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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9090415 No.9090415 [Reply] [Original]

OK... I live alone and I am tired of eating the same bullshit; Pizza Hut, TV dinners, frozen foods in general...
I hate to eat leftovers and I have minimal cooking supplies...
How can I feed myself?

>> No.9090422

Learn french classical cuisine.
Start with stocks.

>> No.9090431

Well, I'm American...

>> No.9090449

>I hate to eat leftovers and I have minimal cooking supplies
>I hate to eat leftovers

Step 1: stop being a spoiled little shit bitch and learn to make food that leaves good tasting leftovers you can re-prepare easily like the rest of the Western World you fucking waste of human flesh sack of dogshit. 'I hate to eat leftovers' what kind of spoiled first world ass problem is this jesus fucking christ this isn't India you fuck you got a refrigerator

>> No.9090501 [DELETED] 

isn't it your national duty to consume corn and corn accessories 24x7?

>> No.9090645

Next thing you want to eat, cook it. DONT eat out at all for at least a week and you'll get comfortable with it soon enough.

I did this and it was a chore at first, but now I love cooking and learn new recipes all the time.

>> No.9092131

Learn how to make aspic dishes

>> No.9092136

So what? Good stocks are the foundation of any cuisine and are useful for all sorts of things. That's a great place to start.

Also, the various techniques that French cooking will teach you are universally applicable to any other style of cooking as well.

>> No.9092140
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Make your own tendies.

>> No.9093560

Google is your friend. Search beginner cooking or beginner recipes. Get a crock pot (5 bucks at a thrift store) toss in chicken parts, taters n carrots n onion. add about 1/2 cup water or wine. season to taste. do it in the morning, have dinner when you get home after work.

>> No.9093600

The fuck's a stock?

>> No.9093617

Is Pizzza Hut supposed to be the least shitty fast food pizza place? Is it better than Dominos?

>> No.9094375
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broth without chunks

>> No.9094427

I just made parmesan crusted chicken because I wanted it and didn't want to go to a restaurant. Came out great. Honestly I was kind of intimidated by the thought of cooking stuff and having it suck but every recipe has cooking instructions. If you can't follow written out instructions then you can't really be helped.

>> No.9094491

You strike me as the type of person that everytime you got a new teacher, the teacher looked at you and said in their head, "why do I have to teach this useless fuck, he will never amount to anything in the slightest"

>> No.9094496

worse than dominoes and twice the price

>> No.9094498

10lb sack of potatoes, boiled, mashed, baked fried. All you need to do is boil water or microwave them. Could even use them to make vodka. Can live off of just potatoes for a very long time.

>> No.9094511

Make Sheppard's pie, if no lamb use beef

Make stir fry, use vegetables and meat all fresh. Try and do it on a stick pan for best results. Don't bother with rice and noodles

Make lentil soup

>> No.9094526

This for sure. Cooking is so easy if you can follow instructions. The other day I baked a perfect soufflé for the first time, and I've only been cooking a month. Once you get familiar with the tools, you can cook anything.

>> No.9094530

You sound like a working class chump...

>> No.9094551

Just the thread I needed. I personally am starting to get where OP is, more specifically, I am trying to avoid becoming diabetic and even lose some weight because I noticed I started getting some Acanthosis Nigricans in my armpits (assuming high blood sugar from all the shit I've been eating at lunch) and that is one of pre-cursors to diabetes. I know this is a question better suited for /fit/, but I don't think they would understand that I have never been in shape and that there's something beyond eating at a deficit that I don't have a concept of. I was always the fat kid, so there wasn't a point in my life where I "got" fat, I just was, it's all I've ever known. I don't know if it's because I was raised to clean my plate, or because I love food and flavors too much, or because I'm just a piece of shit, or even a combination of the above, but any time I look into/try to eat healthy or I see other people's "meal preps" or example meals/guides it's always some boring shit like a piece of grilled chicken 3 broccoli pieces, 5 carrot slices, and a piece of tomato or something. Now, I'm not against grilled chicken, broccoli, carrots, or tomato(actually fuck tomatoes, they're disgusting just like bell peppers), but I just could not stand eating that repeatedly. It just seem so fucking boring and mediocre. I question whether it's willpower or insanity that they can subject themselves to such boring meals.

But anyway, to my question, how or what could I start eating for lunch breaks at work instead of fast food that won't further progress a relapse? Or further, what are small steps I could start taking to get out of these bad habits? I've already told myself that soda is almost completely off limits starting today and I've started trying to avoid carbs/breads.

>> No.9094565

make some homemade loaded potatoes, then some spaghetti. then some homemade burritos, then grill some burgers. then make hamburger helper. cube steak. and then make a roast.

>> No.9094650

Like burritos and tacos?

>> No.9094678


Eggs are also easy.
>crack 2 eggs in bowl
>use fork to mix eggs
>melt butter in pan
>put eggs in pan
>add your choice of ham, cheese, bell peppers, bacon bits, diced apple bits, go crazy, experiment
>flip when the bottom gets solid
>omlette, tasty

>> No.9094703

Just had an omelette. Good stuff. Potatoes and eggs are a staple in my place. 10 pounds of potatoes, 60 eggs costs me $7 total. That alone can last me a week or 2 if need be. Add in some onions, broccoli, cheap meat, cheese, and spinach and I can eat for almost a month.

>> No.9094742

How far are you?

>> No.9097030
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Buy a chicken
Any will do, but I suggest one about 3lb (1.5kg) or so. Ideally corn fed, skin on.
The first thing to do is dismember the chicken
You will need a sharp knife, and take apart the chicken into;
Here's what you can do with each
leave the skin on, and pan fry, skin down in butter, till it's golden crisp
then put in the oven at 200 degrees, with your choice of herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage are all very good for this) for 12 minutes, or until there are no juices running when pierced
marinate in
2 tsp cumin, turmeric, coriander seed, garlic, and a little vinegar
Sweat a finely diced onion and more of the above for 10 mins, sear off the chicken and add to the pan
Cover with your choice of coconut cream, tomato, or lentil paste, and simmer for 1h30m, adding liquid when necessary, and stirring occasionally so as not to allow it to catch
wash some long grain rice till the water is clear, then put in a pan with some bay leaves, cardamoms, and water in the ratio 2:3 rice to water
season, bring to the boil, then cover and reduce heat to low. leave for 10 minutes or until all the water is gone, then remove the heat, and stir with a fork
Coat in
50ml whisky
50ml honey
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp cayenne
and roast at 210 for 15 minutes
panee in desiccated coconut (coat in flour, then egg, then coconut)
deep fry at 180c till golden
a nice dip to go with this is garlic mayonnaise;
1 clove garlic finely minced (remove the germ), mixed into 200ml or so of mayo, and add finely chopped herbs if desired
the rest
remove any guts, then either make a stock:
roast at 220c until golden and caramelised
add to cold water, simmer for 6-8 hours, filter through colanders and cheese cloth, skim the scum and fat respectively
or soup
sweat a mirepoix (equal amounts onion, carrot, celery), and add chicken stock, garlic, potatoes, parsley, and white wine

>> No.9097062

Learn to cook faggot. Start with easy shit like Rice, beans, and whatever meat you want. Make some pasta with spam or some shit. The fucking packages have instructions on how to cook them at times. It's a chore and wastes time, but it's much better for the longrun.

>> No.9097090

>leave the skin on, and pan fry, skin down in butter, till it's golden crisp
>then put in the oven at 200 degrees, with your choice of herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage are all very good for this) for 12 minutes, or until there are no juices running when pierced
You're either severely overcooking the chicken until it's dry or meant to say until the juices run clear. It'd be better to get a meat thermometer though. Everything else is good advice though.

>> No.9097102

Hey I mostly browse /fit/, and I can guarantee that most people wouldn't like you there.

You already did the big thing. Soda is awful, and nobody should drink it.

The replacement lunch for fast food that's easiest is probably just eating a sandwich. What kind of fast food are you currently eating, though? Subway and Chipotle are mostly just bad for their sodium contents.

Also, do go to >>/fit/, read the sticky, and start lifting if you're fat. I legitimately just can't lose weight unless I'm seriously working out.

>> No.9097110

start of slow and steady, set obtainable goals. for starters, cut out fast food and snacking on processed junk. learn to portion control, ie. don't eat until you're stuffed, eat until you're satisfied. lastly learn how to actually cook. you have such a large variety of herbs, spices, and techniques to play with. healthy food doesn't solely consist of steamed or boiled garbage.

>> No.9098561

How's life in Latvia these days, friend?

>> No.9099557

you can still use google and figure out stocks. theyre easy

>> No.9099567


>Acanthosis Nigricans

so that's what some of those 600lb people have

>> No.9099593

I, too, hate the beorgeosie, my fellow communist. How dare they attempt to have the best quality of life? Why can't they wallow in filth and trash like everyone else?

>> No.9099616

Not owning expensive shoes for the sole purpose of using as cocking utensils

>> No.9099650

homemade tendies
chicken breasts, butterflied and sliced in half
braise for like 5 minutes (dont need to cook them all the way)
splash in hotsauce
pat in flour
dip in whole egg (combine the yolk and clear part by mixing with a fork)
pat in panko
fry until reaching an internal temperature of 165 F

also, potatoes
homefries recipe that i stole from louie's cafe from outside of lsu
cut your papas into 1 inch cubes
boil for about 10-15 minutes, until skin is starting to peel off
remove from water
season with tony chacheres, fry until golden brown

>> No.9099823

wait, you braise the tits before battering them?