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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9054809 No.9054809 [Reply] [Original]

What makes this guy so likable? His sing songy voice?

>> No.9054984

He's simply a very competent recipe YouTuber. He's got his share of haters here, but none of them have ever given a compelling reason why they hate him. Here's some I've seen given:

>"His voice grates on my fucking nerves."
As opposed to whom? Maybe you just don't like cooking videos where the person talks.

>"All his recipes can be improved upon..."
Then do your "better" version and shut the fuck up.

>"He puts a pinch of cayenne in EVERYTHING."
No he doesn't, and it complements a lot of stuff anyway.

>"His jokes are so STUPID!"
I don't think he has any illusions of being a comedian. They're funny for not being funny.

>> No.9055002

i like his filming method.

he gets up-close and personal with ingredients and cooking methods.

>> No.9055008

His sing-song voice is fucking obnoxious starting about three years ago. He should go fuck himself int he 'ol tappa tappa.

>> No.9055016

Chef John pls go shill somewhere else.

>> No.9055020

does he take it in the pooper?

>> No.9055033

easy to follow recipes, and, although the techniques are simplified for inexperienced chefs, he makes dishes that are tasty without being pedestrian.

i think people hate him because he makes cooking accessible for everyone. a lot of people who spend time cooking think that its a long worthy process to becoming great and seeing him simplify things irks them, like he is calling them out for their experience

i like him, but he does however do a lot of common recipes found on menus throughout. i want some experimental shit

>> No.9055037
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I hear he's hung like a fire hose.

>> No.9055040

This. I like the consistent production quality, tight shots on the food, and editing. He's not an attention whoring slut keeping their face in every shot recording on an ipad with no script, lighting consideration, or voiceover.

>> No.9055047

Exactly this. He lets the food be the star of the show instead of him. Every other chef wants to make the show about them personally.

>> No.9055049

He doesn't make things TOO easy. His Chicken Kiev recipe takes 2 hours prep time.

>> No.9055053

He's solid for what he is, a youtube chef.
Most of the people you see on youtube are real jokes.
He's a bit annoying at times with his peppy attitude, but it's generally acceptable.

>> No.9055059

>i think people hate him because he makes cooking accessible for everyone.
No, I hate him for literally talking like an autist. And picking cayenne for his special super power. The rooster sauce of the nineties.

>> No.9055068
File: 45 KB, 534x401, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a cunt, my man

>> No.9055075

Not him, but I agree. He talks like such a faggot that I can barely watch him anymore.

>> No.9055113

My favorite part about Chef John is when you get glimpses of him in the corner of the video cooking in his underwear. He's got juicy glutes.

>> No.9055119

>literally talking like an autist
makes me question you, using the word literally and autist like that

>> No.9055142

No. He uses "literally" like stacy on facebook.

>> No.9055150

People who don't like Chef John are subhuman and should be genocided desu

>> No.9055170

His voice grates on my fucking nerves.

>As opposed to whom? Maybe you just don't like cooking videos where the person talks.
As opposed to Gordon Ramsay, Alton Brown, Jeff Smith, Julia Child, Martin Yan, Jamie Oliver, Oliver Babish, and John Townsend.

So no, I don't have a problem with cooking videos where the person talks, you cunt.

>> No.9055201 [DELETED] 

>John Townsend
>cuck LARPer who let a nigger fuck his wife
no thanks

>> No.9055206

He's a likeable American version of Jamie Oliver.

>> No.9055208

People who hate chef john's vocal affectations, would you prefer this?


>> No.9055209
File: 660 KB, 3192x2124, um6ijro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oliver Babish

>> No.9055239

Still waiting for you autists to claim their voices are somehow more annoying than Chef John's.

>> No.9055250

Yes. That would be a thousand times better.

>> No.9055287

Why? It means stereotyped speech patterns and melodies are an actual clinical diagnosis criteria for autism. As in, he literally talks like an autist. Not the figurative talking like an autist that could mean saying stupid shit, but literally talking like someone with actual autism.

You not getting this makes me question you. You're a figurative autist.

>> No.9055306

His aerodynamic design is pleasing to the eyes

>> No.9055315

I want him to take a big stinky shit on my face and smash his hairy asshole into me and smearing it while singing and asking me to enjoy.

>> No.9055317
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>> No.9055319

>jamie oliver

this cunt sounds like a stunted second grader

>> No.9055349

Go watch Babish make Big Bang Theory cookies or whatever the fuck he does, and leave us Chef John patricians in peace.

>> No.9055371

I love Chef John.

>> No.9055381

His dick is covered in a thin layer of faggot poop at all times. Not sanitary in cities outside of San Francisco and other coastal towns.

>> No.9055405

His voice immediately stops being annoying if you watch his videos at 1.25x or 1.5x and really you should be watching nearly all instructional videos at those speeds anyway

>> No.9055498

>t. millennial normie who watches "TASTY" videos on Facebook

>> No.9055503

meant for >>9055405

>> No.9055508

I never actually cringed at a post until this.

>> No.9055525 [DELETED] 
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>when your wife gets railed by a "slave"

>> No.9055616

Don't forget Walter Staib! Maximum comfy style snuggems!

>> No.9055996

The way he changes the pitch of his voice in every sentence really did annoy the fuck out of me at first.
I got used to it and love his channel now though.

I like that it's no bullshit and straight to the point. I wish more youtube chefs took the editing/voice over approach.
I hate watching videos when you just watch a chef take years to cook something and have to listen to every single thought that goes through their mind.

My only complaint is that some of his videos cover things that are way too simple, but that's just him responding to his fan base so it's hard to give him shit over it.

>> No.9056017

I wish a nigga would

>> No.9056035


>implying this guy doesn't rule his household with an iron fist

>> No.9056047

I've met him at a reenacting event and he actually his a cuck. His wife's bull was there and they were flirting the whole time. He seemed really upset by it and you could tell he's only into reenacting as much as he is in order to keep his mind off of his failing marriage. I'm pretty sure he only makes the videos to distract him from it all. He told me he barely makes any money from the youtube channel and those fucking pudding cloths he sells.

>> No.9056063

Did he try to steal some candy bars and complain about electrical infetterence?

>> No.9056078

Stop spreading bullshit.

>> No.9056099


>> No.9056108

But anon, you're wrong
You have to watch his videos at half speed because then he sounds absolutely wasted

>> No.9056257

shut the fuck off

>> No.9056279

Why doesn't he ever relax his forehead? It's distracting.

>> No.9056283

I don't like him.

>> No.9056293


fuck Johnfags. Go reconnect with your dad. Don't seek a fatherfigure in this retard who talks like a jersey chick.

>> No.9056297

>Your average Johnfag

>> No.9056301 [DELETED] 

Did a nigger really fuck his wife because I love the videos I've watched and I can't really respect him anymore if those accusations are true.

>> No.9056302

>As opposed to whom?
As opposed to EVERY other Chef. I really like his simplistic recipes but his cunty way of talking just makes him unwatchable.

>> No.9056417

WHAT is wroooOONNng with HIS TALK-ing, hmmM? Are you having DIFFICULTIES handling a little SPICE in a SPEAKing voice? Typical flyover!

>> No.9056429


kill urself my man

>> No.9056431

>foreheadlet detected
get fucked

>> No.9056434

No, I just actively avoid creasing mine. There's teenagers with more crease than me, lol

>> No.9056466

I really like CJ. He knows what he is doing.

Also, I like when he makes foregin recipes the right way. I think he is the only big chanel that has made recipes from my country (Spain) the correct way, nit the tourist way.

>> No.9056686

How to escape paella beggards when my companion accidentally glances in their general direction?

>> No.9056694

>Can't process information unless its regular talking speed
I don't think you read anything besides shitpost on 4chan. My college finally started offering html5 videos of the lecture and its so nice being able to watch a 3.5 hour lecture in 2.5 hours

>> No.9056698


This has to be ironic

>> No.9057581
File: 506 KB, 1120x755, carbajosa-paella-popular-fiestas-señor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paella is made in huge pans to share m8. Just look for "paella popular" to have an idea. The easyest way to spot a tourist is to look at their paella habits: Having paella for dinner? Tourist. Having paella from a small individual pan? Tourist.

>> No.9057591

CJ's a straight busta

>> No.9057618
File: 70 KB, 900x900, 1496721326992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone try making his latest video? the walnut hummus like thing... i forget the name.. hamanadra or something? i'll be damned if i am going to look it up.

it looked list dog poo.. but i bet it was pretty tasty.

i love chef.

>> No.9057630

Doesn't advertise bullshit or make excessively clickbaity gimmicky garbage, doesn't use his cooking channel as a platform for other bullshit, completely focused on making good food that plebs can make too, it's actually surprising to me to see a channel as big as his that isn't constantly doing bullshit like giveaways or directly inserting ads into the video itself unless he's got some kind of funding from cayenne pepper tycoons, i hope it stays this way and chef John doesn't get greedy, i discovered him randomly on youtube and he was immediately one of only two cooking channels i would even bother subbing to

>> No.9057638

But he talks like you.

aka a complete faggot

>> No.9058859


I really like his film style, provides good instructions and knows what he's doing. it kinda pisses me off whenever he says something like "you are the x of your y" for some reason though.

>> No.9058874

Ramsay, Oliver and Townsend also have annoying voices/speaking patterns.

>> No.9059071
File: 1009 KB, 1000x563, sloppy dip 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made this a couple months ago. Tasted like shit.

>> No.9059140
File: 38 KB, 450x495, 1431544268162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw watching based chef john prior to discovering this thread
>top kek m8s

>> No.9059332

I don't want paella but they chase me down the street begging me to buy some.

>> No.9059403

You can tell that after Chef John's site was bought by that bigger company, their marketing/PR people told him he needed to do something unique to "appeal to X audience" (whatever audience the shills decided on) and somehow they settled on his weird voice inflections. After a few videos you kind of stop noticing it, and he also has arguably the best cooking channel on Youtube in terms of being informative, useful, and not obnoxious.

>> No.9059409

because the most you ever see of him on camera are his hands

maybe a bit of scandalous elbow when he has to get really into it

>> No.9059545

But he knows though, and admitted it with a pretty good joke at the end of the video


>> No.9059547

Maybe he has shares in big cayenne

>> No.9060021

No way on earth did this basic sloppy joe mix taste like "shit". It's as basic as you get, no way to mess it up

>> No.9060030
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>> No.9060264
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, opinion_discarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jamie Oliver
You're joking right? Guy sounds like he's perpetually sucking on a knob.

>> No.9061345

Ah! Tourist chasers. Just avoid main tourist streets. They sell frozen supermarket paella anyway, for like 3 times the price of a homemade one in less touristic spots.

Are you talking about the Ramblas? In Barcelona? That's the place with most tourist chasers

>> No.9061651
File: 33 KB, 607x567, IMG_0488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 18
>stupid and inexperienced
>visiting Barcelona
>walking in touristy area
>a wild gypsy woman appears
>grabs my wrist with gypsy death grip
>reads my palm like some fortune rapist
>wants money
>I don't know how to say "fuck off" in Catalan
>wouldn't matter because two gypsy behemoths appear
>shake me down and take my money
>never felt like such a bitch in my life