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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9092975 No.9092975 [Reply] [Original]

I love putting Cheetos in my burgers

>> No.9092985

I put potato chips in my sandwiches.

>> No.9092989

Chips on sandwiches. I think it's reasonably accepted but you'll always have that one weird fucker who thinks it's disgusting. The crunch of the chips with the fattiness of cheese/cold cuts really is a treat.

I also have my bomb-ass personal ramen recipe. While cooking the noodles, add a couple squirts of lemon juice, a couple splashes of Worcestershire, a few drops of fish sauce, and a spoonful of mayo. Stir it all up and let the noodles suck that delicious shit in.

It sounds disgusting but oh my holy fuck is it tasty.

>> No.9093001

Fuck yeah m8

>> No.9093012

Butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast.
>land'o'lakes usually, sometimes challenger
>raspberry preserves for that seedy texture
Nothing tastes good like it.

Oj instead of milk in cereal. I don't like eating cereal anymore because of the large amount of criticism I got from friends for it.

>> No.9093013

I just finished a Jimmy John's sandwich with Jimmy chips in the sandwich. Would highly recommend even though JJ's is average at best

>> No.9093019


>OJ in cereal

that's new to me. what kind of cereal we talking?

>> No.9093030

Mainly grain-based cereal instead of what I call "sugar-based" cereal
>honey bunches of oats
>rice, wheat, and corn chex
>regular cheerios
>corn flakes
>rasin bran
The sugar from frosted flakes, pebbles cereals, cinnamon toast crunch, etc. along with the oj is way too much to me.

>> No.9093034


Yeah, okay I can see that. I'd actually try it on regular cheerios

>> No.9093038

I'm a big fan of headcheese, liverwurst, and sardines, but my friends like to tell me I eat like an eighty-year-old.

>> No.9093065

"Butter and jelly sandwiches" are just 2 normal pieces of toast with jam put together? I don't really see how anyone would find that gross in any way whatsoever.

>> No.9093083

Bologna on white bread with Doritos in between.

>> No.9093086

This desu

>> No.9093092

1 toast has butter, 1 has jam, put it together and eat it. My gf made a huge stink about it, so idk.

>> No.9093100

I can't imagine the opportunity to have that arises too often unless you're carring a backpack full of cheetos around with your entire life

>> No.9093110

if dumb yanks call jam jelly, what do they call jelly?

>> No.9093117

jamless jelly

>> No.9093122

That was my bad saying jam when he had said jelly. They are different things, but interchangeable when it comes to simply putting it on toast.

>> No.9093128

Jam contains fruit solids, jelly is strained. The dessert item is jell-o or generically a "gelatin dessert"

>> No.9093161

so how the hell do you spread US jelly on bread/toast?

>> No.9093164

It's sweetened juice thickened with pectin. Why would there be a problem spreading it?

>> No.9093189

Heard that.

>> No.9093201


those are all delicious

your friends just don't appreciate umami

>> No.9093228

It's pretty easy when the toast is warm but even in pbj its not that hard

>> No.9093274
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Maggot cheese

>> No.9093276
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Raw meat.

>> No.9093405

If you also put butter in your sandwiches, that's absolutely disgusting.
Otherwise it's ok.

>> No.9093586

Me2 desu, but if you put it on the grill for like two seconds and call it blue, people will just assume you're fancy as fuck.

>> No.9093674


blue rare is best

I must have descended from some fucking barbarians because I love it

>> No.9093696

>others think is gross
>multiple people agreeing to liking it
i like eating my own hair.

>> No.9093700


I eat my fingernails sometimes.

>> No.9093702

where the fuck do you live where people criticize you for eating cereal and toast?
i bet you get reamed every time you take a shit too

>> No.9093709

Cheese curds on pancakes with orange marmalade.

>> No.9093724

Applesauce & mayo

>> No.9093870

Jello is boiled bones bro. It doesn't have anything to do with fruit.

>> No.9093917

I like to wrap Cheetos and spicy brown mustard in tortilla shells. I call them Cheeto burritos.

>> No.9093918

I don't recall saying it did. Our British friend was merely confused because their "jelly" is our "gelatin dessert", so he didn't understand why we would be putting "jelly" on toast.

>> No.9093924

Your gf is fully retarded and you should dump her.

>> No.9093928

I like to dip potato chips into melted cheddar cheese

>> No.9094120

Enjoy your gout

>> No.9094397

Toast sandwich. I take a slice of toast between two slices of untoasted bread, put peanut butter on one side and salt and pepper on the other side. My friends thinks its gross but its fucking great.
No I'm not british.

>> No.9094410
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Banana and mayonnaise sandwich

>> No.9094417

box mac and cheese and cinnamon applesauce, not mixed

>> No.9095546
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I eat my boogers

>> No.9095554

i put peanutbutter on dry ramen then i put hot sauce on it, it goes in so good but it destroys your digestive tract, it WILL give you hemorrhoids

>> No.9095604

I love sour cream & onion chips or Funyuns on turkey sandwiches. Mmm

>> No.9095617

You from NC anon?

>> No.9095856

I eat my own boogies sometimes.

>> No.9095873

Is ranch in spaghetti an arrestable offense.

>> No.9095888

There's a local restaurant near me called Village Grill, and their specialty burger is 2 burger patties on a big sub roll, covered with melted cheese, their house sauce, the usual toppings, and stuffed with french fries and more cheese. It's a gut busting abomination, but it's fucking delicious.

>> No.9095895

Sharp cheddar cheese on spaghetti bolognese. Yes, I realize I should be ashamed, but I'm not, because it's fucking delicious.

>> No.9095902

When I was a poor college student, a friend of mine gave me a paperback cookbook that was all poor people recipes. The one I used to make and eat all the time was called "End of the Paycheck Pasta". Basically, it was spaghetti tossed with sour cream and salsa to make a creamy spicy sauce. It's pretty shameful, but damn is it tasty. I still make it occasionally when I'm really tired and can't be bothered to make something nicer.

>> No.9095905

>Basically, it was spaghetti tossed with sour cream and salsa to make a creamy spicy sauce.
Not really any different from regular tomato/cream pasta sauces. It's probably easier to get a good sauce that way actually, I can find good quality salsas more easily than jarred pasta sauce.

>> No.9095909

Nice. That sounds better than dumping some shit show ranch in next time. I will definitely try it Anon.

>> No.9095926



I sometimes wonder if it's some form of pica

>> No.9095942

There are remnants of pollen, viruses and antibodies in there. Maybe these are the greens we should be eating. If your intestinal bacteria goes bad and turns in you. They literally pump a healthy person's liquified feces into your stomach to cultivate new good bacteria.

Imagine the burps.

>> No.9095955

Mustard in drained ramen.
Peanut butter and cheese sandwich.

>> No.9096043

Peanut butter and cheese sandwiches are delicious!

>> No.9096067

I pour salted popcorn on top of pizza and eat the pizza with the popcorn on top.

if you do this too then you are a cool guy like me

>> No.9096240

I made a salad recently with crushed up Cheez-Its sprinkled on top because I was out of croutons. It's tasty enough in moderation.

Also I dunk pretty much anything in coffee, from coffee cake to donuts to cookies to even pieces of chocolate. I think I might have a problem.

>> No.9096357

Close, SC

>> No.9096406

I enjoy mustard on mac and cheese.

>> No.9096752

I love dipping chocolate cookies in coffee

>> No.9096767

i love dipping my ball sack in coffee

>> No.9096794

Hot or cold coffee?

>> No.9096808

Scrambled eggs topped with jelly
good stuff

>> No.9096809

my sisters coffee

>> No.9096818
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Damn skippy son

>> No.9096838

The kid drinking a cup of tea made me chuckle.

>> No.9097018
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Quaker rice cakes, I eat them for breakfast instead of toast. It makes people think I'm an anorexic fad dieter or something. I just really like them.

>> No.9097390

lightly salted rice cakes are highly underrated

>> No.9098628

I had some Thin Mints around once and tried them. Now I'm morbidly curious how good other sources of mint will be in my coffee.

>> No.9098636

He's drinking blood anon. Blood.

>> No.9098658
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Every single day
I eat rice with thousand island dressing
I can't stop
Send help, is this normal

>> No.9099246
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The ingredients aren't even what I'm mad at.

>> No.9099270

>eating pizza
>take the toppings off one by one and eat those first
>THEN comes the pizza
I realize how autistic this is so I don't do it when I eat around people

>> No.9099277

I have NEVER met a person who doesn't like chips on sandwiches. Is this a meme?

>> No.9099279

I used to dip my pomme fries in softice from mcd. They always had fresh softice in the summer.

>> No.9099286
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i like half frozen chicken nuggets. everyone who has seen me do it has called me disgusting and stops being friends with me shortly after.