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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 325x250, conditions-disorders_mood_depression_alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9137055 No.9137055 [Reply] [Original]

new al/ck/ thread

>how are you feelign bros?

>> No.9137061


>> No.9137074

>Said I wouldn't get drunk today
>Found out I dont need to go into work till 11AM tomorrow
>Get drunk


>> No.9137319
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Dead inside

>> No.9137666

I know some of you sad pieces of shit love to get bitten by the KING COBRA.

>> No.9137674

theres already one up you drunk fucker

>> No.9137816


>> No.9138179


>Paid rent
>Down to my last $100
>Finally have THIRD interview with company
>"oh we will get back to you by the end of next week"

fuckkkkkkk I've been waiting almost a month for this job and I need dat $$$ At least this was the last interview with them.

Just drinking shitty 7% %10/L cider. Best deal per drink outside of this really shit fortified wine that al the homeless drink. Fucking government liquor board.

>> No.9138199 [DELETED] 


>> No.9138442

you must be 18 to post here. Go back to le weddit

>> No.9138445

feeling ok. been ALMOST 24 hours since i started drinking. kinda worried about developing a tolerance. the plan is to stop after today, so i dont go three days in a row.

currently not physically addicted and i dont want to end up with withdrawals again, but who knows. its not like i have ever shown the ability to manage my drinking.

>> No.9138448

>be such tuff alcohol drink
>entire 6 percent massive alcohol per volume
>da king cobra xD
>tuffest beer ever xdddddddd

>> No.9138454

Do it man. I'm trying to go 3 days not drink in. Survived 2 days so far.

>> No.9138468

>drink vodka to get to sleep
>ended up through the entire fifth
>still awake
>work in 5 hours

>> No.9138470


>> No.9138473

This always fucking happens

>> No.9139293

I never claimed it was tough, insecure drinklet.

>> No.9139327

Just cracked open my first 7% beer for the evening. Gonna be doing nothing but watching youtube and drinking. Tomorrow and sunday I'll be sober though.

Anybody else get fucking horrifying nightmares after drinking a couple of days straight? I mean so awful you're basically scared of falling asleep? Those are mainly what makes me have sober days.

>> No.9139354

I think I want to make love to this song


>> No.9139404

>Anybody else get fucking horrifying nightmares after drinking a couple of days straight?
No, opposite but my lucid dreaming expirience was only after drinking...

>> No.9139450

That's interesting, I've had sort of lucid dreams too during withdrawal, but only for a few minutes, and also it was more like sleep paralysis (dreams of dying in my bed and then waking up and such). What was it like?

>> No.9139463

Please go away.

>> No.9139536

I had it for minutes too, its fragile state you have to traine to support. Well it was like you suddenly understand its a dream and you really can do anything you want, its just your brain creation after all (ok, I flew, throwed fireballs and summoned nude girls)

>> No.9139573

the nightmares are part of alcohol withdrawals. and the fact that you specifically stated getting them after a few days of steady drinking simply confirms.

withdrawal dreams are straight from hell. theyre terrible.

>> No.9139637

>look a lot younger than i am
>almost always get ID'd
>start buying hobo wine
>never get ID'd

>> No.9139643

Yeah I know, I just wanted to hear others experiences of them. And you're right, they're like you're getting a short visit to hell.

>> No.9139720

Checked. I'm more of a hurricane man myself. Hangover is a bitch but once you choke down the first one you're good to go

>> No.9139995

Why do my hangovers get progressively worse over the course of a day and not better?

>> No.9140196

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck is Alcoholism Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Bottle Like Nigga Just Pour It Down The Drain Haha

>> No.9140197

Just got prescribed heart medicine for my hypertension and some shit called Acamprosate that's supposed to turn off the cravings. Might be fun.

>> No.9140284

I know you're Tyler but, when you're the type of person that's prone to getting addicted to alcohol, it's pretty fucking far from easy quitting this shit. It becomes a part of you. Quitting alcohol is like cutting an infected arm off, but worse.

>> No.9141653

That's a nightmare, I'm sorry man :(

>> No.9141975

>750ml of rumchata
>handle of bourbon
>merely buzzed, not sleepy
Oh feck, how do I get back to my 2 beer bedtime status?

>> No.9142001

sounds like you are experiencing withdrawals. hangovers are due to dehydration, mostly. withdrawals include headache, nausea, anxiety, insomnia, sweating.

>> No.9142020
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>living off frozen pizza because it's cheap and won't go bad and means I don't have to leave the house fucked up
>roommate comes in as I'm getting one out of the oven
>"Are you eating frozen pizza again?"
>....they were on sale?
>"How many out of the last 5 days have you had a frozen pizza?"


>> No.9142027

sad. whats even sadder is that you will look back on this time of your life fondly, because you had an actual roomate who talked to you. it just gets worse.

>> No.9142037

tell me that's not true

>> No.9142041

it gets worse as you get more isolated and more entrenched into anti-social addict behavior. you will instinctively learn to avoid people. your only social outlet will be 4chan. believe me, it used to be worse. there were alcoholics back before the internet existed. imagine how fucking lonely they were. at least we have fellow channers to talk to.

>> No.9142048

Same. Only started happening after 10 years of boozing, though. I can at least make it through work without raising too many eyebrows, but once I'm home I puke until my throats starts to bleed.

>> No.9142049

Had kind of an eye awaking experience on the forth. got blackout drunk and hooked up with a recently homeless married woman in an abusive relationship. Al/ck/ and drugs were a major factor in her current situation. It was honestly heartbreaking to hear her story.

She started a first day of work at a new job today and is spending the night in a hotel. I hope she hit rock bottom, and I hope I never get close to there.

Currently drinking away the feelings from that encounter.

>> No.9142054

i remember your post in another al/ck/ thread. i had some weird nights like that where you hook up with people who essentially are from mars. lol.

>> No.9142055

This is so true it hurt to read.
There wasn't even porn. All I had was a newspaper to read. I even enjoyed pain, because it was less boring than the absolute nothingness of my existence.

>> No.9142074

Just curious how old you are? Guessing 70s?

>> No.9142084

I don't want to do this alone. I am in incredible pain. Even blinking is difficult and posting here is fucking killing me.
If anyone else needs help, perhaps we should see if we can be of any assistance to each other.
UK: 07477158032

>> No.9142091

call an ambulance, seriously. if you are in heavy pain its time for medical help. they will get you detoxed and then you can decide how to proceed.

>> No.9142095

Breddy much immune unless i skoll spirits. 20 year alk here.

The detox... you never get used to.

Prolly done close to 20 this year.
Cold turkey.
It feels like you're being ripped apart, physically , emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

A non alck can't get it.

>> No.9142098

ask your doctor for naltrexone. it takes away the biological urge to drink. it wont help with loneliness or boredom, but it will remove the physical urge to drink. good luck.

>> No.9142110

The physical i can deal with.
Wont touch nalcktrexone. Just a fucken bandaid.
Seen many alks drink to permanent damage due to that shit.
Thanks for caring enough to reply.

>> No.9142138

>so hot outside i don't even want to go restock
thank you based heat

>> No.9142195 [DELETED] 


>> No.9142335

ohhhhhh the anxiety. To me it's the worst part about withdrawals, it can be absolutely unbearable at times.

>> No.9142346

Satistic. Please stop playing with fire. Karma in whatever sense you perceive it to be, might one day come back at you.

>> No.9142413

I've been getting shitty dreams (not nightmares) since quitting weed. I swapped alcohol for weed and ever since, I have vivid/fucked up dreams. Sometimes I hate going to sleep, but he positives still outweigh the negatives

>> No.9143587

Thinking about it, I had dreams where I knew it was a dream.
Except it was withdrawal nightmares and I made myself wake up to escape.

>how do I get back
You don't.
Well, you could spend a few months without a drink, and go back to drinking two beers to feel drunk, but it'll only last a nigh or two before you get your tolerance back.

It is.

Don't go cold turkey repeatedly, it damage your brain and withdrawals get worth. Can't remember the name of the phenomenon.

>> No.9143650

>Don't go cold turkey repeatedly, it damage your brain and withdrawals get worth. Can't remember the name of the phenomenon.


>> No.9143762


>> No.9143771

>tfw anxiety and panic attacks are the reason you drink in the first place
Stop drinking? Yeah, no.

>> No.9143772

good post

>> No.9143798

is there a more delicious cocktail than a white russian?

>> No.9143863

Yeah man I wake up most times jumping out of bed and running around my house either scared or going to see whatever was in my dream

>> No.9143876

no-win situation then. have fun with that.

>> No.9144040

Hospitalbro here. 23 days sober, currently received dialysis to take some work off my kidneys. It's boring and kinda hurts.

Alcoholism makes anxiety worse

>> No.9144341
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>5 minutes to 5pm

>> No.9144355

Who cares if its 5 mins to 5pm, as long as its not 8pm when the liquor store closes you gooooood my nigga

>> No.9144358

Enjoy responsibly!

>> No.9144379

Ok retarded question coming up.
Would it be healthier to start smoking weed lmaoing and trying lsd/cocaine because I would drink less alcohol seeing as weed doesnt make you a fat cunt or damages any of your organs?

>> No.9144387

The less alcohol you consume, the better. Whatever works.

>> No.9144394


>cocaine as a healthy alternative to anything

Are you retarded?

>> No.9144395
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ahhhh much better

>> No.9144416

My liver doctor told me that if I feel the need to get high I should try crack or heroin because one single drink could kill me.

I don't think he was joking

>> No.9144419
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The stupid thing is that I always tell myself to be moderate. Maybe two beers a day, and a nice glass of whiskey before bed.

But then I've got my one glass in me and I'm not feeling like going to bed tonight and I'm like, fuck it, it's a Staurday and I've got nothing to be frugal for so why the fuck not enjoy myself?

So here's to you faggots. Cheers.

>> No.9144442

It is 100% true, but there's shit you can do about it.

I've started volunteer work a while back, one day a week helping old people and cooking for them, and one day a week teaching refugees about our superior language and culture. And I don't care this makes me sound like a complete hippy libtard faggot but it seriously brought meaning back to my life. Sure my life still fucking sucks, but at least I no longer think about killing myself every day. Some evenings I actually cry like a fucking bitch because something happened that made me genuinely happy and it just puts everything else in such a fucking cunt of a perspective that it's simultaneously the best and the worst possible thing.

I'm not saying you should do the lameass things I do, but as long as you find some fucking thing to occupy your time in a meaningful way (masturbating to internet porn isn't meaningful) you'll slowly but surely start to turn into less of a complete shitbag.

>> No.9144445
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Salad, strawberries and bananas in gelatin, hot tea with sugar and lemon

>> No.9144455
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Chicken parm with carrots.

Eating and enjoying food again is one of my favorite parts of being sober. The end of constant stomach pain is also blissfull

>> No.9144470

Just because I drink doesn't mean I don't cook.

Made a great chili yesterday, finished it off today. Why I thought of making a fucking chili in these hot fucking times I don't know, but at least the taste was as good as ever.

>> No.9144486

Sounds good desu m8

>> No.9144490

Sounds good desu. How do you serve and garnish your chilli?

I like Fritos, a little good sharp cheddar, pico de Gallo and a bit of sour cream myself.

>> No.9144497

Fritos and sour cream are good. I don't like cheese on my chili though.

>> No.9144504

IMHO its easier to moderate using bland, 5% alcohol beer. Just a suggestion you may want to try. Then again if you have Whiskey in the house its probably not gonna work.

>> No.9144581

This isn't a dickwaving contest, but who on /ck/ has the record for the longest bender?

I'm going on 4 years now, i'm pretty sure

>> No.9144591

Eh, I'm not going to win that one. Been going off and on for about 12 years, but they're never huge stretches and I've got lots of dry patches in between, sometimes for as much as 2 years.

>> No.9144622

I think my longest is 5 days. And at that point im definitely feeling anxiety and panic underneath the drunkeness. Its' so bad that continuing to drink wouldnt really help much. I have no idea how people like you can stay drunk all the time.

>> No.9144652

>I told them I bruise very easily, my cuts take forever to heal, I drink to make my stomach not hurt, no appetite whatsoever, im paranoid as fuck, shaky, isolate myself alone to drink.

Is that like universal? Because that's me spot on.

>> No.9144675

Weed is good but don't smoke it all the time or your lungs will be black tar in no time. Spend 250 bucks on a vaporizer (inb4 DUDE VAPING). It will save you money in the long run because you can get higher with less weed and it will save your lungs.

I'm high almost all the time and it's great. I never feel sick.

>> No.9144676

Maybe not universal, but they're common symptoms at least afaik.

>> No.9144677

buising easily is a sign of liver damage.


>> No.9144691

its also a sign of running into random shit when you're fucked up

>> No.9144702

sobering up enough to drive to liquor store. Not trying to run out of Old Crow at 8pm.

>> No.9144705

What online store would you recommend for a vape? I don't live in a legal state so I don't even know if I can buy one but I'm curious.

>> No.9144711

I know a guy who's always got bruises all over, but he's got severe epilepsy so he's just falling down knocking himself the fuck out all the time.

Crazy how nature do that.

>> No.9144727

Running out of booze in the evening is one of the least fun things in life.

>> No.9144732

Vaporizers are 100% legal because they're not advertised as being used for weed. They're sold as tools for tobacco use. So you don't have to worry and you can buy them anywhere. I live in Canada and the place I bought mine from probably doesn't exist there.

>> No.9144741

so where do I into liquid weed or w/e

>> No.9144753

Don't need liquid. Just regular weed. Uh... can't really help you there. Maybe go into your local ghetto and look for black guys standing around.

>> No.9144758

wtf so you just shove weed in a vape? Im not buying that

>> No.9144762

There are different kinds of vaporizers. Some are designed for liquids, some are just for dry product. Buy one designed for dry tobacco and yes, just shove weed in there. Hold on let me take a picture of mine.

>> No.9144765

You might as well say
>The fact that I have no ability to plan ahead and properly allocate resources makes me unhappy, but I'd rather complain than make an effort to fix the underlying issue.

>> No.9144776
File: 195 KB, 417x578, fuck your opinions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost as if being drunk loosens your impulse control and self-moderation and might cause you to drink more than you were planning to.

>> No.9144778
File: 63 KB, 900x900, prima-000-unit-prima-vaporizer-3.442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, here's a google image. You just put the weed in the bowl on the top right, close it up, and hold down the button. EZ PZ

>> No.9144780

I dont mean to laugh at such a horrible thing but thats fucking hilarious

>> No.9144785

you'd be surprised at the laws though, I used to order from an online thing that was in washington and they recently were forbidden from shipping to california (where I live) so last week I had to find an online store IN cali to get my liquid and coils from

>> No.9144787

neat, didn't even realise those existed. I just bought a liquid vape for £50 2 days ago though :( need to ask my paki mates where to buy some liquid then,

>> No.9144792

He's a fucking retard so I don't feel sorry for him.

>> No.9144797

every time i go on a fairly lengthy binge I have myself convinced I am dying for like the following 2-3 weeks of withdrawal due to how high my anxiety is. any little thing has me go into a full blown panic mode convinced im about to die. skin is looking too pale holy shit im dying. hands are a little bit shaky, must be dying. vision seems slightly off, must be dying. . when i binged for like 2 years this actually lasted for 3 months during which time i went to the ER like 8 times. it gradually passed but now I have it again almost 2 weeks after just binging for like a month.. can anyone relate to this?

>> No.9144816

I'm pretty lucky that I've never slipped into this extreme anxiety/paranoia mode people talk about.

>> No.9144834

even when i'm not drunk im like this. Any little pain or sign of something i'm just like welp im dying
once I went to the ER for stomach pain they did an MRI and everything and then told me I was just constipated

>> No.9144835

I did not begin to experience those symptoms until I was 7 years into my fifth/Day or more addicction.

>> No.9144852

>fifth/Day for 7 years

Jesus Christ, anon. I just went 2 weeks of this and felt like I was dying every night. Not widthrawal symptoms, just straight-up dying.

>> No.9144871

I got a volcano and it works amazing

I also don't live in a legal state and I bought it in a brick and mortar smoke shop in my city. Volcanos are expensive though, I spent 400 for mine and that was a good price

>> No.9144875

We all process booze differently. I was lucky to survive and will remind you all that I'm still in the hospital with hepatic and renal problems.

>> No.9144891

>Hospitalbro is more robot than the autisticest of /r9k/
Can confirm for anxiety. It stops helping after a while, and then it only worsens.

Weed is clearly better than alcohol if it doesn't get you anxious. Find a non calorific filler if you have munchies, or change stain if available.
Coke makes people drink more, also quite unhealthy in the long run.
Never did LSD. Apparently micro-dosing occasionally can help with alcohol, but it sounds very bad to get high daily on that.

If he was serious he would have told you to get medical morphine/opiates.

>He still believes in moderation

That's good for hospital food.
Checked your full house

See the sidebars, wikis and stickies of :
Vapes for herbs are two types : the shit ones that burn the weed, nobody uses that, and the ones that works like a small oven, "boiling" the interesting parts while not burning
There are some for extracts (hashish, wax, CBD etc) too.
eCigs are for nicotine mostly, CBD sometimes (the part of pot that does not get you high, but has most health benefits. Legal almost worldwide). I heard of THC vape juice (the part that gets you high), but mostly about how to make it.

>> No.9144905


>> No.9145132

What's the fastest you've finished a handle or or 1.5L?

>> No.9145174

About half a week, depending on what we're talking about exactly.

I'm not really a heavyweight.

>> No.9145176

48 hours. half one day/night, the other half the next.

>> No.9145203

One night

>> No.9145236

two days of drinking non stop

>> No.9145660
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gettin drunk tonight bois

>> No.9145669

2 days, usually make them last 3 days

handles are 1.75L though, or the shit i buy is

>> No.9145827

3 days

>> No.9145832

what drinks give the LEAST amoung f hangovers? so far ive discovered, rum is the easierst

>> No.9145840

Every drink is going to give you a hangover. Just make sure to drink a couple of water bottles and eat something before bed

>> No.9145842

Good vodka, it's ethanol and water.

>> No.9145843
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I'm drunk and my head is going to hurt tomorrow kms lmao

>> No.9145847

Also I wish I was dead and was done with this

>> No.9145856

>be on a good diet
>get drunk
>binge eat

why does this keep happening

>> No.9145857

you dont wish you were dead you just wish this was over with
nigga its saturday deal with this shit tomorrow everyone in the world is getting drunk right now

>> No.9145865


Yea , I should of said I didn't start experiencing this until like 7 years into heavy drinking as well. I didnt drink daily for 7 years, but maybe 2. leading up to that though I was getting drunk at least multiple times per week for like 5 years

>> No.9145935

when you're drunk, but tired...what if you want to sustain the buzz? are you supposed to get tired? i want to enjoy the night

>> No.9145970


this is why i wish i was still dating my coke fiend gf

>> No.9145973


>> No.9145992

Actually drunk for the first time in a long time, hope I didn't do anything wrong. Actually pretty sad, I'm a fraud .

>> No.9146123
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>bank account overdrawn due to some charges coming in later than I thought they would and getting underpaid for work due to a miscommunication
>working the money shit out but definitely broke until Monday at the earliest
>this happened last month because I've been depressed and fucking shit at managing my money so apartment is already scoured of change
>there's only one beer left

>> No.9146132

Light liquor is marginally less likely to give you a hangover than dark liquor, most wine, and beer.
If you're ever drinking some real garbage a good way to check how bad the hangover will be is to pour a glass of it and then hold your eye open right above the liquid level. If your eye starts getting irritated, you're in for a real bitch. I forget the name of the chemical that causes this and it mostly occurs under hot, cheap, and shitty brewing/distilling conditions.

>> No.9146149

who here
/takes naps that they weren't aware of/
/on first name basis with liquor store employees/
/drunk right now/
/"switched" to hard liquor to "save money"/
/drinks in the posture of the /alc/ opener photo/
/avoids everything so as not to have any commitment/

>> No.9146359
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I smashed a bottle of pinot noir last night and then 3 small bottles of cider, fell asleep watching TV.
Woke up early with a splitting headache and dry mouth, sat up for a minute and ran to bathroom to vomit.
All the bits of prawn, spinach, carrot from the honey prawn noodles I cooked while I cracked the wine were sprayed in the sink with lots of red wine. Felt like shit all day and will probably never cook that dish again.

Decided I'm not going to drink anymore.

>> No.9146368


you've detox'd 20 times in 6 months?

why? continuing to drink and not bothering with trying to quit will literally be better for you than detoxing that much. you've probably wiped 10 years off of your brain from that.

>> No.9146396

how do I lessen my hangover shits?

I drink a fuckton and my hangovers aren't too bad anymore now that I handle em right, but the fucking shits I have are still horrendous

>bourbon buzz

>> No.9146416

is anyone here legit addicted to weed
at first I thought it was good, because it helped cut down on my drinking
but I'm fucking nonfunctional high, a total zombie, wasn't like that on booze. and I'm high all the time.
trading one addiction for another

>> No.9146422
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Anyone here like sake?

I bought a carton of Onikoroshi recently for $5. Usually I only drink sake when I go to sushi restaurants, but I thought I'd try something new.

>> No.9146434

gf cheated on me tonight :)

>> No.9146439

with me

>> No.9146440

I quit weed because it made me too paranoid. Starting drinking because it's a legal and easily attainable high. Unfortunately, it makes me confident when I absolutely shouldn't be. That's drugs for you, though.

>> No.9146447

Good, just got a new job and I'm moving in to a new place at the end of the month. Feels good being a functioning alcoholic.

>> No.9146448

could have been. Time to give up my 4 month sobriety and get drunk right now at 9am. wish me luck

>> No.9146468

please don't.

>> No.9146471

i literally have nothing left. no senpai no gf and a shite job. fuck itt

>> No.9146472

>>9146468 here
I suppose it's probably too late. But cut it off when you can. Don't let one bump in the road completely throw you off.

>> No.9146474

Booze pooz is more to do with the greasy garbage you eat

>> No.9146480

senpai = family

>> No.9146569

Blog time

14-16: get drunk once a week on beer and cider
16-21: almost never drink because weed
22-25: start drinking very cheap white cider, 7.5% volume, 2-3 litres, 2-3 times a week
26-27: drink a bottle of vodka every weekend, drink about 1/4 of that 2-3 times during the week
28-31: drink about half a bottle of vodka 3-4 times a week

I really am truly addicted to alcohol to the point where I completely lose all rational thought and self control as soon as it gets to the early evening. No matter how obvious it is that I need to control it, after work there's just no honest reasoning going on in my brain. It's just pure justification, excuse-making and playing down of facts. In the morning I can be absolutely crystal clear about the problem and how to fix it, and then that entire side of my personality disappears as soon as a craving occurs. The other day I woke up and my kidney really hurt. I don't know if it was a stone, or if the drinking has finally got to me, but I was scared shitless. It hurt to stand up and move. I felt weak as fuck but still had to go to work. Just 2 days later I was drinking again, thinking, oh, a couple of beers is not going to change anything. And then of course the next day, just a bit of spirits isn't going to change anything, which of course led to more and more and eventual massive drunkenness. Seriously shitty situation, but not hopeless.


>> No.9146603


>> No.9146610

4 cans of zubr down so far this morning after learning of my (now ex) gf being a fucking SLUT. Hoping to reach suicidal thoughts by tonight

>> No.9146613

itt: degenerates

>> No.9146627

tfw cheapest beer costs 29c in germany

tfw cheapest 54% proof rum costs 7 euros in germany

it's hard to not be an alcoholic in germany lol. but al least alcoholics seem to like sticking together, I constantly get calls from people I was with at a detox center.

>> No.9146645

>tfw 12 days sober

It's hard but it feels good. Mixed bag lads. I think the trap is that you start forgetting how terrible hangovers are after a while.

>> No.9146648

3rd month here. I forgot what it's like to even get nicely drunk, cuz I couldn't get drunk when I drank anyway because my tolerance skyrocketed, and I simply poisoned myself instead.

>> No.9146701

Well, I woke up, my taper should be complete now.
Let's see how long it lasts

>> No.9146739

How long have you been tapering? How much were you drinking before you tapered?

>> No.9146747

I was sober for a few weeks and then I started again, so not that much, tapered for 2 days, started with 4 beers then 2 beers yesterday and today no beers. Just wanted to be on the safe side of things

>> No.9146755

Good work

>> No.9146774

I've found myself drinking a whole lot less when I take St John's wort regularly. The mental craving, particular that which starts after one or two beers is already down, is gone. Much easier to moderate without any of the frustration and anxiety that comes when you fear "holy shit this might be my last one". Friday night I had two beers and a glass of wine and went home before midnight without problem. Don't think I could have done that a few years ago.

I took it to help mild anxiety, but apparently it helps with drinking too.

>> No.9146791

You need to get to an AA meeting and get a sponsor or you will drink again.

>> No.9146813

I know I'll drink again, I'm just taking a break for some time

>> No.9146824

I'm a friend of Bill and I've found that trying to force our program on new people the way you just did rarely works.

Just my opinion though.

>> No.9146845

Haha, there was a time I'd take the bait and argue with you, my friend, but my sobriety and my SERENITY is just too important. I used to be like you, boy was I in denial. I don't have to do that anymore today, because ACCEPTANCE is the answer to all my problems. =)

>> No.9146864

>Can't leave the house without being drunk
>Can't play Vidya without being drunk
>Can't socialise without being drunk
>Can't sleep without being drunk
>Can't hold a relationship because of being drunk all the time
>Can't clean flat unless drunk
>Can't function without being drunk basically.

I'm a mess

>> No.9146878

I have been in exactly your situation and far worse. I know how scary and painful it feels. If possible have a friend or family member drive you to the hospital and tell the doctors exactly how bad off you are. They will medically detox you.

A happier life is waiting

>> No.9146898

I have been to the doctors and hospital for blood tests. My liver is basically done in. I've told them the situation. They want me to detox with pills which is probably going to be benzos. Which I already have a huge tolerance for so I don't think it will help at all. I don't know how bad you were but I hope you're doing good. I'm 25 and my life is already fucked.

>> No.9146945

this american aa cult creeps me out desu

why can't you guys stop drinking like the rest of the world does without making a cult of it?

>> No.9146971

Always wondered if St. John's Wort actually helped with anxiety. Also, it makes sense that you'd be drinking less if you feel like it helps your anxiety...a lot of people, including myself, became heavy drinkers because they have issues with anxiety (whether they realize it or not)

>> No.9147105
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 20170709_084916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 24 sober, still in the hospital but feeling but feeling pretty good for a sick guy.

Cheerios, milk, OJ, mixed berry nutritiona l supplement drink, hot tea with lemon

>> No.9147114

Did you tell them you were also a benzo addict?
They'll detox you with them, just higher doses if you have tolerance. And detox you of benzos on the way.

>> No.9147118

French toast with syrup, butter, and turkey bacon

>> No.9147120

File was too big :(

>> No.9147189

My vodka is actually freezing in the freezer.
That shouldn't happen with 40%vol liquor right?

>> No.9147292

Steel reserve always makes me feel like shit the next day. My poo has lots of bubbles in it.

>> No.9147298

No, but if you leave it in there long enough the water and alcohol can seperate I think. I had it happen with 37.5% gin.

>> No.9147388

The water will freeze

>> No.9147399

Not if the alcohol is dissolved in it.
Either my Vodka is watered down or my freezer is too cold.

>> No.9147408

>drink about half a bottle of vodka 3-4 times a week

This really isn't going to do much harm, the only problem is it may escalate to you drinking more than this every day.

A good idea could be to switch to something that takes longer to drink and limit yourself to one an hour, and don't drink before a certain time.

>> No.9147490

how long have you been in the hospital for? how do you keep from losing your mind from boredom?

>> No.9147494
File: 1.41 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20170607_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messed up last night again.
Tried to pound back 6-7 pints of strong malt liquor within an hour.
Confused my wife for some random girl and screamed her ear off until she was sobbing. Told her I'm breaking up with you and I no longer want to date. She told me we aren't dating and we are married and I exclaimed 'bullshit!'
Also lost my I.D.
Why is it every other time I drink, I treat my wife terribly and threaten to leave her for no reason?
Anyways, time to stop drinking till I get a job.
>I love yall al/ck/s
> Yall are always a pleasure to chat with/read these threads.

>> No.9147643


im fucking rekt

>> No.9147685

lost my £170 phone last night...

>> No.9147719

The hardest thing about being sober is having no escape from myself desu.

Hope you lads are doing well.

>> No.9147732

We're not an"American cult," friend. Today, the AA way of life is practiced in 170 countries.

And we stop drinking like anyone else, the difference is we have a better chance of STAYING stopped. Rarely has a person failed who has THOROUGHLY followed our path. =)

>> No.9147736

Omfg I hate it. Same. Four laptops and 5 phones, all gone in one year. Still paying monthly for 3 phone contracts. Not to mention the 21 grand car I demolished. Fuck.

>> No.9147757

You know there are insurances for this right?

>> No.9147763

pissed all over my ultrabook not so long ago :)))

>> No.9147774

Stopped drinking 7 months ago, moved to a different city, found a job that I don't hate. I feel good desu.

>> No.9147802

I relapsed this weekend ended up drinking 2 bottles of vodka and ended up messaging a load of friends I haven't spoken to in ages about wrestling forever and I dare not look at what I wrote.

I also was a weird dick to one of my friends online. He hacked a friend and we was talking and i basically said I can't be friends with him because he hacked my friend. It wasn't even a big deal and I feel like an absolute cunt.

I woke up today randomly early to a broken laptop because I spilled shit all over it apparently i don't remember. My place was a mess shit everywhere and I had 4 hours until work..I got up and cleaned my place up and made a fruit smoothie to get myself feeling at least something better.

I'm at work now and feel like absolute shit about everything and my job is very physical and I don't have anything to look forward to when I get home my laptop is fucked and can't afford another one.

Just need someone to tell me everything is gonna be alright and maybe give a bit of advice I feel fucking worthless and a failure and honestly just want to start crying like a fucking pussy.

I was 2 months sober before this.

>> No.9147813

A week sober from ~6-10 beers a night, 12-15 on weekends.. feeling the urge.. help..

>> No.9147817

Also I have never felt the way I did when drinking this weekend.

I ended up waking up in the middle of the night thinking I was at work and wondering why I had no clothes on. I picked up a jumper and was going to put it on but then realised I was at home and went back to sleep.

I also got up and decided for some reason I needed to take my bed sheets off and woke up again with them at the body of my bed. Why am I such a fucking mess.

>> No.9147828

my answer is that weed won't destroy your liver but alcohol was certainly destroying mine and would probably destroy yours eventually.

I smoke some hash every day because it's a higher CBD than THC content and I get paranoia from too much THC. it's much comfier for me to smoke hash as someone that was using alcohol to quiet my anxiety

uhhh cocaine is a bad idea and will just make you want to drink desu. you'll be power-walking down to the bar because once you're on coke its party time and you feel like another drink is always a great idea

>> No.9147836

I've been in the hospital for 24 days. I manage the boredom by doing my physical therapy, dialysis, occupational therapy, posting here, watching tv, listening to audiobooks....

>> No.9147890

I've never told them about my benzo usage because of obvious reasons. I don't know how they would react if I said I use valium/xanax etc to get through withdrawals. Definitely with the xanax because they don't prescribe it in the UK

>> No.9147905 [DELETED] 

2 Camo Black Ices

>> No.9147912

Lying to your doctor is pretty silly. Booze and benzo withdrawal can both be lethal if not properly managed.

They will probably use libriun or valium to taper you off. You should probably be given inpatient treatment. It won't be fast or fun but you'll need it.

>> No.9147947

I used to hate this when my shop didn't have sugar free coke to.mix with my vodka. The sugar would ruin me after around 5 hours and I'd feel like shit.

I don't even drink now if there's no sugar free drinks.

>> No.9147956
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just a little drinky poo al/ck/

>> No.9147965

He's been in the hospital for 24 days, if he was going to die from withdrawal it would've happened already.

>> No.9147985

Look man I know you feel like shit right now and that you're beating yourself up about it, but you have to forgive yourself. I've always had a problem with holding grudges against myself, but guilt is a useless emotion. I do not mean that in a narcissistic way, but guilt truly does nothing positive. It will only cause you to slip further into the addiction. Let it go. Look, you fucked up but now is the time to get back on track - the second you give into those negative feelings, you're going to make it worse for yourself. You need to focus on what you can learn from this experience and use it to get another 2 months under your belt. It fucking sucks, I know, but keep your eyes on the prize. Envision yourself hitting 2 months again, then 3 months, and so forth.

You are not alone, and you're certainly not worthless. It takes guts to keep going, so remember that you're doing the right thing.

>> No.9147992

Sup al/ck/ies, I have a question for you. I recently watched a video saying that if you have several drinks in succession (let's say 5 shots in 5 minutes) and your pulse quickens and you really enjoy that come up, you're much more prone to being an alcoholic. I've always had a higher tolerance than most and I like drinking a fair bit but I was never an alcoholic but this always happened to me and my best drinking buddy who is like minded.

>> No.9147996

Stay strong. NOTHING good will come from having a beer. Remember that - it will not be worth it, it never has been.

>> No.9147998

>just a little drinky poo al/ck/
It's not tho is it

>> No.9148030

Cant remember the last time i had a single drink and then called it quits for the day desu

>> No.9148125

I know an inpatient detox would help but I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet to be honest. And I'm not the lad who has been in hospital for 24 days. You've got me mixed up with someone else on here.

>> No.9148131

if your brains reward system really responds to alcohol then yes youre probably prone to alcoholism. some people really, really respond to it.

>> No.9148146

> I've always had a higher tolerance than most and I like drinking a fair bit but I was never an alcoholic but this always happened to me and my best drinking buddy who is like minded.
Alcoholics aren't always just the guy living under the bridge

>> No.9148251

That Peterson vid made something click for me as well. It's that rising blood alcohol that does it, not mere maintenance.

>> No.9148285

Aye, some people even function right until the bitter end. Lucky bastards, I can't drink at all without burning my life to the ground and having to start over.

That blew my mind too. So true that the thrill is getting higher and higher and higher.

>> No.9148317

>drink all night Friday
>drink all day Saturday
>wake up Sunday "oh shit I have work tomorrow I can NOT get drunk today.
>lie awake in bed from Sunday morning til Monday morning browsing 4chan without a wink of sleep

Happens every week and I never learn

>> No.9148350
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>22 minutes until 5 PM

>> No.9148355

Please remember to enjoy responsibly

>> No.9148363

Pray it doesn't seep into weekdays...

>> No.9148390

Yeah, that's why I always have to keep drinking until bedtime or passing out. It's the conciously sobering up that's horrible. When I have my first of the day that glass stays full until I suddenly wake up.

>> No.9148434

Your underlying issue is binge eating

>> No.9148437

Made me laugh so hard, no real idea why.

>> No.9148439

Is that your personal drinking time or is that some Sunday sales law bullshit?

>> No.9148444

>4 minutes late

>> No.9148446

>>9146359 b b beaver boys

>> No.9148457

>no job
>verbally abusive when drunk

How do you have money? Is your wife a breadwinner, or are you riding on your parents' successes?

>> No.9148493

Disappointing desu

>> No.9148498
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ahhhh much better

>> No.9148499

Not that anon, but we can't buy beer/wine in a grocery store until noon, if it's a Sunday.


>> No.9148506


tfw had to go buy a sixer because i forgot i polished all of em off last night

>> No.9148526


>> No.9148528


>> No.9148541

wanted to get drunk so bad few hours ago
gonna get so wasted tomorrow

>> No.9148598

Hospitalbro here. I know inpatient detox is scary but it's probably not safe for you to detox off booze and benzos at home.

>> No.9148629

this isn't al/ck/ related but i'm drunk

i'm 24 and live in a new city for a new job. i'm fucking lonely, where do i meet women? i've tried the online shit and tinder and had no success. i just want to get drunk and cuddle with someone

>> No.9148632 [DELETED] 

Be attractive

Don't be unattractive

>> No.9148639

folks three weeks sober officially (i think), i been pigging the fugg out on little caesers and pepsi and yoo hoo's all day like a hog. i found if you eat a shit ton of carbs and are lazy you can get sort of a relaxed buzz sort of like you get from drinking. no wonder all those fatsos on tv get up to 800 lbs huh. lookin at real estate and little sheds, i want me a little crap shack to move into to hoard up and live like a deranged slob, like a total dump that's cheap, with a family of possums living in the thing, so i won't feel bad abot putting my still in there in case it blows the motherfucker up lmao. im gonna learn a lesson from smirnoff bro and get the shittiest house for as cheap as possible to start with and make my own booze so i dont have to be moving all around while i drink myself to death lmao. btw i wonder if he's still alive. oh well take it easy guys.

>> No.9148645

Not that anon, but what if I'm in the same situation? I'm not ugly, I've had plenty of sex before, and I make lots of money.

Can't bring myself to really get attracted by females, though.

>> No.9148650

drinking is the only thing that releases me from the dissapointment of still being jobless.

>> No.9148652 [DELETED] 

Don't be awkward

Just be yourself

>> No.9148654

>Don't be awkward
>Just be yourself


I think those are generally mutually exclusive.

>> No.9148711

Wow, the ingrown nail doesn't hurt anymore at all even when I press against it, almost fixed itself, holy shit, only took a few days

>> No.9148751

I really, achingly, deeply want to touch a girl one more time before I die. They're so nice. So... floral, such a garden of divine beauty.
I hope I don't soon wake up in prison.

>> No.9148774


What's zubr and what did that whore do to you anon

>> No.9148784

polish beer. she got """""""spiked""""""" and ended up at some dudes place

>> No.9148796


How drunk did you get man?

>> No.9148801

I got fit like a month ago, stopped drinking my calories, ate like easily 3 times as much as normal and worked out like crazy. Whaddayaknow I got laid right away by a tight emo chick. She was gorgeous. Then I said "welp, I proved I could do it" jumped right back into the sauce and lost her and my job and all the weight and muscles I put on in like the span of 10 days. Working back towards it tho. 4 days sober

>> No.9148807


I'm no expert but bubbles doesn't sound good

>> No.9148811


That's a nice looking tomato. Store bought?

>> No.9148812

gone 36 hours without a drink and the cravings are hitting me fucking hard.
I don't have anything to do until 4pm tomorrow, all my homeworks done, and I gotta go out and get groceries anyways.
Send help.

>> No.9148817

it isn't but heavy drinking usually results in a foamy shit so its not like its abnormal
its just your liver trying to keep up producing more bile and shit

>> No.9148825

>tight emo chick
Rock hard.

>> No.9148838

Why do people who get drunk and do stupid shit try to use this excuse? Only an idiot would believe that. Even my husband's faggot stepson tried to say someone """""slipped""""" him a benzo when he crashed the car the other night.

>> No.9148844

Car blew oil pump seals, I got served 600 debt without being contacted from 6 years ago, just got my 60 day notice to move out and my truck transfer case just Shit the bed...... Been starting as soon as I wake up senpai.

Sometimes you cant get ahead.

>> No.9148845


Well at least she is willing to lie about it to stay with you.. much better than the alternative. And hell, maybe it's true. But nonetheless treat her accordingly with this knowledge of character

>> No.9148857

>my husband's faggot stepson

>> No.9148865


Because it can't be proven or disproven. And in today's society you can be labeled all sorts of things if you "blame" a victim.

Kind of like how a person can do basically anything out of line and then claim that they received death-threats over it and all the sudden they're the victim

>> No.9148876

I have, we're done. Back to my one true love which is alcohol.

>> No.9148881


He could have just said he "fell asleep" from "working/studying too hard".. I'm sure many of us have used that excuse, but what's the difference, really?

>> No.9148895

I'm taking it as she's lying to me since she's unwilling to report it to the authorities

Here's here theory

>I ordered a shot of sambuca
>I couldn't reach it because the bar was crowded
>a guy at the bar handed it to me
>he must have slipped a pill in it

Even typing that has further fueled my alcohol rage but thankfully I still have 5 cans left and a bottle of brandy.

>> No.9148906
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He was driving home from a friend's party and had too much to drink is all it was. What pisses me off is he claimed to have only had three beers and two weak mixers over the span of 4.5 hours. When we picked him up and got the car out of the ditch, he was absolutely trashed. Next day was when he tried to say someone must have drugged him. Truth is the kid's got my drinking gene though. Feels bad.

>> No.9148933


Yeah that's dumb, too many specifics.. At least you are stocked up. And as a bonus you've rid yourself of an admitted sambuca drinker

And on a side note, has anyone EVER EVER even known of someone who doses drinks at a bar? Or had access to such drugs? Never seen it in all my time, personally

>> No.9148946

Drinking four loko, lads.

>> No.9148948


Yeah that is the bitch of it all.. But you gotta come up with some excuse I guess. If my kid fully just owned up to something like that I would start wondering if he was switched at birth

>> No.9148995


Maybe just cut through the bullshit and just kill yourself now?

>> No.9149003

man taking a shower while you're drunk is super fucking fun

>> No.9149007

it's ok finished my lokos moving to bud light platinum

>> No.9149015
File: 4 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you guys drink in one sitting?

> 1 pint of vodka here

That's 8.5 shots

>> No.9149017

wow you're an amateur what are you even doing in this thread

>> No.9149019

Has anyone here ever been diagnosed with avascular necrosis? What happened?

>> No.9149025

Wtf are you talking about? Drinking 8.5 shots in a 2 hour range is not amature...

>> No.9149030

>one swallow every fifteen minutes


>> No.9149032

This guy.
Welcome to al/ck/, but you've no idea.

>> No.9149036

Also I drink a pint about 2 or 3 times a week.... a lot of you "alcoholics" do not drink that much

>> No.9149056
File: 5 KB, 300x168, rtu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls stahp, it hurts to laugh

>> No.9149060


get out while you can sweetheart

>> No.9149066


My man

Not including liquor, Bud Pt is the most calorie efficient way to get drunk

>> No.9149067
File: 15 KB, 441x411, 1365828454072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drink a pint about 2 or 3 times a week
I cant breathe

>> No.9149069
File: 2.11 MB, 400x225, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw it's Sunday and you forgot to buy liquor on Saturday for Sunday and liquor stores are closed on Sunday because religion.

>> No.9149080


Jesus christ stop with the fucking gatekeeping you goddamn faggots. Buying and drinking a pint by yourself is not a normal thing to do

>> No.9149087
File: 574 KB, 1209x1600, bddh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no longer physically dependant on alcohol

It's such a relief m8

>> No.9149090

What's up Indiana?

>> No.9149095

zima made a come back

wondering if i should get it and hold it for a special occasion since i doubt they're gonna stay around for long

i've heard mixed tastes about it

>> No.9149096

are you even aware of what thread you're in

>> No.9149099

I saw it and thought about buying it but I didn't. Said it's citrus flavored. I remember as a kid I found one in a bush that still had some in it and I drank it all.

>> No.9149121

I drank about a a fifth of whiskey every day for over 10 years. So pretty damned drunk.

>> No.9149143

i've heard people that used to drink it in the past compare it to juicy fruit in certain batches

i had a friend that drank tropical sprite and they said it was like nonalcoholic zima
(that soda's fruity as hell)

>> No.9149144

>larping as an alcoholic

Sorry bruh, no one can drink that much and still have a pulse after a decade..

>> No.9149149


Yeah, a thread for alcoholics. Not a contest to see who's life is least repairable

>> No.9149151

Plenty of people have. I'm not even that guy. I'm not saying that most people would be fine, but there are certainly people who have done that.

>> No.9149154

I know trust me the withdrawals are the worst. I just want to curl up and die. I'm just not sure how I'm going to handle life sober. I sound like a fucking faggot but being sober sucks, I'd probably end up being a total recluse which is already happening anyway. Good luck anyway mate.

>> No.9149178


>not an alky

You'd eventually move to a litre per day and then you'd move on to a fifth of worms per day

Alcoholics don't plateau.. That's part of the thrill of it

>> No.9149207

yeah I wish there was a plateau
tolerance is a bitch

>> No.9149239

I wish I was dead

>> No.9149269

Towards the end I actually developed a reverse tolerance. I would usually vomit up the first 3 - 5 shots along with a lot bile, be piss drunk off a pint and passed out cold by the end of my fifth.

>> No.9149280

That's called liver damage.. takes longer to break it down with only half a functioning liver

>> No.9149322


Me too man. There should be a discreet service to allow people to end their time on earth without leaving loved-ones with the tremendous guilt that comes with an apparent suicide

>> No.9149338

If you got the cash maybe you could go to switzerland to the euthanasia clinics

>> No.9149364

had this with vodka a few times

Wow, drunk-you is wild.
Don't invite him over again. Don't think about last weekend, pour your bottles down the drain, feel like shit for a few days, and get back to sobriety.
You'll deal with last weekend when you feel better, like next month, it's gonna be easier then.

>because of obvious reasons
Err, reasons being you're an idiot?
They have illegal drugs addicts and poly-addiction daily, they don't care if you do illegal benzos beyond the medical aspect, but they do fucking care if it change the dose they prescribe you. They're doctors, here to help you medically, not throw you in jail to die of withdrawals.
They'll probably say you had a good idea to do benzo for withdrawals, but you fucked up getting addicted to them. It won't help with the rehab, but it's not like they'll kick you out to die in a gutter.

You know that's what you need. What will make you ready? Being forced at cirrhosis-point by your liver? Waking up in a shitty hospital with blood all over you?
I've been in the same situation, nothing would make me ready to go inpatient. They told me there was a room available two weeks later, so I panicked, drank significantly more, arrived drunk, spent 10 very boring days there, and was clean.
I fucked up a few times after that, it's better to have a few underwear and books to read than to arrive passed out in the emergencies.

>> No.9149366

OkCupid, check "looking for friend" and don't only flirt. Meetup.com or something similar too.
Make friends first, no girl want a loner. Pussy should follow.

Have access to drugs? Yeah, I know someone...
I had a junkie friend, she used to take GHB (or GBH or whatever that shit is called) as recreational drug (different dose as when used as a rape drug).
And no, nobody admitted to me to raping someone. I don't hand out with people stupid enough to brag about criminal activities. These people tend to be in jail anyway, or dead.

And I have a 999inches dick, stop the dick contest already.

>He lives in a Muslim country with a Ramadan every week

Oh, yeah, it sucks at the beginning, it gets better slowly. But it gets better.
There are many ways to deal with social anxiety that doesn't give you terrible anxiety when withdrawing. They're not as quickly effective as booze, but they're way better on the long run. The booze path ends alone and recluse too.

>> No.9149431

I used to need a pint of vodka just to physically be able to get out of bed

>> No.9149443

goodnight bros, hoping I finally die in my sleep so I can end this suffering

>> No.9149466

good luck dude

>> No.9149500


Yeah right, hope you enjoy waking up in a worse situation than you're in right now B^)

(no kill tho bro)

>> No.9149551

Someone make a new thread I think I'm finna relapse

>> No.9149555

Ugh.. I don't have silhouettes for it. I'll work with what I've got.

>> No.9149624

we aint even at limit yet nigga

>> No.9149654

7 months since I decided to stop and get my shit together. Doing pretty good now, haven't really jumped the rails at all this year. Still got that voice in the back of my head like "do it do it it'll be funny' all the time

>> No.9149668


>> No.9149683

Blarg... Just staring at my first drink of the night. I don't want it but I need it.

>> No.9149699

Do you physically need it?

>> No.9149710

>need to go to bed to get up in time tomorrow
>still 3 beers left that I can't just leave undrunk

>> No.9149731

Yeah. I'm kinidled to all hell and back. I'll probably have a heart attack if I don't drink anything tonight.

>> No.9149733

I know that feeling

>> No.9149747
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turning 21 tomorrow

Already fucking plastered. Nobody to celebrate with, so of course I'm on 4chan. It's just another day, and it's just another drink.

Fuck my life. At least I have you guys.

>> No.9149758
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I tried a lot of drinks and they all tasted like shit. I always got nauseous long before I began to get even a light buzz. I have now finally found the one thing I can drink comfortably. When a saki is at the right temperature, it just tastes like sugar water. I can easily go through bottles of this stuff and never throw up or get a hang over. Is this the miracle drink?

>> No.9149776

you fuckin weeb

>> No.9149783

Saki is one of the few things I can't drink. It has that watered down vodka taste to me.
Last time I bought a bottle I just ended up making koolaid with it.

>> No.9149796

Moved into a new place May 1st and set a rule for myself to not have alcohol here. I made it a month and a few weeks and really have only drank here maybe 5 times since I've moved in. In the first month of being here I did great went to the gym 6 nights a week found ways to make money with my time then my depression came back. Went to the gym last night and the night before but had to drink tonight.

Having trouble getting a read on a girl at work I've had a debilitating crush on since I started at my job 1 1/2 ago. I noticed she was going through things and a few weeks ago I mentioned I was hungover and she said she was too. I finally approached her about it and offered to do something during the day and sober with her because I thought maybe she didn't have friends to do that with. She asked for my number and text me the next day offering me rides to the train home. But every signs that says shes interested there is another that says she isn't. Worked together today and was didn't know where we stood. Working out used to clear my mind and help with understating this not only tall boys do.

>> No.9149804

When its at the wrong temperature it certainly does taste like watered down vodka. Its still easier to drink twice as much of it or even the same amount as a mixed drink.

>> No.9149932

Worst case scenario you just got a nice girl in your life who likes you as a person. Seems like a pretty nice thing desu.

>> No.9149940

Happy barfday m8

>> No.9150162

oh sweet jesus im fucked up

>> No.9150183
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>promise myself I'm not going to drink tonight because it's sunday, and I need a break
>cracked a few tallboys and moved onto whiskey

Kill me.

>> No.9150233

OmFG I'm FUCKED. In WD all night, shops finally open, cannot for the life of me find my bank card. It has simply vanished and I've got not a single drop of alcohol. I've had to order a new card, so... NO MONEY OR ALCOHOL FOR A FUCKING WEEK, I WILL NOT FUCKING SURVIVE AND I CANT AFFORD TO GET TO A DOCTOR... fuck fuck fuck fuck FUUCCCKK

>> No.9150246

"Do the world a favour, and rid yourself from it.

It's not for me, but the benefit of everyone.

You're dangerous and evil.

And nothing else."

The girl I love, ladies and gentlemen. Just received that email. Pretty much all she has said to me for a year.
Welp, time to get blackout wrecked.

>> No.9150306

What do you have to do to get someone this buttblasted?

>> No.9150329

Don't really know. We were in love, for a decade. now she just wants me dead. I can barely fucking breathe without that girl in my life. even if she does only tell me to kill myself, it's better than nothing.

>> No.9150334

Why did she write a poem to you?

>> No.9150349

Because she'd be arrested if she shot me? Idk
(That to you was poetic btw? Pretty sure it was just fury)

>> No.9150353

Hospital. Just do it

>> No.9150540

I stole a bottle.
Never stolen anything in my life.
Kill me.

>> No.9150542

First time and you got away with a bottle? Nice, how'd you manage

>> No.9150545

Picked it up and walked out, didn't even pocket it. Desperation I suppose

>> No.9150554

Fucking legend, guess you didn't have anything to lose, well except not being able to go back there again I suppose

>> No.9150561


>> No.9150577

>Got drunk
>Somehow broke a rib slightly
well that's an upgrade from small cuts and bruises

>> No.9150657

And how long is that bottle gonna last ya?

>> No.9150768

About 6 hours ;_;
I'm not allowing myself to think about it.

>> No.9150788

Thanks anon, but not sure I condone stealing. I know we're desperate and it's fucking literally life or death, but I will somehow repay the shopkeeper at some point
