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File: 72 KB, 640x867, Rum-and-Coke-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9146901 No.9146901 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best cocktail and why is it rum and coke?

>> No.9146903

Cocktails are for pooftas.

>> No.9146906


>> No.9147236

Poorfag detected

>> No.9147249

Bourbon and coke is objectively better.

>> No.9147257
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>not Zima and jolly ranchers

>> No.9147261

WHISKEY and coke, you mean

>> No.9147279

Tasteless swill and coke? No. Flavor profile of Bourbon is a perfect match for coke. Whiskey is best on its own, neat. Aka for total alcoholics.

>> No.9147324

Amaretto and coke.

>> No.9147333

Red wine and coke

>> No.9147489

No anon said BOURBON. Much tastier than whiskey. Limestone is a helluva thing.

>> No.9147496

Budweiser and Khalua

>> No.9147497

I was once called a college child with the mentality of a 15 year old for liking rum and coke.

>> No.9147511

This freight broker I used to work with liked cappys with muddled lime. Haven't tried it yet but I want to.

>> No.9147592

vodka + coke zero

>> No.9147706

Buttershots and lemonade

>> No.9147707

i hate imxing alcohol with soda

>> No.9147711

Whiskey and ice

>> No.9147722


15 and already in college, kudos

>> No.9147723

if I'm drinking rum it's gonna be mixed with pineapple juice and sprite (I'm not black it's just tasty)

>> No.9147909

Especially honey bourbon and coke

>> No.9147915
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Dark and stormy is better this time of year.

>> No.9147974

I can never taste the rum unless I add too much, and then it just tastes like watered down rum.

>> No.9147982

>rum and coke
>not cuba libre
The more lime juice, the better.

>> No.9148107
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I'm making daiquiris tonight

>> No.9148208

Bailey's with a squeeze of lime, enjoyed hot

>> No.9148309
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>> No.9148706

I love me some buttered rum, Just getting a nice stick of butter and letting it melt in a nice warm glass of rum along with some simple syrup of course.

>> No.9148714

must be nice to be able to drink alcohol and caffeine at the same time without getting chest pains.

>> No.9148721

>he hasn't had a fresh agricole from martinique

>> No.9148792

Dark and stormies are better any time of year

>> No.9148957

wtf? Have yu seen a cardiologist?

>> No.9149054

Ever play Catherine?

Those comfy as fuck drinking facts in the bar man.

>> No.9149071

makes sense. Rum in intolerable on its own

>> No.9149078
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*blocks your poorfag path*

>> No.9149086

I don't drink that much, but I had a whiskey/amazake cocktail at an izekaya and it was earth-shaking in the scope of its flavor and complexity.

>> No.9149101
File: 52 KB, 1092x1897, Dry-Martini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related might be the only mixed drink that is better than the sum of it parts.

>> No.9149117

this sounds good desu. a local place made a brown butter bourbon that was pretty nice.

my favorite cocktail is a blood and sand. has to be made with blood orange juice as regular orange is too sweet.

>> No.9149425

Not when most people only put one of the parts in.

>> No.9149439
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>no Jack Daniels & amaretto

>no DITAs

>> No.9149467

because it hides the taste of shitty rum (but I am being redundant).

>> No.9149474

Rob Roy

>> No.9149507

>rum and coke?

I hate rum. Coke and alcohol = not good. No sugary mixers ever.

>> No.9149548

did you just have your first cocktail and was it a rum and coke?

>> No.9149723


>> No.9149736

I think rum goes better with pineapple juice.

And besides, gin and tonic is the best cocktail.

>> No.9149744

captain and captain

its sorta like a captain and coke, except replace the coke with more captain

>> No.9149748

Does actually using Gosling's Black Seal® Rum and Gosling's Ginger Beer® make a difference? It sounds like marketing horseshit.

>> No.9149765

I like grog.

But rum and coke is pretty good.

>> No.9149785

Rum, Coke, coffee, heavy cream. You're welcome.

>> No.9149793

Honestly not too much, but goslings ginger beer is really good to mix, Its what I use for all my dark and stormys. I just dont always use the black seal Rum.

The most of your drink is the ginger beer, so just make sure you have a good base and as long as you dont have no really shit rum then it will be good.

>> No.9149826

The fact that an Old Fashioned or a Sazerac hasn't been posted shames me. Y'all ain't mah niggas.

>> No.9149828

coke and sprite on the rocks for me, please

>> No.9149834

What are some good cocktails that involve maple syrup?

>> No.9150058

A Ginny and Tonya for me with a lime wedge. That's the gentleman's drink

>> No.9150084

Gin and pineapple juice.

>> No.9150089
File: 105 KB, 290x290, whiskey-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is a whiskey and club soda any good?

I feel like it would have that nice carbonation while also cutting out all the sugars

are people going to look at me weird when I order one as a young person?
what do I even say to order that?

>> No.9150118

How are you doing today?
>I'm good, yourself?
Not too bad. Can I get you something to drink?
>I'll have a Crown and soda, please.
Sure thing. Food menu?
>No thanks, just the drink.

>> No.9150127

>not drinking whiskey and soda water

>> No.9150141

Whiskey-milk and lemon syrup , shake with spoon inside ans add cucumber for extra flavor
>Et voilà !

>> No.9150258
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that's a highball, sicko

notice the highball glass

>> No.9150259

>takes a perfectly good martini
>let's fill it with bitter italian swill liqueur

>> No.9150265

Martini's are nothing but shadows of a good gin an tonic.

>> No.9150272
File: 186 KB, 500x483, THE_SUCCER_BECOMES_THE_SUCCEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bombay sapphire and sprite

>> No.9150276

whiskey sprite and a splash of OJ

thank me later motherfuckers

>> No.9150286

>I unironically drink bitter malaria medicine and pretend to enjoy it
>My friends must think I'm SO cool

Face it, gin and vermouth were meant to be together unadulterated

>> No.9150293
File: 1.49 MB, 1500x846, Tito's+Topo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9150300

>my friends

Also, assuming good ingredients, vermouth, gin, tonic water, and lime. Truly patrician.

>> No.9150307

I hope you're a woman, faggot.

>> No.9150315

Cormier pls go

>> No.9150331

Anyone else find whiskey with ice disgusting? I'm fine with drinking it straight but once it gets dilluted for some reason it's gag-inducing.

Anyway to answer the OP question, Kentucky Mule (Moscow Mule but with bourbon)

>> No.9150335

I don't drink whiskey, but if it's in any way related I can only tolerate Hennessey warm and straight

>> No.9150377

I don't like Captain Morgan's, but their 6% premixes are incredible. What's the secret?

>> No.9150382
File: 108 KB, 1400x700, whiskey-sour_1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9150388

Two ingredients isn't a cocktail.

>> No.9150393

Initial good taste, but then a vagina.

>> No.9150396

>picture of a whiskey fizz
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9150413

I would do that with sobieski or lusoswoka or w.e it's called. Depressing winter times.

Also for OP/general, there's mixed drinks live negroni, aviation or the drink of Brazil that i'd have if i could order one at a casino. Coke/rum or vodka/coke is for casual parties and home.

>> No.9150422

not see the lime you retard?

>> No.9150430

Old Fashioned is a pretty good one

>> No.9150486
File: 20 KB, 333x333, e690d82adf6aeec5591c506fb6addd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a whiskey sour. I don't know what a whiskey fizz is but you are wrong kiddo.

>> No.9150489
File: 149 KB, 1420x946, IMG_0805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9150502


>> No.9150550

Either gin and tonic or a cape codder.

>Cranberry juice

Both are great drinks for the summer months, refreshing and cold.

>> No.9150567
File: 84 KB, 617x844, aviation-cocktail-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9150610


Way too much Creme de Violette

>> No.9150613

That looked great but then I read what it's made of and now I want to throw up.

>> No.9150625

whisky sour for me, although I like rum and diet coke. Don't know why I prefer diet in mixed drinks, because I only use diet soda for mixed drinks.

>> No.9150631
File: 39 KB, 200x151, red-bull-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta my way, faggots

>> No.9150648


>> No.9150650

Yeah, I probably wouldn't like the one in the pic funny enough.

>> No.9150663

why do both ingredients separately taste like piss but together they're great?

>> No.9150666

enjoy brain tumors.

>> No.9150676

Because all of that shit is gross, obviously. But purple things usually taste pretty good.

>> No.9150678
File: 44 KB, 590x480, 32rfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking vodka red bull over the age of 20

>> No.9150706

Gin & Tonic, preferably a more junipery Gin.
Dark & Stormy is also nice.
>Straight Ups
Manhattan that's lighter on the Vermouth.
Whisky/Boston Sour.

>> No.9150711

lol. from occasional rum and diet coke? I'm not even a rum drinker. Or a diet soda drinker. But maybe you're saying whiskey and sugar syrup + lemon juice causes brain tumors? In which case, yes, I will enjoy it.

>> No.9150734

I love whiskey sour.
4cl straight bourbon
4cl lemon juice
2cl sugar syrup

Shake and serve on the rocks, simple and delicious.
Only down side is I get a bit of a heartburn after a few.

>> No.9150882

damn that vodka is delicious

>> No.9150909

What would you recommend to someone who barely ever drinks alcohol?

I've tried various scotch mixes at friends but they all taste the same.

>> No.9150936

that's just a mixed drink you sissy. the best cocktail is a rye whiskey old-fashioned.

>> No.9150942

red bull with jagermeister is better

>> No.9150972

me too, I like a little bit of egg white in mine, gives it a nice consistency

>> No.9151097

This. Grog is fucking dank, make mine with 23yr Ron Zacapa.

>> No.9151106

What are you fucking 15

>> No.9151140

>rum and coke
Good old trick, invented in the 70's to make kids drink american soda and industrial alcohol instead of traditional european beer and wine. You are just glorifying your brand fanaticism and naivety, OP.

>> No.9151149

rum and iced tea is better

>> No.9151312

For me, its gotta be the blue arctic mexican. Equal parts tequila, peppermint schnapps, and blue curacao.

>> No.9151419
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Ouzo and clamato

>> No.9151423

Any weed in the butter?

>> No.9151493

I have a different recipe for that one
>2 oz. scope
>fall down the stairs

>> No.9151698

>rum & coke

Long Island ice tea, dirty Jack, kamikaze and negroni are the best cocktails

>> No.9151721

>Long Island ice tea

>> No.9151760


The other correct answer is a screwdriver.

>> No.9151797

Vodka and margarita mix, aka the Cuban Missile Crisis

>> No.9151815

I like one of these...Jack (or any whiskey) and Coke, Arnold Palmer (half iced tea half lemonade) with vodka, or fresh brewed mare juice with a splash of vodka

>> No.9151829

Mint julep or whisky/bourbon straight.
It's like I'm drinking with Yankees or something Christ

>> No.9151831

You mean the 'glass of vold gin (or worse, vodka)' with garnish types?

That should be a crime desu.

>> No.9151846

Jameson and ginger ale is kind of my go to. Served with ice and a wedge of lime if I'm out.

>> No.9151876

Don't let other people tell you how to drink.