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9096655 No.9096655 [Reply] [Original]

What is something that gets progressively worse the more often you taste it? Like the opposite of an acquired taste.

>> No.9096656


>> No.9096713

I remember Amaretto tasting amazing the first time I tried it, nowadays it's horrible.

Also greatly diminishing

- irn bru
- swedish meatballs
- shark

>> No.9096717

craft beer
co2 doesn't go with food

>> No.9096729

not sure

>> No.9096734

Cotton candy grapes
Checked btw

>> No.9096741

cheap fast food

>> No.9096758

Tea. My wife tries to get me to try different teas all the time, and each one tastes more foul than the last.

>> No.9096766

>swedish meatballs
IKEA meatballs are absolutely not the meatballs you should go for you dumb foreigner

>> No.9096774

that thing you always ate as a child but not anymore because you grew up

>> No.9096786

this. For me KFC in particular

>> No.9096824

I think it's something to do with taste buds changing as we get older. I don't know a single kid who hates fast food, probably something to do with the developing body wanting quick calories to help it grow.

Also, KFC used to be a lot better. They must have changed their recipe about 10 years ago, or at least changed some process in their cooking. It's absolutely disgusting now, churches and popeye's is so much better now.

>> No.9096828

You better be a male faggot.

>> No.9096830

Seafood, sushi in particular, various alcohol especially liqueurs (try drinking southern comfort more than thrice). Fast food generally. Craft beer (drinking the same one more than once.)

>> No.9096840

>probably something to do with the developing body wanting quick calories to help it grow.
No, that still works on adults, weirdly. It's just that they don't know any better.
The problem is that parents don't teach them any better, so they grow up enjoying soda and burgers because their taste buds are incapable of distinguishing more subtle flavours than fat, sugar and salt.

>> No.9096848

> American 'cheese'
> American fast food
> Processed 'sausage patty'.
> Paella
> Cheap booze
> Vodka

>> No.9096852

Sweets, I used to have the sweetest tooth and eat a lot every day; now every once in a while I'd crave an ice cream cone, only eat half and throw out the rest.

>> No.9096869

Could be. But I remember reading an interesting article a long time ago that said children have a natural avoidance of many vegetables for example because the body interprets anything that's bitter or unusually tasting as potentially poisonous. As where fast food is usually as you said fat, sugar and salt which the body is okay with.

>> No.9096893

Any shitty murrica food desu, it's like they're pigs eating (how do you call pig feed in english?) On a Continental scale

>> No.9096955

There's this cheap ass Chinese buffet near me. I usually go only once every few months, but recently I went times in a couple months. It tasted worse every time. It's a lot better as an occasional treat.

>> No.9096959

*3 times

>> No.9096961

You're moms pusy

>> No.9096966
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>Ctrl F: Poptart
>0 results

>> No.9096971


>> No.9096988

golden corral

>> No.9096998

Subway sandwiches

>> No.9097006

For me it was sugary drinks.

>> No.9097148

big mac...
Every few years I try one...
Now I even can't finish one

>> No.9097187


>> No.9097281

I have definitely gone over from being a chocolate fanatic to enjoying other kinds of sweets/desserts a lot more over time.

Don't get me wrong, I do really love good chocolate. But my go-to choice for practically EVERYTHING was always the chocolate flavour no matter what. Ice cream, cake, cookies, etc.

Nowadays I'm a huge vanilla fan (I'll pick vanilla cake or golden Oreo for example) and am very partial to lemon as well. Lemon pudding is a favourite.

I even prefer white chocolate to classic/milk now too.

>> No.9097553

so true

it when to somewhat enjoyable to very mediocre to only eat when very drunk to dislike.

>> No.9097577

Pig trough ( pronounced troff ), What country you from?

>> No.9097587



>> No.9097591


Always tastes heavenly the first few chews but soon turns into bland grass flavour.

>> No.9097608

I'd disagree personally

>> No.9097613

Fast food. Soda. HFCF in general.

>> No.9097652

Sounds like a divorce is on the horizon

>> No.9097688


>> No.9097699


Irn bru is pretty much the definition of an acquired taste although some people never change their minda about it.

Swedish meatballs are not even an acquired taste - they are just great. Don't be fooled by the squishiness that is IKEA meatballs. Ask a Swedish friend to make em properly.
Shark is just not very flavorful or tasty to begin with. In East asian culture it's mainly eaten (the fins that is) out of superstitious beliefs.

>> No.9097701

Inclined to agree.
It's anecdata obviously but the first two I had intrigued me and the rest made me realize they are just inferior to regular tasty grapes.

>> No.9097711


>> No.9097712

somewhere in SA

>> No.9097715

This droid speaks the truth.

>> No.9097721

Didn't even think about this but it is definitely true.

>> No.9097740

Brazilian prob -.0

I'm from South Korea

>> No.9098763


>> No.9098866

Agreed. When I was a kid i had poptarts all the time but now they just taste sad. Maybe it's because i'm finally old enough to stop liking the idea of sugar coated sugar for breakfast but still.

>> No.9098936

Kraft mac and cheese

>> No.9098966

Baby food. I used to love it but now it just tastes like bland mush.

>> No.9098978

Transformers movies

>> No.9098982

Candy Corn

>> No.9098984

Raw cranberries, the more you eat the worse the bitter gets. Also cheap burgers and (american) bratwurst.

>> No.9098990


Nigga the word he's looking for is "slop"

>> No.9099029

Fuck you, guy. Ikea has some good ass meatballs.

>> No.9099042
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The taste of happiness. The longer time goes by the less and less I am happy

>> No.9099080


>> No.9099090

>complaining about this when there are starving people in my empty lonely house with no happiness to eat at all.

>> No.9099150
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>> No.9099263

Chicken risotto

>> No.9099793



>> No.9099799

>craft beer
Weirdly, this. I can never have more than a pint or two of the same kind of craft beer at once, but I'll suck down a gallon of pisswater

>> No.9099885

Happiness comes with great victory.

Soon, inshallah.

>> No.9099887

Instant noodles, barring a couple of super spicy Korean brands.

Oreo cookies. I can only eat three tops before I'm off them for a year.

De-shelled shrimp, scallops


>> No.9099899

Dude, the super spicy korean brands are the best.

>> No.9099926


>> No.9100443

everything you idiot
if you eat the same shit everyday you get sick of it

>> No.9100455

Short term, rich foods like eggs and honey.
'Medium' term is just anything you have too much of.
Anything longer than that that appears like a regression to child-like picky eating I'm not sure. Usually it takes a really bad experience, like a tin of corn was off and somebody can't stomach seeing corn kernels after they shot back out of their throat like a machine-gun.

>> No.9100461

fucking christ I could live on scallops.
Fucking did for three and a half days once.
No regrets.

>> No.9100470

>used to eat the cinnamon poptarts everyday for "breakfast" for some time

I can't stomach one poptart anymore. It's a pretty bad sandwich and the flavor isn't even that good now that I actually try to taste it

>> No.9100485

I eat a chicken salad sandwich, three tomatoes, a pickle and plain Greek yogurt every weekday for lunch, and it still tastes great.

>> No.9100488

Could taste better.

>> No.9100495
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>> No.9100547


>> No.9100634

Everything sweet. The older you get, the worse sweet things taste.

>> No.9100649

My 96 year old grandfather disagrees.

>> No.9100656

I'll never understand the popularity of the Big Mac though. I'm not even hating on McDonald's as a whole, but the Big Mac is such a boring, bland and dry piece of shit. There's always a lot of special offers in my country where you can get a Big Mac for just 1€ or something, but even then I refuse to buy one, because I just know that it's just gonna be disappointing.

>> No.9100664

I think I could eat chili every day without ever getting sick of it.

>> No.9100666

I lived on fast food for several of my teenage years(thank fuck I was fit at the time) and the Big Mac was absolutely fucking worthless. Literally any other item is a better option.

>> No.9100669

Your 96 year old grandfather is a manchild and I hope he dies soon.

>> No.9100673

>because I just know that it's just gonna be disappointing.

How is that different than any and all corporate fast food?

>> No.9100677

Exactly. I'd prefer even a plain fucking cheeseburger over a Big Mac. I just can't understand who would buy this. Or how it got popular enough that Burger King felt like they need to copy it.

>> No.9100682

He's outta here pretty soon I think.

He's the opposite of the manchild you're pretending to be here.
He'll eat nearly everything with a pretty balanced diet. He doesn't eat much sweet in general, he just looks forward to a good desert when we're eating out or at a family gathering.

>> No.9100687

If you give me a cheeseburger with some mustard and onions, I realize that it's not gourmet food, but it's also gonna be relatively tasty and satisfying.
But whenever I eat a Big Mac, I always wish I got something else instead, no matter how cheap it was.

>> No.9100691

I swear poptarts weren't always so dry and shitty

>> No.9100739

Rude :^(

>> No.9100773
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wawa hoagies. i was just back home for the weekend, during hoagie fest, and i didn't even get one. it's sad

>> No.9100779

Wheat beer