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File: 108 KB, 1280x720, absinthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9106860 No.9106860 [Reply] [Original]

Have time of work and want to try Absinthe,
Recommendations, instructions, brands?
>Lucid Absinthe Superieure
>Dillon Small Batch Absinthe
>Hill's Genuine Absinthe
I can get these...

>> No.9106865

Do you like black licorice? Because if you don't, you won't like absinthe.

>> No.9106868

Absinthe is just nasty tasting high-proof alcohol with a weird ritual.
Dump some everclear into a punch bowl, you'll have more fun.

>> No.9106870
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>> No.9106874
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Just asking,

>> No.9106885

It also contains thujole if you don't live in Freedomland

>> No.9106893

I don't have lot of experience with the stuff, but I neve bothered with the sugar ritual. Just took a shot of it straight, kicks like a mule but I kind of liked the taste. Can't remember the brand off the top of my head, maybe Absente?

>> No.9106894

I've never had licorice before, but I loved absinthe.

It's actually not. Sure, if you drink absinthe straight, it's not the best. Done properly, it is great, though.

That about does it. I normally drink bottom shelf whiskeys and beers, but I really enjoy a bottle of absinthe a few times a year. The flavor is great when you louch it. (aside: make sure your water is ICE cold out of the freezer for that process you posted. It gives the best results). In addition, I have actually found that absinthe gives you a different drunk. As a seasoned alcoholic, I found myself VERY clear-headed, focused, and in the zone when I spent a night killing a bottle of absinthe. And I remembered it all way past my normal blackout point. My next bottle of absinthe is going to be real Czech stuff with the MUCH higher thujone content.

As for brands - There's a common brand called Grand Absente, which is US legal, that I've found to be among the best balance of price, taste, and effect, of the legal stuff.

>> No.9106901

Shots of absinthe are garbage, and that explains why you had a bad experience. The sugar and ice-cold water ritual really is a must to get the most out of your absinthe. And don't think of it as "watering down". Think of it like you have a fifth of something that is just condensed, and should be enjoyed at a much higher volume mixed with water.

>> No.9106906

Bad experience? I said I liked it.

You would probably enjoy black licorice then, the flavors are very similar. It's one of my favorite candies.

>> No.9106911

You'd have to consume well over a lethal amount for thujoles effects to be noticeable.
The green fairy is literally a way for old-timey alcoholics to say "I was inspired!" and not "I was totally shitfaced for three months'

>> No.9106912
File: 206 KB, 1080x772, which.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of the three I posted can get is the best to try ?

>> No.9106917

Sorry, I mis-read your post. At the end of my nightly whiskey binge. I'm both of those posts. Maybe I'll have to try licorice. I highly recommend picking up a bottle of absinthe, and going through the ice-water and sugar preparation. Make it your sole drink for the night, and really focus on it. Your drunk will be markedly different.

>> No.9106918

it doesn't matter if it contains "thujole" (thujone), thujone doesn't do anything. it isn't psychoactive.

the whole mystique surrounding absinthe? a bunch of 19th century heroin addicts pretending it was making them hallucinate. No, idiots, the fucking opium combined with being drunk off your ass was making you hallucinate.

it's disgusting liquor. Nothing more, nothing else.

>> No.9106920

Second from the right has done well by me. That said, the best option is to splurge and import the Czech stuff. I'm planning to do so this summer.


>> No.9106924

Thujone doesn't do anything >>9106918

look it up. it's been confirmed basically non-psychoactive by modern science.

you're a high schooler getting drunk off non alcoholic beer. buy yourself a bottle of 18 year scotch you fuckin dolt.

>> No.9106926

Thujone is, at the least, a confirmed GABA-a antagonist, meaning it acts as a solid stimulant.

>> No.9106929

>hurrr muh highschooler

23 year old drunkard/alcoholic, depending on your definition.

Don't get me wrong, I don't sit around drinking absinthe every week. It's a nice experience once or twice a year. I normally stick to Old Crow.

>> No.9106932
File: 213 KB, 800x1199, Absinthe-Apocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks but I think I can only get the the i listed in FP

>> No.9106933

>meaning it acts as a solid stimulant.

that's not what a GABA-a antagonist means but it's nice that you checked the wikipedia article. Antagonism of inhibitory systems is not the same thing as a "stimulant".

Absinthe is literal fedora shit, a product that is taking advantage of you chasing a mystique that has been debunked. They were hallucinating off opium. It's nasty liquer. Buy yourself a bottle of Bullitt for 35 dollars instead. Or do you really even want good liquor?

>> No.9106937

You seem to be quite angry towards an apertif

>> No.9106944

I'm angry toward people buying trash products in pursuit of ignorance.

Buy yourself a bottle of something nice, stop chasing something that you consider an aspect of your personality ("I drink absinthe sometimes yes i'm quite sophisticated and weird and out there") it's garbage. The proudct takes advantage of ignorance to sell.

awesome, if you drink 16 bottles maybe you'll go into convulsions, since that's what significant GABA-a receptor antagonism would do

>> No.9106950


You seem really fucking buttmad that I spend a WHOLE 60 dollars a couple times a year and thoroughly enjoy its flavor, and the effect that I at least perceive it having.

Tell mom to up your allowance so you don't get mad about peoples' spending habits on the internet. Faggot.

>> No.9106951

forget it dude, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink

even your dubs don't have that power

>> No.9106960
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, Welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um I can get my hands on only these three ,which would you suggest for a first timer???
>Lucid Absinthe Superieure
>Dillon Small Batch Absinthe
>Hill's Genuine Absinthe

>> No.9107010

>"I drink absinthe sometimes yes i'm quite sophisticated and weird and out there"
lmao literally most people in this thread

>> No.9107234

Absinthe is a meme
I guess there are people out there that actually enjoy it, I mean there are people out there that actually enjoy eating shit, but I dont get it.
I have very broad tastes and a home bar with. >50 bottles of liquor, only ever use absinthe as a rinse or dash in cocktails, shit is wack

>> No.9107326

Lucid seemed okay to me, but I'm not a connoisseur by any means.

>> No.9107399
File: 1.03 MB, 499x341, relax nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of assblasted autists ITT
For me, I just like the taste of the stuff and the history behind it, regardless of the fact that all that hallucination shit is bunk, is interesting. But I mostly enjoy it for the taste. If it tasted like shit to me I wouldn't bother.
Some of you need to do pic related

>> No.9107557

Nobody asked how you feel, it is not all about you

>> No.9107741

yet he's the only one not acting autistic. See if you can learn from that.

>> No.9107761

Lucid is unfortunately quite shit. I don't know of the other two but pick the one that looks more serious.

From that pic you may trip a bit of balls from Libertine. It's quite high thujone if I recall.

>> No.9108312

Nasty, nasty stuff. Not because of the alcohol content (I will happily swig neat rum), but because of the taste.
I fucking HATE aniseed. Absinthe is like drinking Listerine.

>> No.9108323

Not true, I hate licorice but I love absinthe

>> No.9108347

>Nobody asked how you feel, it is not all about you
nobody asked you for your opinion on his post

>> No.9108372

Nobody asked for your opinion on his opinion on the post, either, pal

>> No.9108377

Pair of faggots right here.

>> No.9108435
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No, I don't like black licorice.

>> No.9108777

opium doesn't make you hallucinate

I read somewhere it might have been lead posioning

probably just faggot hipsters making shit up

either way absinthe is disgusting

>> No.9108782

>I read somewhere it might have been lead posioning

...or....you know....the fact that they were drinking a lot of strong booze?

>> No.9108819

>a bunch of 19th century heroin addicts pretending it was making them hallucinate.

To be fair, a lot of them were suffering from various esoteric poisons and toxins thanks to illegal bathtub absinthe dyed with God knows what.

>> No.9108833

50/50 with bourbon is best way

>> No.9108876

I like it in cocktails, and not as the main feature. Otherwise I think it is as fucking disgusting as Jägermeister.

>> No.9109135

Nobody asked you, double-faggot

>> No.9109143
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Is absinthe any good in cocktails?

>> No.9109155


>> No.9109180
File: 608 KB, 1000x500, Sazerac-New-Orleans-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks real fucking good desu

>> No.9109219

It actually doesnt, that looks like a warm cocktail with a stupid garnish that will fall on the floor when you have the first sip

>> No.9109343

Why is everyone so fucking homosuck

>> No.9110476

Um ok
Green Derby Cocktail

8 leaves fresh basil
2 pieces grapefruit peel
1 TBS turbinado sugar
1 TBS fresh lemon juice
1/2 oz. Absinthe
2 oz. Bourbon
Tonic water

>> No.9110482
File: 127 KB, 683x1024, Absinthe, Bourbon, Basil, and Grapefruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110588

Anyone else make their own infusions? I've been infusing wormwood for a short while now. Gin is my favorite, it makes it taste extra dry and the clear drink feeling is nice. Got a bottle of tequila infusing that in gonna crack open in about a week.

>> No.9110775

Marilyn Manson's "Mansinthe" is unironically pretty great for $60. Found it at Total Wine. For that price you can also get Vieux Carre, which is distilled in Pennsylvania.

Absinthe is legal in the USA now you dumbass European shitposters. Yes, it contains thujone, too, unless it's a gay brand like Lucid. Not that it matters anyway since by the time you've drunken enough absinthe to hallucinate you're already dead from alcohol poisoning.

>> No.9110817

You don't hallucinate on absinthe, it's just a really clear headed sometimes giggly drunk. Same as tv and movies will tell you that weed makes you see so many colors man woah dude

>> No.9110823
File: 122 KB, 500x375, ouzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love liquorice/anise things my whole life
>get to be of drinking age
>can't wait to try absinthe
>realize price is artificially inflated by fedora tippers who jerk off to the Baz Luhrmann Great Gatsby and that buying it will associate me with them
>drink pic related instead
>life is good

>> No.9111233

just buy a bag of wormwood and infuse it yourself. It's like $10 for a 4 ounce bag.