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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 320x265, kale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9075505 No.9075505 [Reply] [Original]

So what stops poor people from eating healthy under $10/day again?

You can get all your vitamins, minerals and 1600 calories and u will have money left for snacks too. This is just an example you can swap chicken for beef, kale for broccoli, etc:

1/2 pre-cooked chicken: $4
1/2 lb of kale: $2
2/3 cup of quinoa: $1 (even i can cook this)
2 cups of milk: $1
1/3 cup sunflower seeds: $0.3

>> No.9075548

>So what stops poor people from eating healthy under $10/day again?

Poor people are usually stupid too

>> No.9075581
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Different places around the u.s. have different prices, you couldn't get a 1/2 lb of kale and a cup of quinoa at those prices in NYC. Not to mention low priced superstores like walmart aren't as widespread as you think, in both urban and rural out of the way areas sometimes the closest grocery store is a gas station quik-mart which can jack up the prices even further.

That being said, if you're in the southeast all of what OP said is true. There's a walmart and a target on every corner here.

>> No.9075587

You are supposing that they eat unhealthy because they are poor.

Usually, they are poor because they eat unhealthy. Lots of convenience foods, frozen tv dinners, junk food, fast food, soda by the 2L, etc.

They are used to nickle-and-diming themselves in small luxuries, so that paying $6 for a Monster Energy drink and a gas station hotdog is 'cheap easy' meal for them.

>> No.9075811

fat people never want to admit they're hedonistic gluttons. if they can't blame genetics, they'll blame it on poverty.

>> No.9075821
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It's a god damned meme. It is shit through and through.
Did you know 5 years ago 90% of kale sales went to be used as fucking inedible garnishes?

Because it wasn't being eaten often, some vegan fucklord tried eating it as a real food. And because it wasn't popular, it became popular as a "Huh, you're not eating kale, the superfoood? Typical pleb"

That's the entire story of kale.

Eat spinach.

>> No.9076399

>t. Popeye

>> No.9076418
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Because they don't know how to cook. In the good old days men were men and women were women and we knew that if we tipped our hats at the ladies and held the door open and were generally just nice guys, it would all come together and we'd have our princesses fall in love with us just like in the movies. But I have come to learn (thanks to 4chan and other sites where we can tell it like it is), that because of rampant feminism cooking is now basically considered the same thing as rape (most rape claims are false btw). Same reason why I can't get a GF and the term "virgin" which used to be a good thing, is now considered an insult.

So now people don't even know that you don't have to tip these entitled waitresses and delivery girls (I tipped once just to be nice and it didn't even lead to sex, what a ripoff!)

>> No.9076426


>europe: 20 pounds of fruit is 30 Euros
>USA: 20 pounds of fruit in 200 dollars

>> No.9076428

what is this ration ville, shit. one bite of the granola bar a day.

>> No.9076431


Yeah ok grandpa, and grass jelly really costs 22 cents in the land before time that you hail from.

Go back to /pol.

>> No.9076434

Even the weird jackfruit they have at my grocery is only 1.50$/lb

>using pounds

>> No.9076435

>300$ a month for food alone
Thats poor in america?

>> No.9076440

Wasn't it popular in places like Germany before the superfood meme?

>> No.9076460

there is a lot of really cheap food though, if you want it. most people want the 6 dollar double burger.

>> No.9076472

im probably having the chicken from that chineese place up the street, about 3 dollars for a leg. mfw


>> No.9076551

It is a traditional food here during winter.

>> No.9076561

Lots of times it comes down to availability. Many neighborhoods wfh poor families are good deserts where the nearest decent grocery store is far away.

You also have to consider that poor families are often working multiple jobs so they may not have time to cook. Rice and beans is usually given as a poor staple but if you get the really cheap dry beans they need two hours to fully cook, which is time parents might not have between their multiple jobs and taking care of their kids.

>> No.9076585


No $300 a purchase, especially if you're feeding more than just yourself.

>> No.9076602

how is milk healthy?????????
same with kale. shit is known to fuck up your digestive system.

>> No.9076832

Not if you soak them first

>> No.9077027

Because the people picking these vegetables are dirty.

>> No.9077439
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>> No.9077490


>sunflower seeds

perhaps their heterosexual?

>> No.9077505

Some people just deserve a beating, what the fuck.

>> No.9077677

>it's the feminists fault
i fucking KNEW IT

>> No.9077944

>Until the end of the Middle Ages, kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. Curly-leaved varieties of cabbage already existed along with flat-leaved varieties in Greece in the fourth century BC. It was also used as medicinal food source. Disocorides wrote that it could be used to treat bowel ailments

>> No.9078008
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Hell, I didn't realize peasants in the middle ages were sjw, antifa, hipster, libcucks. The greeks I could believe, fucking intellectuals, but 12th century peasants?

>> No.9078067

>12th century
>peak of Islamic '''civilization'''
that's why

>> No.9078073

spinach lowers testosterone

>> No.9078087

>Because it wasn't being eaten
In your country

Over here kale is just a regular winter veg. I was surprised to find out it is seen as a superfood in the US. But that's just it isn't it? (((Superfood))) doesn't real. It's just regular food from over there.

>> No.9078089

they don't sell kale in the ghetto

>> No.9078119

They've eaten raccoon and bugs in China for thousands of years. Not because its a good food or tasty, but because they have no other food.
Kale was popular for the same reason.

>> No.9078127

>So what stops poor people from eating healthy under $10/day again?
Addiction to sugar and fat obvs

>> No.9078148

These threads are always stupid because of people arguing about the prices. The point is, unless you live in the middle of nowhere in a rich white country you can always afford to eat well for little money. But it takes a bit of time and effort which is not something are willing to expend due to either circumstances or laziness.

>> No.9079207

you don't need to cook pre-cooked chicken

>> No.9079248


You're the dumbest person on this entire website.

>> No.9079258

>(not taking into account that spices and sauces are not sold by the ounce but instead by the bottle)
im sure its cheap if you spread out the entirety of your spices to a max but initially it was cost a fuck load and most people dont have money to go buy bottles of herbs spices and sauces

>> No.9079261

what about popeye huh faggot?

>> No.9079262

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.9079269

>whole chicken
lmao no

>> No.9079384

I hate to say it, but barring an addiction or some shitty luck, this anon is right.

>> No.9079403
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>this entire post

>> No.9079412
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>people are taking this post and image seriously
So sweet. So innocent.

>> No.9080282

Judging from the food, it's pribably prices on some south east asian country

>> No.9080287
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>eating healthy

>> No.9080290

Interesting. She acknowledges that there could be all kinds of shit on the peppers and still lets her kid lick them.

>> No.9081412

>$10 a day

Dude I spent $11 on food like four days ago and I'm still living on that
An onion, two carrots and a bell pepper and butter for curry, and bread and peanut butter. Already have the flour and rice and curry powder. Couldn't afford yogurt even though it's way better with it. It needs to last me another week. You don't know what poor is

>> No.9081416

Oh also, $2.47 on a big package of bone in skin on chicken thighs for the curry because they're .50 cents a pound

>> No.9081448

who cares I bet I eat healthilier than you

>> No.9081481

Doubtful, fatty.

>> No.9081512


>> No.9081651

I bet you could survive for 6 months just from your internet/mobile phone subscription.

>> No.9081679

Nothing stops me.
Each day I have beans, berries, other fruits, 400-500 grams greens, other vegetables, flax/chia, nuts, whole grains, spices, tea/coffee, all for under $6

>> No.9081718
File: 62 KB, 800x600, Gruenkohl_03_e8b5e893ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fuck you.

t. Northern Germany

>> No.9081719


NYC actually has super cheap produce my man

>> No.9081722

that looks good what is that called?

>> No.9081737

Looks damn good. My Oma is German from back in the 40s. She likes broccoli rabe when she's out here. Is the kale in your dish prepared similarly? Kale is bitter to begin with but maybe that's where she picks that up from?

>> No.9081741


Chicken is for beta faggots. Beef kidneys are much healthier and great for gains. They're also 59 cents a pound, much cheaper than chicken.

>> No.9081743

>under $10/day again?

>$300 a month on food

>> No.9081764


Dried legumes are really good if you want to eat healthy for next to no money. The protein content varies depending on the brand, but you want to go for the ones that have the largest protein content so you're getting a good ratio of complex carbs and protein.

>> No.9081809

Hm...I would have to restock staples at some point but yes I think the $80 that goes into cell/internet could do at least two months

>> No.9081833
File: 3.14 MB, 2268x4032, IMG_20170622_130526022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this other guy that lives here seems to exclusively eat lentil soup. Also his crock pot is gross

>> No.9081858


Lentils with turmeric and cumin are great for eating healthy on a budget. Turmeric and cumin are great for you as well.

>> No.9081918

>his crock pot is gross

That's called "seasoning," senpai ;)

>> No.9082139

It's called never fucking cleaning up after your gross ass

>> No.9082150

kid probably is healthier for licking those b12 vitamins off the veggies

>> No.9082359


that doesn't sound right

>> No.9082642

Im a hillbilly and i grow kale and drink from a mason jar and have a beard and im sick of hipsters appropriating my culture

>> No.9083940

kale seems too good to be true nutritionally i doubt it can be absorbed very well compared to say broccoli

>> No.9083982

OR you could just spend that 6 bucks on a Little Caeser's Hot N' Ready Sustenance Disk and hit all the major food groups for the day.

>> No.9084567

Who's claiming kale is more nutritious than other cruciferous vegetables?

>> No.9084750

Pretty sure it's just a bland mishmash of gizzards, beaks and legs not even the chinese would touch.

>> No.9086543

I don't think you understand what "whole chicken" means

>> No.9086560

same species you dipshit

>> No.9086785

there is no kale in my country
it's europe
i have never heard of kale ever in my life i have never eaten kale in my life before and ive tasted some weird shit

what tf is an kale?

>> No.9086928

It's a lettuce
Kinda dark, little more bitter and crunchy than spinach

>> No.9086938

Isn't the McDouble considered a super food? That's a lot of protein and calories for the price.

>> No.9086980


I'm pretty sure you're confusing the McDouble with the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.9087163

milk is racist and unhealthy.
t. Nigger

>> No.9087173

How the fuck are you paying $4.00 a gallon for milk? Let me guess, a dozen eggs cost $2. Right?

>> No.9087177

They need to pay for stuff other than food, like housing, transportation, and other kinds of stuff. They won't just spend 100% of their income on food.

>> No.9087182

Grünkohl. I know that's what it's called in German.

>> No.9087224

here in canada our milk doesn't use antibiotics and it's grass fed

>> No.9087372

Inb4 "you live in america's dairy land"
We import a lot of your milk here in Wisconsin. It's cheaper for cheese makers to have their milk cross the US Canada border and at least 2 states. Hell, even the hardware store I work at sells a gallon of 2% milk for $2.20.

>> No.9087524

>$10 a day just for food
>$300 a month a person just for food
>$1,200 a month a family just for food
>$14,400 a year a family just for food
>25th percentile income is around $25,000 a year before tax
>60% of income just to food, when average rent is 30% of income
anon you're literally not leaving enough in the budget to pay to take the bus to the store plus run the refrigerator and oven

>> No.9087698

If poor people knew how to spend money wisely, they wouldn't be poor.

>> No.9088801

who wants to eat like that? those aren't foods but merely just ingredients

>> No.9089031

You mean regular produce or meme-super-food like kale and quinoa and whatever the hipsters want to pay high price for?

B12 is on the surface of vegetables, not inside. That was the joke.

Idiots on the internet, soccer mom, etc.

>> No.9089108

You're doing it wrong if you pay much for quinoa. I get mine for two-something a pound. It's mechanized now.

>> No.9090196

vegetables do not contain b12, it can only be obtained from animal sourcees

>> No.9090253

So the presence of B12 on the skin of vegetables would indicate someone pissed or ejaculated on the tomatoes, or used cucumbers as a dildo, or some other disgustingly similar events.
That was the joke.

>> No.9090334

Why not, beef up their immune system

>> No.9090365

B12 is not made by plants or animals. It's made by bacteria, so you can get it from colonized animal corpses or dirty vegetables. The simplest and cheapest way however is just supplements.

>> No.9090647

LOL at all these rich people talking in this thread even though they have no idea what it's like to live on budget

>> No.9090700


>> No.9090822
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>individual consumers buying in bulk at restaurant supplier prices

>> No.9090860
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>kale, quinoa, sunflower seeds
Are you a fucking rabbit or something?

>> No.9090886


more like pooperfoods lol

>> No.9090902
File: 37 KB, 604x340, 1498108530980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pardon me but are you a retarded nigger?

If so, I understand your position and off you this jpg.

>> No.9092108

Unless you're eating a fresh kidney or a properly seasoned kidney, beef kidney is known to taste like the bottom of a river or a jar of coins.