>> No.9181257
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>not living in an area with a gelateria that makes fresh ice cream everyday and is 100 times better than any store bought crap

>> No.9181259

Talenti is primarily gelato although they do make some sorbetto.
Also their is a reason many of these companies use additives like corn syrup and carrageenan. It makes for an objectively better product.

>> No.9181530

>You're much better off eating the ice cream at freezer temperature, which allows it to defrost and melt in your stomach, giving you the full experience of tasting both the solid and the liquid form of the dessert, which is how patricians like myself, who understand the chemistry of phase changing foods

so you swallow your ice cream whole without letting it melt in your mouth?
so much for your "phase change"

>> No.9181597

Sorry, not available in my area

>> No.9181640

Keep the ice cream carton in a ziplock bag if you want it soft

>> No.9181654

The reason people nuke their ice cream has more to do with the inadequate tools at hand to dish out rock solid hard ice cream, than any perceived ideal temperatures.
If you have shit bendy flatware and you attempt to use that crappy soup spoon to serve ice cream you get frustrated. If you didn't invest in a real ice cream scoop or spade and instead use some horrible portioning wal-mart/dollar store thing that looks like an ice cream scoop, you also will blame your ice cream. i'm also convinced people actually buy brands like Edys because they don't struggle to get it out of the carton, what with all that air and fillers in there.

>> No.9181834

Are you really this mad

>> No.9182109

I don't know. Are you?

>> No.9182126

Fuck you and fuck this thread again

>> No.9182135

>microwaving ice cream makes it "a solid chunk of ice full of liquid-filled pockets like Swiss cheese"

What the fuck? No, it does not. The entire contents of the carton will soften pretty evenly, and it will be so even that you won't even notice if you own a microwave made later than 1980 that has a rotating plate.

>> No.9182214

Because it's not worth it, haagen dazs is dense 'simple' ice cream, if somebody like breyers tried to break into that niche then they would lose money as people wouldn't pay $3.50 for a pint of breyers let alone $5-6 no matter how luscious it was.

>> No.9182219

Talenti isn't even ice cream and their pistachio tastes like ass.

>> No.9182292

Then Häagen-Dazs is going to continue to dominate in the circle of simple and clean ice cream. Which means they have filled a niche and are considered by some to be a more luxury kind of ice cream than the more common and cheaper ice creams out there in the market.

Heck, Breyers doesn't even use milk in some of their ice cream. Just like how Dairy Queen uses Soy for their soft serve ice cream cones rather than actual dairy. They should just rename to Soy Queen if they wanted to be honest about their products. Although to be fair to Breyers some of those products are not called ice cream but merely 'frozen desert' or similar names.

>> No.9182303

>Ice cream
Hello poorfag

>> No.9182346

Breyers used to be known for milk sugar cream and vanilla but they've fallen far.

>> No.9182388

There are niche brands in my country that sell 500ml tubs for $15+ and they do OK.

>> No.9182434

What country?

>> No.9183754
File: 535 KB, 1027x768, ice cream gelato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, if you defrost most supermarket brands of ice cream, you'll end up with a disgusting gooey mess of hfcs, binders and carrageenan products mixed with the federally mandated minimum of 4% milk fat to be still considered "ice cream" in the united states.

if your ice cream comes in sizes larger than 1 pint, it's shit.

>> No.9183766

If you're gonna spout shit at least be correct
10% milk fat and a maximum of 100% overrun(50% air) and 10% non fat dairy solids is the bare 'minimum' for being federally regarded as ice cream.

>> No.9183793

>not making your own fuckin ice cream
Seriously guys, I made some yesterday, and don't bitch at me because this is technically a custard, cause it's fuckin good.
3 cups half and half
1 cup heavy cream
8 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
Generous pinch of salt
Real vanilla
Other flavor additives if your a scrublord that needs chocolate on every damn thing (although I am partial to some sugared strawberries on top)
Mix together your dairy and put it in a saucepan over medium low heat, stirring for about 6-8 minutes. Whisk together your egg yolks with the sugar and salt, then scrape your bean and add that to the mixture, throw the pod in the pot with the cream. When the cream is done, temper it with the eggs. Heat that on medium low for 6 minutes, whisking constantly. Pour into bowl and let cool, then put it in the fridge overnight. All you gotta do then is run it through your ice cream maker, and your fuckin gold. Top with whatever you want. (Again, the strawberries are great)

>> No.9183894

Yeah no I only eat tillamook and homemade shit

>> No.9184251

Do yourself a favor and add soluble coffee to your milk when making the custard. Best coffee ice cream you'll ever have

>> No.9184276
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>their is a reason many of these companies use additives like corn syrup and carrageenan.
>It makes for an objectively better product

>"It makes for an objectively better product"

get off of our board, trash ass motherfucker

>> No.9184455
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 95798381_XS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is soluble coffee instant coffee?

>> No.9184464

>Burgers unironically microwave their icecream before eating it

First time I've heard of this one but I fully believe it

>> No.9184481

I've been a burger well my life and I've never heard of this being a normal thing. Maybe it's just common in white trash inbreed areas?