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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9113564 No.9113564 [Reply] [Original]

Why is cold pizza so fucking good? Anyone else like to not warm it up when you have some leftovers in the fridge?

>> No.9113573

Cold pizza is pretty good I don't usually bother reheating it because its good cold too.

>> No.9113575

Cheap pizza tastes better cold. If it's good pizza I like it reheated.

>> No.9113582


Reheating options:
1. Reheat in microwave
>get made fun of on /ck/

2. Reheat in oven
>dries out pizza
>takes a long ass time

3. Reheat in cast iron skillet
>takes 30 min
>by the time the cheese is melted, the bottom is already burnt

>> No.9113585

"The breakfast of champions" as my old man used to say, sarcastically.

On the rare occasion I have 'za in the fridge in the morning, it's better cold imo.

>> No.9113593

I unironically enjoy it as a breakfast dish. Tastes pretty decent plus it's less work for me in the morning.

>> No.9113683

>not steaming your pizza to reheat
baka as long as water doesnt touch the crust it's like new

>> No.9113828

no. that's disgusting. you're disgusting

>> No.9113835

fucking no
reheated in a pan, always
>that crusty crunchy bottom

>> No.9113862

throw an ice cube in the oven

>> No.9113985

Cold pizza is so amazing, which is why all pizza restaurants across the country sell their left over pizza from the previous day at a premium in the morning. Everyone loves it and they actually make most of their money from cold pizza, since its so much better than hot pizza

>> No.9113994
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How are you supposed to fit an entire slice in a steamer?

>> No.9114009

I dunno, I think they really take yesterday's pizza, reheat it in a microwave and sell it at a premium. Just because it tastes so good from the microwave

>> No.9114073

This is what you do for a passable reheated slice of pizza in less than 2 minutes if you're a shitter at reheating it all the way on a pan.

Heat up a skillet to high, lightly oil/butter depending on your preference for crust flavor or not.

Microwave for 30 seconds to a minute depending on microwave strength. The goal is to get the cheese going and melted a bit and the condiments reheated.

Pull it out of the microwave and onto the skillet for about another minute. You'll know it's done when you can slide a spatula under and you hear the telltale sound of a crispy underside.

Aside from the edge crust the rest of the pizza will be perfect. Cheese completely melted and no burnt underside.

>> No.9114371

Get a rice cooker with steamer addon.

>> No.9114393

i like to reheat 1 slice and eat the other cold

>> No.9114433

I unfortunately like to eat both cold and warmed up pizza so when I eat clod pizza I warm one slice up until the cheese boils like an orgasm then toss on some dried asian chili pepper for my pepper high.

>> No.9114865

Pig disgusting animal

>> No.9114990

Not a fan cold, but I do like leaving it sitting out overnight so it's room temperature

>> No.9114999


>not reheating it sous vide