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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9098853 No.9098853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did your dad cook at all growing up? Or just your mom? Were they good?

>> No.9098857

No. Traditional family unit. Dad worked, mom was a stay at home mom. They are midwesterner white bread folk so dinners were always hot dish or some other kind of bland, preservative-laden mess. Sometimes pork chops and veggies with buttered noodles or similar. Mom never went out of her way to experiment, though. That's ok. We always had plenty of food and attention. Great family/upbringing. I learned how to cook when I moved out, and I'm no worse for wear. Thankful I didn't become a picky little shit,

>> No.9098861

Yeah, luckily you just became an entitled asshole that thinks he built "character" while growing up as a privileged white boy.

>> No.9098863

My dad would grill stuff sometimes. He was actually pretty good at that, but he was absolute shit at any other method of cooking. I have many a fond memory of him grilling up some London broil, Polish sausage, or just hamburgers and hot dogs. The old man knows his way around meats, but not much else.

>> No.9098872

Whew lad, your sourpuss is showing. Sorry your home life wasn't as charmed.

>> No.9098883

Mommy got caught up in 2nd wave feminism that told her she could "have it all." As a result mommy was average at best regarding both her domestic skills and parenting.

>> No.9098901 [DELETED] 
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Your time will come. The resistance is taking hold everywhere except the "United" States. Resistance against hate, bigotry, and archaic social structures. I hope you're ready, because there's a storm already sweeping across Europe and it'll tear up the very foundations of your cushy white boy life. Trump's impeachment is just going to be the icing on the cake.

>> No.9098902


>privileged white boy

He literally described himself as a flyover redneck.

Actual privileged white "boy" here. I went out to eat 4-5 times a week growing up, and both of my parents switched off cooking the other 2-3 nights. Maybe I was just better nourished, but I had to work just as hard as anyone else, not realizing when I was young how I was privileged in other ways. That said, things came easy to me throughout the first 2/3 of my life. It's not because I was privileged, but because I had intelligent parents who made enough money to properly raise a child.

I don't know what your life is like, but stop making yourself out to be a victim when it has no relevance to the conversation.

>> No.9098916
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>b-b-but I had to work hard!
Not nearly as hard as PoC of any variety. Your privilege has afforded you many rights and opportunities that other people could never dream of. Stop being a butthurt little white fuckboy and just acknowledge that you've had it much, much easier than everyone else in life. You haven't had to work for shit because the system is already designed for you. Fuck you.

>> No.9098925

t. trans man

>> No.9098927

Stop being racist.

>> No.9098937

My dad cooked when he got seafood or some type of game usually 5 times a month or so. My mom cooked regular mom shit all the other time.

>> No.9098945

>grow up poor and without a father in the most meth-ridden state in the country
>xDDD just use ur wite privlege lol

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.9098949

When my dad was around, he mostly just grilled. He wasn't very good at it except for the grilled whole fish he made. That was fucking delicious.

>> No.9098951

whats this?
piece of shit?

>> No.9098960

>boo hoo no daddy :'(
>boo hoo drugs nearby :'(
Congratulations, you had a small taste of life for a vast majority of PoC. Go fuck yourself, white boy. I can already tell that you don't use your experience as a way to help understand other people and help them, but you use it as a source of hate against other people, as evidenced by your reply to me. Take your own advice. The world will be better without your racist and bigoted troll self around.

>> No.9098964

Is this really how /pol/ users think actual human beings talk

>> No.9098969

My Dad always cooked because it was just me, him and my brother. Also because being a chef and learning to cook is almost mandatory in my family.

>> No.9098979

This desu

>> No.9098995

Old school Italian senpai...Dad worked, mom cooked. But mom had the deep knowledge--being older now, half those recipes are passed-down only..."only your mother and aunt know what's in the breading"...great variety too...steamed artichoke, grilled asparagus, pasta from scratch, butterflied fried chicken, lemon chicken...homemade meatballs, fried calamari...thin, square pizza with just the basics...this super clean orzo soup from a fresh chicken stock. Goddamn...then desserts; fugetaboutit. My older bro and I are trying to notate all the original ways that she and her sisters cooked...as expected, it's always a mix of improv and secret techniques...

>> No.9099002


I think it's funny that bitch is talking about other people having daddy issues. I mean ... wow ... just look at that shit. Someone needs to ramp up their weekly hours at therapy, because damn.

>> No.9099011

Honestly, I don't know what's sadder. That you might actually believe that or that you're trying this hard to troll a Singaporean moving pictures forum's cooking board.
Either way, please find the tallest building in your area and do a flip.

>> No.9099014
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opinion discarded. no one worth listening to says that.

>> No.9099015


>different anon, and not sure if you're serious

How the fuck do you think "white boy" is an insult? I'm white, but the privilege I've had in life is above all economic, not racial (yeah, yeah, there's a correlation with the current system).

I'm all for equality and will fuck and fall in love with whoever I find myself inside of and fall for, regardless of color or socioeconomic background. I didn't fucking vote for Trump, but I'm not going to apologize for being born to parents who actually had the means to raise a child, or act like I don't have character because I got a good education and didn't spend my childhood trying to sleep in the backseat of a car while my crackwhore mother was turning tricks in the front seat just to buy me a box of animal crackers.

>> No.9099024

i wish my family had culinary culture, my grandparents were all on the poverty line while raising my parents (my mums mum still is) so all my mum knows how to cook is poor people cuisine (stews and curries out of a jar), my scottish grandmother (dads side) makes some nice stuff but it doesnt have any culture behind it.

>> No.9099030


>> No.9099033

>>boo hoo no daddy :'(
>>boo hoo drugs nearby :'(
Except those are the two most positively correlated factors that determine the success of a child, more than race, more than sex. But I know that numbers make your brain hurt buddy.

>> No.9099034

This post reads like a really shitty r/the_Donald shill. Return to Reddit whenever you feel like it you white apologist nigger lover. Fuck off kike.
t. /pol/lack. Someone linked your thread to our board.

>> No.9099039

You missed the entire point of the post. Is it hard being as retarded as you are?

>> No.9099043


Fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.9099045

>we were well off and everything was easy for me growing up but i wasn't privileged
that's quite literally the definition of living a privileged life. it's ok to admit it. some people are poor and others aren't and being wealthy affords you luxuries not everyone has.

>> No.9099047

Back to your containment website.

>> No.9099048

>pay no attention to the mountain of evidence, focus on my babycrying and rampant speculation instead!
Really gets my almonds to the upright and locked position.

>> No.9099052

Another /pol/tard here.

You came to our board and it seems that some left-winger started talking about politics in this thread first, not some /ptg/ nigger.

>> No.9099053

My wife can't cook so I always prepare food for her and her son

>> No.9099061


That was the point of the post. Anon experienced what a bunch of minorities experienced so he should use that to gain some perspective.

>> No.9099062

That's one half though--over the years I've learned that all traditional cooking has a survival element as the base--so you actually have a rooting in the most elemental side. How to thrive of of what's directly available around you...stews and curries go a long way...Jamaican cuisine has this kind of vibe; sure it's jazzed up now, but back in Jamaica...in a small village...it's all good, man.

>> No.9099064


>being wealthy affords you luxuries not everyone has

Yeah. I lived in a bigger house in a better neighborhood than most of my friends growing up. We still went to the same shitty public school, and we all applied to colleges (well, not all of us) without our race having anything to do with the application, and I still have a lifetime of school debt to pay off.

I had a comfier childhood than lots of people, but at most that only made me have to learn to succeed because I wanted to, rather than because I needed to. I'm nowhere near a success, btw.

>> No.9099065

My parents were terrible. They figured if I had enough to order our with, I wouldn't starve. It sucked. Now that I've taken classes, I've come to realize they had no idea what to do with a child.

>> No.9099070

>nowhere near a success
That much is obvious.

>> No.9099071

I literally have a scrawny body and low protein to get strong with. : Not because I'm lazy, 4 years in the army infantry. : Nutrition is a huge factor.

>> No.9099074

Cooking chills me out. Who the fuck is angry after a good meal? SHOW me that person and they have a lot more problems than they themselves realize.

>> No.9099088

Mexicans and Middle Easterners usually freak out after eating in an attempt to not pay the bill.

>> No.9099097

Dad made some kickass steak. He taught me, but I mostly forgot the deceptively simple recipe. I remember you'd butter up bread to make pan toast on the juices of the meat though. We called it "dirty steak". Put a slice of cheese on the meat while it's cooking and maybe a fried egg, put it all in the "dirty" bread and you're golden.
His sunny side ups were pretty good too but he called them "Eggs à la Picasso" since they always came out crooked.
Otherwise he either ate what my mum cooked or microwave meals, or easy to cook stuff after they divorced. He was great at churrasco (Brazilian style BBQ) but he was too uninspired for it in his last years.
nigga was a good cook desu

>> No.9099102

sandniggers out of /ck/ reeeeee

>> No.9099103

Let's see.. my dad was a cook in the army, then sometime after that a cook for the San Diego Country jail, then a cook at a restaurant when we moved out to Iowa then we moved back to California where my dad started doing IT so he hasn't cooked as a paid job since the mid 90's.

So, hell yeah, he cooked for us growing up. It's also why, even though I do understand why the meme exists, the "white people can't season" meme bugs the hell out of me. My dad makes a damned good & well seasoned chicken, my dad's chili is delicious anything but bland and usually has a good kick to it (although, sometimes he'll back off on the spiciness for the sake of my mom. Incidentally, my dad is also a counter to the "white people think yellow mustard is too spicy! LOL" when he has chicken it's nearly always with Sriracha, he puts Tapatío on his eggs, etc.) Hell, once when we were broke and between paychecks we didn't have any meat to work with but, we did have a decent amount of spices/seasons in the spice cabinet plus some uncooked pinto beans and he made this fucking phenomenal vegetarian chili.

In short, I'm on places like /ck/ because with all the delicious home cooked meals I've had in my life I couldn't possibly go to a live of frozen tv dinners and shit like that. Thanks, dad. Sorry for the life story, everyone.

>> No.9099107
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>piece of chit

>> No.9099142

Dad could cook. Mom couldn't. Dad worked, mom didn't. I've learned almost everything I know from helping him cook as a kid.

>> No.9099227

Parents divorced when I was seven, dad got custody. Before that mom would cook, poorly. I remember when I was like six and my grandma made me mashed potatoes with gravy an I thought she'd shat on my food because I'd never seen it before.

Dad was good. He taught science so he had a good technical grasp on everything, taught me quite a bit although I could never remember any actual recipes (except for French toast lel). Sometimes experimented, sometimes came up with pretty novel stuff, like grilled cheese and tomato soup, except the cheese was sweetened cream cheese and the soup was chocolate.

>> No.9099255

My mother is a prison guard and work odd and long hours so it's was often fast, easy and bland.

My father is a decent cook when it comes to... classic cooking , starch, meat, limp veg and gravy you can stand a spoon in.

>> No.9099271


dad is a better cook

>> No.9099315


I grew up in a pretty traditional family - mom worked part-time in a retail store and cooked every day for my siblings and I, and my dad worked full-time and never cooked.

My dad is almost 70 and to this day it's an accomplishment if he can cook Kraft Dinner. My mom was a fucking amazing cook though - made amazing pastas, soups, knew how to grill everything, and made cakes and desserts for people to earn extra cash. She passed away 8 years ago though. I miss her a lot :(

>> No.9099363

My dad doesn't cook much but he makes great salad dressing.

>> No.9099388

Yeah, my dad can make a bowl of cereal or ice cream and nuke frozen burritos like a bad ass.

Seriously though, my dad worked full time sun up to sundown, 6 days a week ( he's a rancher), so mom always cooked everything. She taught at a culinary school, since that's what she studied in school, and later went back and got her degree in science so she could be a science teacher instead. But she still did all the cooking even then. Now that their both older and have no kids at home anymore, I think they go out to dinner more often, but mom's still a he'll of a cook.

>> No.9099392

*they're *

I hate auto correct when it subs the wrong word.

>> No.9099475

I used to think that, until I understood that dad-cooking is consuming anything that is really tastefull in huge quantities.

I mean my mom is a very good cook but always uses 2 strips of bacon in a carbonara portion 1.5 eggs etc.

If my dad was to cook one he would use like 10 strips and 3 eggs, and propably all the cheese he could get his hands on.

>> No.9099479

kys shitskin

>> No.9099480

If mom cooked, it was pepper steak.

If dad cooked, it was kraut and sausage or salisbury steaks, with the occasional steak/baked potato.

Rest of the time was whatever frozen shit I had to microwave.

>> No.9099483

All fucking niggers WILL fucking hang.

>> No.9099485

Are you fat ?

Whats your diet now, do you still eat shit food?

Serious question.

>> No.9099494

Not fat, diet now contains salads and meal prepped chicken/veg or salmon/veg because of work.

I'll occasionally treat myself to a bacon egg and cheese bagel from McDonald's for breakfast, but it's not often, maybe twice a month.

Weekends I usually grill chicken and steam brussel sprouts or brocolli. If I'm feeling froggy I'll sprinkle some Swiss on the brocolli.

>> No.9099499

A little bit. 2 income household.

It was pretty good at the time, since kids growing up are always hungry. In retrospect it was probably microwave crap and easy to make shit (burgers and grilled cheese and shit)
PS: not a fatty

>> No.9099503

Good for you bro, most people I observe who used to eat shit food as a kid, continue this trend and even pass it on to their kids.

Like I was only allowed to eat cheetos once a month when I was a kid, and some of the kids I've seen in my day have consumed more fast food than I have in my lifetime.

>> No.9099505


>> No.9099507


He did admit it you bellend

>> No.9099529

They're trying to say "colored people" in a way that does a poor job of hiding their legitimate racism that actually surpasses some of /pol/'s

>> No.9099531

I grew up on a farm. So my Dad was gone 16 hours a day seasonally. Even during those days he would find time to cook us lunch on fridays (short school day) or breakfast. During winter he would cook a lot more. I liked my Dad's cooking a bit more than my moms, but his was very unhealthy. It was always meat and potatoes kind of stuff, not much veg.

>> No.9099533 [DELETED] 

It was supposed to be a better term for "non-whites" (because "non-whites" makes it sound like "white" is normal and good and therefore non-whites are lacking something)

but nobody except black people found the term or its twisted logic appealing, so now it's just an incredibly awkward term for "us black people" usually used by out-of-touch "we wuz kangs" types, and out-of-touch white racist /pol/esmokers who think they're being funny

>> No.9099774

>A Spectre is haunting Europe


>> No.9099776

He knew how to make lamb taste pretty good but his burgers were too raw for me. Mom was a better cook but her chicken was so dry.

>> No.9099777

so will this rainbow-police cart protect me from muslims that want to lynch me for being gay?

>> No.9099950

My father didn't cook nearly as often as my mother but everything he did make was better than whatever my mom made.

>> No.9099962

Impeaching Trump will make Republicans stronger than ever before.

Say hello to president Pence.

>> No.9099985

>>b-b-but I had to work hard!
>Not nearly as hard as PoC of any variety.

Ya... your a twat... probably never travelled either... shallow and raging against your irrelevance... the well off families in the far east have a far better level of living than those you hate around you. Even in the middle east. Dubai...Singapore...Hong Kong... Japan... Korea... I've been there. So you can rage against your fellow gutter rats all you want but your no better than the average nigger rioting and burning his own neighborhood. Small tip for you too.. the Asians dont care about your POC crap either...

>> No.9099995

Yeah, my father cooked sometimes, he was a great cook and still is. Every time I see him I eat until I explode, I learned pretty much almost all my knowledge about cooking from him and so I'd like to think I'm a good cook too. Not to say my mother didn't cook well but my father was a perfectionist in what he did, so he'd always attempt things to the fullest.

I enjoy both their cooking.

>> No.9100005

I know I'm equally at fault but can't any of you dimwits recognize a false flagging troll from /pol/ who's not even interested in cooking.

>> No.9100006

My dad didn't cook too much, but he loved baking cookies. Around Christmas time he would always make like 5-10 different kinds if cookies ranging from chocolate chip, to oatmeal, to gingerbread. They always tasted pretty good. My mom was the primary cook in our house, but when she wasn't home, my dad was compitent enough to make dinner.

>> No.9100015

Dad wasn't bad at grilling/BBQ, and he could do basic stuff like cook pasta, fry eggs & bacon, etc. Otherwise he was useless in the kitchen.

Mom literally grew up on a small farm so she was a fantastic cook. Bread from scratch, homemade sausage, grew veggies in the garden.

>> No.9100027

>their legitimate racism that actually surpasses some of /pol/'s
What do you mean by this? The entire point of social justice is to fight against racism.

>> No.9100047

No its not, the entire point of social justice is bored housewives and female college students that have such a perfect life that they need someone else's problems to bitch about. Social justice warriors label everything, everything about race, any off colored joke is racist to them. Everything.

Comment on someone's phenotype, racist.

Make a joke about ethnicity, racist.

Vote trump for economic reasons, racist.

The thing is sjws make everything to be about race, they call way more attention to it than normal folks. Most SJWs that I know are far more racist than most poltards I know

Black people don't need you fucking white women to fight their battles either.

>> No.9100049

Not him but calling people PoC is really racist if you think about it. You're making a term that lumps all the non-whites together. Even though the term is mean to highlight white privilege IMO it's a divisive and demeaning term. Referring to people by their race is garish anyway but to not even refer to them by their race but just their lack of whiteness is downright ugly. Doesn't matter what your motivations for doing so are.

>> No.9100056

Black people are black

Stupid Nigger

>> No.9100064

>the entire point of social justice is bored housewives and female college students that have such a perfect life that they need someone else's problems to bitch about.
Or that they feel guilty about having good lives where people barely eke by. Which imo is noble but the solution is to try and uplift the poorest in the world, not the mildly discomforted middle-class folks in your own country. But it's easier to fight about the wage gap in the US than to try and make the 3rd world self-reliant.

>> No.9100084

What wage gap? According to relevant US data men and women make roughly equal pay when you factor in the fact that men often hold higher paid positions due to the fact that they work high labor jobs, compared to the fact that women rarely work such jobs, and often work part time.

Don't feel bad, you don't have it easy. Living day by day in the middle class is hard. Sure it might seem easy if you are a stay at home mom, but as the working half of a family, I can say it isn't.
I work full time to support myself, have some savings and health insurance. I got a good job because I worked hard in school and payed my way through college.

White men, don't let them keep telling you that you have it so easy. It's a lie. You worked hard to get where you are like your father and your father before you. So be proud. Those people in the streets don't suffer because they don't have your privileges, they suffer because they don't have the resolve and dedication you do.

White men, be proud!

>> No.9100091

My father was in a different state and never paid child support. Fuck him.

>> No.9100098

lol dude do you come armed with /pol/ propaganda to all cooking threads? My post implied that the wage gap isn't a big concern. Also, eat a dick if you think people in Bangladesh would be as rich as middle America if they just had more resolve and dedication

>> No.9100123

No no, they would be rich if they didn't live on a chronically overpopulated subcontinent that's mostly dessert. If anyone deserves the blame it's their government.

But what do you expect from people who shit in the streets? Filthy Poo in Loos

>> No.9100143

>No no, they would be rich if they didn't live on a chronically overpopulated subcontinent that's mostly dessert.
They wouldn't have any problems with starvation if they lived on a subcontinent that's mostly dessert. I assume you meant desert.
Bangladesh is mostly delta and their problems are with flooding, not desertification. And if anyone deserves the blame it's the British for causing the worst famine in recent history (way worse than the potato famine)

Regardless, my point was that hard work =/= success for everyone. Which you couldn't disprove so you didn't even try.

>> No.9100164
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Don't have to prove anything, I'm white.

Fuck yeah.

But honestly they did pretty well under colonial rule, they never should have left it. The British brought them prosperity, and now without them, well just look at that country...

>> No.9100169

My dad cooked all the time. My mom would only make one or two dishes and even then as she got lazier and more depressed she stopped helping at all. My dad made some pretty good food, but it was mostly recipes he learned from his mom. I more or less credit him for my love of food.

>> No.9100170

My mom was the main cook, but he would sometimes make omesome traditional Nigerian foods.

>> No.9100181

>Don't have to prove anything, I'm white.
But you do, else you wouldn't be doling out the usual /pol/ crap in the afternoon on a work day. Fuck yeah indeed.

Also the GDP per capita for India is 5 times higher now than it was by the end of British rule adjusted for inflation. And it was the second highest in the world (behind china) when the British took control. Also, funny how the country in the region where the British didn't "bring prosperity" Thailand, is doing far better than any of the others.

It's okay dude, we don't win all our internet battles. Just continue LARPing as a nazi and it'll still be a productive day for you all things considered.

>> No.9100182

my parents divorced early, both of them cooked
somehow my dad can just throw together some shit in a pile and have it be fucking delicious, I really have no clue how he does it
he ran a thai restaurant with his wife but they shut down and it put him in some debt, but they made some tasty food

>> No.9100194

Good troll

>> No.9100195

This post is really funny and really sad all at the same time.

>> No.9100207

Mom does all the traditional cooking
Dad does all the grilling, the man is a fucking artist with bbq chicken.

>> No.9100245

>ctrl+S "poc"
>8 results

Am I on the wrong website?

>> No.9100247

I grew up in the 1970's Northeast suburbs with a stay at home mom. My father has never used the stove nor chopped a vegetable in his life. On summer weekends he would make a big project out of grilling meat out back, and we'd eat outside at the picnic table. Mom would make various salads to go with it. Beyond that the most he did to contribute to meals was carving roasts with an electric knife.

He had no reason to do more than that. He worked hard and made a fuckton of money. I didn't realize how good I had it until I got out on my own and noticed most people I met didn't have it nearly as good.

>> No.9100250

stay mad blackboi

>> No.9100257
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My dad did all the cooking and my mom worked. My mom couldn't even cook frozen pizza without burning it

>> No.9100266

I bet her pussy game was on point though.

>> No.9100288

Im a poor white guy.
I don't assume all whites are privileged
I dont assume all blacks are retarded monkeys.
Am i racist?

>> No.9100313

you're racist just for being white m8
and so am I

>> No.9100329
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So when does the white male genocide start and where do i sign up?

>> No.9100333

My mom did the cooking only because she didn't work... but when we had big gatherings, etc, my father would take care of the main dish.

> Fast forward 30 years...

I haven't dated one single white woman (4 in total) who can cook... I mean at all... they would all literally burn eggs and fuck up toast.

It's like they all became so entitled they lost any home skills they had at all.

Married a hot lil Asian girl in my 2nd marriage and I couldn't be happier.

Word of advice: if you want a happy life, don't marry an entitled, spoiled white woman.

>> No.9100336

first step is let an underprivileged black man maul you to death, preferably a muslim one
then apologize if you survive and repeat step one

>> No.9100339

>I haven't dated one single white woman (4 in total) who can cook... I mean at all... they would all literally burn eggs and fuck up toast.
>It's like they all became so entitled they lost any home skills they had at all.

I think most people who have had shitty wives in this thread can admit they were all spoiled white girls.

Spoiled white girls are good for jizz buckets, not for marriage.

>> No.9100349

>Word of advice: if you want a happy life, don't marry an entitled, spoiled white woman.

Or a latina wifey.... latina women know how to cook, make their man happy, & they give up the booty.

>> No.9100375

>It's like they all became so entitled they lost any home skills they had at all.
I think you're misreading it. Girls today know their grandmothers had to cook every day whether they liked it or not, just because they were women. Today that's not the case, so many girls choose not to cook at all simply because they don't HAVE to.

I'd say the entitlement in your post is you expecting them to cook. Unless you're capable of supporting her while she stays at home like your grandmother expecting her to cook for you is a bit much. The only reason women ever cooked for men is because men worked to pay the bills. If you can't provide that don't expect a woman to cook for you.

>> No.9100390

I don't know how it happened, maybe because they both grew up in boarding schools where food was provided, but both my parents were absolutely awful cooks. They still are but at least these days my dad tries, while my mom just continues not giving a crap about making something good to eat.

This is also the number one reason I got into cooking. I had a choice when I was a teen, either continue eating their crap or learn how to make something at least a little better.

>> No.9100394

>Word of advice: if you want a happy life, don't marry an entitled, spoiled white woman.

This. White women 1) can't cook and 2) they refuse to cook because cooking is now slavery.


Bottom line. Happy life, happy wife.

Happy wife <> useless, entitled white women

>> No.9100402

>Or a latina wifey.... latina women know how to cook, make their man happy, & they give up the booty.

My wife is from Columbia. Has a masters degree, earns more than me, and loves to fucking cook.

And she doesn't play the "cooking = misogyny" bullshit ever... I mean, can you imagine living with a woman like that?

You'd blow your brains out.

I see some of my white friends with white wives going through their 3rd divorce and keep thinking "my brother, you could have had a good life by just not marrying white girls, kek"

>> No.9100418

Wow white girls are literally the only ones i like.... And they're that bad?
What the fuck am i supposed to do wank off for eternity?

>> No.9100427

>And they're that bad?

Yes. But keep in mind I'm talking about specifically American white women.

Eastern Europeans... heck, most Europeans are all more down to earth, less spoiled, and less entitled.

>> No.9100433
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>> No.9100462

Never even met my dad. Thanks for reminding me. Even on 4chan where it's supposed to be normie-free I can't escape my bastardhood...

>> No.9100471


>> No.9100501


Sadly, It's not the jews making white women undesirable, senpai.

Dumb white women are doing that entirely by themselves.

>> No.9100686

>not the jews
get on my level norman

>> No.9100705

He tried a couple of times. It was as pathetic as everything else he did.

>> No.9100709

If you never met him, anon, he's not even worth your time
Don't worry about him and talk about food

>> No.9100722

>Today that's not the case, so many girls choose not to cook at all simply because they don't HAVE to.

But everyone HAVE to cook. How do you eat? Do you just order everything and live on fast food? I am a 22 year old male university student, I didn't know how to cook when I moved out, but I obviously knew how to operate the oven and the pans, and I learned to cook within a month of moving out. How can anyone have gone trough their life not knowing how to cook? And if you know how to cook, why aren't you cooking? Its cheaper, its healthier, its easy and faster than ordering food or eating out.

Any adult that doesn't know how to cook, or knows how to cook but is too lazy to do it, male or female, must be trash. Its literally an essential human skill, like being able to tie your shoelaces, or being able to read and write or do simple math. From my experience, most women today lack this skill, while most men seem to be perfectly able to cook and regularly cooks healthy and tasty meals. And no, mixing granola and yogurt is not cooking.

>> No.9100847

>But everyone HAVE to cook
No they don't, at least depending on where they live. Supermarkets are full of prepared food. In cities restaurants deliver food. Diners still exist in some parts of the country. Then there's always fast food, too.

I know plenty of adults who never cook. Never. They spend a lot more on food than I do because I don't buy ready to eat stuff, I buy ingredients and cook them.

>Any adult that doesn't know how to cook, or knows how to cook but is too lazy to do it, male or female, must be trash.
Some of them are just people with a high disposable income who prefer eating out to messing around with the stove. You see this a lot in places like New York, where you could eat out at a different restaurant every night for years and still not exhaust the options available to you.

>Its literally an essential human skill, like being able to tie your shoelaces, or being able to read and write or do simple math.
Not really. Even a century ago only half the population knew how to do it. But today it's more like a hobby - people who are into it do it and those who aren't don't.

>From my experience, most women today lack this skill, while most men seem to be perfectly able to cook and regularly cooks healthy and tasty meals.
I think you are right. The rise of the celebrity chef and shows like Iron Chef did lots to remove the stigma of men cooking at home. And more and more guys have been getting into cooking since.

>> No.9101384

My parents never cooked. I ate microwave food.

>> No.9101399

Like making you

>> No.9101512

My dad is perfectly capable of cooking properly, and actually very well, but he's too fucking lazy to do anything more than chuck a couple of thin shitty steaks in the oven and call it a meal. My mum has always been pretty decent at cooking.

>> No.9101516

Jesus that chick has some serious penis envy.

>> No.9101524

Hahaha can't believe people this bitter actually exist and wrote shit like this. Lmao.

>> No.9101528

When they were still together it was usually my dad, although my mom cooked occasionally. Even nowadays my dad is a better cook, although he tends to put a while boatload of effort into what he makes

>> No.9101535

My mom and dad divorced when i was young. Both of them cooked pretty frequently when i was at either place.

>> No.9101554

do you even communism, comrade?

>> No.9101557

>tfw white
>tfw I was the kind of poor growing up that supposedly doesn't exist in the US any more
Eldest sibling of three with a sickly mother. Had a tough time of it. Still think most of the folk in this thread are whiny babies about 'oh my life was so hard'.

No, not the ones who are talking about their lives, the ones trying to invalidate other's hard work with 'you just got it from privilege'. Most poor fuckers blame the world around them because they know in some way their shit lives are a good degree their own fucking faults. This sort of envy is disgusting.

>> No.9101615

Both parents worked. My dad would grill occasionally but it was just burgers, hot dogs, brats, and chicken. Once in a blue moon he might get a ribeye or some sort of steak. I remember everything being alright.

My mom tried to cook and as a kid, I thought it was ok until I got older and started teaching myself to cook. Then I realized how bad and bland our dinners were. We had a lot of boxed mashed potatoes, microwavable salisbury steak with watery gravy, homemade soups made from canned vegetables and with the water from the cans instead of beef or chicken broth, frozen food, and tons of fast food. We were lucky if we had dinner at home 1 or 2 times a week.

>> No.9101625
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My dad cooked, but I fucking hated it so I got fast food literally every single day. I became quite fat.

>> No.9101633

my dad sucks at cooking and he has everyone do the prep for him. if he doesnt like onions, he wont add any. if he wants well done, thats how everyone eats it. i try making dinner every now and then and he literally goes to the bathroom to gag when he sees blood in his steak. my dad is a pussy

>> No.9101647

Literally? Wow, just wow! I can't even

>> No.9101658

>talk about statistics about black crime and education
>"their environment and history of persecution kept them down and set them up to fail"
>mention Asian immigrants

>> No.9101665

My dad was the primary cook. Even when mom was home. He always told me..... IF you want a decent meal don’t depend on a woman to cook it for you. He also explained Mommy cooking.

>> No.9101700

My mom is probably the worst cook in my family
Overcooks nearly everything and doesn't know how to season properly.
In terms of cooking skill its probably me(male youngest)>Dad>Sister(oldest)>Sister(middle)>mom

>> No.9101732

trying not make make his vomits sound like an exaggeration faggot, its "literally" used properly

fucking autists

>> No.9101771

Mommy cooking

>> No.9101908

Hawaii and all Asian dominated areas are shitholes. In any case, Asians have never been persecuted as badly or as long as black people.

>> No.9102023

My dad cooked most of the time.

>> No.9102033

pretty sure that's racist, or something. HuffPost told me.

>> No.9102063
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>tfw jap mom and American dad
>mom either made japanese food or Italian. Was always good
>dad would grill occasionally, was also always good

>> No.9102088

Never anything more than following instructions on a box. He would always bitch about "it says x degrees but this oven runs lower so I'm gonna set it for X+50 degrees" then have shit turn out poorly.

He would always shit on anything I was making.
>that looks awful
>I wouldn't eat that

Really? You wouldn't eat chicken fettuccine alfredo but you scarf down dollar store TV dinners?

I would end up making what I wanted, then some bland bullshit for him to barely eat before digging into his bags of old people candy.

>> No.9102141

My mother cooks really bland food, but she fed me and my bro for nearly 16 years and I appreciate it. My dad doesn't cook much, but he has an amazing natural talent for making food and it's probably the only creative thing I've ever seen him do. I love cooking but I don't think I have that natural skill, but I'm gonna just grind through it till im the best amongst everyone I know (barring chefs)

>> No.9102200

Scathing satire, white boy.

>> No.9102211
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Mom and Dad both cooked, but Mom was the main chef.
> tfw all my friends growing up would badger me to come over since we were the only Latinos in the neighborhood and they came over for my moms cooking

>> No.9102215

my dad cooks lunch everyday besides vacation and he does some pretty good job.

>> No.9102236

My mother used to make me eat liquid soap when I was a kid and my dad would throw me into walls and he used to promise to watch me for the day and he would fucking drop me off at the community center while he went to go drink all day. I actually got molested because of him. I hate them both so much and I haven't had a Christmas or a birthday in half a decade because of them. Every holiday I just spend fucking alone man, I remember easter and jelly beans but I don't even know what day it is anymore.They actually took my bed out of the house the last year I lived at home so I had to sleep on the floor like an animal. I stacked a few sheets on top of each other and then wrapped a blanket up to make a makeshift pillow. Fuck them.

>> No.9102289

My dad is a better cook than my mom.

>> No.9102414

was it dawn, how was it?

>> No.9102435
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My mom and dad took turns cooking though only dad could grill and only mom could bake. Mom's best stuff was her perfectly made cookies, cakes, brownies, anything like that - only mom could make cookies that weren't too hard on the edges, only mom could make a perfectly fluffy cake, only mom could make a perfectly flavored pumpkin pie, etc. Dad on the other hand was a seasoning necromancer and could bring even the cheapest steak or laziest kebab to life with his custom and often on-the-fly seasoning combinations and application methods. If my mother made meat it was boring and under-seasoned and badly cooked and if my father tried to bake anything you will receive a brick in return. It was hilarious the number of times they tried anyway. They were about equally skilled in other areas, their breakfast items were almost identical. Oh, also they gardened vegetables together, I have eaten some pretty hilarious genetic accidents resulting from two types of squash being planted too close together.

I miss my father's variation of Montreal style steak seasoning and sometimes attempt to re-create it.


>this anti-racist action will target <insert race>

I know you aren't actually one but could you stop reminding me that people capable of this level of doublethink actually exist? I'm trying to think about food, here.

>Meanwhile thread itself seems to confirm cooking is not a gendered activity and the entire idea was probably derived from feminist anger at episodes of Leave it to Beaver


>> No.9102456

but did they cook?

>> No.9103107

Was the soap good though?

>> No.9103119

Mom could cook pretty well and knew a good variety of dishes. Worked long hours and still found time to cook for me and my brother for most days of the week, until I was about 13-14 years old

Dad tried to cook but didn't have tastebuds (smoker) and anything he tried to make usually came out really bland at best

>> No.9103131

It's hilarious how you guys don't even realize you are becoming what you hate

>> No.9103138

Yes he also taught me how to cook also worked two jobs

>> No.9103166


My dad went to culinary school and passed on his love of food (and obesity) to his progeny. Mom was a good cook as well. Definitely a departure from their typically northern Canadian upbringing: meat, potatoes, and sometimes tourtière - which, in honesty, is pretty great too.

>> No.9103844

t. Redditor

>> No.9103850

His breakfast meals were the best. He died when I was young though.

>> No.9103857

Mum and grandma "cooked" food was blant and couldn't really be fixed by any amount of pepper and spices. The rare occasions dad cooked he made the tastiest, spiciest food I've tried.

>> No.9103881

My dad wasnt the greatest cook, he burnt every steak, burger, and pork chop I ever had but everything else he could do. But at least he wasnt like my mom who would just buy frozen garbage, pop it in the oven and be like "I SLAVED OVER THIS YOU BETTER EAT IT ALL"

>> No.9103885

My father was the better cook, but usually mom cooked.

>> No.9103892

dad made the best italian

mom made the best comfort food

>> No.9104076

both of my parents worked and the cooking was split up between them depending on who had the time/energy to spare. particularly when i was younger, they were low income and didn't have much time

that's exactly the case with my parents. my mom definitely has way more technique, but as a kid l loved my dad's cooking because he used tons of bacon and cream.

it depends on where you are in my experience. where i first went college, nearly every man there could barely make toast or ramen, while most of the women could cook just fine. the second school i went to was the other way around.

i don't think any woman thinks that cooking in itself = misogyny (other than young libfems who haven't bothered to understand the words they're repeating), they think that the automatic expectation that they are going to be the one cooking/taking care of all domestic needs on the basis of their sex is.

>> No.9105421
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Neither of my parents cooked. At least not often. We usually just had shitty ready-meals and ate out occasionally.

Luckily I learned how to cook fast, but artistic/creative talent in my family seems to have skipped a generation across all domains.

>everyone is taking the bait ITT
Are you guys seriously so obsessed with soapboxing and getting angry that you're getting into social justice arguments on a cooking forum? What a bunch of losers.

>> No.9105437

Did he pass down any recipes to you that you can share?

>> No.9105453

I'm sorry, anon. That sounds hellish. I hope you can heal quickly and completely.

>> No.9105479

>you're getting into social justice arguments on a cooking forum? What a bunch of losers.

welcome to the new /ck/ and the /pol/ invasion. Enjoy your stay. These fucks will make a /pol/ argument about head lettuce.

>> No.9105484


>> No.9105488

Redditors and tumblrinas are trying to make blue boards their home, this has been happening for at least a couple of years now

>> No.9105497 [DELETED] 

fuck yeah!
also that retarded nigger thinks India's famine is worse than Mao's, which proves he knows fuckall

>> No.9105548

What the fuck is up with it? Why /ck/? It seems to have the worst board culture by far. Everyone's more willing to talk about racial crime statistics and how much they hate women than actual cooking. Do any of them actually cook?

>> No.9105745

>not marrying a nice white latina
Good luck finding traditional values in "white" women.

>> No.9105858

Mom most of the time. Dad on occasion. Both are great cooks. My mom was a housewife so now that he retired he has taken on all the cooking so she could also "retire".

>> No.9105884

My dad cooked but wasn't any good at it, my mom just threw shit in the microwave.