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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 622x420, triangle vs rectangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9169379 No.9169379 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate

>> No.9169386

It's harder to estimate halves on a diagonal cut leading to more uneven sandwich portions.
The vertical cut leads to more even portions, but doesn't look as good

>> No.9169387

Left, this has been settled ages ago. Inb4 some virtue signaling retard going

>> No.9169398

Right cut off crust if it's shit and put 4 tightly packed in a box. Keep crust if it is good bread.

>> No.9169404

Diagonal, always. It's not only more pleasant to look at, but it also is nicer to eat, because it gives you a better crust to center ratio, so every bite is a good bite.

>> No.9169406
File: 7 KB, 546x500, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that this is the right answer.

>> No.9169408

Eating bread? Only libtard nu-male fucking children do that. Grow up, holy shit. Real men eat steak and eggs.

>> No.9169410

Ron please

>> No.9169412

now your making me want to break out my sandwich maker machine that cuts it perfectly diagonally and seals the edges.but i don't have any ham n cheese though.

>> No.9169415

>steak and eggs
You forgot the bacon
I also put some bacon aioli (mayo made with filtered bacon grease and garlic) and beer battered twice fried potatoes with bacon bits on it

>> No.9169417

The only sandwiches that should have the crusts cut off are tea sandwiches (cucumber, tomato, watercress, etc), and grilled cheese or grilled peanut butter sandwiches. If you've never made grilled cheese with the crust cut off before grilling, I highly recommend it, it makes a huge difference.

>> No.9169425

>Real men eat steak and eggs.

Soooo... basically not american men anymore.

>> No.9169429
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>> No.9169498

>cutting crusts off sandwiches

That's only done by brit and 'murrican snooty, dried up old husks of women with a corncob permanently stuck up their ass.

>> No.9169509

Most diners in America still serve steak and eggs.

>> No.9169528

That and children. Or adults catering to their spoiled children.

>> No.9169533

i always cut my horizontal never seen anyone do vertical that's weird af

>> No.9169594

>not just dipping bread in mayo and blending your meat into a paste and drinking it

>> No.9169625

You are a cuck

>> No.9169918
File: 84 KB, 640x853, ROGO6Jk_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radial thirds you fucking uncultured, tribal niggers

>> No.9169990

I though I was the only one. Well done, friendo.

>> No.9169994

That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of dumb shit.

>> No.9169995

honestly, i used to go for straight up but diagonal is just prettier, no more effort so i go diagonal now.
>cutting the crust off
12 year olds should now be online.
also crust is where the taste is at.

>> No.9170002

>And I've seen a lot of dumb shit.
Congrats? Your life sucks.

>> No.9170024
File: 12 KB, 724x420, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not slicing your sarnies on a bevel

>> No.9170026
File: 84 KB, 640x427, 1499972106629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea...

>> No.9170035

Someone's getting the short shrift on that top piece, faggot.

>> No.9170040


>> No.9170042

>leave /ck/ because of retarded /pol/ posters taking over
>come back and this is the first reply I actually take notice of

See ya.

>> No.9170044

Beveled zig-zag is the correct way to do it.

>> No.9170068
File: 74 KB, 1000x750, o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only subs get cut in half

>> No.9170194

Ya'll some dumb bastards. I mean, crusts are great, but there's legit times when certain sandwiches are better without. Just save your damn crusts for breadcrumbs later like normal people, you don't have to waste them.

>> No.9170237

Neither of those cuts are horizontal you unimaginably retarded mongrel of a human being.

>> No.9170254

>he saves the old crusts from bread

What is this, the fucking Depression? Do you also keep sawdust in a tin to stretch out your coffee grounds?

>> No.9170262
File: 29 KB, 600x450, 1433514203647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The look on "pikachu's" face says it all.

>> No.9170280

>retarded mongrel of a human being
learn english dumby

>> No.9170288

Without using your face or hand gestures, can you please attempt to articulate what about that sentence you believe is grammatically incorrect.

>> No.9170290

love how 5 people fell for this blatantly obvious bait

shows the state of this website

>> No.9170299

If you think this is new you're just thinking of the past with nostalgia goggles, there's a reason the phrase "lurk more" was used

>> No.9170302

can't help the clinically retarded sorry

>> No.9170346

Correct o mundo

>> No.9170679
File: 131 KB, 640x853, 1500067338840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cannot unsee

>> No.9170777

I don't get it.

>> No.9170789

This is the actual cut used in restaurant plating so yes

>> No.9170794


He thinks it looks like a ladies bum

Top cut is her panties, bottom cuts are her thighs

>> No.9170799

Yep. Maybe my mind is off lately. I think seeing asses in sandwiches might be some sort of sign.

>> No.9170808
File: 6 KB, 261x193, 1491115246625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you want little sandwiches instead of a big one? What a fucking waste of food, dumb libtards wasting food just to make it look "pretty".

>> No.9170859

Opa amigo, errou

>> No.9170900
File: 46 KB, 622x420, child or adult cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which one do you prefer /ck/? There's truly only one right answer.

>> No.9171561

You have the adult and child labels mixed up, friend

>> No.9172274

The labels look fine to me buddy.

>> No.9172285

Always diagonal.

>> No.9172288

Younare wrong, son. Also being 20 doesnt make you an adult.

>> No.9172290

it depends on the sandwich filling.

>> No.9172297

This is the only correct answer in the thread.

>> No.9172323

children need 4 pieces in their sandwich, adults only need 2 pieces.

>> No.9172341

>these replies
did you faggots not see >>9169387 or are you just being retarded on purpose

>> No.9172350

>Slice in half.
>NEVER slice in an angle
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9172353

I saw it too anon

>> No.9172358
File: 2.10 MB, 1992x732, mylunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this last weak with pic related.

The diagonal method is great because after the first corner bite (which is easier to get in your mouth), it becomes much easier to hold in your hands.

The straight method is subpar.

>> No.9172369


Did anyone notice how Gordon Ramsay has no clue when it comes to simple homely food?

Like, he's great at some super posh dish but don't expect him to just prepare a simple chip butty without fucking it all up.

Even his daughter said it.

>> No.9172428


Barbarous nigger detected

>> No.9172434


You're assuming it's being shared

>> No.9172784

I'm not you buddy, pal

>> No.9172786

>virtue signaling
u wot

>> No.9172836


>> No.9173143
File: 76 KB, 198x208, dNGjxpB[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bread is an abomination

>> No.9173149

what did you put with your eggs? It looks like it'd be good.

>> No.9173158



>> No.9173233

>what did you put with your eggs?

>> No.9173258

>libtards waste food by cutting it
Real murricans swallow their food whole

>> No.9173320
File: 50 KB, 657x527, 1497405007079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cutting it to look like fidget spinner

>> No.9173376

Cutting sliced bread diagonally is bourgeois excess.

>> No.9173627


It's just run off the mill whole wheat bread.


Just potato slices, egg, salt and pepper. Fry the potatoes until golden and crispy (this is the hardest part, if you're not used to pan frying potato slices, chances are you're going to get them soft but not crispy). Season with salt and pepper and crack in the eggs, crack the yolk, but don't stir them in. Let them coat the bottom of the pan and essentially glue the potatoes together. Then flip the whole thing upside down to cook the top and serve in bread.

I added some ketchup.

>> No.9173729

Obviously triangles are a true americans preference, they symbolize folded flags of a true patriot.

>> No.9173738

>Not creating a working fidget spinner sandwhich
>Not spinning it and eating it at the same time
Fucking mongrels

>> No.9173743

muh bro. I had that for lunch an hour ago. #JJ4life

>> No.9174258

bruh you need a wank

>> No.9174379


is this porn? if so SAUCE RIGHT NOW

>> No.9175427

>be on 4chan
>not assuming everyone is a faggot and/or retard

ur on the wrong site anon

>> No.9175435

>not having mommy cut your sammichs into perfect hearts every time

>> No.9175453

Triangles are easier to put into bags than squares. Diagonal wins.

>> No.9175662

Crusts off, no other cuts made

>> No.9176222

>not using a laser level to create a perfect corner-to-corner cut.

>> No.9176263

I like how you think.

>> No.9176285
File: 50 KB, 400x300, fagsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Straight for in the lunch box.
>Diagonal to make it look somewhat fancy.
>Cut up in tiny pieces so it can be eaten with a fork.
There are people who do this. Preferably without crust too.

I don't like to be around these kind of people.

>> No.9176875

This and only this

>> No.9176892

you make a good point

>> No.9178008

Sir, you just changed my life.

>> No.9178433

You seem strangely proud of wasting food.

>> No.9178450

cutting sandwiches is for small children

>> No.9179067



>> No.9179145

The 9 is a greasy piece of shit.

>> No.9180178

Yeah, it's so good though. I get mine with hot peppers instead of tomatoes.

>> No.9180225

How often do you share a single fucking sandwich?

>> No.9180251

>the great autistic rage

>> No.9182198


>> No.9182270

There is literally nothing wrong with cutting food up to eat it with a fork instead of your hands.

>> No.9182286

Food? sure.

A sandwich? That's just silly. The whole point of a sandwich is so you can eat it with your hands.

>> No.9182354

>eat sandwich with fork
>takes out the crust
Little faggot

>> No.9182546

I don't get it

>> No.9183085
File: 21 KB, 300x300, e1e2976c7840de9bd08c37cb3d617625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making a bundt-bread sandwich

>> No.9183450

If your mom didn't cut your sangies diagonally as a kid I've got some bad news for you...she never loved you.

>> No.9183468

I appreciate your illustration

>> No.9183477
File: 29 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just changed my world, hombre

>> No.9183483

cutting diagonally is for retards