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9108577 No.9108577 [Reply] [Original]

>been on a strict diet for the past few months, lost fifty pounds
>haven't felt hunger pangs or cravings at all, it's been a breeze
>suddenly start feeling hungry as fuck 24/7 a few days ago with constant cravings for disgusting food

>> No.9108588

Alcoholic in recovery here. The cravings will pass. Go to Golden corral or.some type of country buffette and eat veggies until you puke. That usually resets me.

>> No.9108599

You lost too much weight too fast.
Losing weight is about burning calories not restricting them.
This is why fasting is completely useless for weight loss in the long term.

>> No.9108605

You must've bought a new batch of weed

>> No.9108609

Completely normal, I dropped 130. Went months on a 1200 calorie diet with no problem, then I was feeling hungry every night for a few weeks at a time. Just remember, if you give in, don't cave. It's just a bump in a long journey.

>> No.9108614

The trick is to only allow yourself a single day of "bad" food per week. A cheat day, if you will. You've already proven that you have the self-discipline to exercise and lose weight, so treat yourself intermittently but remember the end goal

>> No.9108617

Whatever you do don't listen to this idiot, OP. Losing weight isn't about restricting calories? Wew.

>> No.9108629
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If you restrict calories your body goes into survival mode and stores energy as fat.
Being physically active burns calories without fat gain.
I'm sure you're still going to argue against the laws of thermodynamics and biological evolution though.......

>> No.9108643

Wasn't she in WALL-E?

>> No.9108649

I find it terribly ironic that you talk about "Starvation mode" and thermodynamics laws in the same fucking post.

Thermodynamics (as well as a simple look at photo from a concentration camp or famine) suggests that the whole concept of "starvation mode" is bullshit.

>> No.9108652

cravings are usually a lack of certain nutrients you need, are you always eating the same thing?

>> No.9108653

>he thinks exercise alone causes weight loss
>he thinks you don't need to eat at a caloric deficit to lose weight
>he thinks the starvation mode meme is real
>he thinks he knows anything about biology or thermodynamics
Please be satire.

>> No.9108656

They all have pot bellies though.

>> No.9108659

Starving human bodies do tend to burn off muscle first.
It's a very unhealthy and unproductive way of losing weight.

>> No.9108663

And as if by magic the /ck/ food scientist shows up and reinvents the laws of physics and biology.
I'm surprised it took you so long.
Go and peddle your new age bullshit elsewhere, retard.

>> No.9108668

Opinion discarded.

>> No.9108670

Lol go back to you fat-acceptance Tumblr hamplanet.

>> No.9108674

>They all have pot bellies though.
That's not fat, that's their guts hanging out because their abdominal muscles have suffered from malnutrition, just like the rest of the muscles on their skeletal frame.

Oh, I agree that it's unhealthy to "diet" to that much of an extreme. I just think it's absurd to think that somehow weight loss stops if you cut calories enough to go into "starvation mode".

>> No.9108676

This is always the excuse lazy people give for being fat.
Get some exercise you fucking slob.

>> No.9108703

Pretty much--I rotate between four or five different meals and only eat once a day, so I'm sure I'm not getting an adequate supply of vitamins and whatnot. What I can't figure out is why this hunger only became a problem so recently many months into the diet when, if anything, it should've cropped up at the very beginning. The ONLY change I've made to my diet recently is I've started drinking a cup of black coffee in the morning to be less drowsy, but I've always heard that coffee is supposed to curb your appetite, not vastly increase it. Is it the fucking coffee throwing my body out of whack? Should I ditch the caffeinated Jew?

>> No.9108708

Here's a novel idea, try eating a balanced diet.

>> No.9108741

>"eat less calories to lose weight" is new-age bullshit
You are unironically, legitimately, tragically retarded.

Starvation mode is pseudo-science women's health magazine-tier bullshit. I'm sorry you believe otherwise.

Exercise ALONE, you illiterate fucking mongoloid. He implied exercise alone causes weight loss when in reality you won't lose a pound if you're not ultimately eating at a deficit. It's a really simple concept but somehow you fail to grasp it.

>> No.9108746

>I've started drinking a cup of black coffee in the morning to be less drowsy

It's possible that the caffiene is making you more energetic which results in you being more active. If you were more active then your body would need more calories to burn to support said activity, which in turn could make you hungrier.

>> but I've always heard that coffee is supposed to curb your appetite
That's correct. But keep in mind the caffeine only affects your body for a couple hours after you drank the coffee. As it gets metabolized by your body then its appetite suppression will stop too.

>> No.9108754

There's a reason you're fat.

>> No.9108757

Nigger you'd have to be eating 600 calories a day to go into starvation mode

>> No.9108767

You know, everyone keeps nagging me to do this 'balanced diet eat three times a day at a 500 calorie reduction like a normal person' bullshit but a 'balanced diet' didn't help me lose fifty pounds--a drastic and retarded one did. Why change what works?

>> No.9108768

>600 calories
Not if I was only expending 500 calories.
Learn some math, Tyrone.

>> No.9108773

>He implied exercise alone causes weight loss

It may not always cause weight loss, but it could. For example:
Suppose Fatty McLardass eats 3000 calories a day and his maintenance level is 2400.

If Fatty McLardass were to do 600 calories a day worth of exercise then he would stop gaining weight.

If Fatty McLardass did 1000 calories of exercise and ate the same diet then he'd have a deficit of 400 cals/day. That would mean he'd lose 1 pound of weight every 9 days (on average).

Now I do think that it's much easier to lose weight by eating fewer calories as opposed to relying on exercise only--after all, it takes a lot of work to burn off an appreciable amount of calories via exercise. It's much easier just to eat less. But to say that it's impossible is ignoring the thermodynamic principles involved.

>> No.9108774

You'd have to be completely motionless everyday or that to happen

>> No.9108775

>Why change what works?
Because by your own admission you're hungry as fuck.

>> No.9108786


Hunger is irrelevant. It can be ignored.

>> No.9108793

So why the fuck did you ask in the first place.
I swear to god you fat cunts want to be spoon fed advice up until the point where you have to put some effort in.

>> No.9108796

Right, that's exactly what I'm saying. He's saying exercise is the end-all, be-all of weight loss and disagreeing with me when I say that a caloric deficit is the end-all, be-all of weight loss, regardless of how you get there. Apparently, though, that's "new-age bullshit."

>> No.9108800

>chem trails

>> No.9108811

>So why the fuck did you ask in the first place.

I didn't. You seem to think there's only one person in this thread.

>> No.9108818

But only for the past few days and completely out of the blue, lad. I don't think the entire model of my diet needs to be completely scrapped when it's been serving me so well for so long, you know? I just want to figure out why I'm feeling so hungry all of a sudden for no discernible reason.

>> No.9108825

>He's saying exercise is the end-all, be-all of weight loss

I don't see that claim anywhere in the thread. Nobody said anything even remotely like that.

>>9108629 said:
>Being physically active burns calories without fat gain.

...nowhere did he/she/it claim it was the "best" method. And that quote above is exactly true--getting exercise does indeed burn calories. It just so happens that restricting diet tends to result in the same caloric deficit with less work involved.

>> No.9108826
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>themodynamics is a conspiracy theory
O-okay, you got me. I fell for the joke. You win, okay?

>> No.9108855

Nigga what fucking "fat" are you "gaining" by "restricting calories?" How are you entering this ostensibly real and counterproductive """""survival mode""""" by attaining a caloric deficit in one way but not entering it by attaining the same exact caloric deficit in another? In what world do these assertions make any fucking sense to you?

>> No.9108863

are real
Next question?

If you're eating more than 900-1000 cals a day you're an obese brainwashed faggot

>> No.9108877

>Nigga what fucking "fat" are you "gaining" by "restricting calories?
None. Where do you see me saying anything about "gaining fat"?

>>How are you entering this ostensibly real and counterproductive """""survival mode"""""
You're not. Survival mode is a myth.

I think you've confused me with another poster. I think survival mode is bullshit, and that reducing caloric intake is the best means of losing weight.

>> No.9108888

Jesus, man, I was referencing the other guy's post. The guy that you quoted and are defending?

>> No.9108905


Reading comprehension bro.
I'm not defending the other poster in general.

The only point made was that nobody ever stated that adding exercise was the "best method". Only that it was A method.

I made a pedantic grammar correction. That's not the same thing as agreeing with the turdbrain.

>> No.9108907

Maybe ask a physician instead of a Peruvian soap carving forum?

>> No.9109221


>> No.9110181

This "starvation mode" shit is the dumbest myth of all time. People unironically believe that eating "too less" will make your body magically stop burning fat and even store "everything tiny thing you eat as fat". The most retarded and illogical dogshit I've ever heard, just like "yoyo effect" aka eating 4000 kcal after losing weight and wondering why you gained it all again and "eat 6 times a day and mostly carbs" aka get diabetes fast.

>> No.9111473

fatty detected