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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9118966 No.9118966 [Reply] [Original]

Lets make some food.

Going to make some beef stew or something. and then some kind of chicken dish that I will wing.

Start with browning the beef for the stew.

>> No.9118971
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Good enough for me.

>> No.9118974
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Add some beef stock and beer to the pot.

We gonna use this stuff; never had it.

>> No.9118975
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Vegetables ready.
we got


>> No.9118977
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Add the beef and spices, I'm using

black pepper
cayenne pepper

>> No.9118981
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put the rest in.

Now wait 5 - 7 hours till done.

Probably going to add some lima beans and corn 75% of the way through.

>> No.9118984

Now gonna start on chicken dinner, will post when it's started cooking, not sure exactly what it will be yet but probably some kind of abomination.

>> No.9119087

>drowning all foods with spice and onions
>ruining the subtle flavors of meat and other vegetables

This is not /ck/

>> No.9119102

this is ck,

also doesn't ruin it

a refined pallet is best pallet.

>> No.9119112

Not really a point in cooking the meat like that if you're not going to actually "brown" it.
Still looks like it's gonna be gud.
I'd like a sample of that beer, please.

>> No.9119137

Wanna know how I know you are white?

>> No.9119140

it's b8, he's posting it in multiple threads


>> No.9119142

also it's nice that b8posting brings out your racism

>> No.9119152

Nah you wypipo are pretending that you are baiting

>> No.9119163
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You should admit that you fell for the bait and apologize for being racist. There will be more dignity in it.

>> No.9119168

It's not done yet.
And you're crowding the pan.
Be more patient and take some pride in your work ffs

>> No.9119201
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Lets start on chicken dinner. SOme of the ingred.s

>> No.9119205

I stuffed the leaks with spinach and feta,

sweet potato
basil + spinach

>> No.9119209
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get a sear on chicken w/ some oil and butter,

forgot I also got cauliflower shavings in last pic.

>> No.9119213
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going nicely.

>> No.9119215
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Don't forget to get the sides girls, i'm a boy btw :^)

>> No.9119217
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alright, into the broth and butter along w/ other stuff.

>> No.9119218
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Don't forget the shrooms

>> No.9119220
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Always clean while you cook, very easy thing to do and you don't have to do dishes after eating.

>> No.9119230

It's covered and cooking stil, now we wait.

>> No.9119255
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rest the breast.

>> No.9119257
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This tastes pretty good, much better than I was expecting.

The spinach feta wrapped leak is amazing as well.

>> No.9119274
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this is nice breast

>> No.9119285
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I like that leek idea. I will steal it.
Thanks for taking the time to share, OP. We need more of this and less webm threads and fastfood bullshit.

>> No.9119291

oh man, this with a hot rice and egg.


>> No.9119342
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stew progress, at this point i'm leaving the lid half on so it can reduce a bit for the remaining 2.5 hours.

>> No.9119357

correction, added fennel salt and white pepper and lid is 75%off for the home stretch.

>> No.9119368

Lel, that picture

>> No.9119423

Waiting for the beer sample still.

>> No.9119511
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stew done.

>> No.9119514

what u mean? you want a pic of it in a glass and my thoughts on it?

>> No.9119856

No, pour me a fucking glass. I want to taste it.

>> No.9119869
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>Not really a point in cooking the meat like that if you're not going to actually "brown" it.

This. That's not even browned. It's just gray.
No browning = no malliard = no flavor.