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9073036 No.9073036 [Reply] [Original]

Start of summer edition

What are you drinking? What are you aging? Local recommendations? Homebrew anything good? Spiraling into alcoholism? Let's hear it boys.

>> No.9073260

I think it may be limited to the southeast (brewed in VA) but the magic hat seasonal variety pack is excellent right now.

>> No.9073324

What is the seasonal?
My favorite seasonal pack was the magic hat winter pack. My local grocery store had it until about July of 2016. In Chicago suburbs btw - we can get just about any kind of Magic Hat, but not at every store.

>> No.9073334

Its got a european lager, elderberry weiss, some sort of wheat beer, and a really nice crisp and clean ipa.

>> No.9073573
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Got some schlenkerla Fastenbock at a slight discount, pity that it won't be available for the next ~9 months. Found Founders Rubaeus too, really stoked to try that slightly more sober than the previous occasion. Couple crates are underway from Poland, really hoping to be able to hit them prior to midsummer.
Got a couple 1y+ Rochefort 10s', wonder what they are going to taste like. Going to compare the regular and this one for holiday start, Omnipollo is pretty fun.

>> No.9073599

The only drinks I've ever had have been a jack n coke, a whiskey sour, and a London iced tea. What would you recc to get me into beer?

>> No.9073627
File: 59 KB, 650x488, cherry dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a couple of these to celebrate moving to a new place next month. First I'm gonna try from Indeed's Wooden Soul series.
Never seen them up in MN unfortunately
Rubaeus always looked a little odd to me but I see it all the time in my local store, is it actually hyped? The Rochefort should be nice, I'm jealous.

>> No.9073654

Most people can tolerate lagers and pilsners when they're just getting into beer. These are the styles that the huge, widely distributed beers are--Budweiser etc. But seeing as most of those are basically pisswater, look into your local scene for craft pilsners. They're generally clean and very refreshing, good for summer.

If you're okay with some bitterness and fruitiness, American pale ales could be right up your alley. Also good for summer. Whereabouts are you located? Beer differs by region so people might be able to give you better recs locally

>> No.9073656

Did you like your drinks mixed strong, or do you prefer to mostly taste the other ingredients?

Also important, what region do you live in, and what type of work do you do?

>> No.9073677

I live in the rocky mtn.area and I work as a groundskeeper at a cemetery

>> No.9073678
File: 3.99 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20170620_135511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just visited Asheville, great beer scene

Wicked Weed was great, fuck the haters

>> No.9073686

Yes I enjoy my drinks strong

>> No.9073693
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I have spent the last year looking for work in the field I went to school for. I have begun to lose all hope. I never used to drink alone but since I have been in this depression of no work I have been drinking more and more every day.

But I am gonna be learning my uncles recipe for homemade cider so that's a bonus.

>> No.9073711

been there, be careful buttface

>> No.9073721
File: 13 KB, 250x500, beer_414867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what you deem odd, I enjoy Belgian krieks and other fruit beers occasionally, it is definately worth a try. Your image reminded me to get a cherry wood aged IS; had it on a list but other opportunities presented themselves and you cannot catch em all unfortunately.

I would get a few different beers and see what you like. Getting "into" beer required on my part some time and continuous exposure. I would also distinguish between tasting and recreational drinking. For the latter the two important things are:
1) Keep it cold
2) Have plenty

>> No.9073740

Any good recommendations for some good BC local Gin? I'm taking a camping trip to Koocanusa from Calgary at the end of July.

>> No.9073745


Like the anon above said , a good place to start is a pilsner or lager. Despite being a go-to style for many, some of the craft brewers are throwing in some funky ingredients, so just make sure to read the labels. They usually proudly display whatever ingredients are used.

Lagers and pilsners are also great if you've been sweating your ass off all day: that shit is crisp and refreshing as fuck.

Considering your profession and the fact that you like whiskey sours: try to a find a tart saison or a gose. As the name implies, these will be a little on the sour side, but they're not too offputting and also totally great after a hard days work outside. I probably wouldn't recommend them as babby's first beer, but definitely something to get into around this time of year.

One more season recommendation would be a heffeweizen, also known as a wheat beer. These tend towards a somewhat fruity and citrusy flavor, but are great to cool down.

One final recommendation is a bourbon aged stout, or a strong ale. You'll catch a lot of the vanilla notes and cask flavor that you're accustomed to with bourbon. Due to the body and sometimes sweet flavors, however, I wouldn't necessarily recommend chugging one after you get home from work.

>> No.9073768

Coors light

>> No.9073773
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>> No.9073797 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 450x672, IMG_1451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to keep pictures of black men on my hard drive too, anon.
Feel free to keep this one!

>> No.9073917
File: 535 KB, 1175x2088, AlchemistLuscious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good stout!

>> No.9074727

Right now sherry actually, but I've got a bottle of Les Trois Mousquetaires oak aged oude bruin for later tonight.

A whack of stuff, to be honest. Most looking forward to my two 5 year old bottles of Westvleteren XII, though. Drinking those with a buddy from work later this week.

>> No.9074889

maaaann I wish I could get Alchemist in the midwest, I want to understand the hype

>> No.9074948
File: 282 KB, 1252x668, cellar 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Docs is a godsend for keeping track of the beer stash.

This is my cellar as of now. It's not a lot because I kept eating into my stash year after year instead of being patient, but almost all of this will be sitting for at least another year untouched.

My job requires me to visit every bottle shop in a 50 mile radius, so it's impossible for me to have restraint.

>> No.9074971

in a year you'll learn that there's really no reason to age at least half of that list

>> No.9074977


Well I have personal reasons for aging all of them, but thanks for the (you)

>> No.9074979

the perfect summer time beer
light, clean, and refreshing. try it. the best commercial beer I've ever had.

>> No.9074980


It's thick, sweet and made for peasants. Like the mead/milk they made for the Egyptians building the pyramids. It's poverty food, because the dickensian shithole that was England treated people like slaves.

>> No.9074982
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>> No.9074994


Time for you to do a bunch of reading.

>> No.9074996

also it took me less than 5 minutes to figure out that the censored part is Raleigh Brewing Company

>> No.9075002

also also drink the Westified soon, the coffee has already started to fade

>> No.9075009

I'm going to third the "try pilsners and lagers first" idea. It'll get you used to the general tastes you find in beers, without overwhelming you with unfamiliar tastes like a stout or IPA might.

>> No.9075013

If you hadn't censored it we wouldn't know you work there and it's very easy to figure it out via beeradvocate

>> No.9075017

I'm from St Louis, but don't drink.
How does the city's beer scene compare against other cities?
I mean more the smaller breweries not like AB or Schlafly

>> No.9075023

todo eso es basura gordo estupido

>> No.9075025

I'm not the guy who posted >>9074982
Are you saying all of Alchemist's stuff is thick and sweet? Or just that stout?

>> No.9075051
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Indeed puts out great stuff. I was tempted to get their new heliotropic Brett thing today but decided against it. Just don't care for Brett stuff. Really stoked on this though. The one time I visited their taproom I was blown away at how good this shit was. Far and away the best dipa I've ever had. Hope the cans keep that up. Will try tomorrow and report back.

>> No.9075055

Oh this is lupulin brewing in big lake btw. Didn't realize it wasn't in the picture

>> No.9075068


any stout I've ever had was non acidic, thick and essentially cloying. It felt like something you'd feed to people as a nourishment, not a beverage.

>> No.9075071

Niice, haven't had anything from Lupulin but I've heard good things. Haven't seen the Heliotropic yet because my store hasn't gotten through all their Cherry Dust, I'm a little skeptical on it too.

>> No.9075079

Oh yeah, lots of stouts are like that. I only drink 'em in the winter because of that. Porters are at least a little thinner and I can stand them year round. But god damn, nothing beats an imperial stout in the dead of winter. Certainly not for everybody tho

>> No.9075092

Really? Cherry dust is hard to find near me now. I loved it, but I'm a sucker for good cherry beers. Too many taste like medicine.

>> No.9075259
File: 94 KB, 610x458, 12172012-best-winter-ales-highland-cold-mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heh, you're right. I guess it doesn't really matter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I will make sure to do that. It was a fucking awesome beer.

I had pic related in the cellar too but it busted when I was moving things around. It's not necessarily a candidate to age, but I've always kept a bottle each year and tried it side-by-side with the next year's. Always interesting and not necessarily bad tasting. Even some bars around here keep kegs of it for aging.

>> No.9075386

Yeah, they're running out but it looked like my store still had 3 12-packs when I bought them yesterday. The bottle numbers are somewhere around 5100 out of 5400

>> No.9075395

>tranny cans

>> No.9075703

>aging winter beers

old spices in dark beers end up tasting like grandma's dusty old attic

>> No.9075732

Got a 12 pack of Michelob Ultra
I think I'm done with light beer after this

>> No.9075789

what are you gonna move to? Michelob ain't half bad as far as light beers go

>> No.9075804

IDK, probably gonna go back to overpriced IPAs and shit, or 40s
It's not that I hate the taste of light beer, I just can't get drunk off it any more no matter how much I drink

>> No.9075812

>3 years sober
>fall off the wagon, drink a bottle of beer
>feel like a dull grey veil has been lifted off my face
>2 more, feel all the weight of bullshit lifted off me
>3 more, six pack gone, good thing I bought two
>take down other 6 pack pretty quick
>feel like a god gave me his essence, go for a run
>running, feeling better than ever in my life
>faggot drifts onto sidewalk, almost hits me, slams on breaks
>the eternal rage of a billion screeching autists wells up inside of me, adrenaline pumping
>plan to cuss him out, walk up
>punch the window instead, it shatters
>he peels out
>I hear a loud scream
>oh, that's me
>run to the bar downtown, ask for a cup of vodka
"omfg your hand is bleeding"
>"no it's not"
>look at it, yes it is
"Omg let me call the ambulance"
>"don't, I'm going home"
>take off shirt and wrap around hand, walk home
>everyone's staring at me like I just beat someone to death, try to avoid eye contact
>2 hours later calmed down
>obsessive thought "need alcohol to feel better"
>keep telling myself this is why I got bad, why I had to sober up
>considering drinking the rubbing alcohol in the bathroom right now

>> No.9075819

you should seek some help, anon.

>> No.9075829

That's fair. Honestly when I'm just looking to get drunk I go for cheap white wine, it goes down easily and doesn't make me feel like death in the morning

but IPAs will do the job
don't drink the rubbing alcohol. Take a shower, have some water, make sure your hand is okay, and go to bed assuming it's nighttime where you are. Take care of yourself, anon <3

>> No.9075830

I just had a bad day because the alcohol. I'm done with alcohol again, but the craving sucks.

>> No.9075873

Can we talk about mead in these threads or is that off limits?

>> No.9075896

>Firestone Double Barrel Ale
What i drink locally

>Modelo Especial
When i go out to clubs

When i chill at home

>Lagunita's IPA
When i go out to eat

>> No.9075900

I can't stop drinking Old Rasputin.

>> No.9075904

Mead is chill
nothin wrong with that

>> No.9076052

I drink a shitload of malt liquor every day. I can't tell if I'm wasted or not, physically, but mentally I know I am.

>> No.9076087

>spiraling into alcoholism
My 5th bottle of cheap vodka this week.

>> No.9076091

I hear ya. I can be blackout drunk and completely out of it, yet the rest of the band is still going 200%.

>> No.9076095

Yep. I'll be blackout drunk and effectively communicating plans and strategies with people, still be fucked up the next day even though everone thought I was sober, and have no idea what to do.

>> No.9076106

Same here, pal. Being completely wasted while everyone thinks you're 100% sober can be a blessing and a curse.