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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9090351 No.9090351 [Reply] [Original]

How come marijuana is frequently used in cuisine, but cocaine or meth never are?

>> No.9090374

meth tastes like shit
cocaine burns up too fast, and if you dont cook it, itll make your mouth numb
the best /ck/ related thing you can do is dissolve a fat rail worth of cocaine into a coca cola(sugar not hfcs) ,m and that will give you an idea as to how the original drug store old timey Cokes were
marijuana works well related to fat which makes it natural for using in cooking, you can cook it a low temp and get the3 thc into animal fats like butter or even vegetable oil and then blammo stoned cooking

>> No.9090383

when it comes to brownies I really hate the taste. makes me gag and sometimes almost close to puking. chocolates tend to be pretty decent but brownies and cookies, and since I also tend to eat big doses when I do bother to eat edibles, I have to deal with the gross taste for a while because I usually like to go with 150mg and up.

>> No.9090409

I used to be super behind legalization until I had to deal with actual potheads personally. Just as obnoxious, if not moreso, than drunkards and smoking up in their hotel rooms as if everyone on the floor couldn't smell it. The fucking towels you put under the door don't work. Our rooms are smoke free and yes that includes weed and yes that includes your goddamn vape rigs you fucking hipsters

>> No.9090437

When you make the butter, add water to the pot. The water draws chlorophyll and salts from the plant out. THC is fat soluble not water soluble. Strain as normal. Then when it cools, the butter rises and solidifies. Just discard the green water underneath.

Also works with coconut oil since it's solid near room temperature.

This removes the "green" and "lawn clipping" taste

>> No.9090442
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marijuana is a plant...


>> No.9090511

Cocaine was actually used in energy drinks and "miracle" tonics. It was a very legal substance.

>> No.9090521


>> No.9090527

>using ingredient that curve you're appetite


>> No.9090536


>> No.9090540

red bull cola had coca in it. Shit was amazing. Shame that they ended early it because concerns, fucking yuppies.

>> No.9090541

Because meth heads and whatever the slang term for cocaine users is do not pretend that their drug of choice is a lifestyle and attempt to shoehorn it into everything.

>> No.9090597


-Weed needs to be heated sufficiently to get you high, anyway, where coke can be consumed as-is
-The quantity of material you need to ingest is much larger, at least one big mouthful, so hiding the taste/ more important
-Ingestion is the traditional way of consuming pot in many regions

>> No.9090603
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What's this then?

>> No.9090608

>using English

>> No.9090646


Lack of LST, clearly. Step up, nigga.

>> No.9090676

The active chemicals in marijuana cling to fat and alcohol. It's kind of a strong flavor, but you can cover it by sugar (cookies and brownies). Cocaine is (unlike THC) can dissolve and in water, as well as alcohol.

As far as I'm concerned, if it's a strong drug, it should be made into tinctures, oils, or other smaller items.

Never snort cocaine. Mix one gram with 10ml of water, a single drop of vodka, and put it in a nasacort spritzer.

>> No.9090688

Hey OP you can come over to my house and I can make you some methed potatoes. They're just regular mashed potatoes but I add a little meth to the boiling water. Gets you amped but you get all your nutrients and stuff from the potatoes so you don't burn yourself up. Actually this was a joke but now that I typed it it sounds like it would be pretty smart and good harm reduction for meth addicts and a good way for fatties to lose some weight. Maybe I should put the recipe up on /fit/.

Also, there's some things you can make with magic mushrooms like tea or koolaid or hot cocoa, but one time we had a potluck so I made mushroom lasagna. Worked pretty good.

>> No.9090740

I made brownies with infused coconut oil the other week. If you use unrefined coconut oil, the coconut flavor masks the worst of the herb taste and adds a nice mild nutty taste to the brownies.

>> No.9090742

I shit, I misread >>9090442 as "marijuana isn't a plant".

>> No.9090770

> Not using manifold/fluxing technique

Enjoi ur bonsai tree and shit yields

>> No.9090792

Not him, but I know with the explosion of DOODWEEDLMAO there have been more refined techniques. Currently using double boiler. Any simple/non-lab techniques to increase the yield and not destroy the volatile compounds?

>> No.9091484

Potheads should all be rounded up and offered to ISIS.

>> No.9091497

Pot annoys me too but I'm still for legalization because I'm not a petty faggot who thinks things that bother me should be illegal

>> No.9091598

Cocaine used to be in Coca-Cola.

Real talk though and something that the shit posters won't tell you is that meth and coke are both amines. Two of the chemical properties of amines are that they taste and smell bad. It also turns out that many psychoactive compounds are amines. That is why many drugs are in pill form or if they are in liquid form they are mixed with sugary syrup to try and cover up the taste.

>> No.9091644

Because MJ is for pussies that have to eat their drugs.

>> No.9091795

Amateurs. You have to fill the bathroom up with steam and open the window when you're done smoking. Also the towel is supposed to be damp.

>> No.9091806

It would taste extremely bitter and chemically so good luck with that

>> No.9091816

Supercropping and training your plant to grow in a way that maximizes light intake are fairly popular methods. Topping can work well too, particularly with certain strains. Different strains have different nute requirements too. Some are finicky, others can really drink it in. Just takes practice. Get some strains you're into, and keep taking cuttings, if you're able to keep a plant going year round.

>> No.9091829
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But i was just doing it medicinally bro no need to worry bro. It grows out of the ground its okay

>> No.9091832

Psychedelics > Alcohol >>>>>>>> Weed

>> No.9091875

>that includes your goddamn vape rigs
No combustion, no smoke, not regulated as smoking.
You can display "no smoking, no vaping" at the entrance if you want, but don't be retarded and claim clouds/fog/steam are smoke.

How fucking high are you, Harry Pothead?
There was cocaine in coca cola a century ago. Red bull has taurine, that was banned in Europe until a decade or so ago.

>> No.9091885

I work front desk at a hotel. I know this fucking feel

>> No.9091887

>Red bull has taurine, that was banned in Europe until a decade or so ago.
Actually, red bull was legal at least in Denmark for a while, and was then illegalized, and was then legal again some years after. But ye you're correct otherwise.

>> No.9091989
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Meth tastes like Kellogs Frosted Flakes to me. I don't particularly care for cereal so the meth cravings never really had an effect.

That said, I imagine someone doing this would just get fucking addicted to that shit hardcore. So the only time when it would make sense to craft such recipes is if you're trying to get a bunch of hookers addicted on the shit.

Kind of a dick thing to do imho.

>> No.9092014

Simple. You can take cocaine and meth as-is.

OTOH if you have weed and you don't want to smoke it, then you have to make an extract of some kind. Cannabutter is the most common of these, and making it is basically a cooking process. Cannabutter can be eaten on its own, but who wants to do that? So it's commonly used to make brownies, cookies, etc because that's an easy and obvious way to use up a bunch of butter.

>> No.9092053

Cocaine is just refined coca leaves.

In South America they sell coca leaves as teabags, drinks, sodas, etc.

The coca leaves themselves act almost exactly coffee, possibly because cocaine and caffeine are extremely similar and high dosages of either are both just as bad for you.

>> No.9092061

because you can make it into anything and no one would know. also the 'weed' smell is virtually nonexistent when you've already cooked the food. Easy to move around also lasts 3x as long as a joint. good for sleeping on or if you have one with high cbd and low thc to get you through the day if youre using for medical purposes

>> No.9092100

>methheads and cokefiends don't make their daily addiction their lifestyle

The point of addicting substances is that they make themselves an integral part of your lifestyle. For a normie everyday example, look at coffee.

>> No.9092434

If I have an 8 ball of some fire blow, I'll try to rim my shot glass with it. After that fails I'll just dump a rails worth in the shot and slam it. It's stupid as fuck and kinda a waste, but hey your throat gets pretty numb. So numb that it feels like it's cold.
God damn I love cocaine

>> No.9092469

I haven't had a taste in over a decade, but I still miss it.

>> No.9092491

psychedelics best, ket is good too though

>> No.9092876
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