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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9088281 No.9088281 [Reply] [Original]

baking thread

what are you baking

baking bread?

>> No.9088286

Why are you baking in the dark?

>> No.9088287

What bread is the one on the right

>> No.9088288
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Nope, joined the keto masterrace and lost 40lbs.

>> No.9088290
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baking in the dark is cozy.

>> No.9088292

it's just white bread, 75ish hydration.

>> No.9088323
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I'm learning how to make rustic-looking bread. How do you get nice, dark crusts like this?

>> No.9088326

add whole wheat to your mix and bake until internal temp of bread is as close to 210F as you can.

>> No.9088350
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Sponge cake.
Well it's sort of a bread, but sweeter

>> No.9088367

>he fell for the nutribullet

Oy vey

>> No.9088390

lol that's my bread

It's just one of the basic preferment recipes from Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast.

I just used regular unbleached all purpose flour, then cooked in a dutch oven. Like 20-25 minutes at 475º or so with the lid on, then another 10-15 minutes with the lid off.

Most of the time when people have pale looking bread it's because they didn't cook it long enough or at high enough heat. Like when you think maybe it's done, wait a bit longer... Can be hard, but it's worth it.

Also if you haven't already download FWSY somewhere and read it, it's pretty good.

>> No.9088403

adding sugar will give you darker crust
you could add malt too
but mainly, you just need to put your oven on as hot as you can and then work out how long to cook your loaf for (bake the same loaves for a few weeks, so use the same weight of dough, proved in the same shape, and then after about 15-20mins, flip the loaf over and tap the bottom and listen for the classic hollow sound, and just keeping cooking if required)

>> No.9088422
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link to fwsy?

>> No.9088437
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got it
b-ok.org /book/2756858/6839d6

>> No.9088455

hey now. i've had my nutribullet for like 5 years and it still works like new.

i use it every day for shakes.

>> No.9088482

I got a knockoff bullet somewhere around 15 years ago and it is still serving me well.

What is the difference between an ordinary one and one of those nutri-ones? They looks the same.

>> No.9088489


IMHO the problem with the nutribullet isn't that is a bad appliance. The problem is that it's so limited. It's small size and very specific design makes it useless for anything other than single-serving shakes/smoothies. OTOH if you spent that same amount of money on a proper blender you'd have a far more useful tool that can not only make your shakes but is also useful for sauces, soups, making nut butters, marinades, crushing spices, and so on.

>> No.9088519

fuck if i know, i just got the nutribullet from target or some shit. i'm sure there's no real difference.

i have a blender too. i use it rarely for big batch things, and i don't want to fuck up an entire blender for just a smoothie. my nutribullet cup/blade are comically easy to clean.

>> No.9088548

If your blender isn't just as easy to clean as your bullet then it's a crap blender.

>> No.9088570

the blade of my blender consists of the base, blade and gasket. that's too much for me since i use my nutribullet literally every morning. takes me less than 2 minutes to assemble and blend my shake.

>> No.9088577
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Sourdough. Just flour water and salt.

>> No.9088661
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That's nonsense. The bullet was made for easy cleaning. Don't forget it also serves as the cup, so that's already one thing less to clean. All you need to do is rinse that cup and the blender part. Done.

>> No.9089329
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>> No.9089421

I just finished a milk and honey dough and it's rising now. Not sure exactly what to expect, but I love milk and honey, so it will probably be tasty.

I'm gonna make some honey whipped butter to spread on it while it's baking. God damn I love honey.

>> No.9089433

Do you anons shave your hands at all? I've got hairy cro magnon hands, and dough keeps getting caught in it.

>> No.9089440

It's a blender, all you gotta do is put soap and water in it and then blend it.
It practically cleans itself

>> No.9089497

I keep a spray bottle of diluted vinegar for cleaning but it also works great for getting bits of dough out of my hand hair.

>> No.9089553
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This thread has inspired me to bake bread today.

Got the following bulk proofing now.

150g starter, 360g flour (25% wheat, 75% white bread), 2 T vital wheat gluten, 2 T sugar, 1 T kosher salt, 2 T evoo, 1 C milk

Its a bit slack, but I'm gonna roll with it.

Trying to decide to bake in a pan, or freestyle boule it up...

>> No.9089582

Looks delicious. Got a recipe / method?

I've been considering to perhaps use a airfryer to bake bread as it is viable for cake. I always try to achieve that spongey bubbly interior. I can achieve this with a wet mix of honey fed sourdough, 3 - 4 days old or so but in the end a wet mix wil become pretty flat and kneading it too much tends to get rid of the spongey interior.

>> No.9089623
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Baked this morning. About 60% whole-wheat. Mixed things up a bit; added in an overripe banana, used some coconut oil rather than butter, and some Nido dry milk for fun.

>> No.9089626
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Crumb shot.

>> No.9089686
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After proof.

>> No.9089692
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>freestyle boule it up...

Decided to try something different.

>> No.9089700

i approve of those seeds

how strong is the banana taste?

>> No.9089805


I didn't necessarily fall for the nutribullet, it kinda got acquired about 5 Christmases ago. Still runs for its purpose of shakes, and small batch whipped cream frosting. Or the occasional pulsing of fruits for cake filling.

Naturally hairless hands due to being a femanon. Though if you don't want to shave the beastly hands, I just suggest food grade/medical grade no powder latex gloves.

I main baking cakes, but since working in a Costco bakery, I do deal with breads. I may try some breads at home one day

>> No.9089811

that's a cake you stupid cunt

>> No.9090077
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This didn't work.. It just flowed out underneath the parchment. Baked out nice, just kinda short. Nice and light.

>> No.9090113

yummy, its shaped like biscotti but looks really good. I'd like some!

>> No.9090126


Thanks. I'm thinking about making some tuna salad to throw on it throughout the week. I should hard boil some eggs...

>> No.9090130

Baking by candlelight is coziest

>> No.9090137

make a simple egg salad with hard boiled eggs, some butter, and a little cream, mash it all up and use it as a nice breakfast spread for this bread. salt and pep to taste. got me hongry

>> No.9090148

bro, nice, this got my dick wet.

>> No.9091044

>how strong is the banana taste?
Just strong enough that you can detect it when eaten plain or with butter. I made a ham/cheese/onion/tomato/green pepper/dill sandwich with it yesterday and they completely overwhelmed the banana flavor.

You're a cake.