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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9083185 No.9083185 [Reply] [Original]

/alc/ al/ck/
alcohol thread
hows that depression treating you all

>> No.9083190

I'm not depressed.
I just don't have anything to live for

>> No.9083202

Feel pretty good. Posted last thread, but making a psych ward patient overhearing your conversation and saying, "You guys are fucked up!" then walking away is an odd kind of ego booster.

>> No.9083211

I'm neither depressed nor an alcohol but I'm drinking and having an ok time.

>> No.9083220

>psych ward patient overhearing your conversation and saying, "You guys are fucked up!" then walking away is an odd kind of ego booster.
It means you aren't crazy
I mean you are
But you aren't delusional that you think you are

>> No.9083237

Today is my birthday. I just turned 24.

The fact that I've been alive for this long really isn't cause to celebrate, I'm just drinking right now because that's just what I do.

>> No.9083240

Nah, he wasn't wrong. When you're there visiting someone checked in for suicide, then you make him break down laughing telling him he should've pulled the trigger after fucking you over in a hand of cards cards, you know you've done something right!

>> No.9083241
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I'm getting drunk and making a move on a cutie tomorrow. Wish me luck al/ck/.

>> No.9083338
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Good luck anon. Stop drinking though bruh, or it's almost inevitable before you've even got her, that you will lose her.

>> No.9083356

Pretty sad thh

>> No.9083569

I wanted to become muslim but i went to the muslim site to ask about it and they were like "you were drunk last time, are you still drunk?" and i was like "yeah" and they told me to fuck off. They keep track of you, such dicks.

>> No.9083575

Goddamnit I'm not drinking

I just wanted to read some depression stories to stave off this night

>> No.9083577

Go read a book and fall asleep. You're welcome, anon.

>> No.9083588

Become a Buddhist. They don't give a shit what you do. Plus being god is kinda relaxing.

>> No.9083641

Bf just dumped me, I refused to go to the casino with my best bro (because waiters are slow are booze is expensive) so I'm drinking while eating a spam-knockoff sandwich and watching tv. Feel sgood. How about you /ck/?

>> No.9083671

I'm full of stories
Pretend I'm not hours late

>> No.9083674

im still here and depressingly sober, lets hear em

>> No.9083677

I'm drinking alone waiting for my choices to catch up to me.
I'm gonna be a big shot in the military. Just you wait. 18 months from now, I'm gonna be posting here with some fucking chevrons on my shoulders.

In the mean tine, I just ate a poppy bread cream cheese chicken sandwich.
It was amazing

>> No.9083690

I graduated highschool salutatorian. Second best. People always held high hopes for me.

I fucked up. Did nothing. Spent a year eating figs and starving in a basement.

I went to college and got a degree in a useless thing

I convinced the Canadian Military that I was worth something.

They believed me.

I'm on route to go to bootcamp and then officer school.
Gonna do things and lead peopel

I'm so very drunk now because I've told myself that I'm gonna stop and be sober. before I ship out.

They haven''t called me yet.
So I'm getting fucked up waiting.

That's just my circumstances

I can say more about real things real me

>> No.9083709

I used to smoke weed every night. Now that I've quit, I have trouble not being fucked up so often. Now I drink on/off days while I try to cut back. Tonight's an on day.

>> No.9083719

I don't like weed
But honestly, do weed more than alcohol

You don't get hangovers, you don't damage your liver.

Just do the fucking mary jane

You also don't get that melancholical phase while high

>> No.9083728

>Got fired over 6 months ago.
>Month and a half sober now.
>Money depleting fast.

Do I go crawling back and try to get my shitty retail job back?

>> No.9083733

yeah I miss it, but I'm looking for a job so I need clean pee, will probably go back to it one day

>> No.9083740

I got fired from my job too

First I went to the government
That lasted for a bit
Then I went to my family.
Still there months later

My job never acknowledged me
I got a friend in there. They're suffering hard

Fuck them.

>> No.9083748

If you got a job lined up, then drink

Thank god for booze to not leave short term marks

But seriously, don't drink too long

>> No.9083809



>> No.9083819
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>> No.9083821

Shit unless mixed with coke

Then give me some

>> No.9083824
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is it worth buying cognac if you cant grt anything better than vs?

>> No.9083825

i drink it straight


>> No.9083828

Never been able desu

Feels like shit

Why do that when I can just do coke mixer and get shitfaced comfy like

>> No.9083876

I drank heavy everyday for two and a half years. 5 days ago I quit cold turkey.

I had insomnia the first four days. I actually slept well last night.

I feel bored. I go to the gym regularly, now I just work out longer and harder. I keep finding stuff to do. Graduate school helps keep me busy when I'm off of work.

I clean more, and cook more. I used to let 3 weeks of dishes pile up, now I clean them right after using them or the next morning.

Fucking hell the headaches.

Also, I sweated the first couple of days, and it was stinky. Doesn't help that it's summer.

>> No.9083883

Aw, no hallucinations?

>> No.9083899

I've woken up suddenly in a sweat, but couldn't remember why. Maybe?

I got a slight case of irritability, but I'm pretty calm and patient, so it was easy to shrug off, and I can feel my cognitive functions were a bit off, but they're getting back up to speed.

They say you get lethargic, but I've never had so much energy.

Also, what helps to quit is to hide all your drinking paraphernalia, or give it away. I had wine glasses, shot glasses, cognac/whiskey glasses, a big beer mug, and I left it at my parent's house. I also gave them all the decent liquor I had and poured the cheap shit down the drain.

>> No.9083908

I don't drink or do drugs but I worry that once I move out on my own I will turn to them as a coping mechanism

I have to get off my antidepressants soon for a medical test and I'm going to die

>> No.9083964

Don't switch to drugs or alcohol. However if you can't help yourself, weed is the best alternative. Just remember, it stays in your system for a month or so after ingesting. But seriously, don't start drugs or alcohol unless you have strong discipline.

>> No.9083972

I guess I've been drinking heavily "every day" for ... 8 months? maybe 10. Before that I was a binging, but strictly weekend/social drinker. Your post gives me hope. I can handle a couple of bouts of insomnia.

>> No.9083994

>Just remember, it stays in your system for a month or so
three months if you go heavy with it

>> No.9084001

You and I haven't done it long enough that we need to go to a rehab center.

I do recommend taking off of work for a few days, or quitting before a weekend (I know it sounds harder). The stench that will emanate from you is ungodly. Mine disappeared after two days. Also, take off longer if you're having a hard time with insomnia.

I think last time I tried to quit, the insomnia kicked my ass, and I started drinking again.

>> No.9084004

do it anon

>> No.9084023

(you see Ivan)Once, at my comrades garage we were hanging out and drinking alcohol. The time has come, i was pretty drunk, and i called the most fucked up fella i've ever known. He came to party. We hang out. Then, for some reason, he switched himself on english and started speaking it. The most unpredictable thing to me was that i started speaking english too. Am i a capitalist now, i dont know what to do.

>> No.9084034

Good morning everyone

>> No.9084042

what is the stench? can it not be covered with a fresh shower/perfumes/deodorants?

>> No.9084077

Think of your BO after not showering for two days, but worse, and happens an hour after showering. Deodorant helps.

You may not get it, but I did. I think it has something to do with toxin being released.

>> No.9084188
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Old blue box macaroni and cheese at 3:40 in the morning, I almost walked to Walmart but I figured that would be stupid to do while inebriated

>> No.9084210

This is a great /alc/ meal. Loads of absorbent carbs and pretty hard to fuck up.

>> No.9084227

Not as satisfying as I could have been, I was too drunk to really appreciate the nostalgia of my shit-cook of a mother making it for me as a child so many years ago. God bless her she was a fantastic mom but not a good cook.

Still my go-to meal for when I need something I cannot fuck up.

>> No.9084244

You'll be a fuckin' POG.

>> No.9084259

Friendly reminder: If you don't drink seagram's gin straight, you aren't an alcoholic. Bonus points if you hide it in your toilet water tank and laundry hamper, discretely throw empties away, and it's been 3 1/2 years you've been doing this but your wife hasn't noticed...

>> No.9084265

Before my gril fucked off, I used to go to the shops for a bottle and something retarded like 1 apple. I'd tie the bottle to a rope in the back garden which lead up to the spare bedroom, then lifted it up from inside when she wasn't looking. I'd hide empties in the loft until she fucked off out for long enough for me to dump them all in the bottle bank.
I'm now single.

>> No.9084268

Fuckin a' m8 we could be buds

>> No.9084273

I always make excuses to go to the shop and grab something. "Want us to come along?" Nope, i'll go myself. It will be faster.

>> No.9084275
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shots of bourbon.

>> No.9084307

I recently lost my girl because she was in love with another man. All I've done lately is chug whiskey, and smoke.

I don't know op, the alcohol doesn't numb the pain as much as it amplifies it, and yet I still drink.

>> No.9084457

Start tapering/stopping now.
You don't want to associate your new place/life either with drinking daily nor with withdrawals.

>> No.9084460

Sounds like a real party over there

>> No.9084466

Cognac is overrated

>> No.9084476

Bloodborneanon here. I don't like this weather, I just managed to eat a bowl of instant noodles I got from an Asian shop, there was sake too so I'm teying that
Back to Bloodborne, and then also there is live music on the television later so I might watch that so I don't feel so lonely

>> No.9084482

I finished off a small portion of home made mac and cheese in your honor anon. Also had three more shots of vodka. Fourth shot incoming. My mum was a decent cook, but a lackluster mother. So.. there's that.

>> No.9084573

5 days sober, and im working night shift flipping shit burgers.

Usually i celebrate finishing my shift getting fucking piss drunk. This weekend im going to end it sober.

Physically its ok, mentally im a fucking wreck.

>> No.9084579

It's the boredom that kills anon. Got out and do SOMETHING. Walk, whatever..

>> No.9084843


Yeah I walked to the store and bought a bottle

>> No.9084863

I chuckled

>> No.9084904

When I was 10 years old, my parents decided to send me to my grandmothers house in Germany, and she neglected me, so I was depressed -- I couldnt speak German very well at the time and didn't know where to go. I started taking liquor out of her liquor cabinet. 10 year old alcoholic, wew.

Now I'm 20. I used to live in a substance-free coop, but no more. I'm depressed again. I started smoking weed every day in March. The new coop I'm in is full of stoners and alcoholics. Needless to say I'm drinking almost daily again, this time while high. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.9084958

I got a abcess drained after having 10 thin shits with blood everyday for 2 months with intense pain lots of hemoroids too. Just when things were getting better today i felt a new abcess, got me very depressed. Thanks for listening

>> No.9084970

what's the best alcohol to mix with a 7/11 slurpee?

I tried tequila once and it was kinda meh

>> No.9085041

Anything but Tequila? Vodka for most. Gin if you're a madman like me.

>> No.9085128


>> No.9085296

Does anybody else get anxiety when they smoke weed sober? I can't be the only one right?

>> No.9085351

My dad likes it, and I think it's pretty good.

I splurged on Father's day and got him a bottle of Remy Martin XO ($150).

That was like the cheapest of the toppest shelf stuff, but it had high reviews. I think once you start paying over $200 for bottle of alcohol you're not even getting "just to try it" factor, but you're just blowing your money.

>> No.9085355

It gets better. I'm on day six. Had the day off so slept in, I'm going to catch up on my game backlog, and then go swimming and running. I have left over pulled pork from yesterday that I'll use for lunch and dinner, so I don't need to cook today.

>> No.9085363

It's nice how sobriety can bring back the capacity to engage in certain hobbies that you were simply too sloppy for before. It's a bit of compensation.

>> No.9085399

No, but Courvoisier VSOP is pretty good and only $40 here. But don't bother with VS--not much better than Jim Beam.

>> No.9085413

No. If you can't at least get VSOP don't bother. VS is complete shit.

>> No.9085428

I prefer the VS over the VSOP, more fruit flavour left and not merely smooth oak.

>> No.9085432

I do, that's why I quit smoking weed.

>> No.9085477

This. You will be passed out drunk when she wants you the most.

>> No.9085604

How do i drink at a hotel bar without sperging out?

>> No.9085606
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am a an alchie if I buy VIP tickets to a beer festival that is not happening for 6 months

>> No.9085615

You are a /r/eddit tier normie faggot though.

>> No.9085626

if paying $35 for unlimited beer and snacks is normie call me Chad Thundercock

>> No.9085632

chad thundercock

>> No.9085640

Hello fellow al/ck/s. 11 days sober here. I got a dui last year, and am about about three fourths done with probation which means no drinking. I didn't really care and drank anyways, but during my last visit my PO said if I continue, I'll go to jail, no more chances, so I've decided not to fuck thisbup anymore than I already have. It doesn't help that I work literally right next to a liquor store. I'll just sit outside on my lunches and stare at it. My worst cravings always come at work since I've hated pretty much all jobs I've had and have always been drunk for them. I'm just waiting for the day when I can enjoy doing things sober again. My hobbies have fallen by the wayside now that I can't drink while doing them, I'm feeling incredibly lethargic and unmotivated to do anything, even things that I enjoy. Any advice from someone in a similar situation?

>> No.9085647

did they blood or piss test you senpai?

>> No.9085670

>unlimited beer
They're going to give you tickets that you cash in for beer like a child at an arcade. Protip: It won't be enough to actually get drunk.

You've paid $35 for some beer samples and bullshit.

>> No.9085686

they are giving me a 6 oz wine glass. If I get about 10 samples an hour that is 6 oz of high % craft beer. the event goes on for 4 hours.

>> No.9085694

Sounds kind of like my me. I am 14 days sober here, just got out of jail for 7 days for drinking. I work in a resturant surrounded by alcohol and there are bars and liquor stores in walking distance to my house.

I have been lifting weights and riding my bike and I feel a lot better.

Do they test you on the weekends is it random testing?

>> No.9085711

Bacon and craft beer.
I want the hipsters to die

>> No.9085745

I can literally see the shop from my bedroom window. It's open from 9-9 7 days a week, 20 seconds walk. When that closes there's a supermarket 4-5 mins walk away. It's always there, always nagging.
I got my second dui last year. WDs were so bad I had to drink 70cl of vodka before going to court, lol. Pretty sure I was lucky to avoid years inside.

>> No.9085767

You guys need to try a good indica or indica dominant hybrid. If you're lucky enough to go to a state where it's legal and you know what you're buying. Different strains of weed have wildly different effects.

>> No.9085773

no doubt. theres no shortage of expensive items to blow your money on

>> No.9085800

yes they test every day, including holidays. i have two tests a month, and for the last 8 months i figured i could just get away without it. (which was kind of stupid since they are giving me ETG). but ya, i atleast have the motivation to jog about a mile every morning, and that seems to help a bit. its just reading, cooking, tv, and video games that have become incredibly boring. these are what i have always enjoyed, and drinking complimented them all pretty nicely. the exercise is great because it doesn't really give my mind a chance to wander and think about walking to the liquor store (which is 2 minutes away). thanks for the advice, man!

>> No.9085806

damn, prison time? did you cause accidents on your DUIs?

>> No.9085847

Nah, the second time I crashed into a roundabout, because my schizo passenger took the keys out of the ignition so I had no steering. They just didn't like the fact that I'd drunk just over a litre and a half of vodka and had a fistful of Valium. I'm also known to the police, once a plain clothed, off duty slammed in his brakes in front of me, making me stop. My passenger got out ready for a fight, then quickly got back in when he realised it was the same guy who'd arrested him the month before.The copper came over to my window, said "hello anon. We'll have you soon", and stormed back to his car. Shit you not. The whole time I had my right arm rested on the window, inches from him, and had 3 wraps of smack and 3 of crack in my hand.
I think they were confused and irritated by my ability to buy a 2015 car, always be drunk, and be known to use a lot of hard drugs, even though I was unemployed. Pretty sure they thought I was dealing.
Anyway, got off with a 3yr ban and a fine. Only a year until I get my license back if I take their drink driving awareness course. 2 years if I don't.

Sorry. Drunk, so rambling.

>> No.9085906

>Does anybody else get anxiety when they smoke weed

No, this is a completely unheard of side effect.

Does anyone feel more awake after doing cocaine? Or is it just me?

>> No.9085969

>friday night
>no drink in 2 weeks

Fucckkkkkkkk I want a drink so badly

>> No.9085971

Happy birthday bro. Ill have a 4 loko for you

>> No.9085973

Nah bruh that's a sign of mental illness. See a psychic medium immediately. I once had a friend who got drunk when drinking. He ignored his disease, then one night woke up dead in hospital. May you forever rip in piece.

>> No.9085981

I've smoked pretty much everything there is. From pure sativa to pure indica to hash from all over the world.

None if it affects me positively anymore. I feel like weed only made me happy when I was naive and now it just makes me aware of everything wrong with the world.

>> No.9086011
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I know how you feel. Last time I drank I blacked out at a party. That was almost 2 weeks ago. Gonna get a drink tonight though since its payday as well

>> No.9086027

>2 days away from being 6 months sober
>Urge to get a drink comes about once every three hours

>> No.9086032

I'm trying to quit, I'm dependent on alcohol. I bought some Monster ultra instead

>> No.9086037

I'm pretty sure "unlimited" means without limit.
Unless it says unlimited*.

THC can give anxiety/panic attacks in some people.
Try high CBD low THC weed if available, or pure CBD (legal almost worldwide)

Similar case here, hash/weed used to be fun, then it just made me tired. Now it just makes my memory in read only while removing any urge to drink.

*unlimited in the meaning of "with a limit".

>> No.9086038

Oh right on. Dont give in to temptation. I'm surprised I'm not tempted but I'm not trying to quit just cut back. Hope everything goes smoothly for you

>> No.9086097

Thanks senpai. Today has been the worst day for cravings. I've been craving weed all day (I haven't even smoked in over a year) and now I want an ice cold beer

>> No.9086123

Well being sober should definitely help you get a job. I wouldn't say that you need to crawl back anywhere. Just go on the job hunt as the "new you".

>> No.9086133

I'm one of the ones who advised not bothering with VS. I bet XO Remy was fucking delicious. I need to check out an XO one of these days. Yeah, most bottles over $100-$200, you're just paying for marketing and brand. Hell, I had a liquor store clerk say buying French cognac at all is just paying for brand (that is, you should buy Spanish cognac, because $50-$75 Spanish cognac = $100 French cognac).

I'm not experienced enough to verify his claim that Span cognac is equivalent to pricier French stuff, but he did recommend a Span one for $60 that was fantastic.

But cognac's kind of like Scotch in that there's not really "midshelf" stuff, so you gotta shell out decent $ or just not bother.

>> No.9086143

well.. were you dealing at the time?

>> No.9086152

Nah fuck that. A dealer near me had 3 guys break his door down and rape him up the ass with a spoon, for selling on their territory. Another had a machete held over his arm and was threatened with having his hand cut off if he didn't stop dealing. Not messing with that stuff.

>> No.9086228

do you live in sierra leone

>> No.9086314

England. Just found myself after decades of hardcore addiction, to be surrounded by the most extreme elements of the criminal classes in society. Every 'friend' I had was a criminal, every one of them had spent years if not decades in prison. It's everywhere, it's just extremely well hidden from the vast majority of people. Criminal gangs in London are insanely intricate, intelligently designed, lethal networks of very very dangerous people, with very very rich people pulling the strings at the top. The shit I've seen makes me shudder. I could only tolerate it then without running screaming in terror, because while in heroin its pretty much impossible to care about fucking anything. There's no such thing as fear.
Away from all that shit for over a year now and never going back. I'd rather just drink myself to death than even buy a bag of weed.

>> No.9086462
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RUNNING LIKE FUCK, 2MINUTES UNTIL CLOSES, SO CLOSE... headed towards the green sign in the backgroiund...FUCK YOU ASDA STAY OPEN

>> No.9086477
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>> No.9086483
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>> No.9086487

just steal it

>> No.9086534

unlucky mate

>> No.9086573

Id just end up back in a cell before I could even drink it ;_;
Feelsbadman. 5 hours 20 mins until they reopen. Gonna be a shitty night.
>stares at clock, let the wait begin

>> No.9086576

Why didn't you get some earlier?

>> No.9086583

Trying to stay sober, but licensing hours make me panic. If I know I can get it, im less frantic, less inclined to drink.

>> No.9086625
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Tips on cutting bloating and shit? I drink to passing out two or three times a week and am always bloated but dont gain any weight, and dont want to quit drinking but will to save my gut. Thanks.

>> No.9086669
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I wish I would be willing to do that.

But as of now I'm still living -here-, still working -that-, still associating with -those people-, and I can't bring myself to not drink right now because otherwise it would feel like dragging my own lifeless joyless body through a desert of miserable shit.

>> No.9086704

>Recently been getting heartburn from beer I've been drinking for years

fuck i hate this shit

>> No.9086713
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do i
>go to a friend's party and get hammered with the boys
>go out on a date with a qt i like
its been 4 days since i've had a drink and im kinda craving it

>> No.9086721

I get this when my intestinal lining gets inflamed, normally after spending too long on cider. If I dont switch to less corrosive booze for a few weeks it jusr gets worse and worse, until I can barely eat fruit without the pain becoming unbearable.
Maybe try switching to something like diluted vodka for a while. In the meantime, get some sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) for short-term relief

>> No.9086814

Why don't you create something that makes your life worth living? Be it a relationship, as an example.

>> No.9086820

Happy birthday yesterday! Hope you had a good one, anon.

>> No.9086891

Go on a date or stay home, if youre actively struggling avoid the liquer man. Dont be a moron, its easy. Now if you HAVE to have a drink to slay some pussy (I know, its a chore) then you can allow it.
give tips pls

>> No.9086907

Low THC weed feels good for people who are anxiety prone.

>> No.9086930
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anyone seen any good movies lately?

i'm looking for something to watch tonight whilst inebriated.

>> No.9086949

I got a small bottle of sake. How do you heat it up without boiling away the alcohol?

>> No.9086961

10 cloverfield lane is alright. Plus delicious MEW goodness. Watched that last night.
Also recently enjoyed...
The final girls
The devil's candy

Id actually recommend the last one most out of that lot. Or 'the lost weekend' if you want something al/ck/ themed and dont mind b&w

>> No.9086972

Put the capped bottle into a bowl of hot water

>> No.9087013

dl pod now! thanks anon. will report back with a review

>> No.9087033

feeling kind of bad
think i might just puke into the toilet or the sink

>> No.9087043

>He doesnt have a 24 hour Asda

I lived in a shitty fucking north east ex coal mining town and I did

Where the fuck are you?

>> No.9087056

All asdas stop selling booze at midnight, it is 24hr

>> No.9087065

Bullshit I've bought booze well into the early hours at mine

Maybe the nightshift chinks just didnt care

>> No.9087084

Welp, from Brighton to Doncaster and a load of places in between, every one ive been to stops at 12

>> No.9087095

my city stops selling alcohol at 9

>> No.9087136
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>tfw you remember your first beer
>a single cup of light beer gave you enough of a buzz you thought you couldn't stand up
>now you can finish half a handle of vodka in one night and function the next morning

>> No.9087149
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>hey dude like what the hell my man just go out and create a relationship my main brosef

>> No.9087160

That's really fuckin sick and fucked up.

>> No.9087183
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>> No.9087197

What are some good english brown ales available in SoCal? I tried some Hazelnut one, and it was surprisingly good.

>> No.9087216

>implying you can just create a meaning when man's desires are fickle and ephemeral
get back to me when the suicide rates lower instead of rise because of this

>> No.9087218

How do you drink and avoid becoming an alchie

>> No.9087227

This can surely only be the single worst place to ask that question

>> No.9087228

go to the nigger side of town, they always stay open til like 2 AM

>> No.9087230

You can do it if you don't like the effects of alcohol that much or have the proper genes to not be predisposed to it.
My dad and grandad drank a shit ton but my dad never became an alcohol because he never wanted to drink alone and always cut his whiskey with water. I don't know about my grandad, but I think he was more of a serious drinker than my pops.
I definitely became worse than both of them unless there's too much I don't know about my dad's dad.

>> No.9087246

Havent been able to drink for over a week because of antibiotics. Now I'm on my sixth ale enjoying the raindrops outside my window. Fuck being depressed, life goes on. To all my alkies out there, it gets better, trust me. Just give it time.

>> No.9087250

Sandy Wexler!!

>> No.9087255

No prob bro. Just stick through it. Temptation will be gone soon.I think smoking weed would be better then drinking. My bro prefers it to drinking anytime

>> No.9087282
File: 332 KB, 472x475, 1459732924742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only drink beer, light beer. do a lot of cardio to burn off the extra carbs the next day. eat a giant dinner, then drink a ton of water and lift, at least 4 sets of top reps.. then beer bong city m8. rinse and repeat.

>> No.9087347
File: 15 KB, 306x306, faf0ca956c726a0d10d582d0c12c2b7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be an al/ck/ official meetup, all of us sat in the woods somewhere with generator for music/movies, barbecue, an entire brewery to drink and livestream to make the whole world jelly
Y so no vodstock ;_; itd be legendary

>> No.9087411

> a single cup of light beer gave you enough of a buzz you thought you couldn't stand up

Fucking weak. It took me 2/3 of a bottle of wine to get me that drunk, and this was just starting out.

>> No.9087413
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>tfw cant drink because of surgery

>> No.9087415

Where do you niggers live?
Bay Area here.

>> No.9087434

>5hrs 20
1 hour left. Almost there. Shaking so much im gonna struggle to make the damn walk though ffs

>> No.9087439
File: 44 KB, 509x648, terminatorgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking weak. It took me 2/3 of a bottle of wine to get me that drunk, and this was just starting out.

Ill seeyou in hell my brother

>> No.9087457

UK. I think there are only like 3 brits here regularly

>> No.9087488

>Spanish Cognac
You mean Brandy right?

>> No.9087520

I wouldn't trust it. I bet a few fuck heads would fuck it up for everyone. But I would be down if it was at a hotel or some shit not the woods

>> No.9087529

Holy shit, I totally forgot about that show.

>> No.9087590

Guys first time with rum, at first it tasted and smelled like shit but now i'm enjoying it. Anyway it's a cheap dark rum but that's what i can pay for

advice pleaese

>> No.9087597

btw i'm used to vodka, i think rum tastes more bitter but you get used to it after 7 shots

>> No.9087635

Maybe, but I kinda doubt it. The only trouble we tend to get in these threads is the 'pull yourself together, there's no such thing as addiction', or 'kill yourselves degenerate scum' crowd. Just brats who've wandered in from other threads. 99% of people here seem cool, and everyone can handle their drink. I'd attend if it was nearby

>> No.9087835
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 18671238_1005869252849766_4182896343546490579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came back from work and the cravings are so bad, i get this feeling of sadness since tomorrow there is no alcohol sale in shops.

No fucking sale. Its fucking up my head over the fact that, i will come back tomorrow from 9 hour shift and know i will be suffering sober. The day is fucking ruined.

i just want to get shitfaced and dont care about anything.

>> No.9087841

is drinking a bottle of wine a dayenough to classify me as an alckie?

>> No.9087844

There's no official definition of alcoholism. Do you think you're an alcoholic?

>> No.9087856

I've started drinking (every day I mean) before I even open my eyes. It hurts to open them for the first ten mins or so, so every time I pass out, I make sure my bottle is positioned in its allocated space next to my bed. That way I can just lean over, grab it and start chugging before I'm fully awake, and feel the WD backing off a bit by the time I feel more conscious. I'll then drink every 20 mins or so until I black out, then find myself waking again, apparently the next morning, reaching again for the bottle. Even though this only happens every 24 hours, it feels like it's happening every 2 hours or so, because the rest of the time I'm blacked out or asleep. I think I may be an alcoholic.

>> No.9087859


>> No.9087868

Get withdrawals? Feel like you need to drink? Drink to kil hangovers? Spending too much? Ruining relationships/career? Body getting rekt?
Same old suspects. Just ask yourself some common sense questions, I suppose.
The amount you're drinking will still fuck you up eventually though, btw. Govt guidelines are way below what you're drinking.

>> No.9087965

I had to cut way back. No money. Also tired of seizures and being taken to the hospital everytime I stopped drinking to manage d/ts
I really want to fucking drink but I've $2 to my name and my change jar was raided to fuel my last bender.

>> No.9087970

Every week I wait until my s. O. Is out of the apartment. Then I get my empties out of the cabinets, toilet tank, under the bed, hidden in my clothes in the closet and dresser. The empty pint bottles in cereal boxes.
It's fucking depressing

>> No.9087992

I got home late from work with no dinner so I invented something beautiful imo
>2 scoops soylent
>2 scoops chocolate ice cream
>handful of chocolate covered cookies/biscuits
>vodka (your choice, I did 2 shots)
The soylent alone is a 500cal meal sooo
I drank the entire thing anyways. It improved my mood for the night. I love milkshakes.
Last weekend I tried making a White Russian but didn't have kahlua so I soaked coffee grinds in a shot of vodka. Filtered that then added heavy cream. Fucking fowl, I couldn't stand sipping it. I had to take gulps but the dairy was just a bad mix. I was wide awake the entire fucking night too, I've never ever had a cup of coffee that strong before. But a shot of vodka that I soaked some grinds in was a legit potion.

>> No.9087994

I would do everything in my power to ruin it. I haye all of you.

>> No.9088003

>everything in my power
So, nothing then. Also...
I bet you felt so stupid. Typos are so toe-curling when trying to be assertive and dominant.
Anyway, hurry along now, there's a good lad.

>> No.9088035

You seem upset

>> No.9088102

5 am. I have to work in 11hrs. Smoking cigarettes and drinking Coors. Still have a bit of coke left that I'm slowly eating, snorting, smoking. Here's to you, boys

>> No.9088105

Adding a cheap swisher sweet cigar to your routine is a fine thing.

>> No.9088164

Wew. Got a letter from my GP. A thinly veiled threat to have me sectioned if I don't make an appointment.
Fuck that.
Tent and 'go bag' on standby.

>> No.9088170

>it would feel like dragging my own lifeless joyless body through a desert of miserable shit.
That's the first week without booze, may it be at your mom's home, yours, your friend's, in a rehab clinic or in a hospital.
It get better after that, but you might as well get over it now.

Find this Moderation dude and only drink in his company.

I say we all go to UK and get drunk with Smirnoffbro.


>and everyone can handle their drink
Hon hon hon hon hon
Hon hon hon
Hon hon hon hon hon hon hon hon

Try not drinking for a week, see by yourself.

Are you sure it happens every 24h?
In my darkest place, I was doing it every 8 to 18 hours or so. It would randomly be night or day when I woke up, it was a pain to go to the store to buy vodka.

>> No.9088227
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>pull yourself together, there's no such thing as addiction

>he thinks the DTs are a withdrawal symptom and not just the result of habitual heavy drinking

>> No.9088230
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>Govt guidelines

A bottle of wine a day is fucking fine

>> No.9088237

I don't know how to make this work. I am happy in life and have a job I wished for but I am paying for the luck with not earning much. And she would want to get bought things sometimes, or to put it better, I would need more financial liquidity to make this work.

>> No.9088242

>using another person as the foundation of a meaningful life

house on sand lad

>> No.9088349

Where you from lad

>> No.9088356

>smirnoffbro is in the UK

Where can I find him?

>> No.9088404

At the liquor store, in the house in front the liquor store, or chained to a fence in a tent in the backyard of said house.

>> No.9088430


>> No.9088454

Truest shit anon. I learned this very recently. If you need someone to make life complete it will end badly.

>> No.9088460

>3 beers 3 days ago
>2 beers yesterday
>1 beer today
>No withdrawals yet
You think my taper is complete now? I can go a few days without withdrawals at all?
(Used to drink equivalent of 800ml of vodka in beer daily for a year)

>> No.9088480


good luck

>> No.9088622

if you're drinking that little and not getting WD symptoms, you're almost certainly ok.

>> No.9088647

Oh the beers are 7%, I'm just worried about kindling my brain and getting damage

>> No.9089275
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Do you drink exclusively bum beer?

>> No.9089280

The porters here are like 6.7-6.9%

>> No.9089288
File: 56 KB, 500x375, atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds a lot more drinkable than extra strong lager desu.

>> No.9089295


Don't drink two days in a row.

If you can do this you'll never get physically addicted

>> No.9089406

fuck mates

this is it for me

finally shit the bed

>> No.9089413


>> No.9089443

Go on

>> No.9089501


>> No.9089506

I started playing golf again as something to do besides getting drunk all day but I can't say no to the girls in the carts who come by and sell you beer on the course

I had like 5 beers yesterday over 18 holes, that bitch was just following me around

>> No.9089519

>5 beers over 18 holes
that's not bad, you can safely drive home after that anon.

>> No.9089527

I wish I lived in America

>> No.9089529

>that bitch was just following me around
sounds like you missed out on the 19th hole, anon.

>> No.9089575

>move to new state
>cant buy alcohol in grocery stores and drug stores here
>immigrant faggot liquor stores price everything 50% higher and lie about the prices on the signs thinking you wont notice

where am I supposed to buy alcohol now

>> No.9089606
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>> No.9089619


It does happen to an alc sooner or later

just move on

>> No.9089629

>level up
congrats. now...
kitty litter tray. embrace the full bounty of conveniences with which alcoholism wishes to furnish you.

>> No.9089641

derpweeb. get superstrength shipped in bulk, tax free from an alcoholistan of your choice.

>> No.9089736

Can't you ask the golf club to not serve you alcohol? I mean, with the price you pay, it's the kind of services you can expect.

>> No.9089745

So when did you guys realise you had a problem?

For me, it was a few weeks ago when I woke up from a bender and my desk was drenched in liquid and wet clothing. Took a sniff and it was piss. I have no idea why I decided to piss all over my desk, laptop, books and ps4 controller but that was depressing as I literally cannot remember anything about it.

>> No.9089753

I don't have a problem with drinking, I have jesus in my heart

>> No.9089816


long as jesus stands his round im cool with him

>> No.9090022

wear new threwad

>> No.9090047

i was never an alcoholic, i just had too much spare time and liked to drink.

took a few years off to get it out of my system, now i can drink a few casual brews once or twice a month without having any issues. although i cant drink around other people because it makes me mouth off

>> No.9090069

There was never a single point, I just sort of gradually made the realization. I mean, I probably thought I was an alcoholic before I actually was one. But a bunch of failed/broken relationships with women, family and friends later, plus waking up in the hospital after a blackout bender followed by a drunken bike ride, 3 fights, a few hours in the drunk tank and a suicide attempt, and it was pretty undeniable. When everyone you know is literally afraid of you, constantly, that's a pretty good indication you've got a problem.

>> No.9090070

When I chugged a bottle of vodka at a friends party and puked all over myself and woke up thirsty for more at 15yo.

>> No.9090198

I want to smoke but I'm out of cigarettes. What do?

>> No.9090215

buy some

>> No.9090238

It's 3 AM and pretty much everything is closed. I need to go into town in a bit, but there's no hope.

>> No.9090290

>not keep a vaccum packed carton buried in the yard

>> No.9090388

Construct a rollie from your ashtray, no need to be ashamed we've all been there.

>> No.9090486
File: 634 KB, 800x800, woodford_whiskeysour_2_800x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the whiskey sour the ultimate bro drink? Assuming you mix it the traditional way and use egg white, of course.

It's less calories than beer, sweet but not as fruity as wine, made with whiskey so it has an air of manliness, and you get raw egg white for extra gains.

Here's my recipe, honed and perfected after one drunken night of trying to mix a good whiskey sour.

1.5 ounces 80 proof bourbon
1 ounce amaretto
1 egg white
1 ounce lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey
Shake well, strain over ice. Garnish with lemon wedge optional.

>> No.9090567

I did that a few days ago. Haven't dated someone in a couple years but was really feeling this girl I started talking to recently. She was actually cool, got a date on Wednesday now. For how shitty booze makes me feel it can do some good. You'll do good too anon.

>> No.9090697

When you're hungover do you also pass out? What I mean is I will be in bed browsing 4chan and I'll find myself fading in and out of consciousness. A torrential downpour of microsleeps. How can I prevent this? I ate breakfast before it happened so I don't think it's a lack of carbs or whatever.

>> No.9090701

Easy friend, just don't drink ;)

>> No.9090706

How do i know when to stop. i mean i have a good buzz but i want to sustain the feeliung but not go too hard.........i dont want to pemanetly damage mh brain but i want to sustain the buzz

>> No.9090767

well you're clearly 12 and drunk.
it's too late; you have permanently changed your brain chemistry. it's over alky.

>> No.9090813


No seriously If I want to be safe, should I just stick with rum or liquor and abandon beer?

>> No.9090827

Yeah, the higher the ABV the better you fucking dumbass.

>> No.9090833

Yes, you are good. congrats. Now this time please do your best to not get physically hooked (at least for a few weeks)

>> No.9090834
File: 101 KB, 500x689, 1495156506285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally ended up crossing that line and went into work drunk. I went in with the expectation that I'd be fired by the end of the day and I was completely fucked. Ended up being a normal day and at the end my boss even complimented me on my work. Not sure what to think at this point.

>> No.9090836

Fuck the breathalyzer in my car. I can't drink as much as I want to because I've been getting violations on it, when I have to go to class in the morning.

>> No.9090840

If you're at a good level and you want to maintain, stop drinking hard liquor ASAP, switch to beer, maybe a lite beer at that, and drink some water between drinks, at least a ratio of one drink water to two drinks alcohol, maybe higher.

Also seriously just pace yourself, don't drink too fast and give everything you do drink a chance to settle in.

>> No.9090842

cut it out. drinking at work is a serious milestone to do you in. trust me, I know. please, wait until after the clock, for your own good.

>> No.9090845

i have known for 2 decades. ive ruined many laptops with beer or liquor or piss. ive destroyed relationships with people and regret it to this day. have injured myself. have had withdrawals bad enough to require going to the emergency room. have missed out on relationships with people due to isolating and drinking.

the list goes on forever.

>> No.9090848


Just bring a water bottle of vodka to work next time :^)


Depends on the job tee bee haitch

>> No.9090851

Are u a rich fag? Is it expensive to play golf?

>> No.9090858

Doesn't matter if you can perform the job. It's the fact that you would be drunk every waking day and never sober up to achieve neural homeostasis.

Trust me, don't do it. It's an official excuse not to drink and makes you money. Don't do it, or it'll do you in.

>> No.9090870


But beer seems to give me a headache. Run/liquor = no headache usually. But beer = big headache. why?

>> No.9090889


Yeah it's called alcoholism friendo, and of course it's generally a shitty idea to be pounding vodka at 8am. But what if the people at work drink at lunch? Worked at a very successful law firm for a while and the partners would often get hammered, and not do shit the rest of the afternoon (which is why slaves like myself existed, of course)

>> No.9090892

I didn't state there weren't exceptions, just stating that this should be your principle SOP.

>> No.9090925

I'm drinking bottom shelf rum out of a binoculars flask, so pretty great.

>> No.9090990

>drink alcohol
>every thought in my head becomes clear as daylight
>immediately stop overthinking things
>even gets me to sleep better
>dont even wake up with hangovers

What the fuck is the downside.

>> No.9090992

The dose is the poison.

Nah, but you'll find out if you keep at it.

>> No.9090993

It stops working the more you use it.

>> No.9091086

GTFO reddit fag

>> No.9091090

just wait til you wake up puking bile all day

>> No.9091096
File: 250 KB, 391x379, 6NMCXYv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the ticket today. Fucking normies did not have them at the brewery near my house so I had to drive 7 miles to the next closest place that had tickets.

tickets looked flimsy as shit and the guy would not give me a receipt since he said it was cash only and did not go though their system

shit felt sketch. gonna get smashed on 11/11

>> No.9091137
File: 12 KB, 480x264, 19400082_319054445201879_8896205283738196568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every third day and stay clean for a week every four weeks, if you can.

>> No.9091142

Guys, why are we still here? Just to suffer? The past year has been a constant string of crushing disappointments.

On the plus side, I went Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, AND WEDNESDAY without drinking this week.

>> No.9091151
File: 371 KB, 700x518, 1484097360193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here homicidal and sucidal when drunk? Throught my day, when I an sober it feels like a dream like I don't even exist. I have know one in my life. My dad doesn't answer my phone calls anymore and my my mom is an alcoholic I can relate to. Should off my self?

>> No.9091159

If you didn't state homicidal, I may be a little more sensitive, but I guess you should kill yourself before you hurt anyone who is not yourself.

>> No.9091162


>> No.9091166
File: 67 KB, 694x488, IMG_0120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sober Sunday to Friday. Intended to quit. Slept like 6 hours in total, and last night couldn't take the pain any more, so drank 30 units just to sleep. Took 50mg of diazepam too, so slept for 20 fkn hours and have woken feeling cosy.

This ride never ends. I quit quitting.

>> No.9091188

For fuck sake sakes, you haven't thought about fucking shit up while your drunk? I don't really want to kill anyone.

>> No.9091190

No, not really. Please take your life before you do.

>> No.9091193


>murdering people

No. See a therapist.

>> No.9091198

im fat now

>> No.9091213

How fat?

>> No.9091221

just got a massive belly, really

>> No.9091360

pain pls go

>> No.9091525

You need more and more to have similar results, until not drinking make you anxious, overthinking like crazy, and unable to sleep.

>> No.9091527


I dont know, we should know better

Was sober for a week, now im downing beers like crazy to get a buzz

>> No.9091545
File: 73 KB, 600x600, 78250003348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here drinks that there homeless tier beer
also I miss the glass bottles

>> No.9091624

I think I better continue my taper for a few more days at 1-2 beers a day just to be sure

>> No.9091770

> Why do that
If you mix whiskey with Cola then you can buy pretty much the cheapest whiskey in the store. They all good mixed with Cola, all taste the same

>> No.9091771
File: 73 KB, 667x1000, taylor swift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was just a pretty convincing thread on /b/, in which the op claimed to be tay tay swizzle, doing an AMA. if she's at glastonbury tonight and is wearing somehow brit-themed clothes, it was her.
i asked what her vag smells like. and she answered.
it's fair to say that i need a drink right now.

>> No.9091784

it isn't her stop obsessing over dumb celebrities

>> No.9091792

uh, no.

>> No.9091823


Taylor has made an AMA on /b/ before I think

>> No.9091827

Severe pain in my kidneys every time I cough, I think this is it for me lads

>> No.9091835

yeah i think it's fairly well established she's a /b/tard.
i once saw her in person, on a beach in england. good thing i wasn't blackout drunk or i'd be in prison right now.

>> No.9091842

my liver and spleen hurt when i breathe, and my intestine hurts so much that i can't wear a tshirt if i lay down; the weight of the shirt puts too much pressure on me, it hurts. if i get punched in the stomach i think i'll explode internally.

>> No.9091867


This used to be me. And then one day, I started getting hangovers

>> No.9091976

Lay on the side with a hot water bottle. It saved my life.
It may be the pancreas. See a doc.

>> No.9092135

Have you gone to see a doctor about it? They asked me to get some bloodwork done last time but I know what it'll find. I'm sure I've done some damage to my liver and I'd rather just not even know at this point.

>> No.9092155

Nope. Like you, I'd rather just not know.

>> No.9092283

Need more and more to get the same effect and once you're totally roped in things will go downhill.

>> No.9092526

Just got me a fresh fifth of Russian Prince Vodka. It tastes like shit but all I need is to get drunk so

>> No.9092587

I have a fan jabbed up my ass cause all the pain

apparently I eenameailed a dominattric


>> No.9092591
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>> No.9092626


>> No.9092655

Welp, the time has come, this room is ruined, time to ruin another. I've woken to broken glass all over the floor and a 2L jug of smoothie, knocked over and apparently garnished with a pork chop and some lettuce. There's some kind of brown stuff splattered all over the walls too, and my bed is mouldy.
Fuck knows what I did last night.
Time to go ruin the spare bedroom. Phone posting only from now on I guess.

>> No.9092699


>> No.9092714

I have $50 to spend on a bottle of whiskey (not interested in Scotch or Irish this go-round)

what should I get?

>> No.9092721

Japanese, perhaps.

>> No.9092728

heating sake is for the cheap shit. get a starter daijingo and drink chilled

>> No.9092801
File: 896 KB, 1000x750, splat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cleared up the food and chucked bleach on it, because I hate flies. Here's a bit of wall though. Zero fucking clue what any of that shit is.
Time to bail. This room is dead to me. On to fresh pastures.

>> No.9092811

Fucking hell lad, what part of the UK are you festering in?

>> No.9092854

The expensive bit atm. I'm gonna auction this place very soon though, and move to... oh I dunno. Yorkshire or something. Somewhere cheap so I can nuke all my debts and buy more than enough booze to ensure that I'll never run out. I plan to have a room just for Smirnoff storage.

>> No.9092857

its good to have goals

>> No.9092859

Clearly disturbed

>> No.9092878

How do you get money?

>> No.9092882
File: 180 KB, 1203x1447, cbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting off the fear. Is this what withdrawal feels like? Feels like walls closing in, motor function is kinda shifty, hard time swallowing, jumpy as fuck

Drank a bottle of gin last night while playing vidya. Blacked out. Apparently tried to swing dance w gf. She's a non alcy, and I think she saw the bad part of me last night. Wanna quit but its been my crutch for so llong and I love it.

New gf is great though. Finally getting savings because im not going out any more. Just this alcohol thing.

>> No.9092895

I don't any more. I just take out loans then move to a cheaper house every time they become too suffocating. The value of property in the uk went batshit just after I bought. I was wealthy once.
Thank fuck I bought a house, or right now I'd be sober and homeless.

>> No.9092906

So you're just living on savings now?

>> No.9092915

Nope, burned all my savings already, just loans/cards secured on my house.

>> No.9092946

That doesn't sound very viable long term desu.

>> No.9092956

I didn't expect to live this long.
I don't mean no if I end up dying in a caravan as long as I'm drunk at the time. A mortgage-free house is worth a lot of Smirnoff.

>> No.9092960

>don't mean no
Don't mind*
Autocorrect. Phonepostan'

>> No.9093002

I live in Yorkshire. Theres a 3 bedroom house for sale on my street for £150k

>> No.9093015

Yeah this is why I'm looking at Yorkshire. It's so cheap. Plus I spent a few years nailing a couple of grils in Doncaster and Sheffield, it's a pretty cool place.

>> No.9093020

Move to Skipton, pretty comfy place and really cheap. Plus B&M is there and the booze is dirt cheap (I work there)

>> No.9093022

Should I go to a bar alone tonight? There's a bar with a patio I live nearby and I'm thinking of taking my dog for a conversation piece

I'm just sick of drinking alone

>> No.9093037

How old are you?

>> No.9093041

you have mild withdrawal. keep drinking and they'll get worse

>> No.9093044

>nice looking 5 bed terrace there

>ugly 4 bed terrace in London
>25 million

yeah this is what i'm talking about.


>> No.9093047

>5 bed terrace
oops, DETACHED even.
you pretty much can't even get properties like that in london any more, they've all been turned into 500 flats. 3 coffin-sized homes per room.

>> No.9093051

been sober abot 6 days now. I threw out all the pee bottles and empty wine and whiskey and vodka bottles before my last bender started, today i moved all the shit in my room and scrubbed the shit out of the walls and shampooed all the puke and turd and food stains and discusting filth off the carpet so that at least it doesnt look like a caveman lives in here. Didn't really do all that much work but im sweating profusely and tired as shit. But feeling ok i guess. at least my appetite came back somewhat, i've been eating like a straight up hog the last two days. and i guess i have made this place slightly less discusting hopefully. oh well who cares im gonna lay around like a bum the rest of the afternoon take it easy guys.

>> No.9093053

Damn nigga how much money do you have to splurge. I can't even afford this £90k shitter I live in

>> No.9093069

enough to keep me from the unthinkable horror of sobriety until the day i die.
tbqu 20 quid may well be enough for that, but even if my body continues it's irritating quest to persevere, Smirnoff will prevail eventually.

>> No.9093255

>Running out of alcohol but not sleepy yet

>> No.9093326

good for you anon, stay at it

>> No.9093358
File: 22 KB, 600x300, did-deckard-dream-of-electric-sheep-was-harrison-ford-a-replicant-in-blade-runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shakes? Me too. I get 'em bad. Part of the business.

>> No.9093402

If you're confident and charming, and especially if you're decent looking and dress okay, sure. Going to the bar alone is often better than going with friends if you're not a social retard. But if you're an awkward mess in social situations, don't go to a bar alone.

>> No.9093410

>turd stains

You randomly took shits around the house while drunk? Party animal.

>> No.9093432

not really, just occasionally i knocked over my doodoo bucket.

>> No.9093497


jesus christ

>> No.9093556

>current year of our lord 2017 AD
>not having a doodoo bucket

>> No.9093665

You don't use a doodoo bucket?

What do you do, just shit on the floor?

>> No.9093834
File: 58 KB, 468x264, 22f38261f617ddb3a7975975de9c92e180deb702457bc5da1c8abbdfe762fabd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a doodoo bucket

>> No.9094319

Did you at least eat some of the smoothie?
And can't you take the computer to the bedroom?

Yes. Welcome to the club, you won't like it here.
Drink plenty water, take multivitamins. Have a beer to tapper if you're a daily drinker.
Find another crutch. It's not an easy quest, but your current crutch is broken. And it is leading you to Hell.
Pot, meditation, vydia, kinky sex with 3D girl, meaningful relationship with 3D girl where she helps you with sobriety or at least moderating, sport, addictive medication, anything else but booze. Avoid benzos as a regular anxiolytic, you're basically already addicted to it since it acts as booze.
You can try moderation, but try being sober for a month or two just to see how it goes after the withdrawals are gone. You'll have PAWS, it's shit. Tell your girl, hopefully she'll be understanding, at least she'll know why you're an annoying cunt for a week.

Congrats on finding a physical activity to get tired and avoid boredom. That's a good plan. Try continuing doing it (you'll have to go outside once you're place is flamboyant and DIYed new, but you can just run in a park with headphones and avoid contact with humans.)

>> No.9094695

So I made up my mind. I'm swearing off booze and
going to the gym instead. Wish me luck, lads.

>> No.9094746

welp, gf is pregnant and we aren't in a position to keep it and she feels terrible about aborting it. She can barely look at me without crying her eyes out and I'm beginning to think she's associating aborting a life with me and she's distancing herself also.

She's the only person I have left and if this goes tits up I'm going straight back into alcoholism until I'm dead

>> No.9094844

maybe you'll get lucky and it'll die on its own

>> No.9094949
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, enfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like finding notes from my drunk self telling me to kill myself
he makes some good points

>> No.9095014

W-what is engie doing in the The Void?

>> No.9095018
File: 275 KB, 450x300, darn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its where he belongs