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9060819 No.9060819 [Reply] [Original]

You must choose one of these beers as your only source of alcohol for the rest of your life.

>> No.9060831
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high life in a bottle

>> No.9060833

Yuengling is the only one that doesn't taste like complete piss. But fuck you for making me choose from a bunch of macros.

>> No.9060841

I don't drink, but Yuengling so I can make Star Wars puns.

>> No.9060842

Yuengling. I travel across two states to buy it in bulk.

>> No.9060846

Corona Extra and Modelo Especial are up here, but no Negra Modelo? Bummer :(

>> No.9060850


>> No.9060851


Yuengling is disgustingly full of caramel color

>> No.9060856

And everything else tastes like piss, so think about the options before you insult our choices.

>> No.9060857

Bush Light. The beer-water of the Gods.

>> No.9060864

I'd take these over meme craft beers anyway honestly

>> No.9060877

Where do you live? I figured Yuengling was pretty much available everywhere

>> No.9060878


>> No.9060881

Michelob Ultra

>getting a beer belly from liquid bread

not even once

>> No.9060882


>> No.9060887


>americans talking about beer

This is like watching a kindergarden group, fuck. Drink some proper german beer you pussy-ass faggots

>> No.9060888

Michelob Ultra Dragonfruit Peach

>> No.9060891

>german beer
>required by law to be vegan
faggot cuck

>> No.9060893

The good Germans went to Wisconsin and made better beer.

>> No.9060896

This is not a thread about beer in general. We can get plenty of German beer, but OP specifically made this thread about widely produced beer flavored water

>> No.9060901

ony lone of those ive ever seen, let alone tasted is Heineken.

guess i´ll stick with the devil i know, this is a very cruel thread OP, now i can basicly only drink water for alcohol, fuck you

>> No.9060916



>> No.9060933

where the fuck is tecate

>> No.9060942

I refuse to believe this is an accurate top 20

I've never even seen anyone drink 8 of them

but if I HAD to choose only one of those, it'd be Yuengling

>> No.9060951

The trash where it belongs.

>> No.9060961
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>I've never even seen anyone drink 8 of them

I've had 16 of them... but I don't hang out with hipsters.

>> No.9061007

Yeungling tastes like a slightly better Coors banquet. I choose modelo.

>> No.9061075

This, so refreshing. For me, it's high life light every night

>> No.9061335

Natty Ice all the way. Budweiser is 2nd.

>> No.9061368

It's got kind of a fucked up taste but I like it, maybe it's just nostalgia for back when I had friends.

>> No.9061376

I'm skeptical this is correct because beast light isn't on there

>> No.9061388

it's honestly Pabst

>> No.9061390


>> No.9061404


It's the least offensive cheap as fuck beer.

>> No.9061440

Is it pronounced Ying-Ling or Young-Ling?

>> No.9061444

PBR out of that list.
But my #1 will always be Tecate.

>> No.9061458

the former

>> No.9061482

for me it's michelob ultra, just because it's the blandest (and therefore least offensive) of the bunch.

>> No.9061490
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>Bud Lite Lime Straw-Ber-Rita

>> No.9061507

also the alcohol content is so low, you can drink it all day without getting drunk

>> No.9061529

Blue ribbon

>> No.9061539

Of those, Yuengling I guess.

>> No.9061637

legitimately the worst beer ive ever had

>> No.9061640

Steel reserve my nigga.

>> No.9061643

Feels good living in the are with the highest brewery density in the entire world enjoying dozens of unique local beers. I pity you murricans.

>> No.9061644

I would stop drinkinf

>> No.9061645

are you serious about that list?
i've tried like 8 of those, one was decent, rest complete shit.that might be the most depressing top 5 ever.
would have to go with heineken.

>> No.9061657
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21. My choice

>> No.9061661

got 2 b corona

>> No.9061673

frats and football blow most of these to the top of the list

>> No.9061675


>> No.9061678

as a eurofag I've only had corona and heineken, and they're both overpriced trash
If I could only drink shit-tier beer for the rest of my life I probably just wouldn't drink it, I'm not an alcoholic

>> No.9061684


In all honesty is this what europoors believe? You can get great beer from literally all over the world within several minutes at any decent liquor store practically over the entirety of the u.s. Even if you have a special favorite that a larger liquor store somehow doesn't carry you can order it online and have it within a day or two, and if you're smart you'll order in bulk and regularly if you're that desperate. Must be shit to be so poor and helpless, no wonder your women have abandoned you for muslims.

>> No.9061693

Yuengling tastes almost exactly like all those other piss beers. I'm from PA and I hate it.

>> No.9061694

eurofag here too.
i was in us for a few weeks and i tried out a few of those and trust me, you're not really missing out.
iirc i tried coors light,miller lighter,bud,bud light and a few others and they were all god awful or literally no taste. then again, when they don't taste like anything, they can't be bad

>> No.9061695

heineken, only beer on the list I didn't dislike in my beer drinking days

>> No.9061696

I've been to the US and I haven't had a single beer that came even close to what I have here. Same experiences with everybody I know. I mean you don't even have all of the basic sorts. The best beers aren't exported my friend, if anything there being several languages on the label is a 95% tell it's shit. Also >>>/pol/

>> No.9061700

> I mean you don't even have all of the basic sorts

List the basic sorts that we don't have

>> No.9061716

Uh you probably do but I don't think you even have a word for it, as far as I know they're pretty uniquely german. Pils and Lager sure but what about some other sorts?

>> No.9061721


This idiocy right here is why Germans have lost so much of their prestige in the past decade plus.

>> No.9061726


>> No.9061728

Elaborate please, all I'm seeing there is an ad hominem. I haven't come accross any of these outside of Germany/Belgium/CZ. Do you have an equivalent?

>> No.9061729

>watching a kindergarten group fuck

thats a proper german fantasy

>> No.9061732

did anyone else think yuengling was chinese for a while?

>> No.9061733

Guess I just quit alcohol, then.

>> No.9061737

i honestly believe that most countries have their fair share of shitty beers and good beers, but i also believe that countries in europe have more great beers than the rest or perhaps i should say that their quality beer/shitty beer ratio is above others. i don't remember drinking a single good beer in new york or miami but i did enjoy samuel adams for some reason. wasn't the best but still decent

>> No.9061739

I stop drinking. If choosing one of these stops me from drinking liquor like a rational person then I'd rather not drink at all.

>> No.9061746

wait, is rotbier the same as "bronze beer" or amber ?
or is rotbier that really old style of beer that tastes nothing like beer these days?
franziskaner is a german beer right? cause franziskaner weissbier is one of the worst i have ever tasted

>> No.9061752

>I'm from PA

WTF happened to rolling rock? It used to be pretty good then it turned super shitty

>> No.9061756

>that low

>> No.9061822

It's true there's a lot of Euro beer we don't get here in the US. We have decent German, Belgian, and British selections in good size stores, but those are just from breweries that are large enough to ship to the US.

You can get really good German pilsner and weizenbock, for example, in a decent US store, but there are many, many beers made in smaller German breweries that are outstanding or great that will never be shipped to the US. I noticed this when I was in Germany anyway. Both in brew-restaurants and in stores, lots of beers you will never see here outside the most specialized beer store, like in NYC.

It's the same with American beers. Most modest-sized >microbreweries aren't shipping to Euroland widely. I don't think.

>> No.9061830

I'm guessing it suffers from poor distribution. I live in the southwestern USA and I have never seen yuengling, even though I actually want to buy some and try it.

>> No.9061834
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It's not made in the original brewery anymore I think. Shit tastes like piss water anyway.

Out of this list I'd take Yuengling, but really I'd prefer PAs greatest shit beer.

>> No.9061953

anheuser-busch bought it

>> No.9062461

I live in Southern California, I got a HUGE variety of macros and micros. Shits great!

>> No.9062491

rather drink food colouring than literal piss

that being said i'm between Yeung and PBR. I don't know what it is about that shitty hipster beer but I like it

>> No.9062512

>gercuck beer
>not belgian brews, monk micros, or PROPER GRASSROOTS AMERICAN PATRIOT-FLUID
lol why ew

>> No.9062516

Where the fuck is Guinness?
What the fuck America

>> No.9062521

>no coors banquet
WTF, it's like specifically made to sling around open bar events (at least, that's how it got the name). How is it not in the top 20? With that option gone, I'd be just as OK with any of the others that aren't light, ultra, or flavored, I guess. I wonder how much beer I'd have to distill and age to make a decent spirit. Also, how the fuck am I supposed to make bread if any yeast I use can't produce alcohol?

>> No.9062523

You couldn't find a bock in the states? Do you need someone to hold your hand like back at home or something? Kellerbier might be slightly harder to find, but I wouldn't know since a handful of breweries near me started making them a few years ago. And red ales are fucking everywhere

>> No.9062540

which ever has the highest % of alcohol

>> No.9062554

I live in St Louis which is like the Hershey, PN of beer thanks to the Budweiser brewery so gotta say Bud

>> No.9062572


I do love the supposedly "bad" skunky taste of Corona and Heineken. It became it's own acquired taste and it's great.

>> No.9062615

PBR till the day I fucking die

>> No.9062771

Modelo Especial does make amazing cheladas. I do prefer Negro though. Had no idea it was such a high seller.

>> No.9063362
File: 44 KB, 620x350, bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9063439

I can't even roll for this? I'll take what I get. Anything beyond 20, OP is a gigantic faggot. These are reasonable odds.

>> No.9063451

i stop drinking

>> No.9063720

this desu

>> No.9063723

The first four beers are practically water...

>> No.9063771

>lager and pilsner are good
Guinness on fraft for me.

>> No.9063802

Complaining about food coloring is literally more retarded than being anti-vax

>> No.9063806

Did you even get your GED?

>> No.9063817

>still doesn't know craft beer is a thing

Enjoy your government-regulated lagers or whatever, I'm sure they're really "good"

>> No.9063880

corona wiht lime is ok. but seriously, id stop drinking forthe most part. PBR deserves to ahve its brewery burned to the ground. and march the owners of bud and miller into death camps.

>> No.9063883

we are fucked. i dont drink this shit any more, really never did. you want a good beer, come to berkeley, triple rock brewery, their red ale. so fresh and sweet, just hoppy enough, not like these overly hppy ones. just really drinkable.

>> No.9063912

That's such a deceptive image, and paints such a retarded picture of 'murrican beer culture. All of that shit is sold in giant cases, and the people who buy it need to drink an entire case just to get a buzz from choking down any of that watered down swill, so of course more bottles/cans are sold. Doesn't make it more popular, just brand names of a drug that people with no taste are loyal to, for whatever reason.

That said, to play along with this abysmal thought experiment, I guess I'd have to go with pbr. FUCK HEINEKEN, PABST BLUE RIBBON! That said, Heineken would be my second choice, followed by corona.

I'd choose my dt's before choking down anything else shown.

>> No.9063921

wash it down with lots of semen. cause, you know, general faggotry. seriously, you need to grow up and drink guinness. either paulaner or guinness, or sam smith oatmeal stout.

>> No.9063975

>PBR deserves to ahve its brewery burned to the ground.

does PBR even have a brewery? Last I read, brewing was being contracted out to the lowest bidder

>> No.9063998

Modelo is ok when it's very cold, and with lime and salt. Ok beer for warm weather.

>> No.9064003

PBR is just alcohol with hop water. Sometimes you don't even get the hops

>> No.9064024


Everything in the OP image is just dirty dish water, "with alcohol".

>> No.9064036

I can actually get down with PBR.

Tastes okay, decent ABV and dirt cheap.

>> No.9064040

>all those spic beers
>no genuine draft

>> No.9064090

Yuengling or PBR.

>> No.9064197

Surprised there'n none of the bigger craft brews in there yet. Like Sierra Nevada.

>> No.9064205
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Right, seems like they made the jump in 2017.


>> No.9064463

>Enjoy your government-regulated lagers or whatever
Ignorant american is ignorant as fuck... You literally buy beer from the fucking government.

>> No.9064601


no, he specifically stated that he lives in St. Louis

>> No.9064756

I love Coors

>> No.9064772

>americas favourite beers are beer imitation products with added drop of alcohol


>> No.9064781

It's still weird to me that bud light is on top. I don't think I've ever seen anyone drinking a bud light in my life. Coors light definitely, but never bud light.

>> No.9064782

Yuengling easy. Second choice would be high life

>> No.9064785

>Anheuser-Busch is the government
this is the education that led to national socialism

>> No.9064806

You haven't seen anyone drinking bud light because you have never been to any social event or ever had friends

>> No.9064826

Christ, how much of a flyover are you that bud light is a common sight at social events? Are you that oil rig worker in the other thread who brags about stealing from the tip jar?

>> No.9064831

you're not winning this argument. you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.9064834

That was my first post in this thread. Multiple people are wondering what bizarro world you live in.

>> No.9064858

He's right though. Bud Light is ubiquitous in flyoverland but when you travel to the coasts or large cities you don't see it.

t. rural flyover

>> No.9064871

Not even at a baseball or hockey game dude. Usually Coors light or mich golden light from my experience

>> No.9064874

ew, I'll take the crab juice

>> No.9064880

>do not drink anymore
>live in "Beer City, USA"
>gas stations around here sell beer that 99% of the country have to go to specialty stores for
Still makes me a little sad that Budweiser is not on that list

>> No.9064898

First I want to say I'm a European but I'm gonna take this question seriously.

Second I want to say from the list I've only ever had Budweiser, Corona, Heineken and Pabst Blue Ribbon (but someone told me it wasn't actually Pabst in what they exported over here but something else entirely, but anyway).

And here's my answer: As much as I believe Yuengling is decent, and I do like drinking beer for its taste, I'm also an alcoholic and I refuse to let a 4.5% beer be the only form of alcohol I can drink for the rest of my life.

So my answer is that I'd take my chances with Natural ice.

>> No.9064901

it's #3

>> No.9064909

I'm retarded.

>> No.9064915
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Crack open a warm one while reading Spike! Magazine!

The printed word that both players and fans read!

Bunch of talentless hacks....

>> No.9065015
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>back when I had friends

>> No.9065031

>mfw I dont drink

>> No.9065079

neither do people who drink michelob ultra

>> No.9065835


I'm sous chef at a craft beer/wine centric restaurant that just opened a couple of months ago, and Sierra Nevada sells terribly compared to any of the 12 local breweries we have on tap. It's good, but it's kind of "been there, done that".

On the other hand, the bar people bought a couple cases of BL and people actually come into the place and order that shit. People into beer might have their favorites, but they typically want to try new and different things when they go out. Plebs have their preferred brand to get them lit - just like cigarette smokers - and wont settle for anything less than their Bud or Coors or whatever. It doesn't at all reflect what most people are actually drinking, just what people who only want to get drunk on the cheap with as little flavor/alc are regularly buying.

>> No.9066336

>all these light beers
What the fuck America

>> No.9066492
File: 540 KB, 1024x689, 1490471335121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bud Light makes the list
>Budweiser also makes the list
>A Light Lime version of Bud makes the list before any craft beer does
>An even more niche version of a Lime version of Bud Light makes the list before any craft beer does

>> No.9066541

Belgians make better beer then you filthy lederhosen wearing kraut.

>> No.9066552

>proper german beer
you're behind the Belgians, British, French and several individual US states in beer

>> No.9066596

Good beer is very fragmented, there are like 5000 craft breweries in American, most of which make 10-20 beers. So the 2 major brewers can just put a beer in every grocery store in the country and have it outsell any one of those beers, but at the same time most of the beer choices in any halfway decent liquor store or grocery store are good

>> No.9066602

>and several individual US states
more like about 20-30 of them

>> No.9066608

>no dos equis
color me suprised, it's one of the few I can stand to chug down, and i see it damn near everywhere they serve beer.

i'll go with bud platinum.

>> No.9066614

Corona Extra.
The taste difference between it with and without lime would at least give me some variation.

>> No.9066616
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Post your state if a craft beer sells better than Bud Light there

>> No.9066631
File: 49 KB, 660x520, texas-state-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know the numbers but i'll have hope Lone Star/Shiner sells better than canadian pisswater

>> No.9066635
File: 319 KB, 800x618, 800px-Map_of_Mississippi_NA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding. Craft beer was illegal here until @ 2 years ago.

>> No.9066658



>> No.9066669

Is this true?

>> No.9066685

Modelo if i also have an inexhaustible supply of limes.

Pbr if not.

>> No.9066687

Probably, there are a ton of ancient prohibition laws regarding individual production of alcohol all over the country.

>> No.9066752
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fpbp. bottle is the only way to go.

>> No.9066764

what is the point of light beer? it tastes like piss and doesn't even get you drunk.

>> No.9066776

women like it because they constantly market how few calories it has. It would be pretty fucking embarrassing for a man to drink though

>> No.9066802

A fresh Heineken that hasn't traveled half way around the world and sat under a UV light in a liquor store for 3 months is actually pretty good.

>> No.9067042

not really though

>> No.9067074

Surprised Rolling Rock didn't make the list.

>> No.9067078

in the 90s it probably would have

>> No.9067114

That OP pic is a few years old. The newer one has Blue Moon up there around ten spot.

>> No.9067115

Yuengling in a can, or if that's not allowed, Busch in a can. Also, for a cheap beer I don't understand the hate for Yuengling.

>> No.9067127

Because Yuengling fans often try and pretend that it is an ok beer when it is basically just another shitty macro adjunct

>> No.9067150


>The newer one has Blue Moon

I'm pretty out of touch with the "real 'murrica", redneck trump voting, 3rd world parts of the country, but I was under the impression that BM went out of vogue close to a decade ago.

I guess it's a good sign that middle 'murrica fags are finally branching out from their dirty dishwater macro lagers, however behind the curve they may be.

>> No.9067157

Middle aged ladies love the blue moon, and Blue Moon is much less cringeworthy than pretty much every other beer on that list. But yeah southerners are obviously way behind

>> No.9067196
