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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 270 KB, 493x370, Screen-Shot-2016-01-14-at-13.19.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9096647 No.9096647 [Reply] [Original]

When will the rest of the world catch up to Scottish cuisine?

>> No.9096685

>consolidating a bunch of food every country has into a pizza box is cuisine

>> No.9096687

I've always wanted to try Irn Bru. They distribute it in the US, but only within a certain radius of miles.

>tfw you don't live within that radius

>> No.9096707

I am often impressed by the sheer level of autism on 4chan.

Yank Bru isn't the same, the delicious orange colour is illegal there so they had to change the recipe.

>> No.9096715

It's orange coloured cream soda with a hint of bubblegum.

>> No.9096723

>>tfw you don't live within that radius

Is that some silly way of saying you're too stupid to mail-order it?

>> No.9096725

How fat does one have to be to mail order sugar water? Only Americans know.

>> No.9096817

This. It's very similar to the American soda Big Red

>> No.9096851


Who said anything about fat? If you want to try something and it's not available locally then why not order it? The shipping seems like a small price to pay to satisfy your curiosity.

>> No.9096866

>When will the rest of the world catch up to Scottish cuisine?
When the rest of the world learns to hate themselves as much as a drunk scotsman.
After all, you don't order a munchy box because you are drunk. You order it because you hate yourself. Your once-proud country has been reduced to a series of memes for tourists, your people massacred, and your language wiped out.

Isn't that the way America works?

>> No.9096886

>Isn't that the way America works?

No, the Scots have one-upped us there. The only thing you'll find in a pizza box in the US is a pizza. I'm shocked that Americans haven't picked up on the munchy box concept. It seems perfect to sell to drunken bar patrons, college students, and stoners.

The "american way" is to kill off or otherwise fuck over all the natives and thereby get rid of whatever indigenous cuisine might have been, then import stuff from the rest of the world and alter it with our horrible (but cheap!) factory-produced ingredients.

>> No.9096902

>Have Scottish friend at work
>Due to attend a conference in Glasgow
>Waxes lyrical about fried pizzas
>Tells me he knows the best place for them
>Drive out of Glasgow for almost an hour
>Finally arrive at a chip shop
>End up eating crispy grease with zero flavour
>Discover he puts a 5mm layer of ketchup on the whole thing

The napkin would probably have been more flavourful if they'd fried it.

>> No.9096915
File: 210 KB, 500x620, FREEDOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free university education, free healthcare, a social system that will provide for anyone who needs, a proud heritage of scientific achievement and haggis taming is a tragic way of life. Thankfully we have munchy boxes.

>> No.9096921

Ketchup? He is a closet English then. Broon sauce is what you put on a pizza crunch.

>> No.9096932


>> No.9096937

>I'm shocked that Americans haven't picked up on the munchy box concept

Tons of places do this.

>> No.9096948
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A delicious soda from Texas, we just got it up here in the midwest a couple years ago.

>> No.9096951

>and thereby get rid of whatever indigenous cuisine might have been
Probably for the best.
The Aussies don't go on about abbo food. There's probably a reason for that.

>> No.9096958

Quit blaming your obesity on others you fat fuck

>> No.9096994

Im Scottish and I have never heard of anyone putting brown sauce on a chippy.

>> No.9096999

I'm not fat at all.

And what in that post sounds like blaming anything on someone else?

>> No.9097010

You're probably a web footed fifer then, bolt ya gadgie bam.

>> No.9097194

>The "american way" is to kill off or otherwise fuck over all the natives and thereby get rid of whatever indigenous cuisine might have been, then import stuff from the rest of the world and alter it with our horrible (but cheap!) factory-produced ingredients.
And you stole that off us as well, you scumbags.
Although we import the people who make it instead of just churning it out in industrial quantities.

All those things will be shut off soon enough, busting you back down to english levels of public spending.
> Get independence
Money tap turns off.
> Vote (again) to stay
No more special treatment; you like the abuse.

>> No.9097221

>you like the abuse
I want to deny it but it is probably true. It really is a torturous existence to have the best of any UK member.

>> No.9097275

faggot east coasters do i think

>> No.9097303

>faggot east coasters
Don't confuse edinburgers for the rest of the east coast. Em fae Dundee and will kick your teeth oot if you made that mistake in person.

>> No.9097308

you'd do the square root ae fuck all trog

>> No.9097318

Fuck you on about you mad bastard?

>> No.9097610

Stop drinking soda

>> No.9098977

I'll chib ye!

>> No.9098994
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We also have a cereal based off of knock-off Big Red, and it's disgusting.

>> No.9099003

those onion rings looks raw as hell

>> No.9099012

No wonder they got invaded by Germany.

>> No.9099827

>and it's disgusting
No shit
If this is what people are eating for breakfast then it's no wonder why the west is getting fat

>> No.9099834

So scotland is the america of europe in terms of being a fat fuck, yeah?

>> No.9099845
File: 55 KB, 852x1256, 1496872831551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there is another Dundee poster on /ck/

>> No.9100711

>Em fae Dundee
You remember the time the undead unicorns invaded, then? Or were you drunk at the time?

>> No.9100747

Is that from Morello's on great western road?, if not where?, looks glorious.

>> No.9100809

>we just got it up here in the midwest a couple years ago

We've had it in Indiana for like 70 years.

>> No.9100826

It looks like the tiny salad is hiding away from all the mean u healthy food in the corner behind the sauces
I bet it will be the only thing left uneaten

>> No.9100842


That looks incredible! Where do I click to order it?!

>> No.9101339


>> No.9101504

When time loops back on itself and hits approx 500 years before current scotland.

i've lived in fife for 20 fucking years and brown sauce is just as ubiqitous as anywhere else.

fried pizza is flavorless fucking garbage tho. might as well just deep fry bread.

>> No.9101507

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, goy

>> No.9101544

I unironically want these near me, but only in Seattle so i can get them after drinking at concerts.

>> No.9101577
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Haud yer wheesht ye ken I still have coffee

>> No.9101631

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Dinner is the worst meal because your body doesn't need food after a certain time, your body needs rest and having food prior before sleeping can affect your sleep.

Having a late lunch or early dinner is the best way to go, around 3-5 in the afternoon. If you feel hungry much later on, just drink a glass of water or eat something light like a piece of fruit.

>> No.9101715

t. goy

Ever heard of intermittent fasting

>> No.9101766

No but i'm happier going with what I know and what works for me

I'm happy eating breakfast and then eating a late lunch, I looked at intermittent fasting and from what I have read it's no different from what i'm doing except eating meals at different times of the day.

>> No.9101800

It means your energy levels are not contingent on eating in the morning and that defining breakfast as the most important meal, for energy purposes, is wrong.

>> No.9101826
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, bloody hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw local chip shop now does Iron Bru slushies

>> No.9101903

No I'm not talking about my energy been low in the morning, but the breakfast gives you a boost throughout the day

Having dinner at night affects the way you sleep, your brain and body needs rest but if you eat food at night and go to bed, your body is still processing the food, thus affecting your sleep and the result will be feeling tired in the morning because your body hasn't had the rest it needed because it was too busy processing food during your sleep.

I wake up feeling well rested, eat a nice breakfast and i'm good for food until 3-5 in the afternoon when I start to feel like to have another meal and after that if I feel hungry I just eat an piece of fruit and i'm satisfied.

>> No.9101939

Also I forgot to mention that there is still nothing wrong with having a dinner, in fact most people don't even need 3 meals a day.

I hear some people say they eat breakfast, skip lunch and have dinner.
Some people skip breakfast, have lunch and dinner
My preference is breakfast, late lunch and skip dinner.

>> No.9101946

Nothing wrong with having dinner as long as it's not a big meal*

>> No.9101971

Is there really only places that sell French fries and nothing else? I saw it on Republic of Doyle and could not believe it

>> No.9101980

you don't have sporadically placed chip trucks in burgerland?

>> No.9101998
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*blocks your path*

>> No.9102003
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>> No.9102015
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>> No.9102016
File: 35 KB, 620x413, muchy box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are so fucking fat! They eat unhealthy food all the time, unlike us Britons!

>> No.9102051

I'd kill for two or three of those right now...

>> No.9102848

WHAT are those shrimp looking thing?

>> No.9102861

Why the fuck is calamari so expensive

I dont want anything fancy just thouse tough as fuck to get your teeth through deppp fried calamari rings that they used to have

Put some salt on it and fuck its amazing

>> No.9102864

I don't see anything resembling shrimp in there anon.

>> No.9102899

What does irn bru taste like

>> No.9103497

Pure sex

>> No.9103806

he doesnt even know what a mushroom is


>> No.9103858

There used to be a place in Brighton you could get deep fried pizza and like these Bolognese pockets deep fried too. That was good shit apart from the last few grease sodden bites.

>> No.9103862

It tastes like the typical energy drink flavour. e.g. monster, red bull, etc

>> No.9103864

American's semen.

>> No.9103915

>tfw my gf keeps talking about how amazing irn bru and munchy boxes are
>tfw 2 poor to travel to Scotland to try the things

>> No.9103925

hove reporting in

>> No.9103928

>your body doesn't need food after a certain time, your body needs rest and having food prior before sleeping can affect your sleep
t. fucking moron

>> No.9105532

he's not wrong, fatty