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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9096807 No.9096807 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/ need your help here. Today during I went to a restaurant with my friend during lunch and I told him he had to try the fish because it's fucking delicious so we both ordered fish. What really got me worried was that when we got our food, the first thing he did was to separate the meat from the skin. Now, I can understand this behavior if he were 8 but now he's an adult so I'm really thinking that he must be a faggot. What do you guys think?

>> No.9096812
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Yes, your friend is likely stricken with the cumguzzling disorder
Also, this is normal in our terribly decayed society

>> No.9096813

Yes, your friend is a major faggot, he probably has a throat full of black cock at this very moment.

>> No.9096825

depends on the fish you bellend

>> No.9096833

Removing the fucking skin from the fish and not eating it is disgusting pleb faggot behavior.

>> No.9096836

Floppy fatty skin is disgusting unless fried crispy
I guess this

>> No.9096844

I bet you eat your steak well done you massive faggot

>> No.9096845
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>> No.9096854

I dont like fish, or sea food, but even i wouldnt behave like a faggot and would eat the whole thing.
Faggot friends are trouble

>> No.9096855

Fucking fag.

>> No.9096864

>having your own taste and not living to conform with peer pressure

Wow what a faggot. You are a real man op, you don't have the same preferences as him. Besides, your preference is considered more mature around here. If he happens not to like a single food he is a man baby picky eater

>> No.9096881
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To me what separates the men from the boys isn't the skin but the eyes

>> No.9096882

I thought you were supposed to take the skin off generally
Sorry for my ignorance I rarely ever eat fish

>> No.9096885

Well I mean just face it, I'm not even OP but his friend is likely actually gay.

>> No.9096899

That's what I said retard. Men throughout history have used fish skin consumption as a parameter of manliness. Read a book, amerifay

>> No.9097045
File: 36 KB, 432x474, angry-samurai-57c2070223ae5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take gaijin friend to honorabru izakaya
>he orders nihonshoku grilled saba
>sasuga gaijin
>prates come
>beautifuru nippon frame grill saba fit for hirohito himserufu
>baka gaijin starts peeru skin off noburu saba
>proceeds to frippu the saba and repeats dishonorabru act on other side
>my samurai buraddo begins to boiru
>"you have sank the fishing boats of my peopor by fripping your fish kono baka gaijin, now i must repent for your shamefru crime"
>attempt harakiri with table knife
>can hear my ancestors weep
>i begin weeping with them
>gaijin proceeds to pour ketchup on saba

>> No.9097055

You ever actually tried a fish eye? You can't chew the damn things.

>> No.9097097

Swallow it whole

>> No.9097160

Kys hard

>> No.9097179

Moshi Moshi. I have a problem that senpai can maybe help with.
Im looking for a Bento Box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii (cute)). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a Bento Box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)


>> No.9097196

nothing says manly like taking a shit the next morning and seeing a cloudy fish eye staring back and you in the shit pile before you flush.

>> No.9097200
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Eating the heads of these cunts is what men do where I live and eating fish skin is considered absurd aside from tiny fuckers like herring or whatever.

>> No.9097310

I would argue most people don't eat fresh fish on a regular basis and realize that the skin is edible. He probably thought they were scales. I throw out the skin and bones too because that shit's disgusting.

>> No.9097375

The only cure to faggotry is to suck the gay out.

>> No.9097550

Depending on cooking method scales might be still there and they are shitty to eat
Also if just boiled and not properly crispied it taste like nothing at best and as shit at worse

>> No.9097573

see a dentist

>> No.9097762

Depends on the fish.

>> No.9097845

you can get the skin crispy without cooking the fish well done all the way through. crispy skin is good

>> No.9097890
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is this copypasta?

>> No.9097910
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just search for
>im looking for a bento box it cant be pinku
you fucking mongrel

>> No.9097937

Anon, I know you're not stupid enough to imply that just because the outside of a meat is crispy, that always means it's been overcooked.

>> No.9097955

I'm just making salmon for the first time this evening and I googled to make sure it was considered fine to eat the skin- so I can understand that, perhaps, you pally just didn't know that it was okay to eat the skin.

Logically, I can see why you'd question this and why your friend might be a little slow for not understanding that if the fish was served with the skin on that it is fine to eat, but, the l and no and short is that you're a sick for making a thread belittling your friend like this, OP.

>> No.9097965

God damn- I don't usually phone-post but autocorrect fucked my shit up with that previous post.

>> No.9098139

probably the guy arguing for using non-stick pans for everything

>> No.9100374

Fucking cavemen could figure out you could eat fish skin

>> No.9100384


>> No.9100406

the idea of eating skin grosses me out

>> No.9100411

Sorry, I thought you were being sarcastic. It's good that we can agree on op's friend being a faggot then.

>> No.9100417

This, I don't eat fish very often at all and I had always assumed the skin was inedible. I also had no clue that the scales and skin are seperate things.

>> No.9100514
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Fish is disgusting, for stupid or disgusting groups of people.

Christians eat fish because they're obsessed with being humble and torturing themselves, not because it's good. And Scandinavians and Japs are people who have disgusting taste in cuisine.

The only way to eat fish is fucking battered and fried and covered in sauce, because fish is fucking disgusting

Real people eat animals that roam the lands, not grotesque bottom feeding monsters who swim in filthy waters

>> No.9100521
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>> No.9101135

Imagine sticking your dick in that thing and then giving it a good twist. MMMMMmmmMMMMMM

>> No.9103073

W-what if I peel the skin off and eat it separately because it's fucking delicious?

>> No.9103141

I take off the skin and eat it last, because it's one of my favorite parts, next to the head

>> No.9103170

Appropriate image there.

>> No.9103180
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>my samurai buraddo begins to boiru