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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9129866 No.9129866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I trust this place a lot so figured I can bring this up here

How many of you have families? I have some questions if you have wife/kids..

>> No.9129870


none of us

>> No.9129876

I have a gf but no family at the moment my dude

>> No.9130073

Did you find your life changing after getting a girl friend?

>I'm starting to realize that once I actually have kids my plans will change and what I've been planning on doing will never work out when you have kids and a wife....
>Kind of wondering what people with kids think about their plans before they were married.

>> No.9130078

I have a wife and a kid and i think my plans were childish and selfish

>> No.9130104
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Wow, I can agree to a point but hear me out

If you do have a kid, why am I wrong in realizing what I have and can accomplish?

>I've in a very good position right now and I think with all the money I can actually save I can retire comfortably at 40-45
>I don't need the rat race lifestyle of working until you are in your 50s just to support a family
>I was actually born in another country and moved to the US long time ago
>I was thinking once I succeed and actually save away, I can just move somewhere else with the money I have and survive on a nice living for the rest of my life
>However, I've started to notice If I do have kids and a wife who is also in a field and is successful as I am than we would both be tied down to a mortgage, car payments, and taking care of the kids instead of living and enjoying life after your mid 40s

>> No.9130121

take this to r9k or some other board

>> No.9130130


Do you think it is childish and selfish to decide to live your life traveling after you've put in 15+ years in your field and now you're in your 40s?

I'm doing well right now and on a great track with my company, however, I don't really see myself working for ever I would rather save and invest as I have been doing to enjoy life. However once again if I have children this "goal" will change wont it

I just want to know what someone else with a family thinks...

>> No.9130132

this has literally nothing to do with food or cooking

>> No.9130136

why do the ranting nutjobs always end up on this board?

>> No.9130139

>ranting nutjobs

Wow, I'm not some kind of nut although I prefer almonds and walnuts

Ok, why is it weird to think about this?

>> No.9130143

>/ck/-food and cooking

Fuck outta here dipshit

>> No.9130145
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I have a wife and two dogs.

>> No.9130148 [DELETED] 

Well mods can close it down than

I can't remove the thread

>Really though, nobody can answer the question?

Think about it you get one life why not spend it traveling the world and learning as much as you can.

>> No.9130153

Well mods can close it down then

I can't remove the thread

>Really though, nobody can answer the question?

Think about it you get one life why not spend it traveling the world and learning as much as you can.

>> No.9130160

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9130164

what is wrong with you?

>> No.9130165

Its a question

My family thinks I'm selfish for not even wanting to have 2 kids at least

>> No.9130166

Workaholic/business professional trying to decide if my plan is bullshit since if you do have kids you can never retire in your 40-50s

>> No.9130169
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>you get one life

Pls spend it travelling and not procreating as to remove urself from jean /pol.

No one can tell you how to live your life, some people like raising kids and having a reliable, constant soul mate. Other jdgaf.

In college I dreamed of sailing around the world, but the woman I fell in love with is not the sailing type. She doesn't swim well, and it turns out I burn easily. I enjoy raising her son immensely. 4 me it was a good trade off.

Srs, pls no bully.

>> No.9130176
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>I enjoy raising her son immensely.

>> No.9130183

Did you only have one kid?

For me, I think if I ever have kids minimum of 4

>> No.9130190

I live with my fiance and her 2 children, i get along with her daughter quite well, we go fishing and bicycle riding and stuff but her son refuses to bond with me, instead he spends his free time smoking marijuana and hanging out in shopping centres.

>> No.9130192

I would rather kill myself than have to raise a kid

>> No.9130196
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>her son
Let me guess, he's half nigger or spic

>> No.9130197

He is too old, it is common however the question I had

Can you think about how your plans actually changed?

Sorry, If I sound childish however at my age I don't really know if i want to give everything up to raise kids

>> No.9130198

>my wife's son

>> No.9130203


>> No.9130206
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>I trust this place a lot

>> No.9130207

Maybe because she knows how you would molest your own daughter if you were to have another child you rapist!!!

>> No.9130211

Not to give you advice but you shouldn't worry about cannabis unless he isn't doing anything with his life

Cannabis isn't that bad since it changes lives

>> No.9130221

I can tell you that the guy talking about doing w/o kids and retiring early is correct. His error is that there are women who can be life partners who feel the same way - I found one. I don't know how many people have told us they envy our childless lifestyle, but it's almost everyone. You have one life only and no, you don't continue to exist like a clone through successive generations just because your DNA merged with another. The entire idea that you must produce offspring is a product of female hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, some women recognize that and subjugate it to live their one life fully.

>> No.9130230

Well I actually talked to someone about this and they laughed at every point I brought up about having kids. They have the opinion that having kids is not actually that important at all since the majority of the people out there are nothing special and will never be known like the greats of history.

Good job, you had a kid who is now a slave to society.. what else have you accomplished and what knowledge if any will they pass down?

>> No.9130248

My life changed a bit, I don't get to go out drinking with my buddies as much any more, we had to buy a bigger house together so lots of my weekend is spent doing yard work and my fiance wants to spend time with me whenever I'm not working. I feel blessed though and raising my fiance's children is a rewarding experience.

>> No.9130256
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>> No.9130291
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With steak, you want to make every bite count. That's why I use A-1 Steak Sauce. A-1 brings out all the deep down juicy goodness of every single bite of steak or even hamburger.
Mmm-mmm, delicious. For me, there's only one steak sauce, A-1. Because A-1 has all the taste that makes every bite count.

>> No.9130300
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>> No.9130445

Where did you guys meet your wife's and significant others?

Is online dating a lost cause?

>> No.9130461

Let me just answer this definitively
Don't have kids, you fucking mong. You clearly don't want them and obviously are more interested in yourself than others. There's nothing wrong with that. So don't have kids if you don't want kids. Don't get married if you don't want a wife. The same lifestyle doesn't fit every person.

And for the love of god, don't you dare have any children until you learn how to read.


>> No.9130500


We should be friends
I like your style. Are you autistic or something?

>> No.9131272

Just dont have kids if you dont want them. Me on the other hand I travelled and lived life already so I had a kid. It's fucking great her mom went psycho tho. I just moved on and love someone else and want to have more kids. Im pretty much put on earth to make babies. *shrug*