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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9107776 No.9107776 [Reply] [Original]

>Doing recipe
>"Pinch of salt"
>pinch of salt..

Does adding a pinch of salt really make a difference or is it just a meme chefs use to make their dish look more complicated than it needs to be?

>> No.9107786

Usually you're adding a pinch at several different stages, so yes, it does make a difference. You will also hold more sea salt in a pinch than table salt, so if you're using table salt, that might be why a pinch seems pointless to you. Try sautéing a pan of mushrooms and onions, with or without a pinch of salt i.e. as much sea salt as you can fit between your thumb and first two fingers. If you really can't taste the difference then I don't know what to say about your sense of taste.

>> No.9107795

A pinch of salt makes a dish look more complicated?

>> No.9107805

>>Doing recipe
>thinking you need more than a pinch of salt to do what salt is supposed to do
>thinking a fistful of salt will do anything but make the dish salty

Adding salt enhances the flavors already present in the food, and it doesn't take much to do this. A pinch is all you need.
If your food can be described as "salty", you've added too much salt.

You're new to cooking, I get that. But if you're receiving directions on how to complete a task, you shouldn't complain if you're not familiar with the basics.
Follow through with the recipe and taste whatever you're making before it's served. If it needs more salt, add it then and not before.

>> No.9107808

This anon knows what's up.

>> No.9107814

Use your common sense. If you're cooking a gallon of stew, obviously a 'pinch' of salt isn't going to do much, but it's something small, like a pot of salad dressing, a pinch might be too much.
But yes, salt is pretty essential for almost anything you can think of.

>> No.9107817

This. Also taste while your cooking. You can add things like salt 'to taste'.

>except for baking.

>> No.9107818

Taste your food. Adjust salt accordingly. Pro cooks season by grabbing salt from a bowl with their thumb and two fingers, then sprinkling it onto the food from about a foot above. It's usually about half a teaspoon. But how salty people want their food varies. Season to your taste.

>> No.9107828

People's sensitivity to salt varies according to how much they eat. So if you are used to a diet high in salt, then yes, food with little salt will taste bland to you. A pinch or two of salt is enough in a single portion for most healthy people, given salt as already present in some of the ingredients.

>> No.9107843

If you're using a salt grinder, how many rotations do you consider a pinch?

>> No.9107859

fucking hell, just grind some onto a plate and see how much fits inbetween your fingers. if you need this basic stuff explained to you maybe you should hire a carer to wipe your arse as well.

>> No.9107865


Do you think that all salt grinders dispense the same amount of salt per rotation?

>> No.9107875

Why would you use a grinder? Salt dissolves pretty easily.

>> No.9107878

Of course not, just asking in general. I'm sure more than one person here uses a grinder and I'd like to know about their experiences.

>> No.9107881

>Of course not,

Then you know the question is ridiculous.

Add some salt. Taste the dish and see what you think. Add more if needed. Do this a few times and you'll get a feel for it.

>Why would you use a grinder?
There's no point beyond marketing or satisfying OCD (muh pepper is a grinder so why not muh salt too?) Grinders make sense for dry spices that don't dissolve, like pepper. They make no logical sense for salt.

>> No.9107886


It's just a way to overa everything without having to acknowledge it

>> No.9107888


Over salt*

>> No.9107897

are you fucking stupid
put your dank le me 2014 pepe amiriteguise 420 ron paul meme away and just think for five seconds

next time you're curious if a small amount of EXTREMELY POWERFUL SEASONING can change the flavor of a dish, add a 'pinch' of cloves to a bowl of instant ramen and then taste it

>> No.9108516

I had to use a salt grinder on some occasions.
I either grind in my hand and look before throwing it in the pot, or grind on the dish and see how much I'm putting.
If I'm not sure about a salt shaker, I shake it on the side of the dish to avoid dumping too much on the food.

Remember, you can always add salt, but you can't remove it.

Recipes don't have useless steps. You may not know the use, but everything makes sense.
Or you have a very shitty recipe book, that's not impossible.

>> No.9108530

> Only white faggts use a "pinch" of salt

Real niggaz cook wit no less then 3 cups o salt for errthang.

Now that's called flavor, bitches.