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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9113718 No.9113718 [Reply] [Original]

Really activates my almonds.

>> No.9113721

Really though, how do we end tipping?

>> No.9113724
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>> No.9113730

Am I supposed to tip at the farmer's market?

>> No.9113733

This has to be a joke
>restaurant owners aren't pieces of shit for screwing their own employees
>you're a piece of shit for not paying them the money that their employer should pay

>> No.9113736

>server doesn't have the balls to form a union and demand a working wage
>somehow I'm the coward for not giving him free gibs out of the kindness of my heart

Really kickstarts my cashews

>> No.9113741
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On the same wavelength of autism as

>> No.9113746

How much do you tip your grindr dates?

>> No.9113750

How about gentrification + rent control? Isn't that the best of both worlds for everyone but slumlords?

>> No.9113751

Didn't we JUST have a thread where restaurant workers had the min wage pushed BACK after it went UP so they could go back to getting tax free tips because they're cheap stupid pieces of shit?

>> No.9113766

>Less than minimum wage argument
Employer must make up the difference if wages+tips < minimum wage. Failure to comply could result in fines and/or jail time.

>> No.9113768

>Servers in the US are paid $2 to $3 per hour because restaurants are permitted to bypass the federal minimum wage requirements.

I like how they put the made up bullshit in small text.

>> No.9113778

>Really though, how do we end tipping?

Create tipsharing communism.

>All tips for all servers are combined in one big jar.

>The money in the jar is evenly distributed to all cooks, servers, bartenders, and busboys at the end of the night.


That's what we've been trying to tell you all along, faggot, now you get it.

>> No.9113780

>what is a culturally accepted method of paying service workers

I swear to god the only people complaining about tipping have brain problems. Just be a regular person for once in your lives

>> No.9113787

How much do you tip your server at McDonalds?

>> No.9113789

>just do whatever everyone else does without questioning it

>> No.9113801

How about we only tip people who have the capacity to fuck things up? Screwing up my order isn't fucking it up because it means I get to spend longer there without being a waste of space.

>> No.9113804

>pay narrow-shouldered problem glasses-wearing big bang theory-watching cuckold an extra 15 fucking clams for his incredible bipedal movement capabilities
>walk 10 feet to the kitchen and get my food myself

>> No.9113833

I have no photo editing talent, but I want to edit OPs pic to say "I don't sip" and have some similar bullshit under it.

>> No.9113849

So my boss is paying for our meal (and by that I mean he's using the company business account). Who tips? I'm not paying and my boss is a cheapskate.

Wat do?

>> No.9113850

That's not bullshit, servers have an exception to the minimum wage because they are expected to meet or exceed it through tips.
What they neglect to tell you is the employer is still obligated to make up the difference if the server pulls in less than minimum wage in tips.

>> No.9113856

If it's culturally accepted for the whole city to draw lots and stone an unlucky citizen to death, do you pick up a rock just to be normal?

>> No.9113886

USA, you are a joke, we all make fun of you and your stupid ways, also we fucked your mom.

>> No.9113898

> they are expected to meet or exceed it through tips.
What happens when the employer includes the waitresses wages in the price of the food and pay them minimum wage while banning customers from tipping?
How fucking hard can it BE?

>> No.9113918

Some restaurants already do this and report that in general their staff are much happier for it, since their income is stable and predictable and they are no longer tearing their hair out trying to please strangers for random handouts.

Customers are happier to, since the waitstaff are doing their jobs properly and happily rather than with that edge of desperation that often ruins service.

>> No.9113924

Do I get excellent service when I visit Europe as an obvious American because they're hoping for a big tip out of it, or are Europeans just excellent by DeWalt?

>> No.9113942

>a POC

white people always getting away with saying nigger somehow

>> No.9113949

america was a mistake

>> No.9113953
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No, more like niggers and SJWs getting away with bringing "coloreds" back into the lexicon, but calling it "people of color" as if that's any different.

>> No.9113966

What is excellent service?
They take your order, then bring it to the table.
I'd say thats excellent enough, what are they going to do to improve my experience? Give me a blowjob while waiting the kitchen to make the food?

>> No.9113991

Do you guys tip if it you get charged before getting food?

>> No.9113992

Sometimes they have the foreskin to bring and extra plate and fork when the bf and I order a single dessert because we're not fat enough to each have our own.

>> No.9113996

Most places like that I've been to recently have the payment app prompt for tip.

>> No.9113997

freudian slip there ya fuckin mo?

>> No.9113998


>> No.9114006

>Supporting single mothers why would you do this

>> No.9114010

Depends on where you're from.

In Europe: excellent means they have you seated and with a beverage within 30 seconds of entering, and disappear like ghosts if they're not currently taking or serving an order.

In America: excellent means that they basically pull up a chair next to you and talk your ear off all night, hardly letting you or your guests get a word in edgewise.
Even if they're busy serving another table entirely they should still stop by and ask if you're finished with your half-eaten food and snatch it away from you while you're still mid-chew.
Somehow this is considered friendly and welcoming.

>> No.9114032

>tfw i tipped a Canadian mountain ATV tour guide 20 cad

He let us slide down the mountain on our asses in the snow, though, so he pretty much earned it.

>> No.9114044

Its literally not hurting anybody and allows people from poor backgrounds to live without welfare. Dont "not tip" because of some asshole from some dumb fucking movie

>> No.9114050

talked to another student at uni who told me when he was over in canada studying abroad, he didn't know how to tip so when he went to tip a cab driver the driver knew instantly he wasn't used to tipping so just told him to not tip anyone. basically saying 'if you don't tip where you are from then don't tip here'.

>> No.9114077

Either you're going to pay in tips or the cost of food will go up and/or you'll just start getting an automatic service charge tacked on to the bill. I don't know why people are so assblasted about tipping given that they'll end up paying about the same price either way. I suppose you free-ride on the current system if you don't tip, but then you'll just get shit service every time.

I go to the bar sometimes with a guy who rarely if ever tips the bartenders--they remember him and ignore him consistently. He gets drinks eventually, but it takes foreeeveeer.

>> No.9114089

People specifically want the system to change.
If you keep tipping youre not helping that now are you?

>> No.9114094

See, I just don't know why they want it to change. I figure I'll end up paying about the same either way. Why do you care if you have a service charge or have to figure out 15% on your own? And at least with tipping you have done petty recourse if you get treated like shit/forgotten.

>> No.9114095

Why can't I just pay someone else to do the tipping for me?

>> No.9114132

the jokes on you because my mother is a whore!

also, tip you cheap fucks. $1/beer $2/cocktail at an airport bar, 20% at a restaurant unless the service is complete garbage, then you leave 25% to teach them to try harder.

>> No.9114146

>you're a piece of shit for not paying them the money that their employer should pay
With or without tips, you're paying their wage

>> No.9114149
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>How about gentrification + rent control? Isn't that the best of both worlds for everyone but slumlords?

What's the property owners incentive for improving the property to attract white hipsters?

>> No.9114156

>I don't know why people are so assblasted about tipping given that they'll end up paying about the same price either way

The server performs the exact same amount of work whether you order a $20 bottle of wine with dinner or $200.
Why does he deserve $4 for opening the first bottle but $40 for opening the second?

>> No.9114163


They're already charging me $7 for that bottle when I know for a fact it's only $2 at the liquor store, why do they deserve another $1 on top of the already ass-raping markup?

>> No.9114169

God damn that's not the point, the point is I shouldn't have to give extra money just so their employer can afford to buy a few more lamborghinis

>> No.9114177

Most people rent a place because of what it's near, not the quality of the box itself.

All I know is the fat detective in dark deco batman cartoon likes.


>> No.9114181

>I'm not getting tips
>This can't be because my service is shitty, people are just cheap

>> No.9114185

Tipping is unheard of in Japan
They have a much better culture than us.

>> No.9114191

I only tip polyglots who can help me with my homework.

>> No.9114195
File: 144 KB, 480x320, Firenze Restaurant Warren MI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve never worked in the food industry (machinist here) but I went out with some friends tonight to a popular local family restaurant where I had the liver & onions, my buddy got veal scallopini, his wife got chicken parmesan and their kid had fried fish and along with a couple of beers, the bill was $52.11, which I picked up and my friends dropped a $10 bill for a tip, which is 20%.

Food was good as always and the service was quick but the waitress only had to spend at the most, 10mins total actually serving us (taking the order, bringing drinks, food, etc.) and she had a few other tables she was working and assuming they left similar tips, she was easily making $30+ per hour simply for walking back and forth a few times in a clean air-conditioned restaurant.

Meanwhile, I’m getting $18 an hour in a hot noisy dirty shop running a bridgeport all day.

>> No.9114204

Oh, they've heard about tipping alright.
Many a server has lost valuable working time having to chase down tourists in the streets or even to their hotels and give them their tips back.

>> No.9114206

I live right around the block from that place in centerline, I've never tried is it any good?

>> No.9114217

A condom bikini and a bowl of eggs.

>> No.9114220

New Japanese game show: Tip a native and escape the country before he catches you.

>> No.9114224

Tips are earned, not deserved. Any other viewpoint is objectively wrong.

Source: was a busboy and a server

>> No.9114236

thank god Trump won

>> No.9114238

I just treated it like a restaurant, 10% for good service and 20% for excellent service. I knew it was expected and he did a really nice job, let me do a lot of dumb shit.

>> No.9114304

>Be American business
>get the consumer to directly pay the wage of employees
>try and treat people bad for not sheeping out
Great system idiots

>> No.9114387

Here's a tip: go to college

>> No.9114398

Lots of servers i work with have degrees, lots of computer science degrees oddly enough. Going to (((college))) no longer gurantees a comfy office job that oays 60k+ a year the market is too saturated
>encouraging debt

>> No.9114406
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>I live right around the block from that place in centerline, I've never tried is it any good?

You've never been to Ferengis?

It's a good family restaurant that's been there forever and is packed on Fridays.

>> No.9114411

You arent a brave rebel, youre a piece of shit thats shorting a working class person out of money. You pay for the food and tip for the service. Would you rather see prices double because on top of servers getting a high hourly they also get medical, vacations etc?

>> No.9114423
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>cheap piece of shit
>waaaah support my alcoholic middle class single mother lifestyle! pity me because I made bad choices but have a vagina!

>> No.9114428

Tip communism is way worse. Trust me. You don't make shit

>> No.9114465

Don't you get that you will pay the money either way?

>> No.9114466
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>tfw I almost never tip
>tfw the few times I do tip, it's like 5% or less, often in foreign currency, just enough to let the server know they are human garbage

>> No.9114472

Cool here's my second tip: don't be a moron. I graduated comp sci in 2013 with a shit GPA from a state school and had no trouble finding a job. Good luck with your problems... over there ---->

>> No.9114473

>Notice restaurant adds a % extra on the bill bullshit
>Fuck you, take that off

>> No.9114529
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>> No.9114535

lol thinks most office jobs aren't going to be offshored to poo in loos in the next 5-10 years

>> No.9114549

Servers who have the gaul to complain about bad tips on anything less than an 8 top are insufferable entitled cunts

>> No.9114587

I tip exactly one place, my local pizza delivery joint. They know I tip well if I get my shit fast and don't tip if they are slow. I always get my shit fast because of this.

Spending a bit extra to build a relationship like this is worth it. If I'm never coming back to a place then I get zero benefit from tipping so I don't.

>> No.9114628

Tipping is for fools

>> No.9114644

Rule of Acquisition #3: Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.

>> No.9114653

>tipping the bartender

>> No.9114682

What happens when I tell them that?

>> No.9114707

Waiters and waitresses will look at you with the pent up rage from all the people who've stiffed them before

>> No.9114710

They wont wipe your ass for you everytime you need it

>> No.9114730


Everybody in the united states has to agree to stop tipping, and also waiters have to not whine about it.

>> No.9114731

A few anons mentioned tip pooling. From what I've seen most places do not distribute it evenly over the entire staff. Normally goes into tiers with the lower staff (bussers, barbacks, hosts, food runners) receiving the lowest percentage, followed by servers then bartenders. The pool also tends to factor in hours worked so say the volume server who is cut early does not make as much as one who works the entire length of service.

First bar I worked at used a pool where it was split evenly between the cocktail servers and bartenders based on hours worked. Barback (my position) got paid relatively decent and would only get a small cut from the pool on weekend shifts.

If the place works on individual tips instead of a pool and the host delegates tables properly the difference in earnings is normally negligible. There are always going to be exceptions to this though.

I've been in hospitality for a few years and nothing pisses me off more than this mentality. A good portion of shitty bartenders / servers never want to admit they provided poor service to anyone. It happens, for one reason or another. I know if I am inattentive to a guest I shouldn't be butthurt if the tip were to reflect that.

>> No.9114743

Tipping is basically "communism is bad unless it benefits the corporations".

>> No.9114754

>every server is a woman
>implying people don't serve their way thru university
i think tipping being treated as mandatory is stupid as fuck, hell i've refrained from tipping plenty of times when the service/food sucked. but you're clearly a frustrated /r9k/-ling

>> No.9114760

you realize employees in Japan get all that and the food still magically still cost like $5 for a meal?

>> No.9114794
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>The only condition is that you must tell your server
>You must

Who the fuck do these people think they are? What happened to "The customer is always right"?

>> No.9114893

We gave the entitled and mentally ill a voice.

>> No.9114918

The wording of the OP image implies a stuck up bitch who needs the forced gratuity to maintain their lifestyle and throws a hissy fit when they don't get their way. Like, walking food from a kitchen to a table with a (even fake) smile entitles you to so much more than the rest of us down at the bottom making min wage. We don't tip cashiers/baggers, Uber drivers, sales clerks, any sort of plumber/handyman/blue collar workers. The fuck they think they are?

>> No.9114951

The only person I tip regularly is my barber.

>> No.9114952

I actually turned down tips when Americans tried to offer them to me when I was working in a pub.

>> No.9114959


>Enter restaurant, ask for table, get seated, waiter hands menus, comes back in a few minutes to ask you what you would like to drink and a few more once you're ready to order.
>Only comes back to give you what you ordered and when you've finished, asking you if you want dessert.

Prompt, polite and clean. That's good service.


If I want another drink, I will catch your eye and ask you for another drink. When I am finished, it is clear as my cutlery will be positioned and I will have stopped eating. The only thing I may want to know from you is what the specials are, if you offer any. I am not your friend and you do not earn favour by pretending to be my friend.

>> No.9114968

keep raising minimum wage until waiters are all replaced by conveyor belts

>> No.9114980

Autism, the post.

>> No.9114994

most people only tip because they think you're supposed to or are afraid of retaliation if they don't. I'd like to see an experiment where instead of leaving your tip on the table where the waitress can see how much you left, there would be a bunch of jars right by the door where they can't see from the floor. there could be one for the kitchen staff too. I bet the actually hard working ones would still get tips, but most of them wouldn't get shit.

>> No.9115010

I don't tip.

...because I live in Japan.

...and I don't tip in America either, because you American waitresses are a hundred times slower, less polite, more surly, and make more mistakes than Japanese waitresses. Learn to be good at your job, it literally takes no skill at all, you community college drop out.

>> No.9115026

The problem is people are such huge cucks. I have dined with all sorts of people who and received really shitty service and they still gave *only a 10 percent tip*

It's ridiculous that people still feel obligated to tip when the service is shitty at that points you may as well tack on a charge.

>> No.9115077


Tipping in the US is essentially mandatory without actually being stated as such. Businesses expect prices to be 10 to 20% higher than what they list, and pay their waitstaff less to compensate for tipping. If we eliminated tipping overnight, prices would just go up to compensate for the lost revenue. I'm assuming it sticks around because of social traction, and the lower prices might trick people into feeling like the meal is cheaper even if it's not.

It's a retarded system because it allows customers to just decide they want to pay less than the expected cost of the meal, but if you don't mind coming off as a cheap prick, go ahead and take advantage of it.

>> No.9115083

Bitch can complain all she wants still nothing she can do about it

>> No.9115085

The problem isn't to do with the wait staff or the customer, it's with the employer.


>> No.9115089

I'm going to do the opposite of every one of these rules

>> No.9115092

I haven't experienced excellent service in a fucking decade
Last time was this place me and my friends loved where we befriended the waiter and he would bring free entrees or refill our hummus
The pita bread was warm fresh of the oven, everything was so fucking good

>> No.9115096

>Cost of food goes up
>People learn how to cook or settle for pizza
>Cost of food goes down
I'm ok with this

>> No.9115098

>If we eliminated tipping overnight, prices would just go up to compensate for the lost revenue.
Americans already are leaving shitshows like Applebees and Buffalo Wild Wings because of your insane prices and cutting corners in the kitchen.
If you jacked up the prices you'd lose more customers. No one wants to pay thirty dollars for microwaved chicken.

Instead of hiring indentured servants who literally have to beg for money like a vagabond, the owners should be garnishing their own wages. Not a lot, but at least enough to give their unskilled labor minimum wage, like they're legally obligated to do.

In Japan the manager of a McDonalds makes roughly the same amount as the fry cooks and the cashiers. This way the people "at the bottom" of the corporate ladder can afford rent, and they don't resent their superiors and their customers, like the wait-staff in America does.

>> No.9115101

What's the incentive to be a manager then?

>> No.9115108

Sorry sweetie but I don't have to do anything
Not even eat at your poorly staffed restaurant with your overworked kitchen that serves dog food on a plate
So maybe think about your attitude twice, most people I know just go to restaurants for the experience since the food you make at home is better and cheaper anyways, treat people poorly and why would anyone go there?

>> No.9115142

Good perks, bonuses for performance (shared with everyone), future career possibilities and experience of management.

>> No.9115162

Probably makes more sense in shitcountries like murrika where tax is added to the advertised price later.

>> No.9115168

>for the experience

youre reaching pretty far there

>> No.9115196

>Waitress/waiter quietly replaces my drink and I barely even notice, don't even have to ask
>They don't because refills aren't free
>Even fucking water costs money

Hey man at least I don't have to tip

>> No.9115237

Thats the food runners job actually. Also please kill yourself if you think all servers do is "walk food to the table"

>> No.9115241

The land of the fat and stupid. Where you're publically shamed and/or physically attacked for voting, having an opinion, not giving an extra 35% of the bills worth to some cranky slutwhore. or if you're just different. Nope, not allowed

>> No.9115243

Japan also has bullet trains and europe has free healthcare. America is not japan

>> No.9115249

Yet it blows so many people's mind that really the only great thing about the US are the colleges, the strong military, and being supportive of entrepreneurs. Life is better in so many other ways in other countries

>> No.9115265
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What about guns? General Tojo said an invasion of America could never succeed because there is an AR-15 (stands for Armalite not assault rifle which is a liberal word) behind every blade of grass.

>> No.9115568

Just the tip

>> No.9115740


>>the server stole our food for us, he was great :)

>> No.9115753

That ideology can be discredited in the modern era with the development of missile systems.

>> No.9115761 [DELETED] 


>europe has free healthcare.

Americans sure are dumb to believe this

>> No.9115763

>Restaurant owners don't pay minimum wage
That's not true tho

>> No.9115784

Put down 5 bucks

>> No.9115792

Ask for tap water.

>> No.9115797

Gun rights are pretty much the best thing about the United States. Pretty much everything good about the US is what it drew from English Radicalism.

>> No.9115820

Honeslty non-free refills on soda just pisses me off because soda has the highest mark up of anything they serve. That one glass of soda is like 15 cents

>> No.9115833

It's not really a thing anywhere here. A few places offer it, but they're American or American-style chains, like TGI Fridays.

>> No.9115871

>not just mentally calculating 3 more dollars onto your meal

Is it really that hard to say "gee I'm gonna go to the restaurant for 14 dollar meal instead of an 11 dollar meal"?

>> No.9115902

Gun rights don't affect most people's lives on a day-to-day basis.

>> No.9115911 [DELETED] 

Why would you want to pay $3 extra? Are you retarded? Obviously you are for even paying $11 for a $2 meal just because you are too lazy to cook for ten minutes and clearly you don't value your health considering most restaurant employees have aids, grids and nigger tier hygiene. Sort yourself out you lowlife

>> No.9115942

he's right tho, when I go to a restaurant I usually go there with somebody to talk to, not to talk to the waiter all night

>> No.9115943


Robots. Not even kidding.

>> No.9115961

This is pretty accurate. Ask for soda water and you'll never get charged. The actual soda syrups restaurants use are relatively cheap so someone has to drink a fuckton before the business goes in the red on a $2 purchase so the idea of Germany charging on refills is retarded. Most guests never drink the whole drink and decline a refill so while the offer is there it's not like there is much waste or lost profit.

>> No.9115985

Still autistic as fuck. Any decent server can make small talk when appropriate but a shitty one is going to stick around for more than needed while pre bussing the table and checking on if a table needs anything.

More often than not it's the guests that try to get servers caught in a conversation trap which can fuck with their rounds.

>> No.9116011


>> No.9116017
File: 4 KB, 343x191, 1481585932732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people unironically think this would work

Can't speak for any other waitstaff, but if this became a thing while I was a waiter I would have been pissed. A good waiter can easily make double minimum wage just from tips, if not more. Literally all you have to do is be friendly, quick, and accurate.

Location helps too.

>> No.9116018

>being American


>> No.9116030

So if I dont give you ttips everythings just fine, you're making bank anyways?

>> No.9116031

>Still autistic as fuck. Any decent server can make small talk when appropriate but a shitty one is going to stick around for more than needed while pre bussing the table and checking on if a table needs anything.
>More often than not it's the guests that try to get servers caught in a conversation trap which can fuck with their rounds.

This usually happens to women, in my experience. As a dude customers tended to just tell me what they wanted and need and I was on my way.

The shitty part was they still ended up with bigger tips, but that's just par for the course.

>> No.9116034 [DELETED] 

Have you tried not being a glutton? Or is your goal to be obese? Why should a business give you free stuff when you retards will pay for it?

>> No.9116035

Unless I was just incredibly unlucky one night and everyone had the same mentality, I wouldn't hurt me that much financially. Having said that I'm the type of guy that would (and certainly has) interpreted someone not leaving a tip - especially when I knew for a fact that I took care of them well - as a slight against me or my service, and that actually kind of made me feel like shit.

>> No.9116046

I'm a dude and I have guests try to pull this on me very frequently.

>> No.9116059

Weird. What kinds of people? I know handsome dudes can get tied down by cougars but naturally I'm exempt from this trap.

>> No.9116070

Who has the harder job wait staff or cooks?

>> No.9116072

>The wording of the OP image implies a stuck up bitch who needs the forced gratuity to maintain their lifestyle and throws a hissy fit when they don't get their way.
>projecting this hard

>> No.9116082

Tipped servers make 7-8 times minimum wage, Especially if they are Attractive females. Why do you want them to stop taking tips? Your bill will increase up to 4 times. Your service will be shit. Attractive male and female servers make 40 bucks an hour on good nights. Are you a fat ugly or queer server that makes no money?

Find a different job!

>> No.9116085 [DELETED] 

Why do restaurants allow men? Their constant harrassing of female employees who are only trying to do their job is illegal and should be stopped but the greedy restaurant owners only care about money

>> No.9116096

Cooks actually do shit. All you have to do is pretend to be likable as a busser,

>> No.9116097

cooks definitely
as a waiter I always pity the cooks in our kitchen, they have to work their asses off with the outlet fans breaking down half the time and they get nothing out of it

>> No.9116100

I am moderately attractive but I also can strike up small talk with pretty much anybody. Normally I get stuck with anyone middle aged, be it couples wanting to tell me their life story or lonely folks with a similar spiel. I guess I have that kind of demeanor?

>> No.9116107

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9116110

This makes you attractive, Beauty with bad attitude is ugly. Having a winning attitude will ensure good tips. Well not with some cheap greedy people.

>> No.9116116
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>Sorry it's against my culture to tip. Your service was mediocre at best and I do not see any merit in giving you anything you don't deserve, both to me and to yourself.
Wow that was hard.

>> No.9116122


>> No.9116135

move to a first world country

>> No.9116136

>sorry it's against my culture to tip
that's kinda retarded tho
>sorry it's against my culture to not shit on the street

your second sentence alone is more than enough and adequate

>> No.9116146

Just be a cheeky cunt and leave a piece of paper with a tip of the day

>> No.9116150

It should be clear that the "culture" was referring to not giving any undeserving handouts.

>> No.9116160


>> No.9116176
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Flattery gets you everywhere.

>> No.9116216

>go to a restaurant
>yell and make a big scene demanding they change their policies for you
Just don't go back, nothing is worse than a customer who buys into the "customer is always right" bs spewed by fast food management.

The customer is usually wrong. A restaurant is a place of business and exists to provide you with goods and services for money. Giving you free stuff is never good for business.

>> No.9116222

They will give you the worst service they can without giving you enough to complain about.

>> No.9116226

honestly tho, if they add extra % on the bill without telling you beforehand or putting some sort of disclaimer in the menu or a very visible area then that's a shady af business practice

>> No.9116239

Lots of people would not consider quiet service to be good service. Part of being a server is knowing how to read guests and knowing what kind of service they expect. Some people get pissy if they have to wait even two minutes after finishing their meal for the check, some people flip out if you bring it too soon because they feel they're being rushed. Some feel patronized if you explain things to them and others feel cheated and confused if you don't. Some want to be left alone while others want to talk and joke. If you expect a certain type of service, tell your server. I work at a Japanese restaurant and some people get really offended if I offer them a fork but it's corporate policy to offer it.

>> No.9116241

No its usually frequented by non tippers.

>> No.9116242

I agree that it's shady without a disclaimer or warning, but by making them remove it you're punishing your server for the owner's mistakes. Make your opinion known but pay your server and don't go back if it bothers you. If it's a huge deal, call before you go somewhere new and ask.

>> No.9116247 [DELETED] 

Lottery Tickets = dumb people tax
Tipping = white people tax

dumb people gonna do what they want. tipping is for fools.

>> No.9116250

You are the dumb fool for believing this.

>> No.9116254

I only ever tip a couple singles if anything. Most places started charging a "service fee" like 10 years ago so there's no point in double tipping.

>> No.9116259

You must be a dumbass cook or bussboy jealous of the servers that have social skills and can achieve more than you.

>> No.9116260

The irony is that a majority of the contrarian autists in this thread that claim they don't tip probably give 20% for every meal.

Those that do not can enjoy having my various bodily excretions put on their well-done steaks, probably mixed into the ketchup.

>> No.9116264

>do this shit to not be racist
>ha ha! jk, you're still racist and we hate you, but now you're also our bitch and other white people hate you too

I made enchiladas for a potluck at work and a lady bitched at me for "cultural appropriation." I don't know how to respond to shit like that.

>> No.9116265

Spit in the food and leave it there for her. Just give fair warning to coworkers about the incident and why you did what you did

>> No.9116299

Does the waiter earn minimum wage? Yes? Then the waiter does not get tipped.

>> No.9116313

>tfw earn minimum wage and still get tips out my ass because I look hot
never realized that as a guy before but it feels good to be a whore for the money

>> No.9116317

Does a nigger on welfare get paid? Yes? Then the nigger should be sterilized and their kids taken by the state.

>> No.9116330

>made enchiladas for a potluck at work and a lady bitched at me for "cultural appropriation."

I'll take "Things that Never Happened" for $600.00, Alex.

>> No.9116355 [DELETED] 

Haha some retard only qualified to deliver food to a table assumes that everyone works in a restaurant. You are a garbage human so not tips for you except get a real job

>> No.9116393

>not wanting to make pointless smalltalk with the server is autistic

>> No.9116444
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>summerfag using buzzwords he doesn't understand

>> No.9116467
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>Mfw I make hourly+tips
>Mfw I don't tip whenever I can avoid it.

>> No.9116649

He isn't reaching. Japs are even more autistic about muh job experience than ameriburgers.

>> No.9116672

Americans love tipping and I love it. I work in tourism security in kikeland (all tourism is guarded), and I make about 100 2017 dollars or 70 2005 dollars a day. This one time I went to Israel's resort city for 5 days with some burgers. Niggahs took me boozing daily, paid for my drinks, and at the end of the week the guide slipped me three crisp Franklins.

>> No.9116715

Walking like that will get you shot

>> No.9116717

I'm a fucking teacher. I deal with screaming kids all day, shit, blood and vomit and I get paid nothing. Nobody tips me for shaping America's youth into something thats not worthless. I shouldn't have to pay some apathetic piece of shit EXTRA money for bringing me some food. Bringing someone food is not a difficult task. I still tip, but I resent it. Personally I can't wait until you can order all your food on a machine and drones deliver everything else. Fuck people.

>> No.9116739

You are doing a horrible job if you are in the US, and you make 40,000 a year.

>> No.9116801
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>people are actually having this debate.
if you don't want to tip, why are you making sure everybody knows? are people proud of every little decision they make now?


>> No.9116803
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> MFW they replace teachers with superior robots

>> No.9116815
File: 334 KB, 308x459, filth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schools get dumbed down
>anyone can be a teacher, especially idiots
>children get stupider
>teachers get stupider
>teachers become so stupid you can replace them with low-level AI.
>inventor of AI hailed as new philanthropist.
at last, now i truly see.

>> No.9117703

>government monopolist complaining about low wages
Public education needs to be privatized COMPLETELY.
How about that?

>> No.9118143

Fucking this. Servers in North America don't leave you the fuck alone. They feel the need to interrupt your meal/conversation every 2 fucking minutes to check if "everything's OK".

They just need to fuck off, if we want something we'll call you. Japan's the only country that really does customer service well at all honestly.