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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 201 KB, 1500x1125, scrambled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9121075 No.9121075 [Reply] [Original]

Scrambled eggs are the best form of eggs, if you disagree then you're W-R-O-N-G

>> No.9121088

well if im wrong im right, so you're wrong.

>> No.9121167

>He doesn't use a variety of methodologies

>> No.9121318
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I made a scrabled egg pizza

>> No.9121342


>> No.9121353

>he doesn't like poached eggs on toast
>he doesn't like deviled eggs
>he doesn't like omelettes
Come on man. Scrambled is 10/10 comfort food, but you gotta branch out.

>> No.9121373

Fried eggs taste better but it's a hassle to make enough of them, so I usually scramble up 6 or 10.

>> No.9121389


>> No.9121396

For me, it's the soft-boiled egg, the most underrated chicken ovum.

>> No.9121397
File: 30 KB, 400x400, loli with gun 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this post and never respond to one of my posts ever again. I've killed people for less than this affront.

>> No.9121403


Omelette is objectively superior. especially when you get them light and airy and ruffled

>> No.9121416

you're a gross faggot and your pic isn't even a loli
kill yourself before I find your address and kick the shit out of you

>> No.9121432
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>> No.9121442
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>> No.9122335

Superb tier
>creamy scrambled
>soft boiled

Good tier:
>over lightly/sunny side up
>hard boiled with horseradish + salt

Meh tier:
>fried/ over hard

Shit tier:
>scrambled and overcooked
>hard boiled plain

>> No.9122358
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Then I don't want to be right

>> No.9122433

Lose the pizza sauce, go lighter on the eggs, and add fresh spinach and diced tomatoes and you're good to go.

>> No.9122438

How do you eat hard boiled with horse radish? Just throw some on that bitch and take a bite?

>> No.9122486

Too crispy.

>> No.9122489

This list would be perfect if you hadn't fucked up on the very last entry.
You have to realize that raw eggs are patrician and then you will be truly enlightened.

>> No.9122498
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I'll try it and get back to you

>> No.9122499
File: 90 KB, 866x1300, 13598831-A-soft-boiled-egg-in-an-egg-cup-accompanied-by-toast-fingers-or-soldiers-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrambled eggs are good, but not GOAT tier.

GOAT egg dish is egg and fingers.

>> No.9122502


Over easy is 2nd best.

>> No.9122510

White people and Asians have taught me how to appreciate sunny side up eggs.

>> No.9122512

>loli with gun 18
How many pictures of lolis with guns do you have?

>> No.9122514

Wow. That list is spot on.

I really only eat raw eggs with sukiyaki or on hot rice for breakfast. In either case, it's more of a sauce, so I think prev anon is right. I certainly wouldn't drink a glass of raw egg.

>> No.9122515

Is that just buttered bread or...
Not insulting it just actually asking.

>> No.9122520

He seriously did make the best egg list I've ever seen in my life though aside from the opinion on raw.

>> No.9122521

crack a raw egg over steaming hot japanese short grain rice.

Tamago kake gohan.

>> No.9122531
File: 56 KB, 358x429, loli with gun 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gon ride wit me to the end
we all gotta friend
and mine is a G-U-N

>> No.9122543

>Is that just buttered bread or...
It looks like it. Should be toasted and the butter should be melted.

>> No.9122576

>flavorless rice with flavorless egg
Pretty shit breakfast if you ask me, m80. But then again you're only eating it because you're a pretentious faggot, not for the taste.

>> No.9122582
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>> No.9122583

Poached>Deviled>Over-easy>Over-Medium>Sliced Hard Boiled Eggs with olive oil S&P>Omlettes>Boring, regular old scrambled eggs

>> No.9122763

Or you could go pizza Benedict
>hollandaise sauce
>canadian bacon
>poached eggs, one on each quarter of a pizza

Shits amazing

>> No.9122812
File: 392 KB, 2000x1000, o-POACHED-EGGS-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He doesn't poach his eggs.

>> No.9122817

How do you get the whites to completely cover the yellow like that?

>> No.9122901

Correct, but there are many different ways to scramble. The best is small curd and still creamy. Diner style trash can get out of my face posthaste

>> No.9122919

Poached on toast

>> No.9123014

>green peppers

stop using green peppers, they are disgusting and have 0 nutrion. litteraly. It's like eating a piece of desert that hasn't grown into a cactus yet.

>> No.9123016
File: 20 KB, 310x156, loli with gun 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk shit on my veg-fu

>> No.9123026

go read a book before you try to become a vegan. green peppers are like off limits.

>> No.9123028
File: 133 KB, 313x382, loli with gun 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way they taste

>> No.9123031



>> No.9123033
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Waffle House cheese n eggs as the epitome of cooked eggs

>> No.9123046

Friendly reminder that if you're a non-Japanese person who eats raw eggs with your food, you're a weeb. Nips only bathe their food in raw egg to diminish the flavor because they're a nation with the collective palate of a five year old. They cannot handle richness or depth of flavor in the slightest.

>> No.9123129
File: 100 KB, 263x333, Joël_Robuchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is 63,5 C, my pleb friend.

>> No.9123133

im with you
fuck those peppers!

>> No.9123491

no, scrambled is shit, ruined eggs. even if they're made right, which most people cant even seem to manage they're mediocre.

>> No.9123509

>making an omelette
>fuck it up
>pretend you where making scrambled eggs

Happens to me 75% of the time.

>> No.9123512


Mmmmm, salmonella

>> No.9123518


Lower the egg carefully into the water, and remove watery whites from it beforehand.

>> No.9123523


Control your heat and or learn to cook it faster

>> No.9123530

You are clearly retarded.

>> No.9123535

The shell of the egg is where the salmonella is, baby. And my mommy says everyone is equally as valuable in this world.

>> No.9123548

horrifying/10. why not make a nice quiche?

>> No.9123551


it's boiled you dumb faggot

you've probably never met anyone who's had salmonella poisoning

>> No.9123552

those scrambled eggs look disgusting

>> No.9123560

[spoiler]Omulet du frottage~

>> No.9123561

>pickled egg
>meh tier
i was so close to completely agreeing with you anon? why why why?

>> No.9123574
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>> No.9123576

Stirring a bit the water with a spoon to create a small vortex also helps

>> No.9123578
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>> No.9123581
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>> No.9123585
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>> No.9123587
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>> No.9123590
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>> No.9123607

God tier for using all the leftovers veggies, almost anything goes well in it

>> No.9123628

I feel dumber for reading your posts.

>> No.9123633

Meme-tier food.

>> No.9123654

>meme tier

>> No.9123703

Don't be obtuse, Justin.

>> No.9123744

Kale is a meme perputated by the vegan-health food industry and vegan personal trainers.

>> No.9123897
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>not liking your eggs runny

>> No.9123947

I agree.

I remember at about 15, switching over to over-easy/over-medium because "that's how adults are supposed to eat their eggs"......fucking hated it, but at least in Tennessee back then, you were looked at as an immature manchild if you were past puberty and ate scramble eggs....

>> No.9124263


>a piece of desert that hasn't grown into a cactus yet.

It's like you see into my soul.

>> No.9124284
File: 30 KB, 220x300, IMG_1434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kale is a meme

>> No.9124364

Yes goy, stick to other leafy greens that are full of antinutrients.

>> No.9124365


I normally will set the water to boiling, once it's achieved this state, turn off the burner, then crack the egg and very carefully lower the egg into the water and let it stay there for about 2 minutes or so.


> Some people like to spin the water in the pot so the egg white will twist into the yoke.

> Some people like to add 1 tspn of vinegar to keep the egg whites from breaking apart.

>> No.9124377

He's getting confused between a meme and a fad, anon.

>> No.9124396

Are you serious? Isn't it supposed to be one of the most vitamin packed vegetables you can eat?

>> No.9124425

And you can easily end the confusion by simply looking up the nutritional content of kale.

>> No.9124440


it's tasty if it's cooked properly.

i only did it cause i was using up what was left in my gf's veg box.

>> No.9124471

gordon ramsay

>> No.9124554

>clearly liquid yolk

lmao senpai, time to get your eyes checked

I feel gayer for sucking your dick, but that doesn't mean I won't call you back sometime next week, faggot.

>> No.9124558


Never heard of a soft-boiled egg before, anon?

You are aware that the egg shell can be boiling hot before the interior of the egg has cooked fully, right? I mean, you do understand the basic idea of soft-boiling?

>> No.9124559


do you know what boiling means

>> No.9124563

Sorry, I'm calling bullshit. How can you guarantee the outside of the egg will reach a high enough temperature before the inner yolk fully solidifies?

If somebody served me this at a restaurant, I'd politely ask them to take it back before dialing the health inspector under the table.

>> No.9124575


>How can you guarantee the outside of the egg will reach a high enough temperature before the inner yolk fully solidifies?

the outside of the shell will be hot enough to be effectively sterilised of salmonella in seconds, anon.

>> No.9124580

>How can you guarantee the outside of the egg will reach a high enough temperature before the inner yolk fully solidifies?

Because it's in fucking direct contact with boiling water.

If that wasn't enough you can also see it clearly by looking at the white. See how the white isn't clear anymore but has actually turned white? That process is called denaturing protein. It got hot enough that the protein in the white changed form. That same process would happen to the proteins in any bacteria present, and is lethal.

Therefore, the fact that the white has turned white tells us that the egg has reach safe temperatures at least as deep as the white.

>>before dialing the health inspector under the table.
Why? Soft-boiled eggs are terribly common. So are fried eggs with runny yolks. Or even raw eggs for that matter. You seem to be having a little spergfit about a very common food.

>> No.9124593

>Why? Soft-boiled eggs are terribly common.

I've only seen this with the shell safely removed. If you're serving your eggs to customers in-shell, you're putting them at risk for foodborne illness and that's fucking irresponsible.

>So are fried eggs with runny yolks. Or even raw eggs for that matter.

I don't have a problem with either of these. I love sunny side up. The eggs themselves are what get memed into oblivion by alarmists for giving you salmonella, when it all lies on the outside of those eggs coming straight out the bird poop shoot.

>> No.9124605


> If you're serving your eggs to customers in-shell, you're putting them at risk for foodborne illness and that's fucking irresponsible.

not if they\re effectively sterilised.

you realise there is potentially dangerous bacteria on the surface of every single thing you might eat in a restaurant, right? from spinach and blueberries to steak to a piece of cheese.


>The eggs themselves are what get memed into oblivion by alarmists for giving you salmonella, when it all lies on the outside of those eggs coming straight out the bird poop shoot.

the eggs themselves can become contaminated with what's on the shell all too easily anon.

>> No.9124613

>I've only seen this with the shell safely removed
You must have a terribly limited experience and don't travel much.

>>If you're serving your eggs to customers in-shell, you're putting them at risk for foodborne illness
1) No, you're not. The shell is sterile after having been in boiling water.
2) Not that it matters, you're probably serving all sorts of raw things that are far riskier than eggs--salad, for example.

>>I don't have a problem with either of these
And that's because of ignorance.

If you sperg out over shells on boiled eggs then you ought to sperg out about all eggs. It's impossible for the egg not to contact a bit of the shell while they are cracked. It would be stupid to assume there is no cross-contamination between a shell and the egg itself. So if you refuse to eat a shell-on soft boiled egg, then you ought to also refuse a sunny side up egg with a soft yolk since would carry the exact same risk.

>>when it all lies on the outside of those eggs coming straight out the bird poop shoot.

But that's not true. It's entirely possible for a chicken to have a salmonella infection in its ovaries, and in that case the bacteria would be inside the egg. There are other vectors as well.


Anyway, fact is that salomnella is an incredibly common bacteria. Unless we're talkinga bout a very hot surface or a hospital operating room, it's everywhere. Literally. It's all over you. Me. The walls. The floor. Dirt. Your salad. Your door handle. My cat. Literally everything. Worrying about it at all is pretty silly given how often we're exposed to it.

And worrying about it in a soft-boiled egg with clear evidence the temperature hot high enough to sterilize the shell is just plain FUCKDUMB.

>> No.9124614

eggbeaters are great btw... season them up, and they taste just like whole eggs, without the bad stuff.

>> No.9124620

>taste just like whole eggs,
Except they don't.

>>without the bad stuff.
What bad stuff? There's nothing unhealthy about an egg. This isn't the 1980's anymore anon.

>> No.9124665

scrambled eggs are good. but if i have time, french omelette.

>> No.9124672

I have to say my go to egg is scrambled they are just so easy to make and taste good. When they are nice and firm i like to pop in a half tsp of butter and stir them in the pan with it. It gives a nice flavor and buttery texture.

>> No.9124788

You are missing greek god tier:
Fresh egg placed in ramekin, topped with a spoon of cream,salt and pepper, grated parmesan. Baked in a bain marie until the white is set but the yolk still runny. Served with white asparagus for dipping.

>> No.9125815

Looks like shit, idiot uses tomato sauce

>> No.9125857
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>> No.9125973

Basted eggs are good

>> No.9126091

learn to cook retard

>> No.9126101
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>> No.9126133

Omelet is scrambled eggs with stuff. It doesn't qualify as "something other than scrambled eggs". When you order a meal with bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns and they ask "how do you want your eggs?" you can't just say "omelet".

>> No.9126138

Scrambled dry is best

>> No.9126181

>creamy scrambled
So basically you like scrambled eggs undercooked. Gross.

Omelet is not a different way to have your eggs! It's a different thing you can MAKE with eggs but omelets are still just scrambled eggs with stuff in them. They are not another FORM of egg.

You lost all credibility.

>> No.9126202

Crispy around the edges is the best.

>> No.9126209

microwaved duh

spray bowl with cooking spray
crack egg into bowl
break yolk slightly
microwave for ~1 minute

>> No.9126224

Asians make them look so pretty.

>> No.9126260

Green pepper is crisp, refreshing (if cold and munched on a hot day), juicy (good when thirsty), high in vitamin C and a good source of vitamin B6 and folate, along with other nutrients. I like it better raw than cooked but it should not be discredited altogether.

>> No.9126271

Why? Why did you have to bring Waffle House into it? Their eggs are fine but their hashbrowns are repulsive ghetto trash. This is a thread about eggs but we could have happily continued without any mention of Waffle House. Enjoy your fake margarine. Yes, that's right, I'm saying it doesn't even deserve to be called "real margarine" - it's that far from being actual butter.

>> No.9126273

nice 'g 'za

>> No.9126284

That looks so gross. There is a difference between "runny yolk" and "barely cooked egg".

>> No.9126331

>omelette = scrambled eggs
Since when were scrambled eggs cooked as one solid mass you spastic

>> No.9127544

>So basically you like scrambled eggs undercooked. Gross.
i bet you dont like runny yolks too you fucking child

>> No.9127611

you mean egg and soldiers?

>> No.9127615

i dont like eggs

>> No.9127626


>> No.9127779

Have you some sort of brain damage?

>> No.9127789

i could never be vegan due to eggs

>> No.9128069


>> No.9128145

Thank you for reminding me - need to get my breakfast on.

>> No.9128150

Is this from Joe Rogan?