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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 1300x865, 8549740-man-opening-the-refrigerator-Stock-Photo-fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9057970 No.9057970 [Reply] [Original]

>hey anon, have you seen my burrito I left in the fridge?

how does /ck/ react?

>> No.9057975

yeah I threw it out it's been 2 weeks

>> No.9057991

If it didn't have a name on it, it's free game.

>> No.9058043


>> No.9058062

Entitled millennial detected.

For us civilized people, it works like this:
>If you didn't buy it then you don't touch it without asking the owner first.

>> No.9058068


In what possible world could that make sense.

>there's no name on it
>i guess it just magically appeared in the fridge, because that's how food works, right

>> No.9058076

what the fuck is that faggot wearing on his legs?

>> No.9058082

I'm not a stingy Jew and neither is my roommate. She eats my food when it's in there, I eat hers unless she specifically asks me not to. We share a lot of stuff, so why should food be different?

>> No.9058094

>so why should food be different?
Because you can easily fuck over the other person.

For example, suppose I go shopping on Sunday (the only time I have free) and buy myself lunch for every day of the week. If a roommate goes and eats one of my lunches, now I'm fucked and forced to scrounge because I had exactly the right amount to last me until I could go shopping next time.

Also, not touching other people's things without asking is common courtesy and basic manners.

>> No.9058096


>sharing a carton of milk with your roommate is the same as bringing home a single take-out burrito to eat later

>> No.9058106
File: 490 KB, 449x401, lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having roommates

>> No.9058136
File: 452 KB, 768x1024, 1495163039437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it

>> No.9058143

Do you girls share sex toys? Please answer in graphic detail.

>> No.9058214

I buy food too. If she didn't have food she would just eat mine. If I want it, I eat it. If she wants it, she eats it. We're not stingy.

I didn't say that.

No, I'm a dude and I'm not a switch hitter. I only bat for one team.

>> No.9058226
File: 146 KB, 496x496, 8c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with a woman who is not your girlfriend or wife

>> No.9058230

Is there a story I am missing for this picture.

>> No.9058232

Live in a house with 6 others and one of the roommates sells drugs and fucks random dudes. I'll come home on Tuesday nights to 10 randoms sitting in my fucking livingroom. She constantly leaves messes and destroys each room we clean, then complains to us for not keeping it clean.

2 other roommates and myself steal food from her constantly. She's usually too high to notice anyway. See it kind of as the wages of cleaning up her messes.

>> No.9058260

Why would you live like that

You must be retarded, 6 people living in a house must be hell

>> No.9058261

makes sense if you're a fag like him

>> No.9058271

We fucked for a little bit, but she's on a lot of medications and I'm not about that life. So we just decided to be roommates. Why would I care what sex my roommate happens to be?

>> No.9058276

The fuck is this white man doing in my home? Junior, get me my bat.

>> No.9058278

> civilized people
> cohabitation with a non spouse

pick one faggot

>> No.9058280

I can't even imagine having to go back to living with other people. I couldn't do it.

>> No.9058284

i threw it out
from now on you cook dinner bitch

>> No.9058288

Because now your landlord is just going to assume you're gay and you'll have to live up this comedic charade where you pretend you are so he doesn't kick you out and a lot of comedic misunderstandings occur.

>> No.9058290

My roommate and I share an onahole collection. Rules are you wash it and dry it when you're done.
But I would NEVER let that faggot touch my food, nor would I eat his. There's some lines you just don't cross.

>> No.9058292

i would let your roomate eat my food if she lets me watch her fuck black guys too

>> No.9058437

A lot of people think I'm gay. Doesn't make me gay.

She's not in to minorities, and all the dudes she dates give her free drugs because most men are suckers. I also take those when I want, because hell, we share everything else.

>> No.9058794

Americans are retarded

>> No.9058819


>> No.9059136

well, if i didn't see it, then i say so
if i saw it, i say so
and if i ate it, i say so

>> No.9060324

>I buy food too. If she didn't have food she would just eat mine. If I want it, I eat it. If she wants it, she eats it. We're not stingy.
Expecting to be able to eat the food you selected and paid money for makes you stingy? That's pretty damn cucked, dude. My roommates eat nothing but junk, and if they took my food and offered to replace it with whatever they have, I would laugh and tell them exactly how much money they owe me.

>> No.9060336

This happened to me with my last and final set of roommates. We had a "live and let live" arrangement. What actually happened was that I'd routinely wake up to no food because they were lazy inconsiderate fucksticks. The "live and let live" approach ignores the value of having food when I need it. It's not like some numbers in my savings account that blip around and have no real-world impact on my life. If I wake up planning on breakfast and the food I wanted was eaten, and the food that's left is junk food, I'm going to be fucking pissed that I have to go to the grocery store at 6 AM on a Saturday.

Also the bitch (the girl was the worst at this) would replace my good butter/olive oil with shitty store brand crap all the time, and they'd be like "oh, it's the same thing you can't taste the difference". Speak for yourself you trailer trash cunt. Yes I'm still mad about this 10 years later.

>> No.9060436

Cheese cloth pants desu.

Stoners and stay up all night jobless losers took anon-sans burrito senpaiatchi.

>> No.9060507

>We share a lot of stuff
Including body fluids?