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9116640 No.9116640 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good seasoning mix to use on fries? I'm going to be frying some potatoes tomorrow and need ideas. Right now i'm thinking
>garlic powder

What do you guys like to use?

>> No.9116642


>> No.9116643

Also, what's the best way to get the seasoning to stick to the fries?

>> No.9116647

garam masala

>> No.9116650

>garlic powder
you better be fucking SHITTING me m8

>> No.9116654

Well, they are coated in oil after frying

>> No.9116659

seasoning on food is only meant to cover up bad cooking.

>> No.9116660

Truffle salt is good on it's own but don't go heavy with it, shit is potent as fuck.

Also, it really depends on the other dishes it's being served with.

>> No.9116665

Steak and sauteed asparagus

>> No.9116678

Oregano and salt then, dash of pepper.

I'm assuming your list is all you have on hand.

>> No.9116684

Don't fry anything D:

>> No.9116685

No, I have other things too. what else did you have in mind? I probably won't go buy truffle salt though. Also, I'm making it for my parents and my mom can't deal with spicy peppers at all.

>> No.9116691

Will the fries be receiving a coating of starchy stuff for extra crispiness?

>> No.9116698

I'm planning on par boiling, freezing, then deep frying.

>> No.9116724
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Excellent. You could consider like a lemongrass powder if you have it. Could work depending on what you're doing the asparagus with.

I also though Grand Marsala for a second and realized I was retarded....looking out for your mom here.

>> No.9116732

I don't have lemongrass, maybe coriander would work? I'm not too familiar with lemongrass tbqh.

>> No.9116758

Just to lay out what I have to work with, in addition to what I listed in the OP, I have
>anise seed
>"Italian Seasoning" herb mix
>mustard seed
>onion powder

>> No.9116767

Eh, I suppose it could work with a steak but just like truffle salt I wouldn't go heavy with it. After you're first batch you could try it on one fry and see what you think and if mom would approve.

>> No.9116778

Old Bay

>> No.9116795
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>> No.9116819

I guess parsley, parmesan, and if you want to be really ghetto about fancy food, cream of mushroom soup as a dip

I'm high, but I never did this. I'm going to try.

>> No.9116824

t. Britain

>> No.9116825

With >>9116660 it would be perfect.

>> No.9116843

I actually do have some really old parmigianno reggiano. Maybe it will work if I grate it finely enough.

>> No.9117043 [DELETED] 

Onion powder
Celery seed
Chili powder
Cayenne powder
Garlic powder

Use about twice as much paprika and chili powder as the other spices put together.

>> No.9117349

Salt, white pepper, paprika, cayenne.

Or if yof are lazy to find a ratio of those, 1:1 adobo and old bay.

>> No.9117511


>> No.9117533

Ranch for dip

>> No.9117540
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>> No.9117814

salt with artisan air

>> No.9117881

I used salt and a bit of cajun seasoning a little earlier. I'm not sure if that's close to what 5 Guys is doing for theirs. I've only been twice, and it was a long time ago.

>> No.9117917

Seconding this but also add dried parsley flakes.

Just in case it needs to be said go heavy on the salt too.

>> No.9117939

>Mince shallot
>Mince garlic
>Minced chili
>Curry powder
>Spring Onion

Pomme frites de Southern Asia?

>> No.9117990

Parmesan and some garlic and lemongrass

>> No.9118063


>> No.9118071

>lemon pepper

Do you need anything else?

>> No.9118458
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Salt and cayenne pepper

>> No.9118676



>> No.9119259

cayenne pepper

>> No.9119286

Oh, you mean chips.
You'll want malt vinegar for those.

>> No.9119289
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My nigga.

>> No.9119503
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just google the ingredients, you can make it at home.

>> No.9119880
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get on my level senpai and use some Mrs. Dash

>> No.9120075

I fry them in lard, resulting in excellent flavor. Are you some kind of faggot vegan?