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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 807 KB, 2260x1547, Soylent-bottles-close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9066936 No.9066936 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw too intelligent to eat food

>> No.9066940

soylent turns men into faggots who think they're girls

>> No.9066945

That is food though; it's ingested and your body derives energy from it.

>> No.9066961
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>tfw too diabetic to drink my meals

>> No.9066997

I've wondered what your bowel movements would be like if you were to only consume this stuff for awhile. So far, the only anecdotal evidence I've found is that it causes some pretty sick farts, but that's it.

>> No.9067041


hey now, i think i'm a girl and i've never touched this gross shit

>> No.9067050
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>tfw informed enough to eat a wide variety of whole plant foods and a couple supplements necessitated by not wallowing in feces and living indoors

>> No.9068099

>doesn't actually contain the implied flavor so they gotta use fda-approved buzzwords like wyngz

>> No.9068160

Don't make fun of cosmo.

>> No.9068162

What does original taste like? Vanilla?

>> No.9068174
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>> No.9068177

Plain cheerios.

>> No.9068312

Soy milk

>> No.9069113
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>Reddit, the food/drink/thing

>> No.9069180

i want soylent shills to fuck off and die

>> No.9069184

Tfw too stupid to realise that the best things in life are a good meal, a fine wine, and a hot, tight pussy.

>> No.9069191

Isn't this the shit that got busted for containing dangerous amounts of heavy metals?

>> No.9069416


>> No.9069998


>> No.9070013
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>> No.9070048

Are there people that exclusively drink this? Do you even have solid shits?

>> No.9070051


I prefer my meals in a bottle and my pussy in a flashlight, thank you.

>> No.9070098

Isn't that shit made out of people

>> No.9070099


>> No.9070111

no, only Soylent Green is. That's obviously Soylents White, Black, Brown and Red

>> No.9070121

I haven't tried soylent, but I've tried a generic alternative. There was an adjustment period, like any diet change, but after that it was fine. It's not actually a 'liquid' per se, but a suspension of solids in liquid, so you get enough roughage.

>> No.9070143

Nope. https://faq.soylent.com/hc/en-us/articles/204197379-California-Proposition-65

>> No.9070155


>> No.9070157

this is a weird food I would guess is popular with the new socialist and numale movement. Its fucking weird and I hate people who are like

>I dont even think about eating, its a chore for me. If I didnt have to eat again I never would.

>> No.9070162

Imagine the socialist haven where everyone has 4 flavors of soylent to choose from! Those immoral and greedy 1%ers will never be able to eat steak and lobster again!!! hahahahaha I can't wait until everyone has to drink protein shakes that will be made with people once the globalist (new word for communist) cabal takes over.

>> No.9070188


I barely ate soy growing up, have been closer to underweight all my life, and don't have gyno unlike 99% of men in the united states.

And yet, I want to be a girl.

>> No.9070195

Do you live in a can too?

>> No.9070207

> I dont even think about eating, its a chore for me. If I didnt have to eat again I never would.
While I'm liberal trash and I share this opinion, I have this opinion not because I dislike food, I love food, but because I'm usually too depressed to cook and my standards for food are way too high.

I'd rather starve than drink soylent though.

>> No.9070234

yo what is that Simpsons episode called?

>> No.9070243

Im sorry to hear that you are liberal trash and are depressed. I was majorly depressed for a long time too until I stopped drinking and doing hard drugs. Im not saying you are on drugs but try some kratom it might help you. Helped me a lot with my depression. One day you will realize liberalism is a mental disorder much like depression. Also cooking is one of the things that brings me out of a depressed state so maybe just try cooking things you love?

>> No.9070251

yo you can type in quotes into google and find things on your own

>> No.9070254

I think its season 9 or 10 I dont remember the name. It might be the one where they find that angel in the ground though.

>> No.9070277

I only eat it for breakfast because I'm too lazy to cook in the morning but I realize eating breakfast is important.

>> No.9070300
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The Springfield Files

>> No.9070311


You're a retard who reads too much clickbait "science" if you think some soy from food is going to drastically affect your hormones. They only don't recommend it for old men with low T and women going through menopause. Is that you?

>> No.9070312

What the fuck is wrong with you that you can't set aside 20-30 minutes per morning to have a bomb ass fucking breakfast you sack of shit? And I never use the expression "bomb-ass".

>> No.9070319

Thanks Schlomostein Shekelschleimmer Harkelphlegmberg Greatestally Goldbrenner

>> No.9070425

Dont want to risk it. Why the fuck would I want to risk growing tits and turning into a whiny bitch from eating something in large quantities that doesn't really taste that good in the first place? Ill eat tofu in Asian dishes, but im not fucking glugging down 4 bottles of shit garbage a day for months and months. That will fucking mess with your hormones for sure. Look at what you are saying. This is a thread for soylent, which is a complete meal replacement shake. You can survive off of only this and it is made with large amounts of soy. What do you have to say for yourself mister? Only retards and women eat soy in large amounts. Almond milk tastes better than soy milk anyways. Fuck soy except for soy sauce and miso and certain other soy products that I like but eat sparingly.

>> No.9070466

I tried joylent, the Yuropean version since they don't sell abroad for some reason.
It's not too bad. It doesn't taste bad, nor does it taste good.
During my chronic alcoholism years, when I was drunk and/or withdrawing and had trouble eating anything, and cooking was just impossible, it helped.
I don't think I would eat it beside chronic depression when feeding is a chore or similar cases.

>> No.9070486

>believes the advertisements on Clear Channel and buys the heavily promoted "anti-estrogen drink" guaranteed to keep you from becoming a nu-male for only $10.00/can. Moneyback guarantee if your penis falls off and you develop a menstruating vagina while having one can everyday.

>> No.9070491

Takes one to know one

>> No.9070498

Jesus, do people still say that?

>> No.9070499

Idk, I like eating my food. Plus the soylent company is a bunch of kids mixing powder and other crap together. Inner city junkie drug operations are more legitimate than this company.

>> No.9070501


Milk is literally hormonal fluid from a postpartrum mammal, that shit has real estrogen in it not fucking plant estrogen

>> No.9070510

Pancake batter

>> No.9070678

Don't eat soy

>> No.9070696

As opposed to you, who didn't even need a sip?

>> No.9070834

This. There is no evidence of any adverse effects (estrogenic or otherwise) on men or children from soy consumption. Even those recommendations are ass-covering bullshit.

FUD and bullshit. Sounds like you're just scared of soy which is fucking pathetic. Better stock up on almond milk for your bomb shelter, faggot.

>> No.9070861

No, just Californians being triggered by reality again. Prop 65 is useless and just spreads misinformation.

>> No.9070870

It has a good amount of fiber so I would expect you would definitely have solid shits. In fact, according to their forums, many people have very regular and more "fulfilling" shits than before. Presumably they didn't eat enough fiber before and now they do.

>> No.9070888

Subsisting on flavoured sludge sounds pretty miserable.

>> No.9070919

Wtf I love soylent now

>> No.9070928
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>MFW Portlandia references

My [Proud person of Color].

>> No.9070970

coins and almond milk

>> No.9070985

What would anon type?

>> No.9071003

You don't have to replace all your food, retard. Also, there are several scientists and medical professionals on their team including on of the world's best endocrinologists so you're just full of shit.

>> No.9071018


I despise liberals as much as the next guy but I like the general concept of Soylent, at least in theory. The reality is that the true essence of "healthy foods" can not be entirely captured by plant-based smoothies. I subscribe to the theory that a balanced diet contains everything that humans are designed to eat...in moderation. You should be eating SOME meat. You should be eating SOME milk. You should be eating SOME plants. Etc...

And contrary to popular opinion, this notion is rooted in some decent science. The amino acid profiles of plant proteins vs animal proteins are different. The micronutrient profiles of plants are different from meat. You have compounds like creatine which one would normally absorb from meat which are not present in plants. You have fatty acids found in meats that you simply can't find in plants. I am not talking monounsaturated bullshit you get from meme coconut oil or avocados, I am talking the raw saturated building blocks (and cholesterol) that are proven to be beneficial in moderation.

Not to mention that any attempts of commercialization of such a product will result in sacrifices being made during production. I just don't trust a company to get it right. But like I said, I do appreciate the theory of it. It would be nice to just drink a shake that contains a perfectly balanced nutrition profile.

>> No.9071064

You do realize that the human body gets rid of the parts it doesn't use? Do you wan't to remain without teeth?

>> No.9071072
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the only people i know who drink that stuff are desperately obese cringey fat people.

>> No.9071108

its like tasty wheat

>> No.9071268

Thanks for making me sad again.
I hope someone beats that attention whore trannies record.

>> No.9071320
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>what is mental illness

>> No.9071333
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You can want to be the girl without thinking you are the girl.
Sometimes dreams are just dreams.

>> No.9071568

It's his life man. I find myself waking up 10 minutes before my day starts usually and don't have the time to do stuff.

>> No.9071602

I'm sure the faggots who made this company loved making le epic reference to Soylent Green, but naming your product after one from a movie that's made of people is a terrible business move

>> No.9071847

It's made out of soy and lentils, just an unfortunate naming coincidence according to wikipedia

>> No.9071913

To be honest, most people nowadays aren't even aware of the film. To everyone else it's just kind of funny, I mean the film is ridiculous.

>> No.9071944

i'm sure they're suffering so hard for it you fucking marketing pro

>> No.9071949

>that suicide scene
it's actually a really good movie
everyone remembers it for the corny bulldozer "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEEEPUUULL" line but there are some legit great scenes

>> No.9071959


It's a myth that soy raises your estrogen level you stupid faggot.

Just because Cosmo turned in to Narcissa doesn't mean that soylent does that to everyone.

>> No.9071969
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I drink Soylent every morning for breakfast
Shit's tight. I've never liked eating in the morning. Hopefully I don't become a ladyboy.

>> No.9071981
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>i think im a girl
>i want to be a girl

>> No.9071987

>food companies are poisoning america by putting corn syrup in everything!
>processed foods and scary chemicals are bad!
>now excuse me while I drink my processed to shit soy

>> No.9072027
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I'm not consuming that shit. I'm not a cannibal.
>tfw soylent grün ist menschfleisch
>tfw nobody gets the reference

>> No.9072059

>eating milk

>> No.9072105


>> No.9072109

How expensive would it be to live off nothing but that? Each bottle is 400 calories, so I'd need at least 5 a day.

>> No.9072119

Soy turns you into a fuckboy

>> No.9072136

I think we have all seen the movie. Hopefully.

>> No.9072139

Some of us aren't as old as dirt anon

>> No.9072170

The powder is the cheapest and at bulk it's 1.54$ per 400kcal, so 7.70$/day or 230/mo.

Get out rebbit underage.

What a lot of people miss is that it can be used as a supplement, like eating while cramming for finals or finishing a project (or driving to work early for Mr Noseberg), and you eat steaks or whatever special food otherwise

>> No.9072189

It's a Futurama reference

>> No.9072197

Keep in mind that after a few days you will have some god aweful farts, and your shit will have the consistancy of pudding...you will have bum pudding...

>> No.9072323

Hey summer, the meme is "to intelligent"

>> No.9072327
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Not true, I've never experienced that

>> No.9072336

Horseshit...I did...

>> No.9072498

Humans live on nothing but milk for the first 6 or 8 months of their lives and still manage to produce massive solid shits

>> No.9072534

Man how would you know that, maybe it's like oatmeal

>> No.9072544

You've obviously never changed your wife's son's diaper.

>> No.9072562


>> No.9072667

I've changed my siblings diapers and both of my son's diapers and my nieces. So blow it out your ass.

>> No.9072669

you only gave your son two diapers? what the fuck is wrong with you? you just let it build up and scraped it out and reused it?

>> No.9072671

Which one? Haven't they all been beaten already?

>> No.9072800

The only reason why Soylent isn't really that popular is because they haven't been able to get it to taste good yet.
Once they manage to get it tasting good i can see it being sold at Supermarkets and becoming really popular.

>> No.9072892

Let me explain, soylent or soy foods itself contain phytoestrogens, which I guess in practical terms you can consider it plant-based estrogens. However, it doesn't get processed in the body into estrogen, it's just discarded and excreted from the body. Milk, though, contains mammilian estrogen, which is converted into a surplus production of estrogen, so if you want to grow tits or feel more fem, milk might be a food you would enjoy.

>> No.9072914

The whole idea of oral hormones having any effect is silly.

First pass through the liver destroys them. That's why bodybuilders who take steroids (or people on hormone therapy) never take straight estrogen or testosterone, they take modified versions like, for example, Testosterone Decanate, which has a long carbon chain added to it in order to prevent the liver from breaking them down so quickly. Even then you have to take the medication frequently.

Hormones in food have no appreciable effect because of this problem.

>> No.9073341

>anon responding to every last throwaway post talking shit about his miracle substance
You seem motivated

>> No.9073372
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>> No.9073620


>> No.9074023

If it were cheaper I'd do soylent during the week and dine at good restaurants on the weekend.

>> No.9074117

Only the last one was me. Had a roommate try it, made his farts smell like Satan's asshole.

There was some issues about the ethicality of the sourcing of ingredients but idgaf to research. And what that anon says about endocrinologists is bullshit. It's still a widely untested product

>> No.9074126


>> No.9074165

Cheaper and does the same

>> No.9074175

Why did you link my post

>> No.9074278


>> No.9074343

>cholesterol is proven to be beneficial in moderation

I'd love to see you try to show us that proof.

>> No.9074907

The only people I've eer heard of drinking this shit is trannies. 3 for 3, boom. What do you think the cause and effect is with that? Do trannies buy it because soy is linked with estrogen or does consuming Soylent push them over the edge into trannydom?

>> No.9075056

It's a reddit thing is my guess.

>> No.9075097

Liquid cheerios for the first half. Liquid cardboard for the second half.

Ive definitely had protein shakes that were muuch much worse.

>> No.9075101

It was season 8

>> No.9075141

U need them for cell membranes and shit.

>> No.9075149
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enjoy becoming a mentally ill tranny freak

>> No.9075155

fuck off vegan retard who knows nothing about nutritional science

>> No.9075157

the CURE for mentally ill tranny FREAKS is 22ccs of LEAD injected DIRECTLY INTO THE BRAIN

>> No.9075159

kill yourself uneducated retard

>> No.9075592

All of the individual ingredients have been tested, you're just too lazy to figure that out. You yourself admitted to being to lazy to research anything, that's pretty clear given your propensity to spread misinformation so here is man's name: Dr. F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, M.D., MPH. Unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients in it, e.g. soy, you will not have adverse effects from regular consumption.

One was me and I'll defend against misinformation when I can.

>> No.9075625

Crying harder with each post

>> No.9075651

Go choke on your tranny drink you fucking faglord.

>> No.9076167

Never said I was lazy, I just didn't give a shit. Something about where something was sourced, I know greenies are hard on canola oil. Can't remember if people had issues with how it was made. Longitudinal studies have yet to be done on it. But I guess he did manage to get an endocrinologist on the team. Last I was paying attention, orders were backed out for months

You sure are butthurt. Must be all those milk/meat estrogens :^)

>> No.9076277

>tfw girl who wants to be man
>drink milk by the gallon
explain that, science

>> No.9076357

I tried it for 2 weeks, all coffee flavor. Besides aforementioned gnarly farts the bathroom was basically the same as always. It's thick enough to not be that incomparable to a liquid diet if you've ever had your jaw wired shut. Consistency slightly thinner than batter for pancakes

>> No.9076359

>One was me and...
Wait, are you having a debate with yourself ? Is that one of the perks of Soylent ?

>> No.9076387

Is this why Asians are so feminine?

>> No.9076826

It seems to me that you're already a whiny bitch so don't you worry about that!

>> No.9076982

I'm considering buying this for breakfast, as I have a long commute to university and am usually in a rush

>> No.9076991

>The one where reddit shares it's vast knowledge on biochemistry

>> No.9077045

If humans were intended to drink their nutrition, why aren't there more instances of liquid food in nature?

>> No.9077104

>girl who wants to be man
That's my fetish.
All you have to do is drink man's milk DIRECTLY AT THE SOURCE.

>> No.9077669

haha ohhh noo some queer thinks I'm a whiny bitch because I don''t want to drink his hormone replacement drink. Seriously get the fuck over it. Soy is not a miracle food and not everyone has to be forced to eat it. Although your whiny progressive ideology loves to force people to do things because liberals think they are smarter than everyone else and their way is the end all be all way to live. Kindly fuck off. Thanks bro.

>> No.9077808

>i'm a little bitch who refuses to eat foods that I occasionally see people from different /pol/ ideologies or groups that I despise eating

>> No.9077861

Wow, one for every colored person!

>> No.9077888

Why are you trying to force your drink on me? Why do you feel the need to force me to eat or drink something that I don't want to for any reason, even if that reason is illegitimate?
This is the difference between insane liberals like you and the rest of us. We don't have to be forced to do anything because YOU think you are better than us and think its the infallible all knowing correct opinion. Guess what soy milk tastes like shit anyways so hows that for a reason to not drink it?
Look at this comment
>see people from different groups i despise eating
It is so predictable that instead of debating your case about your shit drink/food you would directly jump to:
fucking idiot seriously.

>> No.9077891

The only groups people who try to force other to do anything under threat of ridicule or direct violence are liberals and Muslims.

>> No.9077902

I'm pretty sure the KKK lynched a few niggers in the past, still counts as violence to me.

>> No.9078031

Go back and read your post. You're embarassing yourself on an anonymous 19th century whale oil refining board.

>> No.9078512

not seeing the connection of this to the book soylent green

>> No.9078579

It's bland and harbors a dirty secret

>> No.9078900


uhh ok sorry in the past the KKK killed a handful of people and they were a racist christian group. Did you know the KKK were actually democrats? Hundreds of years ago christians were murderous during the crusades which lead to the reformation of Christianity. Meanwhile, in 2017 antifa socialists stab horses in the neck with spikes and shoot republicans at baseball practice. Not to mention, in the 20 something days of Ramadan so far over 1200 people have been killed in the name of Islam. Also Christians were the most persecuted religion last year with over 90,000 murdered. I'm pretty sure your argument is null.

>> No.9078903

I read it a couple times before I posted it. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about and your joke isnt funny at all. Please end your life in real life thanks much.

>> No.9080025
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I think it's funny that Soylent is the second "food drink" I've ever heard of.

The only person I know who drinks Soylent is a programmer who literally forgets to eat some days and who had never heard of an artichoke until I cooked one for him last year.

>> No.9080048

they're testing the market to see if people will accept a mush nutraloaf tier diet once the bees die out and our entire farming industry collapses with things like real fruit and veg being luxury products
I too despise every single one of these "hip" people who willfully jump headfirst into slavery with absolute rubbish like this, along with stuff like Amazon Alexa, Google Glass, that Chinese social credit system, self driving cars, and so on

>> No.9080051

>he doesn't want to live in a cyberpunk dystopia
Very un-schway anon.

>> No.9080053


>> No.9080054

soy leading to extreme estrogen levels is a myth,
its plant based pseudo-estrogens for one which your body doens't actively process, for the most part they just block up receptors preventing real estrogen from binding.

and second you're getting WAY more real animal estrogen (which your body will process) in a pound of beef than you are in even twice that amount in soy.
literally all of Asia eats soy constantly and they don't have bitchtits

>> No.9080089

I want people to care about real bees

I hate this too

>> No.9080090

Stop trying to change your identity and just accept who you are?
t. Science

>> No.9080187

What's the best flavor?

>> No.9080223

I'm pretty sure you nullified the argument I was countering as much as mine, there.

>> No.9080228

But these would be "real bees" that we can communicate with

>> No.9080299

Cocoa taste like low fat chocolate milk. I eat this my work lunch cause its easy to prepare and I.can use most of my lunch to shitpost.

>> No.9080832

and i should just accept being a fat shit, or having bad hair, or being dumb, or bad at art, or unskilled? the drive to change and improve is what makes me human

>> No.9081411

milk actually curdles when it comes into contact with your stomach acid, making it into a semi-solid right there in your gut

this is why a tall glass of milk is so filling, and also why you will still shit even if you only drank milk

>> No.9081817

What do you mean? Because christians had extremists in the past it nullifies my argument that in 2017 the only people that use direct violence to force people to do what they want are liberals and Muslims? Even the westboro baptist church doesn't behead people in the name of Christianity. If you think you can compare violence in Christianity to violence in Islam in this day an age you are purposely putting your head in the sand.

>> No.9081969
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The trace heavy metal content should concern you irregardless of your well informed and sensible political stance on phytoestrogen.

>> No.9082047

From wikipedia referencing classified US military documents released by Wikileaks:

>in October 2010, record Iraqi and Coalition military deaths between January 2004 and December 2009.[4][8][9][10][15][15][16] The documents record 109,032 deaths broken down into "Civilian" (66,081 deaths), "Host Nation" (15,196 deaths),"Enemy" (23,984 deaths), and "Friendly" (3,771 deaths).[12][17]

>Civilian casualties in the war in Afghanistan (2001–2014) During the war in Afghanistan (2001–14), over 26,000 civilian deaths due to war-related violence have been documented; 29,900 civilians have been wounded.

White Christians didn't do nuffin'.

>> No.9082055

Literally this

>> No.9082063


>> No.9082076

I don't have time in the morning because I sleep in. For me it is a matter of convenience, that and this product tickles my autistic fancy.

>> No.9082082

Stop being a progressive and you'll stop being depressed
t. Ex progressive cuck

>> No.9082100

>I'm going to paint with the widest brush I can find and blame it all on the Christians

>> No.9082130

like bags of sand

>> No.9082152

I understand the "joke" of their marketing but I can't see the word 'soylent' without thinking "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!"

>> No.9082188

Thanks. You just explained why the Muslim/Christian/Jew trichotomy doesn't work. They are a singleton under the Abrahamic umbrella. Not only that but the overwhelming majority of either 3 don't want the violence either. It's a few elites in the invading countries and a minority in the invaded.

The Muslim boogeyman is a red herring thrown up by the profiteers to consolidate an ignorant base to support a perpetual war. Similar to the illegal alien boogeyman stealing $5.00/hour jobs that no american can or would do.

>> No.9082524


>> No.9082739

You have some true points there but your overall message is wrong. Its not a "boogey man" invented by racist pundits its the truth. Judaism and Christianity have been reformed. Very few are literalist when it comes to those books. In islam, it is said that the koran is infallible and to be taken literally. It does contradict itself but they are told that later passages that are correct. Yes the majority of Muslims want peace and are not extremist, however there are extremely high numbers that believe in sharia law which violates many human rights laws alone. Look at the stats yourself. No serious person would ever say "all muslims are violent" its not true. The truth is that Islam itself is an ideology that can lead to violence if taken literally, which is how ISIS interprets the Koran.

Do you seriously honestly believe that Christianity is as violent as islam is today? There are near daily terrorist attacks in europe. Mutliple attacks per day in the middle east in the name of islam.

Yes there are red herrings made to profit from war, but it is dishonest to say that there is no problem in islam and everything is fine and its allll the white mans fault. "we bombed them first!! We deserve daily stabbings and occasional bombings at children's concerts." Get real.

>> No.9082746

I am a big fan of wikileaks and believe these stats, however your argument is terrible. The war on terror, no matter how immoral or fucked up it was was not fought in the name of Christianity. It was fought for many many other reasons, but forcibly spreading Christianity was not even close to a primary objective. Islamists on the other hand directly discriminate against religion. We know the war in iraq was evil and immoral, but to use this as an example to prove Christians are just as violent as muslims in jihad is not an apples to apples comparison.
Did you forget our last president who ordered many many drone strikes on Muslims and got us into destabilizing conflict in yemen, libya, etc (which liberals obviously never complained about) was black and not white? Or does that not count?

>> No.9082770

>ironically posting about fluoride

>> No.9082774

The truth is moderate muslims arent the ones throwing gays off buildings or beheading people, or blowing up trains, those are the extremists. The moderate muslims are the ones that allow it to happen without protest. They agree that the infidels had it coming, but they wont be the ones to commit the acts of terror. The new age Muslims (which there are very few comparably) speak out about jihad, allow gays within islam, allow women to have equal rights, etc

Why do liberals love islam so much when it is clearly one of the most oppressive religions to homosexuals and women there is? Explain that.

>> No.9082785

Liberals shit their pants more over chick-fil-as CEO not believing in gay marraige when its literally a death sentence in islam to be gay. Its forbidden to marry two men in islam. In England gay men are accosted on the street in Muslim neighborhoods being told they aren't welcome. And then you liberals want to go and blame everything on "racist" white Christians minding their own business? It is literally madness.

>> No.9082843

>completely ignoring the HRT meds

>> No.9082926

Liberals like Islam because it's a weapon against Western civilization that progressives absolutely despise. There's other stipulations (liberals believe that they can de-nature Islam into the same state as modern post-Christian churches, and the fact that Islamist targets are also often those of social degeneracy causes maximum pain and confusion for right-wing types), but the base reason is that Islam is a tool in helping to destabilize the patriarchal, traditionalist megastructure that is Western civilization.

>> No.9082999


>> No.9083835
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, Aguaje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a region in my country were everybody drinks and eats this shit, rich in phytoestrogens. Most crossdressers, transvestites, ladyboys in my city come from that region.

>> No.9083880

>destabilize the patriarchy with one of the most patriarchal cultures there is

>> No.9083990

What does it taste like?