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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 970x414, food and music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9069046 No.9069046 [Reply] [Original]

What music do you listen to while cooking? I usually pop on https://youtu.be/OpIQNxiKJoE

>> No.9069080

is that even a real song on that staff
because it looks like the most boring melody ever created. how can you write a melody with only C major chords

>> No.9069085

It's hiphop.

That explains it all

>> No.9069112
File: 28 KB, 680x510, 635669505608084756-ThinkstockPhotos-483505129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Techno or Dad Rock. I'll fire up some daft punk or pink floyd for a solid beat that gets me in a groove. I also do this when I clean the kitchen after cooking and serving.

I'll typically rock headphones so the people awaiting the meal and afterwards eating their meal can enjoy conversation.

>> No.9069117


stop pretending to know about music, christ

>> No.9069129

I dunno man, I can barely read music. I pluck on a mandolin from time to time, but I don't have a lot of education on music besides what you get as a standard part of the American public school system.

That pic is completely unrelated to the YouTube stream I posted. You should give it a listen, it's not quite what you think when you hear the word hiphop. It's mostly devoid of lyrics, which helps me focus on what I'm doing.

>> No.9069162

Japanese electronicore

>> No.9069222


fyi the music in the pic sounds like this


it's nothing. the guy criticising it for being a boring melody in c major is a fucktard. clearly it is not pretending to be a compelling fragment of actual phrased music

>> No.9069362


>> No.9069406

Trap rap hippity hops. It's all about cooking crack anyways so it just hypes you up and gets you into it

>> No.9069435 [DELETED] 

why is the half note so close to the eight note

it looks like whoever drew this has never actually read a music score before

>> No.9069449

why is the half note so close to the eighth note

it looks like whoever drew this has never actually read a music score before

>> No.9069632

Yeah and there's no time signature either. Try reading the thread, we've already established that the fragment of a measure depicted was meant for (visual) artistic value only, and is not intended to be a magnum opus.

>> No.9069638

I just talk to myself like im narrating my own cooking show.

>> No.9069647

Depeche Mode. Always.

>> No.9069665

There are no C major chords on that staff.

>> No.9069684

Either sports radio, Cum Town podcast, or Pardon My Take podcast and usually with headphones in if people are around.

>> No.9069705

Feels good knowing I'm not the only one.....

>> No.9069709

>thinks daft punk is TECHNO
Jesus Christ I wish normies never picked up bleep

>> No.9069946

Nothing. I can't focus on music and cooking at the same time.

>> No.9069976

Fuck you I've been listen to Daft Punk for 20 years. Your inane terminology don't fucking phase me you cock juggling thunder fag.

>> No.9070082

>slammed at work
>get home
>blast techno

>> No.9070346

That doesn't make them techno, poser

>> No.9070365

Do you speak with a British accent sometimes too?

>> No.9070470
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I'm a white guy and more than a bit racist to boot. I can't help it, however. She's got a lovely voice.

>> No.9070564

Jesus, what happened to the people a couple days ago who were into classical, jazz and classic rock? No wonder /mu/ has such a bad, faggot reputation.

Anyhoo, I like Wagner, particularly the 4 opera Ring Cycle. I'll cook you technofags right out the door. Go stare at some fucking strobe lights, fags.

>> No.9070581


i bet you say 'bravi' at the end of an ensemble concert and 'bravo' when it's a soloist

>> No.9070583

I like to listen to classical, jazz, and classic rock sometimes, but I still like techno, industrial, dark wave, emo, Mongolian throat singing, and some stuff from pretty much every other genre.

Cutting yourself off from entire genres doesn't really make you better.

>> No.9070597


wow what an expertly assembled group of genres, one for every hundred hairs clustered about your adam's apple.

mongolian throat singing eh? wow! tell me more! oh wait, you can't, you just know it is a thing that exists.

>> No.9070613

Thank you! I could've listed more but I didn't think it would matter. I've spent so much time listening to music from as many cultures and time periods as I could, and spend hours listening to music every day. I really enjoy it! I don't know what I would do without it.

I like these Mongolian throat singers (one is Tuvan, not Mongolian, but still similar), check them out! I hope we can all listen and enjoy music together :)





>> No.9070614

Depends on what the dish is and what the weather's like, obviously

Not gonna listen to fuckin LCD Soundsystem when I've got a pot of chili on and it's snowing outside, that's a Slowdive or Galaxie 500 scenario right there

>> No.9070624

Wow, you can namedrop indie bands like crazy. You must be really cool and good at sports

>> No.9070631


I named an electronic group and two dreampop groups
Dunno if i'm cool but i'm not great at sports
Either way I hope you choke on your tendies tonight

>> No.9070632

this is the only non faggot in this thread

>> No.9070639

I can't listen to music or I start chopping/stirring/opening or closing things etc in time to the song and fuck up.

>> No.9070645


on repeat

>> No.9070647
File: 806 KB, 1064x891, Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 02.08.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit dude! look at that deep insider knowledge!

>> No.9070656

IDM, mostly Aphex Twin and Autechre. I don't even like it that much, it's just that I don't overfocus on it unlike other stuff I listen to, which essentially would lead to me fucking food up. Sometimes some MF DOOM or DJ Shadow.

I don't listen to those genres much when not cooking, which is odd.

>> No.9070659

LMAO, using Italian bullshit accolades. You're probably the kind of faggot that thinks Puccini and Rossini are the pinnacle of opera and dismiss even the Italian Verdi, who was at least a reasonably competent composer, although far inferior to the Russians and Wagner.

>> No.9070665

I never said it was deep insider knowledge, you started acting like it was. I just said I enjoyed it. Why is music making you so mad? It should be doing the opposite. It makes me feel better than I do without it.

>> No.9070674

fuck yeah, cum town is my shit

>> No.9070716

Funk and soul

>> No.9070725

Normally just put on a Stephan Bodzin live set.


>> No.9070755

man i wish i gave a shit about sports. there's such a wealth of dialogue out there i'm missing out on.

>> No.9070764
File: 978 KB, 1417x1417, Bobby-Hutcherson-dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually jazz

>> No.9070783


>> No.9070821

They're parts of an F major chord actually

C major would be C E G C'
F major is F A C F'
second chord is F A C. just without the top F.

F major should have a B-flat in the key signature though. There are no sharps or flats in the key signature, which is strange. That would imply it's in C major or A minor unless you wrote in all the B-flats as accidentals.

>> No.9072614
File: 39 KB, 600x800, received_1181064845349991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots and lots of Astrud Gilberto.



>> No.9072619


My nigga. Bossa nova and samba are god tier cooking music.

>> No.9072643


And like every single song Abba has ever made.

>> No.9072652

>not talking with a thick French accent like Jacques Pepin


>> No.9073582
File: 75 KB, 634x628, IMG_0816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually some relaxing jazz or Lo-fi hippitty hop

>> No.9073589


is that supposed to be some obscure reference to 'the floor is lava' game kids play?

like twenty one pilots are so committed to avoiding good music they have gone into space?

that's advanced

>> No.9073612

Depends on what I'm cooking