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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9122279 No.9122279 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: weird foods from your childhood

>Daddy's Hero Sandwich
>roast beef
>peanut butter

I'm fully aware of just how damned bizarre this combination is but can't bring myself to part with it. It's comfort food to me at this point.

>> No.9122289

>Half loaf of bread stuffed with
>All the meats we had in the fridge
>A bunch of jalapenos
>A shit load of ranch

>> No.9122296

>hated tomatoes as a kid
>dad tries to get me to eat this sun dried tomato dish
>I see it has tomatoes in it, so I reject it
>he says they're not tomatoes
>they're "Australian Sun Fruit"
>I eat it up and love it

>> No.9122350

I didn't eat very weird things when I was a kid, but my dad did when he was drunk. He'd come back to his apartment at 11:30 P.M. on a Saturday night, I was watching cartoons and playing Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. He'd go to the kitchen and make this weird concoction of a pan-fried hot dog, black olives, refried beans, melted cheddar, salsa, Tabasco, and sour cream on a flour tortilla. He'd make 2 of them, hazily watch the cartoons and talk to me for a bit, then go pass out in his room. Next month, he will have been sober for 10 years, so that's good, too bad I'm an alcoholic now.

>> No.9122384

sometimes added bacon between condiment and salami

>> No.9122875


sounds like something either a stoner or a pregnant lady would think up

>> No.9122885

>Daddy's Knuckle Sandwich
1. One clenched fist

>> No.9122895

Dads are some of the worst cooks on the planet. The longer they wait after becoming a dad to try learning to cook, the worse they are at their peak. If you wait until your second kid just don't bother trying.

>> No.9122899

My mom's a Swede who fell in love with murrican food once she moved over here. Problem is she underseasons everything and cooks meat to death unless she's making her native dishes. Not particularly weird, but growing up with chicken-fried steak that is only breading and meat with no seasoning just sucked.

Perhaps if you ever have to quit, he'll be your greatest ally since he's been there and knows what it's like.

>> No.9122902

Rice mixed with cheese wiz was the only way I ate it.

Then again it was minute rice so I think it was justified.

>> No.9122916

i would do turkey, white bread, peanut butter, and american cheese

>> No.9122924

My dad is a pretty great cook actually.

>> No.9122934
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>> No.9123429


>> No.9123443

My dad is the best cook I know (except my uncle who's an actual chef) but he fucking hates cooking.

>> No.9123459

The seven spices toast
>Chicken stock
>Vegetable soup spice

>> No.9123510

half of these aren't spices, anon

>> No.9123821

someone post the screencap of the anon whomst's dad used to "make" his own spices

one of them was called something retarded like "cake crumb hot hot hot"

>> No.9123825


Found the archived thread, but no screen cap.

>> No.9123827

Corn flakes with nutella.
No milk.
Mix and eat with a spoon.

>> No.9123828


>> No.9123855

I'm sure most Mexicans have had this but just to be sure
>Toasted wheat bread
>Cream cheese
>Cajeta, a caramel like spread more like dulce de leche but not exactly

>> No.9123865


>> No.9123871

> 2 tortillas with butter, 2 with peanut butter

>> No.9123879

Bananas and mayonnaise
Often put between two slices of bread to make a sandwich, but sometimes just eaten together in a bowl
Never ate it myself but my siblings and mom's side of the family ate it all the time

>> No.9123894


>> No.9123921
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i thought all dads were like that

>> No.9124023
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6 medium bananas
1/4 cup lemon juice
6 thin slices boiled ham (about 1/2 lb)
3 tablespoons prepared mustard
2 envelopes (1 1/4-oz size) hollandaise sauce mix
1/4 cup light cream

1. Preheat oven to 400F. Lightly butter 2-quart, shallow baking dish.

2. Peel bananas; sprinkle each with 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice, to prevent darkening.

3. Spread ham slices with mustard. Wrap each banana in slice of ham. Arrange in single layer in casserole. Bake 10 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, make sauce: In small saucepan, combine sauce mix with 1 cup water, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and cream. Heat, stirring, to boiling; pour over bananas. Bake 5 minutes longer, or until slightly golden. Nice with a green salad for brunch or lunch. Makes 6 servings.

>> No.9124071

Fried spam for breakfast with eggs and waffles
A sandwich 2 inches high full of meat

>> No.9124090
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Mom's friend baloney sammy.

Take me back..

>> No.9124096

I refused to eat a lot of foods when I was a kid, incredibly picky. For lunch everyday at school, I would only eat a mustard sandwich.

It was just sourdough bread with standard yellow mustard in between the folded single piece of bread. I fucking loved it

>> No.9124111


Fucking bliss

>> No.9124241

Sounds good

>> No.9124249

it was, and now I'm particular about my sourdough bread. It has to be genuine sourdough bread that has a slight sour taste on it's own. Only one good brand at the store near me, but it's fucking amazing bread

>> No.9124277

My dad once tried boiling Hotdogs for us and ended up turning the water into a thin layer of charcoal on the bottom with the hotdogs incased in it like Han Solo in Carbonite.
Stereotypes exist for a reason.

>> No.9124286

I'm glad you have one you like.

>> No.9124312

Why do dads make the weirdest but co comfiest foods co/ck/s?

>> No.9124327

>microwaved tortilla
>cholula hot sauce

>> No.9125042


>> No.9125077

I had a similar story.

I liked grapes, I would eat them no problem. But then one night for dinner, my mom gave me grapes for dinner. And I don't know why, but I refused to eat them. I sat at the table until bedtime (A few hours later) without eating them. My mom was pissed.

The next day my mom made spaghetti. As I ate the spaghetti, I noted to my mom that the sauce tasted weird. I just thought it was a new sauce she made or something. After I finished my dinner my mom asks "so, anon, did you like the spaghetti?" Yeah, it was good. "well remember the grapes from last night? I blended them into your sauce" I started crying because my mom outsmarted me.

I still talk about it all the time with my mom

>> No.9125078

Kolache by grandma.

>Kings Hawaiian roll
>3 Little Smokies sausages
>1/2 slice cheddar cheese

Ate one for breakfast every day for years.

>> No.9125110

gonna have to try this now

>> No.9125128

I could wake, bake, and fuck with that. Your grandma sounds based.

>> No.9125185

your mom is a fucking bitch

>> No.9125213

In all fairness, I was being an ass. But she'll still try to pull this shit on me.

Once I was coming to her house from out of town, she knows I like homemade mac and cheese, made from just cheddar cheese. So I serve a huge portion to myself, thinking im going to get some tasty mac and cheese, I take a bite, and can tell it's weird. I ask what's wrong with it, and she wont look at me. So I ask again, and she told me she put some cottage cheese in it. I spit it out and threw it away. I don't trust her cooking anymore, if I go over to her house, I have to watch her make the food to make sure she isn't fucking around with me

>> No.9125228

lmao what the hell is her problem.

>> No.9125262

My dad is a way better cook that my mom.

>> No.9125279

Don't know. And it's not like im a kid that can't choose food for myself. I'm 25, don't live with her, and she's still pulling that shit.

>> No.9125300

>tfw no weird foods from childhood

Pretty funny considering I'm coming from a second-world country in the eastern Europe. Sure, some cuisine here might seem slightly odd to Americans but they're the most basic shit in the country.

>> No.9125335

...but apparently you are a kid who can't cook for yourself, and you complain when mommie doesn't cook it exactly like your sperghead desires?

>> No.9125359

well, the first story was when I was like 6, so correct, I couldn't cook.

And the second story, from when I was 25, I traveled from out of town to her house. So yeah, im not going to make dinner for the family having just got off a cross country flight

>> No.9125377

My dad sucks at regular cooking, but he's great at barbecuing for cookouts

>> No.9125469

dont listen to autistic anons with terrible childhoods - your mom is cool af

>> No.9125475

>microwaved slice of meat loaf
>toasted white bread

>> No.9125479

wasn't too cool when she cheated on my dad with my brothers baseball coach, took all of the furniture in the house, my dads entire retirement, and $250k from their bank account

>> No.9125505

>Samoan style spaghetti

That's welfare food, for poor kids. You boil up some spaghetti, then you put margarine and soy sauce on it. And that's dinner. Or maybe that plus one spam musubi.

I'm not even Samoan but Mom picked this up when she lived in Hawaii with my father before I was born. He was in the Army, if you're wondering. He was stationed at Schofield Barracks but they lived off base, in a really shitty part of Honolulu full of Samoans. Mom also had a Japanese neighbor who taught her to make rice omelets filled with whatever leftovers were in the fridge that morning.

>> No.9125985


On a similar note, "Field Spaghetti" is a thing. It's the U.S. Army approved way of making it if all you've got is pasta and random condiments.

Once saw a guy do it with mustard, mayo, and tabasco sauce.

>> No.9126019
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>deep roasted ants
>congealed pig's blood pudding
>oyster pancakes
>fried tofu that smells like actual garbage
I still love them desu

>> No.9126186

>apply butter to tortilla
>roll it up

>toast bread
>butter it
>put cinnamon and sugar on it
(this one is actually really good)

>put hotdog in microwave for ~20 seconds
>eat just like that no bun or anything

>deli meats wrapped around string cheese

>> No.9126467

You can also take a layer of thinly sliced deli meat and a slice of cheese and roll them up, so as to be holding the slice of cheese on the outside (which is usually less messy than meat) as a sort of no-carb paleo diet style sandwich.

>> No.9127226

Dorito Sandwich.

And yes it's exactly what it sounds like.