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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9167962 No.9167962 [Reply] [Original]

How often does /ck/ poop?

For me it's every 2.3 days based on my poop log.
Going by acceptable volume it'd be roughly 3-4 days instead.

>> No.9167965

Twice a day, at 3000kcal a day.
I don't know how much I shit the first time but the second time is still a good 600-700g
Bulking sucks desu

>> No.9167969

How do you shit so much? I tried eating 1kg of broccoli + 4L of water a day for a week but I still only go every 3 days.

>> No.9167981

Been on 1000 kcal for a while now. I poop every 4-5 days.

>> No.9167986

I don't really know, my diet is very high in protein even without shakes. A standard breakfast for me is a large bowl of porridge with a dash of cinnamon, a diced banana and some peanut butter.
It could just be your metabolism. I used to hav diarrhoea 6 times a day and my stomach would feel like shit for the rest of the day, then I took 12 immodium tablets over the course of four days and now I shit massive logs twice a day. Not even doctors knew what happened.

>> No.9167987

every day of course
what is wrong with you?

>> No.9168016

Jesus, I feel like a freak. At least twice, often thrice.

I shit in the morning after jogging (about 6AM), mid-afternoon, and then often in the evening.

I skip breakfast but have coffee and I don't eat after 8PM every night (lunch at 12PM).

I'm pretty fit - 6" 80kg - and apart from eating some junk food on the weekends, my diet is home-made vego food.

>> No.9168018

>anti bloat foods
what the fuck am I reading they literally start fermenting in your intestine, there is no greater bloating food. if you eat apples to somehow combat bloating please, I implore you, cook them first.

>> No.9168028

Usually once, eating only whole plant foods.

>> No.9168035

every day.

>> No.9168040

pajet pleas leave

>> No.9168065

Just did my first shit of the day, 900 grammes.

>> No.9168098

I have colitis which I can't seem to get into remission so it's random as fuck. I usually 'shit' once a day and sometimes there's a few more shartings or low quantity diarrhea. Sometimes there's no propper shitting for many days and it's just the other stuff multiple times per day.

>> No.9168103

lmao ok no one needs to know about your clitoris, weirdo.

>> No.9168109

usually twice daily. i was blessed with a short bowel.

>> No.9168113

Once a week and only after a large meal.

>> No.9168128

Please tell me how you calculated the weight of your shit.

>> No.9168140

Weigh yourself before and after.

>> No.9168153

Thanks. Much less amusing than what I was imagining, though.

>> No.9168175

Once a day like a normal person

>> No.9168178

2 or 3 poops a day for me.
I do one when I wake up in the morning, then I have a coffee and do some housework and another poop comes. I work nightshift so I normally try to force a poop out before I have a shower and get ready for work, I really hate shitting in toilets that aren't my own toilet so I try to poop as much as possible before going out.

>> No.9168222

Usually it's just one big poop in the morning after I have a cup of coffee. If I take a fiber supplement like psyllium husk the night before it turns into a mega poop.

>> No.9168294

1 crap per day, used to be 2-3 when i ate/weighed more

>> No.9168333


Min twice a day

3 times if I eat well.

Drink more water if you're not shitting every day

>> No.9168342

Only a couple times a month I guess

I guess that means I'm eating healthy

>> No.9168361

2-3 times a day, usually the first one comes in the morning after my usual 2 cups of coffee, then the others come during the day at random times depending on how hydrated I stay. I eat a fucking trash diet and I'm pushing the limit of normal weight, but I work out semi-regularly and pretty much all I drink is water, black coffee, and alcohol.

>> No.9168391

I got you anon, for me it's probably once every 2.5 days although I don't have a poop log, also I only pee around two times a day but this can change depending on how much I drink and the mood I'm in.

>> No.9168399

Maybe 3 times a day, but small-medium poops.

>> No.9168467


You probably won't take me seriously and just laugh this off now but I hope you remember this moment when someone on the internet tried to warn you.

You're going to get cancer if you continue living like this. You might get it regardless but I can GUARANTEE it if you continue to keep waste in your body that long. Good luck anon

>> No.9168477

I literally can't poop unless it's urgent, it won't come out no matter how much I force it unless I overdose on prune juice.
I still get hungry even though I haven't shat in 3 days and am really bloated.

>> No.9168483

Once a day every morning right after the first cup of coffee

>> No.9168497


About 6 times a day famalam. Nice shits too, take a few seconds to come out and leave my asshole clean even though I wipe.

>> No.9168498


Change your lifestyle/eating habits or go see a doctor

>> No.9168513

I exercise 45 minutes a day and literally tried eating 1kg of vegetables a day + 4 liters of water

The doctor only gave me pills to improve my gut but it didn't do anything

>> No.9168528

I usually poop once or twice a day

>> No.9168536


Have you considered the fact that you're overdoing it on the veggies, and need to get some fat in your diet?

>> No.9168589

I only tried that for a week and it didn't work.
I'm on a keto diet now and still only go every 3 days

>> No.9168610
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Its a bad list, Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic. All of those cause gas for lots of people. herbal teas is vague and often have caffeine which can bloat too, depending on the person hard to digest foods like nuts carrots and (whole) flax is bad too.

The only one on here that I can say for sure do would be ginger...

Once, daily, same time. Which is normal, 3-4 days between is not. Drink more water eat more fiber.

I have that too, focus on fibers and hydration. Half of this list shouldnt be eaten by you, never eat carrots or seeds/nuts unless youre well into remission. For me maintaining high fiber after remission keeps this illness down big time. Havent had problems for years.

>> No.9168619


2-4 times a day

>> No.9168620

Was shitting a ton while in basic
Came out green sometimes.
Farts were rancid. Everyone was experiencing it too, makes me wonder what we were eating

>> No.9168644


OK well keep trying different things, don't just accept your current pattern. I genuinely hope you figure it out

>> No.9168646

How is that even possible? Even if you eat only one pound of food a day, you'd be shitting out 15 pounds, twice a month.

You need help, mate.

>> No.9168675

I shit once every day in the morning.

>> No.9170049

Dude, you probably have extremely watery shit. If your colon is working properly, it'll remove all the water from the fooe, what's left is basically nothing. Also I don't eat like an Anerican.

>> No.9170086

Once a day on average. Used to be 2-3 times a day but antidepressants have me constipated.

>> No.9170153

Usually twice a day, sometimes more but I find 3 to be annoying even if it's suppsoed to be the healthiest. Since we're including calories I average about 2000, lots of fruits/vegetables and whole grains. Fibre is amazing.

>> No.9170203

Every 2 days. Nice, soft, but solid poos. Ketofag, plenty of fiber from vegetables, seeds and avocados.

>> No.9170215

Once in the morning, sometimes once after lunch, and almost always one after dinner

>> No.9170247


About once every two to three days when I'm free and three to four times every workday.

Diagnose this shit for me.

>> No.9170258

Optimal modern bowel movements.

>> No.9170497

Do you eat one big meal a day, or lots of small meals composed of low calorie foods?

>> No.9170605
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>tfw digestive health is -100/10

any advice?

I have activia yogurt every morning but that's about the extent of my probiotics knowledge

>> No.9170610

>ONce a day is constipated

>> No.9170666

Can you explain your digestive predicament?

>> No.9171185

I shit like 5 times every day. If there's even a little bit of poop in there I scoop it out.

>> No.9171256
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I only take a shit about once every five days or so, how the hell do you fags poo so much?

>> No.9171263
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>I only take a shit about once every five days or so.

>> No.9171294

I literally drink a gallon of water a day with extra fiber pills thrown on top of my high fiber food. I only get under once every 2 days when I'm in full on alcohol mode.

>> No.9171470


Unless it's a bad day, then it's once after EVERY cup of coffee and I've chosen to drink 2+. My bowels are on a schedule now, but really it's coffee making it happen.

I used to poop once every two weeks as a kid/teen and my grandma explained how fucking bad that was. I'd hated pooping because of how long it took... because it was a week's worth of shit I was holding in. I had all sorts of gas/stomach pain/acid reflux and never put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.9171500

yeah but how did you force yourself to poop?
I only go every 3 days. No matter how much I force it won't come out until I get the diarrhea like sensation and the solid poop comes out

>> No.9171543

Once a day because I like having a normal amount of bowel movements.

>> No.9171729

We're down in it...so fuck it.
One well planned meal per day; alternate with juicing. Food intake is about nutrition...avocado, sweet potato, spinach, so on. Juicing/smoothies involves whey protein first, then water and other various juices later. The goal is nutrient intake and cleansing. No meat, pasta or bread...carbs are limited to sweet potato/brown rice, mostly. Outcome is one healthy shit a day--minimal logs. Pellets, kind of...Easily passed, no prob. The more fiber you eat the larger the shit volume--and the more bread bullshit you eat the more you get hard logs. Most people indulge on cardboard-like food that backs you up....If I had to stress one thing it would be water intake. DRINK WATER.

>> No.9171823

the only juice that makes me poop is overdosing on prune juice
I tried all these diets before and it still only comes out every 3 days

>> No.9171871
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>I only get under once every 2 days when I'm in full on alcohol mode.
>drunk every two days

>> No.9171872

Frankly I can't even imagine what having 5 days worth of shit inside you must feel like.

>> No.9171969

once a week

>> No.9172007

Kill yourself

>> No.9172011

Once sometimes twice a day, I eat high fiber cereal and have coffee in the morning for some easy clean shits

>> No.9172167

Less food more juice/water. Not prune juice though or else stand back Jack....The pipes are clogged, basically. Or add yogurt to meals on a regular basis, perhaps....

>> No.9172202

Same here
I poop every morning

>> No.9172214

He still didn't say how he subtracted the pee, which is pretty much unavoidable when pooping.

>> No.9172245
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I don't log my poop.

Should I?

>> No.9172251

Another 'doesn't poop once a day' anon here.
Varies over the months. I'd say average is 2.5 days per poop. Very rarely up to 4 days between.

I don't drink coffee, but I noticed that if I start drinking coffee in the morning (espresso shot of moka coffee), I generally poop around 3-4 hours after.

Maybe this helps poeple feels confidence in their poops.

>> No.9172260
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>> No.9172273

Eat more leafy greens and legumes. Also try flax seed.

>> No.9172467
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If I eat lots of carbs I poop every day, otherwise every 2-3 days

>> No.9172493

After each time I eat (2-3 times a day).

>> No.9172511

I don't. I shit in a bag.

>> No.9172538

>I don't. I do.
I see.

>> No.9172668

Technically it's not stool, it's unprocessed food as I don't have a colon. I don't drop log. It's like porridge.

>> No.9172691

post your bag

>> No.9172720
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I would force myself NOT to poop. I would just squeeze until the urge passed.

You gotta get a stool and put your feet on it. Look up squatting to poop and how it's way better/faster/less messy. I shit you not I drag a bathroom shelf over every day and put my feet on it at work to poop better. I don't give a fuck if people hear me drag it over too.

>> No.9172744
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>> No.9172761

post 'your' bag

>> No.9172851

everyday I wake up with blasting shits. I think I have a stomach problem