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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1024x721, angry kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9142897 No.9142897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the best way to prepare, marinate, and cook feline meat?

asking for a friend, he's chinese. not doing anything illegal

>> No.9143070

dont eat that cat that is a cute cat

>> No.9143074

if your friend is chinese, why doesn't he already know how to cook cat?

>> No.9143087

uhhh... he is adopted

>> No.9143092

I don't believe you have a friend, chinese or otherwise. I think you killed your neighbour's cat and you're gonna try to eat it because you're psycho.

>> No.9143111

>Eating carnivores in the west
I've heard deep frying them alive is the Oriental favourite way to cook a cat

>> No.9143129

cute catloaf

>> No.9143157

Dont eat cat they are predators so their meat will taste gross. Also cats are good friends, why would you want to hurt them. They love you unconditionally why betray that for some gross meat.

>> No.9143165

>chinks eating cats
>japs eating dogs
>Koreans eating everything
What's wrong with Asians?

>> No.9143174

> They love you unconditionally
Go ahead, try to prove it.

>> No.9143220
File: 14 KB, 431x431, 1492563818631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They love you unconditionally

>> No.9143225

My cat loves me I am sorry no one loves you

>> No.9143230

just look at that cats expression. he has no idea hes about to become cat ravioli

>> No.9143249

Japs eat dogs? I thought that a chinese thing

>> No.9143273

cats don't give a fuck about you they only stick around because you feed them. if you died they would start eating your face in less than 24 hours

>> No.9143301


this is for shiting in my owl slippers.

>> No.9143331

Don't bother. Carnivores simply aren't good. Texture, or taste. You'll regret the effort. You'd be better off with some toaster strudel or some shit.

>> No.9143342
File: 55 KB, 542x472, cat17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for a friend

>> No.9143344

No, they are incapable of love. It's not criticism, it's a scientific fact. A cats response is based on trust and respect alone. It trusts you not to throw shit at it, and respects you enough not to hunt you because you provide warmth, security, and dietary sustenance. You are a tool to the cat. Stop projecting complex human emotions onto animals with no capability to feel.

>> No.9143362
File: 122 KB, 720x651, 1498222526748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like recipes that work for rabbit will work for cat.

>> No.9143364

Meat from strict carnivores is going to taste disgusting. Its smells and tastes rancid, even when fresh. No amount of buttermilk is going to absorb that pungent gamey filth.

t. I've eaten cat

>> No.9143374

cats will run up to their owners when they come home. they'll even try to get them to play sometimes. if you bond with a cat it can be pretty similar to a dog, but dogs are more likely to make the first move in socializing whereas a cat doesn't really care and will be fine on its own until you show it that you want to socialize with it. cats will form packs if there's enough food in an area just like dogs, but they'll also be perfectly fine on their own unlike dogs.

>> No.9143382

What is love if not just a label we give to an array of emotions and behaviours? Cats definitely exhibit many of those. Please tell me how it's proven that cats can't love, and which concrete scientific definition of 'love' they used.

>> No.9143388
File: 55 KB, 550x942, 2-58a71362b343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave kittehs alone kthx

>> No.9143508


Cats display affection towards humans much like their own kittens. They will try to teach etiquette and hunting skills but give up because you're one big stupid hairless baby.

Dogs see people as like, the best pet ever.

They've done neutotransmitter tests and pets do get a flood of oxytocin from their owners.

My cat stood inside and meowed frantically at the window when I went outside to pull something in from a thunderstorm because he thought I was gonna die.

That's literally love.

That being said, if your beloved pet has died of non-poisoning natural causes, it's old and needs to be stew. Google rabbit stew go from there. Grok your cat.

>> No.9143639

>predator meat tastes gross
pretty sure that's at least partly false. brown bears are part-predators and their meat is highly valued

>> No.9143665

>First pick up the cat
>next place the cat in your lap
>now apply the palm of your hand onto it's head and gently pulls palm from head and down back
>repeat this process
>when the cat begins to make a low buzzing >noise take fingers and scratch behind the cats ears
Your cat is now properly prepared

>> No.9143706

>Your cat is now properly prepared
for what?

I don't think it's edible at that point

>> No.9143721

The diet of a brown bear really doesn't have a huge amount of meat in it if other food is plentiful.

>> No.9143766

>They love you unconditionally
This is a chink thread, not a gook thread.

>> No.9144197

they play with you so you give em food, it's that simple

>> No.9144242

Wanna know how I know you haven't spent time with any kind of animal ever?

>> No.9144269
File: 53 KB, 732x959, FB_IMG_1499364984414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping a great thread

>> No.9144301

I wonder what that fatto catto is thinking about

>> No.9144311

sheep>cats (projected est.)

these are facts


>> No.9144326
File: 58 KB, 800x603, YS-Chart-Bear-Food_NPS_800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The diet of a brown bear really doesn't have a huge amount of meat in it if other food is plentiful.
I don't think that's true. I thought that they eat a lot of carrion. By other food, are you including fish? I honestly don't know too much about it though. Pic related is referring to brown bears in Yellowstone National Park

>> No.9144352

Watch the Chinese movie 1942

>> No.9144362

>My cat stood inside and meowed frantically at the window when I went outside to pull something in from a thunderstorm because he thought I was gonna die.
>That's literally love.

That's protecting a valuable tool. Nothing more. Stop projecting.

They've done studies. First one to come to mind is when they would lock cats in rooms with their owners, then the owners leave and strangers come in, and they monitored their brainwaves the whole time. The cats meowed when their owners left, but on a neurological level, the response was identical to what happened when the stranger left. The meow was proven to be a learned behavior and not an emotional response. There was no bond with their owner that was stronger than with a stranger, only a learned behavior. The brain fired the exact same way for both people.

>> No.9144375

>What is love if not just a label we give to an array of emotions and behaviours?

Love is a series of chemical reactions in the brain. It's well documented. Most animals smaller than a cow don't have the pattern. Cows do, for some reason. They are also one of the only animals known to hold grudges for years.

>> No.9144390

A few years ago walking in a neighborhood in Seattle I saw this bag on the side of the road. I didn't look too closely, but could tell it was cat scraps. I could hardly believe it.

Didn't there used to be spoilers for pics/webms on this board?

>> No.9144427

>never heard of hachiko, the akita that continued to go to the train station awaiting his masters arrival for 9 years after his master died at work.

Many other documented cases of animal love and mourning for the death of a loved one. Pretending humans are the only animal capable of love is simply a means to justify exploitation and ruthless cruelty without feeling remorse. One might very well argue it is the human animal incapable of love.

>> No.9144440

When my cat wants food she'll just sit near me and look at me, maybe meow a couple times, she won't really be affectionate. When she wants to play she'll actually bring a toy to me and use a different meow.

>> No.9144449

So what encourages behaviour besides emotional responses? Isn't that how we learn Behaviours?

>> No.9144457

They are omnivores and they are valued for the fat not for the meat itself

>> No.9144461

mine literally meows forever until I give him food, makes me feel good

>> No.9144469

>silly cat is a binge-eater and I do long shifts so got him a magical automatic feeder
>still affectionate and playful with me

Explain this fags.

>> No.9144549

I think people who say cats aren't affectionate wanted to be affectionate with one but didn't understand how to, and it made them feel bad. It's not as intuitive to completely understand a cat's body language, it's different from how it is with a dog where we can understand them a bit easier. Some people will say things like "but the cat always turns away from me when I try to give it attention" without realizing that it means the cat trusts you enough to not have to focus on you and be defensive. Or they'll see a cat exposing it's belly and think that it means the cat wants you to pet it when it's showing you their belly because they know you won't attack a vulnerable spot. Could be that they just had a bad experience with a cat that they use to judge all the others though.

>> No.9144561

>Or they'll see a cat exposing it's belly and think that it means the cat wants you to pet it when it's showing you their belly because they know you won't attack a vulnerable spot.
True that. I took mine from the shelter at the age of 6 months roughly and touching his tummy was a huge no no for the first months.
Been few years, now feels completely confident to sleep deeply on his back.

>> No.9145066


Chinese dont eat cats. Maybe Rats, Raccoons, Possums...

Japanese don't eat dog, you got that mixed up.

Koreans do eat dog, but it' very, very uncommon. Only few (expensive) specialist shops/restaurants even sell it.