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9175460 No.9175460[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it only wh*te people that do this?

>> No.9175465

still trying to figure it out myself. It doesn't taste great

>> No.9175486

I do it and im japanese

>> No.9175489

Soy sauce, white rice, fried egg. The quintessential food every single guy eats at the end of the month.

>> No.9175492

Everybody does this in Hawaii. It's good.

Then again, I remember a (white) girl back in high school talking about how good butter and shoyu is mixed with white rice and everyone thought she was crazy for adding butter. Go figure; different places have different food cultures.

Gonna go gear up the rice cooker now.

>> No.9175508

the packets of soy sauce they give you at "chinese" places are 100000000x better than the shit in those bottles

>> No.9175510
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Why is it only As*an people that do this?

>> No.9175518

youre right desu

first time i played at a white friends house and he just straight got rice and poured soy sauce onto it

now i do it but i dont do it without a bit of sesame oil and a fried egg.

>> No.9175522

I have ascended beyond the soy sauce rice of the Proletariat and only eat my rice with fine Tuscan olive oil.

>> No.9175623

Vietnamese here we do it too

>> No.9175678
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Why is it that only as*n people do this?

>> No.9175683

They don't?

>> No.9175697

Nice I like it, I do the same thing when it's late and I want a snack. Do Malaysians use kecap manis or is that only an indonesian thing?

>> No.9175888

White people invented genocide and torture. They did it for basically the entire existence of Europe as a thing.

There were just a few Asian guys who were good at it in living memory

>> No.9175895

Life is cheap. Our western culture is so insulated from death that it's seen as an oddity, and by extrapolation more have depression and anxiety because of a lack of perspective when it comes to hard philosophical matters.

>> No.9175926

You're fucking retarded if you think the daily genocide in Africa and the rest of the third world is a new development.
Just sign your organ donor card and blow your brains out if life's so cheap

I'm not white and I love soy sauce on rice.

>> No.9176072

It's caused by a subliminal desire to be blacked.

>> No.9176076

>White people invented genocide and torture
Did the purple haired teacher tell you this?

>> No.9176083

>Just sign your organ donor card and blow your brains out if life's so cheap

Your argument made literally zero sense in the framework of this discussion. Kindly fuck off, and never respond to me or my wife's son again.

>> No.9176092
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>> No.9176093

>wife's son
My condolences on your cucking.

>> No.9176117



>> No.9176190

>kecap manis
Yeah, we use the same thing. At least, I do. We also have kicap masin so I guess it depends on ones' taste.

>> No.9176218

because white rice tastes like nothing

>> No.9176247

You don't pour soy sauce directly onto the rice. You pour it on the food, which will then drip down to the rice.

>> No.9176251


ok, if were gonna talk about eating dog, do it right.

its not ALL asian people, its in fact specifically chinese people.

and even more specific, they do not eat dog int he big cities. the only people who eat dog are in the "country" so to speak. in comprison, it is the really poor trashy live out in the middle of nowhere people in chin that eat dog.

i actually plan on going to the dog festival in gonzchou as soon as im off probation. gonna eat me some pups.

>> No.9176684

Reduced salt soy sauce spotted. Or should that be reduced flavour

>> No.9176695

they eat dog in korea, vietnam, the phillipines, and elsewhere.

>> No.9176696
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>> No.9176703

"they" being a small minority of people, it's like saying "they" eat rabbit in murrica. sure, some people do, but it's not like you're going to walk into a random restaurant and see rabbit on the menu. people who want to eat dog, go to a restaurant that does dog

also, if you're ok with eating meat, you have to be ok with eating dog. it amuses me that people don't even blink at eating bluefin tuna, a critically endangered species, but muh fee-fees get gigatriggered because some people choose to have dogs as pets

p.s. dogs are the preferred pet of the morally bankrupt. people only like them because you can beat and abuse them and they don't fight back. decent people have cats, which are dignified clean animals that don't take shit from assholes. you can tell if someone's a shit head if cats don't like them