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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9123083 No.9123083 [Reply] [Original]

taking a survery post your opinion of the following:

Pineapple on pizza
mint flavored ice cream
taco bell
fast food in general

>> No.9123088

>Pineapple on pizza
never had it but sounds absolutely disgusting
>mint flavored ice cream
not very attractive
boring. meme food
>taco bell
never tried it. I don't think those places even exist outside of America
Only went 2-3 times. Was cheap and decent. If you just want some food, there's nothing wrong with mcd
>fast food in general
fine in moderation. Nothing degenerate about it

>> No.9123091

>>mint flavored ice cream
meant to say good

>> No.9123092

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
Hell yeah
Never had, probably no
>taco bell
Never had, would try once
No, very rarely
>fast food in general
Okay every now and then. Self-hate guaranteed

>> No.9123116

>Pineapple on pizza
yes please
>mint flavored ice cream
why not
if salted properly or in a guacamole, not on everthing.
>taco bell
never had it
meh. i feel bad after but it´s okay once or twice a year.
>fast food in general
okay in moderation, sometimes you just want a nice burger/delivery pizza/kebap whatever.

>> No.9123125

>mint ice cream
yes, very nice
>everything else
no thanks

>> No.9123135


>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
Probably fine never tried it, have ice cream about twice a year
I'd try them, I imagine they'd be a bit on the chewy side.
It's alright, a bit silly that it's on everything at the moment
>taco bell
Doesn't exist here, I'd try it if in Burgerstan
Expensive and not very good here, another once or twice a year thing
>fast food in general
Lots of quality burger places around here to sample in lieu of McDonald's, not exactly "fast" though. I personally eat way too much pizza, but not from chains. As far as chains go, my only regular craving is for KFC, which makes me hate myself, so keep it to every couple of months or so.

>> No.9123147
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>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
never eaten
to fatty
>taco bell
never had
chicky nugs and milkshakes are good
>fast food in general
its ok, i prefer take-out from actual restaurants

>> No.9123155

>Pineapple on pizza
absolute trash
>Pineapple on pizza
absolute trash
>Pineapple on pizza
absolute trash
>Pineapple on pizza
absolute trash

>> No.9123157

>pineapple on pizza
Goodness, no.
>mint ice cream
Yes, but probably a symptom of nostalgia from childhood.
I have a pair.
I've tried it a few times in different dishes, but I didn't like the flavour/texture.
>taco bell
I've never been there, alas. I will travel to to exotic USA some day...
I haven't been there since childhood, for a variety of reasons.
>fast food in general
I get a takeout, usually a pizza, or Chinese or Indian now and again when I'm too exhausted to cook.

>> No.9123168

>Pineapple on pizza
Don't care for it but would eat if offered a slice.
>mint flavored ice cream
Best ones taste like an Andes mint, worst like toothpaste.
Had some fried once when young but don't remember too well. Idea is off-putting.
Grass flavored butter. Pass
>taco bell
Always discontinue their best shit. Cheap and tasty.
Best nuggets. McChicken and McDouble for me.
>fast food in general
Not worth the calories. Haven't had in nearly 2 years.

>> No.9123171

>Pineapple on pizza
it's sweet and even greater on a schnitzel burger w/ mayo
>mint flavored ice cream
Yes. Tooth paste has to taste like something or else they wouldn't sell any.
No leave it for the elders who want their delicacy/legacy
with eggs on toast in place of butter
>taco bell
never wanted it perhaps because mother could only cook bad chili and I learned to hate Mexican food
I'm convinced the food/oil/salt/carbs combinations are primarily designed to inspire impulsiveness in individuals, it is drugs disguised as food.
>fast food in general
BBQ chicken. Burritos. All good if the ingredients are wholesome, I will pay for good pizza even though I can make it for 1/5th the price and have no money.

>> No.9123176

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
tfw no bf
literally fruit flavored paste, shit sucks
>taco bell
never been to one
I only eat the breakfast
>fast food in general
Food for stupid people

>> No.9123177

>Pineapple over pizza
Nope, only over pastor tacos
>mint flavored ice cream
It gets me dizzy for some reason but it's goos with chocolate.
Pretty ok, would order again if it didn't mean retarded giggles and gaspa by anyone who hears me order it.
Excellent taste and nutritious. Fuck hipsters though.
>taco bell
I kinda got that if you are in mood for tacos (as a Mexican would) don't go to Taco Bell, but it ain't that bad for fast food.
Pretty good and comfy, people are paranoid ans retarded about it, just don't go every single day.
>fast food in general
I like proper gourmet places, and I kije to try different things and yet, fast food still has a place for me. People just take extremes in the issue and seem to forget wtf moderation is.

>> No.9123180

>Pineapple on pizza

Don't like it.

>mint flavored ice cream

Good in small portions.





>taco bell




>fast food in general

Only fast food I like is fish and chips and kebab with chips and rice, and pizza

>> No.9123198

only shotas

>> No.9123221

>Pineapple on pizza
I don't want my pizza to be sweet and tangy
>mint flavored ice cream
I'd rather not
Never tried any, would definitely try it given the opportunity
Tasteless and pointless
>taco bell
Yuropoor, never tried it
I quite enjoy QP with cheese and McChicken
>fast food in general
Some of it is great but I can't eat it without feeling I need to go to the gym afterwards

>> No.9123239


no thanks, thought I've never had any
never had it
good when drunk or hungover
read above

>> No.9123242

>pineapple on pizza
not my thing, nobody I know likes it either. Don't really care if you get it though, I don't do half and half pizzas so you're on your own.
>mint flavored ice cream
I enjoy it.
rocky mountain oysters can be real good if prepared well, but much like scallops they're real easy to fuck up.
too fatty, gives me heartburn for some reason, I think I have some sort of sensitivity.
>taco bell
got e coli from a taco bell once, about a decade ago, it was a pretty big thing. I got a nice settlement check and that's what prompted me to start cooking my own food.
fries, occasionally go when they have a good deal on the app, usually once a month, if that. Otherwise, meh.
>fast food in general
it's okay. I used to eat it a lot but nearly dying was a pretty scared straight kinda event in my life.

>> No.9123295

>Pineapple on pizza
i'm not a fan of pineapple in general, so no
>mint flavored ice cream
the best flavor.
no thanks
meme food
>taco bell
it's okay sometimes, not really a fan though
it's okay, my least preferred of the "big 3" fast food joints
>fast food in general
i like fast food more than i should desu

>> No.9123372

>pineapple on pizza
Not that good, but edible.
>mint flavored ice cream
Never had, would try probably.
>taco bell
Good when under the influence.
Good for lazy, unhealthy, quick breakfast.
>fast food in general
Tastes good, shouldn't be eaten often because money sink and unhealthy.

>> No.9123384


This is all stuff I used to dislike but enjoy now on occasion.

You babbies need to grow out of your childhood tastebuds

>> No.9123396

Pinapple on pizza is quite good. Have no idea why people have a stigma against it, but whatever.

Mint ice cream is cool, once in a while

No thanks.

Taco bell is good. Fuck ton of food for cheap, cheaper than mcdick's

Mcdonalds is alright, but if I get out of work and have no money, would rather go to taco bell

Fast food is okay if you're low on money and need something quick to eat, otherwise its generally unhealthy to be a pigwhore and eat it all the time.

>> No.9123398

I don't even want to acknowledge avocado. Fucking stupid food. Only good in burritos.

>> No.9123401

>pineapple on pizza
Indifferent. I'll eat it but i usually end up picking most of it off
>mint flavored ice cream
Top tier
Never tried
Delicious but overrated
>taco bell
Also pretty bad but once in a while i crave a big mac
>fast food in general
I try to avoid it but I opt for wendy's or subway when I cave

>> No.9123413

>itt people who have never had a good avocado
(hint: you won't unless you live in southern california or mexico)

foodie bullshit aside, I look forward to my two trees producing every year very much

>> No.9123416

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
Overrated but good with a decent chocolate element
Overrated but good with a decent chocolate element
never had it
>taco bell
Not particularly great but they've never disappointed me.
Good breakfast, parfait and """ice cream"""
>fast food in general
Too expensive to be worth it these days

>> No.9123417

>Pineapple on pizza
Nothing wrong with that, Pineapple and cheese get along very well
>mint flavored ice cream
Also pretty delicious
Never eat them unprepared, always turn them into something
>taco bell
Went to an US base once, only place where you get taco bell here. Nothing special, I prefer Kebab over it
It is the place where humans goto get rid of thier last bit of dignity, god awful food which cannot be eaten without dropping half of it, the buns are disgusting, the meat is bland and the tomatoes are soggy.
>fast food in general
Pretty fine actually, just stay away from chains.

>> No.9123445

Not a fan.
It's alright
Never had them, probably good if prepared right
It's nice. Currently a fashionable food thing though.
Never had them
Cheap and you know what you're getting. Not great.
Alright if eaten as a treat; don't use it as a staple.

>> No.9123474


Pineapple on pizza
>a thousand curses on your family if you eat this
mint flavored ice cream
>really good if paired with dark chocolate, fake mint flavour tastes really gross
>never had any, cant speak for them
>creamy, but sort of tasteless. I like guac, but I do not like avacado on its own
taco bell
>garbage, but tasty, in a barely edible sort of way
>garbage, but definitely better than tacobell
fast food in general
>okay to have once and awhile.

>> No.9123487
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Pineapple on pizza
mint flavored ice cream
>im straight but i like having testicles
taco bell
fast food in general

>> No.9123502

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
No, but I haven't had enough of it to say definitively so.
Never had any. I'm not interested either,
I enjoy it whenever possible.
>taco bell
Never been
Probably more than 10 years since I last visited one.
>fast food in general
I never go to fast food joints unless someone else asks me to. I'd rather go to local sit-down place or better yet cook myself for less money.

>> No.9123505

Never had
Whatever on all fast food. I eat it once in a great while

>> No.9123559

>pineapple on pizza
Acceptable. Not first choice.
>mint flavored ice cream
On occasion.
Good with a little bit of salt.
>taco bell
Just bring me testicles senpai.
See above
>fast food in general
Drive-thru testicles when?

>> No.9123570

>Pineapple on pizza

>mint flavored ice cream

not against the idea but never tried

have it like 4 breakfasts a week

>taco bell
never tried

i'll get a quarter pounder with cheese like twice a year. nothing wrong with it

>fast food in general
i don't like the sweet sticky sauces you get in a lot of fast food but otherwise i'm neutral on it. as long as they use fresh vegetables i'm cool

>> No.9123591

>pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
ok i guess. mint is an overused flavor imo
not too much flavor. its kind like eating chicken gizzard, if you into that sorta thing
amazing god tier fruit
>taco bell
the best thing on the menu is the cheesy gordita crunch (NOT with the dorito shell)
what can i say... its consistent but obviously there's better fast food out there
>fast food in general
i think if you want some comfort food an such, you're better off going to your local little greasy spoon diner

>> No.9123600


chicken gizzards have fucktons of flavour

>> No.9123606

>Pineapple on pizza
Good, but nothing exceptional

>mint flavored ice cream
Good, but nothing exceptional

Meh. I liked the flavor, texture was off-putting

Great if they're ripe, awful if they aren't.

>taco bell
Guaranteed mediocrity.

>> No.9123610

>Pineapple on pizza
I like it with chicken, bacon, onion, and with bbq as the sauce instead of tomato sauce.
>mint flavored ice cream
They're alright, I don't like them when they're very very small though.
Good, good for you, I like to make guac or avo on bagels, also good incorporated into a sauce.
>taco bell
I had it yesterday but I'm never proud of that. It's alright and cheap.
Worse than taco bell because the quality varies so much location to location. Always a last resort.
>fast food in general
it's whatever. I try not to eat very much of it but sometimes I have a 20 minute lunch break so that's all I have time for.

>> No.9123616

kinda, but i mean the texture

>> No.9123652

>Pineapple on pizza
For fags
>mint flavored ice cream
Never had
Flavorless numale meme shit
>taco bell
I just get fries and chicken nuggets
>fast food in general
I rarely eat fast food. Maybe once a month or every other month

>> No.9123675

>Pineapple on pizza
Literally nothing wrong with this as long as you're using good fresh pineapple and not the canned stuff.

>mint flavored ice cream
Mint chip is my go-to flavor when I'm not sure what I want.

Are we talking culinary value or just in general? I find them nice in general.

I don't like the texture much and the flavor isn't outstanding to me.

>taco bell
I like a few things from there.

Their frozen strawberry lemonade was tasty, wonder if they brought it back this summer.

>fast food in general
I don't expressly prefer it, but sometimes it's a necessity or a convenience.

>> No.9123684
File: 95 KB, 1536x838, o-SQUEAKY-RAIN-FROG-facebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought OP's pic was this frog.

>> No.9123781

>pineapple on pizza
Perfectly fine. There are better toppings, but it works in moderation

>mint ice cream
So long as it doesnt get that weird chalky, gritty texture that some do, it's great.

I see no reason to eat them, but I'm not really that big into offal in general. Prepared like food and not just boiled gray "fear factor" style, I'd at least give it a try just for edification's sake.

Avacado by itself tastes bland as fuck, I would even go as far as to say that it tastes like nothing. I loves me some guacamole though.

>taco bell
Poor quality, costs too much for what you get. That said, it's a great choice for that "It's late at night and I want to eat something awful" void.

I like burgers with some kind of vegetation on them, and none of their burgers really have them. Everything tastes vaguely artificial. Wendy's is better provided you can find a place that wont fuck your order up.

>fast food
Not a fan in general really. Like I said above, wendy's is okay (at least their meat and veggies are fresh), and burgers themselves are okay by themselves for the most part, but then you add a fucking quart of sugary-ass soda and like one and a half to two whole potatoes that have been deep fried and salted to oblivion.

>> No.9123802

>Pineapple on pizza
If I buy a pizza in the market and all flavours are shitty then this is my go to option
>mint flavored ice cream
I don't like mint in general, except for gum.
to eat? I wouldn't eat it.
>taco bell
Here in europoor we don't know what a tacobell is except from what I hear from Americans
Only good for two things; sloppy cheese burgers and a mc chicken. I hardly ever go cause I detest fast food.

>> No.9123824

>Pineapple on pizza
A+ as long as the pizza dough is thick and good.
>mint flavored ice cream
Very refreshing, goes well in the Summer with a sweeter side like Chocolate.
Never had them.
Amazing on anything.
>taco bell
Never had it, does not exist in my country.
>fast food in general
Mostly shit.

>> No.9123840

you got it right the first time to be honest

>> No.9123847

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
nothing wrong
trash and has bad taste
>taco bell
not a burger sorry
ok in my country
>fast food
nothing wrong

>> No.9123861
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>Pineapple on pizza
Lame. Twizzlers is the superior sweet topping for pizza.

>mint flavored ice cream
Double lame.

As far as Rocky Mountain oysters go, they're okay.

Catches hell on here for being a meme food, but guac is awesome. Fuck the haters, more for me.

>Taco Bell
Caramel apple empanada is the only thing I'll eat from there.

Like Taco Bell, the only thing I'll touch are the pies.

>fast food in general
Chains, as you have probably worked out, I don't like. Food trucks can have some interesting offerings, if a bit pricey. Funk Seoul Brother in Nashville is my favorite.

>> No.9123884

>Pineapple on pizza
>Mint ice cream
Haven't tried them. I would imagine they would be too tough for me though.
>Taco bell
Haven't tried it.
Pretty shit, but the curly fries are tasty.
>Fast food in general
Local places are fine, chains usually aren't great.

>> No.9123896

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
never had
meh, not a fan of the fattiness, consistency, or taste
>taco bell
>fast food in general
fast food shills need to get off /ck/, but hiro needs to make a profit off his investment so we can't have meta threads about it

>> No.9123904

>Pineapple on pizza
Very good
>mint flavored ice cream
Best Ice Cream
Should be cut off of all faggots
The biggest meme in the culinary world. Absolutely no flavor
>taco bell
>fast food in general
garbage, eat it maybe once a year if circumstances force me to....usually will just go hungry though

>> No.9123932

>Pineapple on pizza
It's good if it's a sweet pizza that has no cheese.
>mint flavored ice cream
Really good.
Want to try some time, they seem pretty good from what people say.
It's okay when mashed with sugar. Guacamole tastes like vinaigrette. Fried in orange juice is very good.
>taco bell
I'm a huemonkey, never eaten there.
I'm lovin' it, it's very good, no cartilage in the patties at all.
>fast food in general
Very good when eaten in moderation. I guess it's ok to be a bit fat, but you don't want to get obese.

>> No.9123938

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
only good in guac
>taco bell
>fast food in general
too salty

>> No.9123966

>Pineapple on pizza
tasty, great during summer due to sweet-sour fresh taste
>mint flavored ice cream
again, great especially when it's hot, mint flavour makes it taste even cooler and refreshing than "regular" icecream
sweaty and ichy, why do you ask?
pretty good, kinda overpriced
>taco bell
never had any
best item are the fries
>fast food in general
convenient, harmless in moderation

>> No.9124043

Can be good

>> No.9124057

It's not my first choice
White ice cream better than green
I have balls the last time I checked
Too expensive for my budget
Anal evacuation
Fecal Urgency
I prefer my spinchter to not be in pain after eating a meal

>> No.9124073

I unoriginal love mcchickens.

>> No.9124085

>Pineapple on pizza
With ham and anchovies, please.
>mint flavored ice cream
Quite nice with chocolate chips.
Never eaten them, my gf is partial to mine.
Tasty with HP sauce.
>taco bell
Never tried it.
Junk food, tastes alright but, hungry an hour later.
>fast food in general
I prefer to stay away from it but now and again I treat myself.

>> No.9124135

>Pineapple on pizza
Never had, and I strongly doubt that the flavor of pineapple on traditional pizza would be pleasant. Maybe with a complete overhaul of the other toppings, it could be ok. Not with tomato sauce and mozzarella for sure.
>mint flavored ice cream
Best with dark chocolate ice cream. Had a gelateria next to where I live that used to have those two flavors, I came bucket each time. Since it closed I could never find another place that had both mint and dark chocolate.
I cringe in pain only by thinking about it. Also I don't think I would like the texture.
Not very common where I live, it's sort of a luxury food. Had it a few times and it's not bad at all.
>taco bell
never had it, nearest one is like a thousand km from where I am.
fucking overpriced, meme fast food. Burger King is way tastier and cheaper.
>fast food in general
okay if I'm in a hurry or if it's too late to cook something at home and I'm with friends. Other than that, a big waste of money and health.

>> No.9124139

>Pineapple on pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
>taco bell
absolute foodkino
its ok
>fast food in general
not good

>> No.9124144

>Pineapple on pizza
pineapple is for juice blends/cocktails and fruit salads only
>mint flavored ice cream
can be very good, especially with chocolate, but there are better flavors
belong in pants, not on plates
the most delicious and versatile fruit in existence. I eat them every day, and would rather give up booze, weed and porn than give up avocados
>taco bell
it's not bad, but why would I go there when I can get much better cheap Mexican food from the taco truck a block away?
trying way too hard to be upscale, and their regular cheap items are suffering as a result
>fast food in general
can be good if the ingredients are good and the employees are competent. otherwise, it can turn into a real shitshow, and leave one feeling ripped off

>> No.9124156

>Pineapple on pizza
Love it. Unronical favourite pizza and as a matter of fact, I had a self made for dinner
>mint flavored ice cream
They make that??? Horrible. Mint and sweet doesn't work
I have 2. For food? No idea but no from the thought of it
>taco bell
I live in a first world country. No such shit here
I like a Big Tasty from time to time but the franchise in general: Shit.
>fast food in general
Shit. I like the idea and all but it's DESIGNED food. "Food". They also hire behavioural therapists to find out how they can get you to pay the most money, and fuck off the quickest. Literally. Fuck that

>> No.9124177

>Pineapple on pizza
its alright
>mint flavored ice cream
pretty good
i have them
>taco bell
its alright
their more expensive stuff is good
>fast food in general
i eat it

>> No.9125190
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>Pineapple on pizza
can be decent if paired with savoury (eg sausage, not fucking cloyingly sweet ham), but I think that toppings in general should only exist on sub-par pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
not a fan
ehh, decent but overrated
>taco bell
never been and never will
has its niche but I'll take a good meal over it almost any day
>fast food in general
see above

>> No.9125201

>only shotas

>> No.9125272

>Pineapple pizza
Absolute trash.
>Mint ice cream
I will eat any and all mint ice creams
The food or the body part? Both are somewhat un appealing. I dont like the mouthfeel.
Meme food. Good in dips sometimes.
>Taco Bell
Cheap and actually tastes kinda good.
Refuse to eat there.
>Fast Food
I enjoy it a lot, but im realizing that half the places are terrible and that id rather just make my own

>> No.9125291

>Pineapple on pizza
Its hard to beat pep and pineapple pizza
>mint flavored ice cream
I dont eat ice cream
Only look good on women
Hate it on sandwiches and stuff but I like guacamole
>taco bell
Shit. I grew up in southern AZ so good cheap mexican food was everywhere.
Awesome fries meh everything else.
>fast food in general
Its worth it to take the extra step and pick up from a local joint.