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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 480x685, mcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9069578 No.9069578 [Reply] [Original]

its pretty gud desu.senpai

>> No.9069679

>15 cent burger

Man, the 50s were a magical time

>> No.9069703

you forgot the best part

>whites only

>> No.9069708
File: 249 KB, 1200x961, 1950s train car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average street car in the 1950s

>> No.9069948

>not dinnertimin'

>> No.9069951

now that's a comfy thought

>> No.9069987

That's like $1.53 adjusted for inflation, their dollar menu is lower priced than their original menu was given that you get a double cheeseburger for less than that.

>> No.9070085

Although the burgers back then were probably a heck of a lot better

>> No.9070357

>gud desu.senpai
Grow up.

>> No.9070386

20c shake? They don't put bourbon in it or nothin'?

>> No.9070444

For me, it's the Tempting cheeseburger, golden french fries and a thirst-quenching coke, all for just 39 cents!

>> No.9070604

Pure beef if OP's menu is to be believed. Now they pack the patties full of breadcrumbs and filler and it's still only 1/8th of an inch thick.

>> No.9070654

Was McDonald's of old actually any good?

>> No.9070679

*blocks your path*
*speaks to your manager*
>are you implying that the cheeseburger is not pure beef?
>will the root beer quench my thirst as much as the coke?

>> No.9070748

The burgers are still 100% beef. The problem is that they are no longer cooked to order by some kid that is just working there for 6-12 months while building up job skills and a recommendation from their manager / the owner so that they can move up to a better job. Now, they are over cooked by some 35 year old niggress that has been fired from five other fast food joints is working there 20 hours a week because DFCS requires her to work so she can keep getting TANF, WIC, Section 8, Home Heating Assistance, and Food Stamps. After overcooking the patty, she puts it in drawer where it sits for 2 hours before you burger gets made. Now it is dry and all of the melted fat drained away. When you come across the rare McDonald where things are done properly, the food is actually pretty good.

>> No.9071339

I'll have a cheesburger, and a cup of water, please.
Wait, what do you mean you don't have water on the menu? Well, then gimme one of those soda cups and fill it with ice and tap water.

>> No.9071417

Don't be dumb, they're cooked to scientific precision on the clamshell grill. Nobody can fuck it up.

>> No.9071429

>no mcchicken
Doesn't look that good, for me at least.

>> No.9071430

Good, but maybe not the best?

>> No.9071431

Just ask for no salt on the meat if you want it fresh my dude

>> No.9071489

i currently work at mcdonalds and it's true, if people actually followed the fucking procedures the food would be amazing

i make food for myself all the time. when it's fresh and made with love its amazing

yeah this is true, but people are idiots. they'll cook insane amounts of meat on purpose and let it sit in the fucking trays for hours because they're too lazy to cook to order or follow the UHC charts

>> No.9071499
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>> No.9071509
File: 417 KB, 1075x1600, 1487945766387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at how strangely they behave without tablets and mobile phones. Bunch of freaks.

>pic: Audrey Hepburn shopping with her pet deer “Ip” in Beverly Hills, CA, 1958

>> No.9071516

That's not a streetcar, that's a lounge car on a railroad. Their streetcars looked just like ours except usually with less comfortable seats.

>> No.9071536

Oh, if they actually removed the patties when the clamshell lifted and were served within 10-15 minutes they would be great (i.e the rate McDonalds where everything is done properly as I said). What happens is said niggress doesn't remove the patties when done. She comes back 5 minutes later and they are overcooked. They sit in the the drawer for two hours. They cook a bunch at the beginning of the shift so they can be lazy later.

>> No.9071695

>over $17,000 2017 dollars

>> No.9071724

Crap ad. They don't even mention that to be the 20mhz part, vs the 16mhz part, that it is an 80386DX with the integrated floating point unit.

Also, hella overpriced. 2MB of RAM was a lot back then, but comparable systems (with an Intel processor) were available for 5K. You could get a 286 clone with 1 MB for under 1500.

If they wanted 8500, that shit better have had a 120MB hard drive.

>> No.9073731

>50s were a magical time
Enjoy your $2000 per year salary

>> No.9073752
File: 30 KB, 220x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't understand inflation

>> No.9073813


>> No.9073834

There is no dollar menu at mcdonalds. There hasn't been one for about a year iirc

>> No.9073847

>Mouse support included

>> No.9073856

>>9073731 obviously understands inflation.
>>9069679 didn't.

>> No.9073911

Value menu then. They're still charging less after inflation for the equivalent items.

>> No.9074132

>Only able to stick my dick in Betty hairy cooch Ann.
>Can't lose my dick in the Superior folds of Black Pussy.

Whites are shit tier

>> No.9074193

$2,000 per year
at $0.15 burger
= 13,333 burgers per year

Sounds good to me.

>> No.9074283

>current median salary is $44,148 per year
>current price for hamburger at McDonalds is $1.20 or so
=36790 burgers per year

>> No.9074359

There's larger problems in play besides "lazy niggers"

There used to be jobs these people could get doing unskilled manufacturing labor. Secure jobs with benefits that paid people enough money to raise a family on. The world's changed and most of that work has gone away, but half the population won't accept the inevitable outcome of our present situation and want to make it out like it's all their fault.

The reality is your fat ass doesn't want to pay the real cost of mass produced junk cheeseburgers, and the company that makes them doesn't want to let go of a single cent it doesn't have to to benefit their employees.

So now, you're paying the real cost of the cheeseburger through social subsidies that come out of your taxes.

It's as much your fault and McDonald's fault as it is their fault.

>> No.9074867

But now the burgers are lower quality, you have to put up with minorities, and the music and fashion of the times is infinitely worse. The 1950s will never be topped.

>> No.9076116

/g/ thanks mister

>> No.9077049

Rent or mortgage, utilities, clothes, car & gas, insurance, education, ...

>> No.9077065

DAE born in le wrong generation?!?!1 XXXDDD

>> No.9078604
File: 59 KB, 500x667, BBham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30% increase in price to add a slice of cheese to a fucking hamburger

>> No.9078620
File: 447 KB, 1024x1024, 1459897199870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>houses cost $3000

>> No.9078634

This is the whiniest thing I have ever seen on 4chan and I've been coming here for 10 years. Congratulations, shithead. Now go get a goddamm job you lazy millennial.

>> No.9078635

boomer detected
how does it feel that your greed ruined the world?

>> No.9078639

>he thinks I'm a boomer
Try again you whiny little shit.

>> No.9078640

>got a half-decent job right after the housing market rebounded
Hopefully it will crash again. I'm sure plenty of retards bought houses they couldn't afford again.

>> No.9078757

>Why don't you call and ask if they're hiring?

Love this one. You call, or hell, just go to any place and they'll more than likely tell you to just go on the website and submit an application there. Lots of places don't even hand out paper applications anymore since if it's a big company all the electronic ones get pooled to some company HQ in a major city five states away.

>> No.9078768

If you're applying to Best Buy or something, sure. Entry level non-chain restaurant jobs involve walking in and saying do they have any openings in the dish room (or whatever).

But millennials are too good for those jobs, they want to be video game designers in Tokyo Japan. So the Mexicans take them. Thank god for Mexicans.

>> No.9078775

>not going across the railroad tracks to get pre-HIV coon poon on the side
>not rushing your in-wedlock daughter into the store so she doesn't see that mulatto boy that looks like you
it's like you don't even 1950s...

>> No.9078787

>millennials are too good for those jobs
>employers want to pay $2/hr which is literally slave tier
>import mexicans enmasse to do the slave labor because it is actually a decent wage back home

>> No.9078828


Retail management here. If you call my store, ask to speak to a manager and make me stop what I'm doing to answer the phone only to tell me that you "just wanted to let me know that you'd submitted your application" then I will make sure to set your application aside just to make sure that I don't accidentally call you for a interview. Have a nice resume and if you get a interview, impress me there. Don't ever try that over the phone or "go in and shake the manager's hand" shit. It makes us hate you.

>> No.9079357

>orange drink has been a mcky'ds staple since the very beginning
>fast forward to modern day
>orange drink is hi-c lavaburst
>mcdonalds is replacing hi-c orange with shitty new exclusive sprite flavor
>mcdonalds is killing one of the original menu items
>loved getting orange drink there since childhood

Why does it hurt so much, /ck/? ;_;

>> No.9079411

Reminder that if it weren't for the cabal of interdimensional immortal Jewish pedophile vampires that run the planet this is how things could be right now. Sad!

>> No.9079425

>no graffiti, fittings all remain, seats all unbolted, carriage clean and probably doesn't smell of piss
whose idea was it to let niggers onto trains?

>> No.9079595
File: 1021 KB, 375x212, Angry_Dooting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no more gold standard

They're fucking us

>> No.9079660

See this is what's bullshit. We've been taught since high school or earlier to submit an application, wait 5 days, then call to make sure they got it because that "shows interest" and puts you at the head of the pack.

Now it's all just coming together that it's bullshit and a backfire strategy.

>> No.9079715

How easy would it be to set something like this back up? Cheap, handmade burgers, and not much else? Obviously you can't do 15¢, but if you provide a McDouble-tier burger for under a dollar you'd be providing a pretty rare service.

>> No.9079891

Some shithead will always come in and complain you didn't customize his meal perfectly or offer his preferred exotic sauce or cheese and leave a 1 star Yelp review.

>> No.9079916

At this point I think only a very large corporation like McDonalds could get all the necessary hamburger ingredients plus a large enough work force to work for nothing in order to keep the price of a simple hamburger that low. It might work if they used some other kind of meat though.

>> No.9079933

>mcdonalds releases McDonalds 1955
>a recreation of prices, quality of ingredients and employees of the era
>they get into shit because they only have white male teenagers working there
>wetbacks and niggers replace all the whites
>quality and service goes down
>whole thing fails

>> No.9079961
File: 67 KB, 1004x474, usd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adjusted for inflation, a hamburger at McDonalds is cheaper today than it was in '55.

>> No.9079962

and much lower quality

>> No.9080013

It was a good goddamn shake back then, I don't know if it was worth $.20, but it was good.

>> No.9080329

Quality = quantity

Unless you know exactly how good (big) they were in 1955 you're just speculating

>> No.9080331

i liked the founder
pretty good movie daysue fempie

>> No.9080349

those fuckers wiped orange drink out from canada years ago and im still outraged

>> No.9080355

they have that already. its called In and Out.

>> No.9080370

How's it feel working for your fat, closet homo, red neck step dad's "construction" company? You've been gobbling 50 year old dick ever since that one time your cunt grandmother complimented you by saying you're mature for your age, so now you just parrot the same bullshit your parents told you.

They smoked a bunch of weed, bought a fuck load of houses, then told us to deal with shit. It's every generations legacy to the next.

>> No.9080388

Did you reply to the wrong post by accident? I work for a tech company. My father is a retired college professor. Neither of my parents was ever into weed. My mother doesn't even like alcohol. It gives her a headache.

Go out and get a job, anon. All this sitting around all day every day is making you crazy.

>> No.9080393

Ah, that explains it.

>> No.9080408

That's a modern photoshoot you tool.