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9161600 No.9161600 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.9161607

First one is false, other two are true

>> No.9161610

somewhat, but it's better to avoid pretty much all pasta and bread

brown sugar is certainly not healthier than regular sugar though

>> No.9161624


Brown sugar is sugar and sugar is not good for you at all.

Brown rice does not interest me.

I already eat decent bread, not white bread.

>> No.9161628

>not satire

>> No.9161639

Parboiled white rice that most people are eating offers more bioavailable micronutrients than brown. The resistant starch of parboiled white also causes less of an insulin spike.

>> No.9161649


But actually coconut sugar sucks. Brown rice and whole wheat bread are healthier.

>> No.9161662

Well, brown sugar and whole wheat bread do taste better than white sugar and white bread. White rice definitely tastes better than brown rice though.

>> No.9161676

Brown sugar is just barely healthier because it has slightly more nutrients in it, but it's not "healthy" if you're eating too much sugar in general, and it's not unhealthy in moderation.

Some brown breads can have a lot of sugar in them. The package will say "whole grains! fiber!" but each slice of bread will have a teaspoon of sugar in it. While not necessarily unhealthy it's something a lot of people aren't aware of.

It's all about balancing your diet though, you don't need to eat brown rice and brown bread all the time to be healthy. If you have white rice or white bread maybe just have a bit more vegetables with your food to make up for the lower amount of fiber and nutrients.

>Parboiled white rice that most people are eating offers more bioavailable micronutrients than brown.
Is that because it's usually enriched? I think brown rice would still be perfectly fine if you have a good diet, and it has fiber. Plus I think brown rice just tastes better and has a better texture than white rice.

>> No.9161687

>White rice definitely tastes better than brown rice though.
I really dislike white rice. Brown rice almost reminds me of fish eggs how they kind of pop when you chew them, I really like that texture. And it has a nuttier, deeper flavor that isn't just starchy.

>> No.9161695

Is the brown powder ground dates?

>> No.9161716

Please delete this. My wife switched from white to brown if you know what I mean, after we got married and now I have to raise a whole wheat kid if you know what I mean.

>> No.9161736

Probably just regular brown sugar

>> No.9161858

Back to the desert achmed

>> No.9161879

White people eat date sugar now.

>> No.9161974

At least it's not a gluten free kid

>> No.9161985

What >>9161610 said
Sugar is sugar, but changing white rice to brown and white bread for whole grain bread is very good

>> No.9161994

brown rice and whole wheat bread have higher fiber content so vaguely true. also people who act like brown rice is some great health product are retards. whole wheat has more protein, fiber, and micronutrients than brown rice per calorie

>> No.9162011
File: 95 KB, 470x377, TheHealthiestFastFoodSandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9162036

"3 McChickens a day keeps the doctor away" is my motto.

>> No.9162241

that brown bread looks boring though
Good brown bread seems harder to find but if you can find some like 14 grains one which you actually see piece of grain in the bread, I find those are the best.

>> No.9162255

this is literally and unironically true

>> No.9162269
File: 555 KB, 2048x1365, 12recipehealth-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dietician friend with an actual doctorate in the field says the simplest way to eat healthy without putting any though into it is to eat a colorful array of low to non-processed foods throughout the day. Basically, veggies, fruits, whole grains, and meats. Green, purple and brown in particular tend to be found in a lot of nutrient-rich foods, apparent. I gave him a "Thanks, Doc" for pounding that advice into me repeatedly.

>> No.9162275

all sugar is unhealthy

>> No.9162280

Is the problem with white rice that it causes an insulin spike?
I don't eat bread, pastas, and I avoid sweets. But I do cook a lot of white rice.
It's cheap, filling, and isn't much effort.
I grew up eating unwashed, undercooked brown rice and it just reminds me of my mom's cooking (which was terrible).

I just don't see how it's significantly better enough for the change to be meaningful.

>> No.9163730

This is true

>> No.9163743

Thanks doc

>> No.9163767

Only way for brown rice to taste good is if you buy those expensive rice cookers that were designed to perfectly cook brown rice.

Also, fiber helps control the digestion of sugar.

>> No.9163774

Is there any way to make brown rice good though?

Every single time I try and make brown rice it never tastes very good. It takes like double the time to make it too, which is ridiculous. No matter how I've made it, tried it, had it, it's never that good, it's fine, but not worth the effort.

>> No.9163812
File: 2.54 MB, 485x300, Time for goy money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a doctor ad i approve this

>> No.9163843

Eat less

>> No.9164057

Is all sugar, de difference in all three is basically insignificant

>> No.9164063


>> No.9164066
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>> No.9164069

>Is there any way to make brown rice good though?

Personally I like it just fine the way it is, but you could always cook it with stock/broth instead of water if you wanted to add extra flavor.

>> No.9164073

Is true, but it's not the only thing. If you're eating shit and replace the white with brown stuff, it won't be much better.
That didn't come out the way I thought it would.

>> No.9164077

Not at all.

>> No.9164079

Im a diabetic eating on a budget and Uncle Ben has saved my ass many times. Regular rice, even whole grain, has a crazy glycemic index. Parboiled rice (microwave rice, quick rice, etc) has a far far lower glycemic index and I can eat it more safely as a diabetic.

>> No.9164119

If your shit is white to begin with I think you have bigger problems

>> No.9164127

brown cock > white cock 2bh famiglia

>> No.9164148

Unless you are buy sugar-laden American white bread "product", its no worse for you than brown bread. Theres literally no difference to your health

>> No.9164158

>thiamine mononitrate
>folic acid
>reduced iron

Yes. Removing these waste chemicals drastically improves your health. Beware, some "whole wheat" products still contain them.

Why is this such a fucking mystery to everyone?>>9164127

>> No.9164196

this is a huge oversimplification. a lot of ''wheat'' bread is just white bread that has been dyed brown. raw sugar is still a refined sugar and pretty much anything else would be better. i don't think there's any denying that ezekiel bread has a lot more nutrients in it than wonder bread, or that muesli has more value to your body than frosted flakes, but there's also the issue of caloric density. you can eat twice as many frosted flakes (in terms of sheer calories) because there's not much too them. many people trying to switch to healthier foods don't account for that and put on weight from the increase. this isn't even touching on how the chemicals that make up your food interact with each other or how they effect the chemical state of your insides. i really think people should try to understand the nuance of it if they really give a fuck about the health of their bodies

>> No.9164207
File: 65 KB, 519x422, dont-mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're brown bread, sunshine.

>> No.9164208

Only if by brown they mean whole wheat. Color alone does nothing.

>> No.9164215


>> No.9164224

>glycemic index
This does not exist. Individul differences in metabolic rates are so great that any general numbering is useless and misleading

>> No.9164233

Bullshit. Despite people often talking about "muh fast/slow metabolism" the fact is that human beings have very consistent metabolic rates.

If you were to take 95% of the human population their metabolic rate would vary less than 10%.


>> No.9164374

isn't there a lot of phytonutrients in brown rice? That might be bs but I generally just try to stick to whole grain if I eat rice. I mean there are healthier grains than either if you wanna be a health nut.
>rye with wheat
just cut out the wheat entirely senpai.

>> No.9164399

>Is this true?
No, that image groups a lot of things together that aren't really consistent.

White and brown sugar is nutritionally identical. The only difference is the tiny bit of molasses flavor in brown sugar. It technically contains more vitamins, but the difference is minuscule.

Brown rice is significantly more nutritious than white rice.

Most "Brown bread", and certainly the stuff depicted in the photo, isn't much different than white bread. If you want something that is significantly better then you'd need something like a full-on dark rye bread, or one containing a large amount of whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc.

>> No.9164417
File: 49 KB, 420x480, 1465945488325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9164429

Oooh, time to ditch mah white boi and get me sum BBC pronto!

>> No.9164673

Foods that have similar carbohydrate content can differ in the amount they raise blood glucose, a property called the glycemic index


>> No.9164709

>don't eat that shit
>eat this shit with 20 fewer calories

You shouldn't eat any of those things in the picture.

>> No.9164732

Yeah, you're right, Anon. Sometimes white rice can have less calories but brown dehusked rice is basically the same nutritionally as white rice.

>> No.9164821

No, the true way to eat healthy is eat fruits and vegetables, not adding shitty brown to your processed foods.