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9101671 No.9101671 [Reply] [Original]

anybody else here eat jam and cheese sandwiches? if so what's your favorite combination
for me it is the cheddar and blackberry jam

>> No.9101687
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I'm a big fan of vigilante Wich is an old-school desert some restaurants serve
The cheese is fresco Wich is a rich creamy semy hard cheese, on top isn't jam but dulce Wich is a sweet fruit paste

>> No.9102052

damn, what kind of restaurants you find that at?

>> No.9102058
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I was a little skeptical of the idea of a jam and cheese sandwich until you said "cheddar and blackberry". Now I might try this soon.

>> No.9102060

>jam and cheese
I hope you mean cream cheese

for me it's raspberry or strawberry with a good cream cheese. but if I'm going crazy I'll do goat cheese with a fig or apricot jam

>> No.9102068

Apple-onion or fig jam and new zealand cheddar mm

>> No.9102071

We call that "Martín Fierro" in Uruguay and Argentina.

>> No.9102113

I love making grilled cheese with the sharpest cheddar I can find with fig jam.

Brie with apricot jam is tasty too.

>> No.9103617

gruyere and rhubarb chutney

>> No.9103646

nah man, you want that bite of a sharp cheddar to contrast the sweetness of the jam

>> No.9103659

Queso fresco and blackberry jam

>> No.9103661

it's a south american dish, particularly from Argentina and Uruguay as this anon said:
the fruit paste is a processed quince jam with a jello like texture and the cheese usually is port salut or something similar
tasty and simple

>> No.9103709
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I don't normally eat jam with cheese, but in a similar vain I love apple pie with a slice of cheddar.

>> No.9103743

Never tried it but that actually sounds good.

>> No.9103832

Some of my favourites are:
Port Salut and lingonberry jam
Phily cheese and blueberry jam
Salakis (creamy feta) and apple jam
Cheese and jam is truly nice

>> No.9103995

Apple butter and brie

>> No.9104092

i had mantecoso and strawberry jelly on toast yesterday

>> No.9104157

este sape

>> No.9104417

>Por salut
That's how old people who grew up buying milk from a carriage make it because they are afraid of eating anything they don't buy at the supermarket

>> No.9104445

Kraft and smuckers grape

>> No.9104454


smoked swiss cheese and fig jam

>> No.9104685

and what the hell has that to do with the vigilante?

>> No.9104759

I'll have mango chutney with cheese, and that's basically jam.

>> No.9104782

I'm pretty sure this is called Romeu e Julieta in Brazil.
It's Cheese of any kind and Goiabada, a firm guava paste.

>> No.9104826

Goats cheese
Fig jam
on rye

>> No.9104966

Not cheese but high quality butter and rose jam on toast

It's incredible, the food of Gods

>> No.9105013
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People are just finding out about this?

Red pepper jelly and sharp cheddar on sourdough is a godtier Sammie

>> No.9105033


Cream cheese with jalapeño jelly

Sharp cheddar with lingonberry preserves

>> No.9105047
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I've never had jelly / jam and cheese sandwiches, but peanut butter and cheese is some good shit.

Note: I only use crunchy peanut butter, unlike the pussy who made this one I found on google.

>> No.9105067

Gouda, edam or cheddar with salted butter and orange marmalade is pretty good.