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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 726x725, 00daaa02b388f7c9b44ced780cc7cdb5--low-calorie-ice-cream-healthy-ice-cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9124979 No.9124979 [Reply] [Original]

Man, I can't believe this stuff. 240 calories in the whole pint! And a good source of protein!

What are your favorite flavors? Red Velvet and Lemon Cake are mine. This stuff is the best!

>> No.9124985

I haven't been on /ck/ for a while, is this a meme or viral marketing?

>> No.9124990

I unironically ate this yesterday (lemon cake flavor) and it was really good. I threw away the box or I would take a picture. My only complaint is that it defrosts very slowly.

>> No.9124993

For me, it is a meme pretending to be bad viral marketing. The shittiest /ck/ meme.

>> No.9124996

but how

>> No.9125005


>> No.9125007

>is a meme pretending to be bad viral marketing.
I feel like it's the other way around

>> No.9125012

This stuff is so strange. It's good and all but I can eat half the pint and still not be satisfied. Where two-three scoops of Ben and Jerrys will do me fine.

>> No.9125014

>paying more for less calories
millennials are suckers

>> No.9125039

I noticed that. Even after eating the pint, I felt unsatisfied. But I almost never eat ice cream, so I don't have anybibggg to compare it to.

>> No.9125208

Strawberry, birthday cake, and cookies n cream are good too

>> No.9125219

because you eat ice cream for the the fat and sugar content, not because it's cold. And certainly not because it's aerated and full of artificial sweeteners, stablizers, and other chemicals to necessary simulate the texture of real ice cream.

>> No.9125259


Yeah all these chemicals sound really awful...

>> No.9125264
File: 101 KB, 600x450, halotopnutritionfacts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic

>> No.9125489

>not counting the cals from fiber or sugar alcohols on the label

Is that allowed now?

>> No.9125638

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9125650

14g carbs per serving. That's 56 calories. They didn't count the sugar alcohols or the fiber.

>> No.9125678

No seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Is this you trying to sound smart? It's failing miserably if so.

>> No.9125688

My favorite is the one that costs 9 dollars for 4 scoops of imitation ice cream.

>> No.9125717

>what are calories per macronutrient

>> No.9125843

Isn't the calories from the sugar, fiber, and sugar calories combined into the 14 g? It would be 56 calories that way. What perplexes me is that the whole amount of calories per serving doesn't add up between fat, sugar, and protein...If it did it would equal 98 calories. 14 x 4 + 6 x 4 + 2 x 9 = 98

>> No.9125845

Fucking retard

>> No.9125873

That's what i meant. They're ignoring a bunch of the carbs to put a lower number on the label

>> No.9125898
File: 35 KB, 400x400, IMG_0207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too much halo top gave me a muffin top
>now my bf doesn't find me attractive any more

Don't fall for the meme.

>> No.9125920

>carob gum
>guar gum
>"ice ceam"

>> No.9125950

Viral marketing. The best way to tell is enthusiasm for the product, weirdly-worded body (compared to most 4chan posts), and featuring the logo prominently.

>> No.9125972

>caring about calories when eating ice-cream

>> No.9125975

I got a coupon for a free pint of this from the checkout printer at my local Meijer today, they're definitely going all out on the marketing for this.

>> No.9125982

No, that makes it ironic viral marketing

>> No.9126093

Imagine being this dumb.

>> No.9126105

Why does diet ice cream make people here so autistic?

>> No.9126107

Probably the most disgusting ice cream I ever tasted

>> No.9126137

FYI, sugar alcohols and fiber contain almost no calories because they're not converted to energy well by our bodies. So they're never counted in nutrition label calculations of total calories.

>> No.9126171

Viral marketers pretending to be memesters doing it ironically.

>> No.9126343


>> No.9126389
File: 16 KB, 299x299, 1214206983268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to call this guy a pretentious faggot and tell him he's full of shit
>fact-check his statement before I shitpost
>holy shit he's right

>> No.9126398
File: 7 KB, 217x214, 25b8127b-4274-4ce5-a9c2-4cb88eb0975d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy anything other than pic related you're throwing your money away like a chump.

>that's right goy, buy our (((((((((premium ice cream))))))))), it's totally better than the cheap stuff!

>> No.9126405

normally i would go an autistic rant calling you a donkey brained mongoloid or something but lately ive been taking a quantity-over-quality approach to life and it's been working incredibly well

>> No.9126409
File: 581 KB, 731x645, BoycottBenJerryIceCreamSatanicKikesMeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9126418
File: 238 KB, 900x450, Jew-Ben-Jerrys-ice-cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down Herschel, there are still plenty of good goyim who would love nothing more than to pay $7 per pint for (((((((((Halo Top))))))))) premium ice cream.

>> No.9126466


>> No.9126472

>lies about calories
>literally frozen protein shake foam


>> No.9126485

I've tried several of their flavors and they all tasted like ass, not only that but they lacked any sort of creaminess that you'd get from regular ice cream
its like ice lying about being ice cream fuck this shit

>> No.9126691

I'm not one to accuse people of being shills, but nobody fucking uses that many exclamation marks unironically. Kill yourself.

>> No.9126711

halo top make me sick!

>> No.9126736

Had a coupon for a free pint. Got the almond flavored one. Literally tasted like someone poured a bottle of imitation almond flavor in there. It was awful. Could only eat two spoons and threw the rest away.

>> No.9126950

i unironically like this stuff

if you guys were /fit/ you'd understand lol

>> No.9128523
File: 977 KB, 500x281, hoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the red velvet is shit but the lemon cake is alright.

this stuff is only good if you eat it RIGHT when you get home though. if you put it in the freezer it gets icy as fuck. the container says to just leave it out to thaw, but all that does is make the outside melt while the core stays icy as fuck

>> No.9128701

Erythritol is just sugar alcohol and Stevia's a natural sweetener from plants. The gums can fuck off though.

>> No.9128722

This is ghetto tier garbage. Shitty ice cream base like B&J's without the mix-in's. The fact that either of these are referred to as ice cream instead of frozen dessert when there exists much better coconut and almond milk alternatives is baffling.

Its only saving grace is not being Breyers.

>> No.9128751

Erythritol is also found in pears and watermelons, and your body makes it when you digest glucose.

That said I just make my own ice cream. Cream, stevia, and vanilla.
My biggest issue with halo top is that it's low fat, but I realize low carb high fat is a pretty niche demographic.
My doctor just told me to do it so I could get a handle on prediabetes (and I did).

>> No.9129500

>Calm down Herschel, there are still plenty of good goyim who would love nothing more than to pay $7 per pint for (((((((((Halo Top))))))))) premium ice cream.
You should be blaming the store. I get it for around $3.00 at my grocers.

My only complaint is that the erythritol leaves a strange aftertaste.

>> No.9129761

the texture sucks, it's like whipped cream or something

ill stick with bluebell

>> No.9130312

The scawwy gums are both from beans, fucktards.

>> No.9130315

and they don't belong in ice fucking cream you retard. there's only three ingredients that belong in ice fucking cream: cream, sugar and eggs.

>> No.9130319

It's low fat and they're both natural thickening agents, fuckface.
Now what's 2+2?

>> No.9130328

it's also not actually food. and learn to shit in a fucking toilet, pajeet. halo top inc just deposited $.02 bing bucks to your account so go pay gurdeep to show you how to flush.

>> No.9130351

That's the point, you aspie.
If it were actual icecream, they wouldn't make a point of the calories being low on the box.
I also don't think you're in a position to be making unbased racial comments, considering you type like a nigger.

>> No.9130366

at least i'm not a fat fuck who has to shovel frozen confection down my fat gullet whole pints at a time. you want to know how to lose fucking weight fat fuck? have a fucking ounce of restraint. if you had some fucking restraint you might be able to enjoy some REAL ice cream once in a while without having to sperg out about it's fucking calorie count

>> No.9130421

you sound fat yourself, not to mention madder than hell for no good reason. sort yourself out friend.

>> No.9130427
File: 56 KB, 506x1163, guar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's also not actually food
Ummm try again sweetie

>> No.9130601

I never once talked about my stance on eating that product, just that it's almost as fucking retarded as you to be afraid of a thing just because it has the word gum in it.

>> No.9130612

I looked up your shitty ice cream and it's sweetened with erythritol, a sugar alcohol, which is a certifiable bowel cleaner-outer.

>> No.9130625

a serving is like 1/5 the amount to induce IBS in someone. and the type of person who buys this likely also gorge on other stevia laced foods, which means they probably spend a lot of time on the can.

>> No.9130630

I noticed these niggers are running a huge ad campaign right now. They're throwing that shit in snapchat ads, giving free manufacturer coupons at the store, and shilling the web.

i fucking hate it

>> No.9130635

Don't waste your breath on me. I hope all the fat retards who buy this shit gorge until they shit themselves to death while reading 4chan

>> No.9130643
File: 11 KB, 241x282, 1391478858920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now my bf doesn't find me attractive any more
I'd probably still fuck you

>> No.9130734

>cucks getting rum de la cremed over diet ice cream they don't even eat
This is it. You've hit rock bottom. Time to end it all.

>> No.9130825

how fucking new are you? anon always fucking hates obvious viral shitters. only anon gets to shit post here. fucking paid astro turfers can fuck del la cremed out. pajeet

>> No.9130849

Go to bed, Scott.

>> No.9130987

r/1200isjerky is leaking

>> No.9131047

Kill yourself back to r*ddit.

>> No.9131071

If your not already aware, the gook who bought 4chan has hired a digital advertising company manager as the lead mod (jay Irwin). He is a manager at Taykey advertising who specialize in datamaning. Hiroshimoot had major debts to pay when he bought 4chan so he obviously had a plan. That plan was to turn 4chan into an advterising datamining service to make fat stacks. Question suspicious threads

>> No.9131266

pls don't bully swaglord,

>> No.9131270

I can't believe anyone can eat this shit. The amount of sugar alcohol in it alone gave me stomach pains and diarrhea worse than anything I've had.

>> No.9131407

>>now my bf doesn't find me attractive any more
No girl posts here, fuck off you memester