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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9067798 No.9067798 [Reply] [Original]

Why do "foodies" pay for shit like this?


>> No.9067912

kill me

>> No.9067915

We do it to make you feel confused and resentful. Kind of like how you feel now.

>> No.9067928

Because we can afford it. Go on and eat your microwaved mac and cheese, you fucking poorfag.

>> No.9067934

You're a toy

>> No.9067939

because they want to post it on a social media platform of their choice. what's a few dolars and 200 calories compared to those sweet sweet likes?

>> No.9067947

not really seeing a problem desu

>> No.9067961 [DELETED] 
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Are you sure Anon-sempai?

>> No.9067970
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are you sure anon-sempai?

>> No.9068148

If they can make a profit by making pompous fucks feel superior for wasting their money, more power to them.

>> No.9068159

This is objectively hilarious and if you don't find it funny you're a humourless soggy cunt.

>> No.9068169

lmao to be honest with you senpai(ily)

>> No.9068232

I didnt care until i read the article. Now i must have it just to spite the grumpy i-dont-understand-kids-these-days types.

>> No.9068240

>I'm gonna spend money so these numbnuts will know how stupid they are, lol
This is how retarded you actually are

>> No.9068709

t.triggered millennial

>> No.9068903

>dedicating energy solely to bring strangers down
The most pathetic u could ever be

>> No.9069047

Lol, I was just thinking about this the other day. I thought people would probably be stupid enough to buy food off of spoons. I was envisioning frozen peanut butter, maybe covered in chocolate tho. I thought it'd do well in a fare context. I can't believe someone actually did it.

>> No.9069087

Because yuppies are morons. They always have been and always will be.

>> No.9069095
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>spending ridiculous amounts of money on pretentious meme food
you're literally /ck/

>> No.9069110
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>I have no sophisticated pallet, so I'd rather be pretentious instead

>> No.9069114

Why is it "naughty" Nutella? Did they mix it with some reduced dessert wine or something?

>> No.9069140

That nutella better be weed infused or something because wew lad

>> No.9069146
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>>I have no sophisticated pallet

Are you talking shit about my pallets?

>> No.9069153


>> No.9069159

>Two Way Entry
>Four Way Entry


>> No.9069177


four way entry is shit tier, those little wooden cubes get knocked off and then the whole skid collapses

>> No.9069186
File: 34 KB, 400x157, foam-pallet-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still using wood to make pallets

>> No.9069192


I prefer the wood ones because I can burn them to heat my workshop in the winter time.

>> No.9069193

Idiots got too greedy. They could charge $2 for it, still make a 500% markup and keep the scam going. Instead they wanted to see how far they could push it the cheeky fucks. Alternatively don't call it nutella and call it a chocolate and hazelnut mousse and keep the price at $5

>> No.9069201

Ironically charging 5 dollars for a spoonful of garbage is retarded. Then again, Australia has ridiculous prices for food (especially imports) so 5 dollars for a spoonful of Nutella might not be that bad by their standards.

>> No.9069204

From the article comments
>The purchase price of Nutella includes a hidden fee, which is paid to Hal al certification bodies. These bodies use the money to expand Is lam. Many companies choose to hide the fact that a percentage of the purchase price you pay goes towards funding Is lamic expansion. Nestle is a good example - nearly everything you buy from them has the hidden fee added, which is paid to Is lamic certification bodies. If you do not want to pay this tax, or if you object to paying extra for a very cruel way in which animals are slau ghtered (with Is lamic prayers uttered offering the animal to Al lah), then you need to visit Hal al choices . com . au. It allows consumers to be able to choose with their wallets....something that should be plainly available via clear labelling on consumer goods.

How deep do you have to be into right wing politics, to write a page about Islamic terrorism on an article about hipsters.

>> No.9069206

Well, if these white sprinkles on top are made from cocain - good price, I'll take two.

>> No.9069230

> Pay 5 bucks for a spoon with Nutella
> Walks always holding the spoon
> Staff screams at me to return the spoon
> Answer "No way i paid a fair price for that spoon"


> Go in front of the place with a big Nutella jar and plastic spoons
> Sell spoonfuls of Nutella for 2 bucks

>> No.9069237

I'm a flyover and what is a pop-up restaurant?

>> No.9069244

>> Pay 5 bucks for a spoon with Nutella
>> Walks always holding the spoon
>> Staff screams at me to return the spoon
>> Answer "No way i paid a fair price for that spoon"
>tfw they still make a 150% profit

>> No.9069245


>> No.9069299

When did Nutella become some sort of classy food for hipsters? It's barely a step above frozen mac and cheese. Would you pay 400 dollars for a bottle of Heinz ketchup simply because you can?

>> No.9069470


I hope "naughty" means that's some combination of white truffle and unadulterated cocaine on top

>> No.9069493
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Now this is the quality post I come for in /ck/.

>> No.9069519

How much did you spend on your coffee grinder?

>> No.9069526
File: 90 KB, 763x763, 1495982588063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is post-ironic-national-socialist-transgender-subversive-eloquent-subconscious shitposting.

>> No.9069697

why are you on 4chan? if youre not here to dedicate energy to bring other strangers down you're only bringing yourself down you faggot.

>> No.9070895
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>> No.9071124

Thats why, it's our San Francisco or whatever

>> No.9071135


8/10 shitpost friend

>> No.9071198
File: 9 KB, 150x150, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting to being a self-absorbed faggot

>> No.9071214

why is halal 2 wo rds?

>> No.9071233

Probably to get around some spam filtering.

>> No.9071236

Foam pallets are shit.

Wood in the US is so plentiful and cheap that even if I'm dealing with broken pallets all the time we can easily get new ones.

What I hate are plastic pallets or metal re-enforced plastic pallets. Holy fuck, fuck those things.

>> No.9072237

where's your shipping containers and imitation crab meat